Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading学案2(译林版选修7)

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Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading学案2(译林版选修7)_第1页
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Unit 1《Living with technology》Reading学案2(译林版选修7)_第3页
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111M7U1 Living with technologyReading学案第一部分:重点讲解:1. TV and audio devices: a review Review:1). 此处为可数名词,表:回顾 e.g.: a review of the years sporting events 回顾一年中的运动项目 还可表示书评文章;评论;评论杂志 e.g.: write reviews for the monthly magazines 为月刊写书评 2). V. 批评;评论(书籍;戏剧;等);写书评;写戏剧;写评论 e.g.: The New York Times reviewed his new play favorably. 纽约时报对他的新戏剧给予好评。 回顾;回想;视察;检阅(军队);再检查;重新探索;再审;复审; e.g.: The old man reviewed his life. 那个老人回顾他一生。 The queen reviewed the fleet. 女王检阅了舰队。 We have to review the business performance of last month. 我们必须重新审核上个月的业绩。2. The first public showings of wireless TV transmissions were made in 1925 in the USA and in 1926 in Britain. Wireless: adj. 无线的,无线电报/电话的 e.g.: telegraphy无线电报 n. 金属线;电线;电话线;电报 v. (为建筑物)装备电线;给拍电报,把以电报形式通知 They havent wired the new house yet. I wired my parents in the country.3. Many different people contributed to the development of TV. Contribute: vt. / vi. 贡献出;捐款;投稿 contribute to: to 为介词 “给捐款;把投入;有助于;是的原因;给投稿” e.g.: The writer personally contributed 5000 dollars to the earthquake fund. 那位作家亲自给地震基金会捐赠了5000美元。4. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, Follow: vi. 1). 跟随;随之而来 E.g.: You go first and I will follow. 你先走,我随后就到。 2). 由推断 的结果就随着而来 vt. 听从;遵循;跟随;理解;顺行走;(时间,顺序等)继之后;跟发生;接着 Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。 The typhoon was followed by beautiful weather. 台风过后就是晴朗的好天气。 V. 顺着行走/前进;倾听;了解(讲话,议论等) this road until you get to the university. I cant what you are saying.V. 听从指示等;遵循先例/规则;习俗等 the directions on the packages. She s the fashion as soon as it comes out. as follows : 如下 He explained it as follows. following: adj. 其次的,接着的 in the following year5. It is uncertain who invented TV. Uncertain: 后疑问词表示不确信 Im whether he will come. 我无法确定他会不会来。 He was what to do next. 他不清楚接下来应该做什么。 adj. 不确定的,不明确的,含糊的 The plan of our activity is still . adj. 人对不能确信;不确知;be of/ about I was of/ about my success. 注意用of和about 以及不用介词的的区别She is of marrying him. 她不知道她是否能与他结婚。 She is about marrying him. 她还没有决定是否与他结婚。 It is whether she will marry him (or not). 她是否与他结婚还不知道。 adj. 易变的;不可靠的 weather 多边的天气 a man with an temper 一个脾气多变的人6. It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA.Though: adv. 可是;但是位于句中或句末 He said he would come; he didnt though. 作连词,引导状语从句,有时为了强调,though 引导的从句一部分位于可以到装,相当于as 引导的让步状语从句。 Child though (= as) he was, he knew what was right thing to do. (表语是名词,到装时要省冠词。)注意:though 不与but 连用,如果要强调反面,可用yet, still, nevertheless等副词。 Though the water is deep, yet it is clear.7. It took 50 years before 66 per cent of American household had it. 此处before 引导时间状语从句,表: 以后才 It will be five years before we meet again. It was midnight he returned. Before多种用法和译法 Before: 1).在之前 Before he came here, he was in English. 他来之前在英国。 2).必须先才能 Before we could do the work well, the masses must be mobilized. 必须先把民众发动起来,我们才能做好这工作。 3).然后才 The racing car went out of control and hit the barrier several times it came to a stop on a grassy bank.赛车失去控制,几次撞在路边的护拦上,然后才在路边的草坡上停了下来。 4).刚就 We had scarcely left our school it began to rain. 我们刚刚离开学校,就下雨了。 5).以免;趁未 The bulbs should be changed for new ones they cease to function. 应把灯泡换成新的,以免用时不亮。 Write down the telephone number before you forget it.趁你还没忘记,把你的电话号码写下来。 6).before long = soon: 不久;很快 long before: 很久以前;在之前很久 They moved to London before long. They moved to London long before they got married. 7).long after 之后很久, long since 自从很久 He died not long after he heard the news. He has been unhappy long since his wife died. Percent: 百分之,用在数词后面。常和介词of连用;由其做主语,谓语动词要看of后面的名词或代词的数不同而变化。 30 of the steel has been exported. 10 of the students are absent. 拓展:percentage: 表百分比,百分数不能与具体的数词连用。如:不能说30 percentage 表部分,后接of由其做主语,谓语动词要看of后面的名词或代词的数不同而变化。 Percentage: 本身做主语,则谓语动词的单复数取决于上文的意思。 A large percentage of books have pictures.8. have / get access to 得到;表示有使用的权利或机会。 He may get access to classified information. Access to : 接近;进入的里面去 It is difficult to gain access to him. Get access to : 进入电脑 My son loves getting access to the Internet and chat online on Sundays.我儿子喜欢在星期天上网聊天。9. be superior to: 1).优于;胜过;比好/强 Todays computers are to anything we had ten years ago.如今的电脑比十年前的任何一台计算机的功能更强大。 2).(仅用于名词前)质量上乘的,优质的 Which side has the weapon? 3).有优越感的;高傲的,傲慢的 She always acts so to everyone else. 4). (职位级别) 更高的;上级的 Are you questioning the orders of a officers? 几是否质疑上级的命令? 5).上级;上司;长官 n. C It is important to have a good working relationship with your immediate . 与顶头上司保持良好的工作关系是非常重要的。注意:Superior 没有比较级;还有如下的词也没有。be inferior to 比差的;次的be senior to 比级别高;比年长的be junior to 比 地位/身份低的10. come on to the market: 上市 market: 1).集市;市场 She went to the market to sell what she had made. 她赶集去出售自制品。 2).行情 The gold market is steady. 黄金的行情稳定。 3).需求(for sth.) There is not much market for these goods. 这些货物的需求量不大。 短语:flood the market 使充斥市场 in the market for sth. 有意买 on the market 出售;上市;有现货供应 market share 市场占有率 play the market 玩股票11. Wind: 上发条;缠绕;转动,摇动 wound / wound up 上发条;摇动;转动;以告终;使(活动;会议等)结束 sth. around sth. 缠绕;卷绕 ones way 蜿蜒;曲折延伸 down 逐渐变慢;逐渐平静下来;放松 Jim wound a piece of string around the box to keep it shut.吉姆用绳子把箱子捆住。 She wound up the little car and let it go.她把下汽车的发条上紧,松手让它跑起来。 The narrow road winds its way up to the top of mountain Tai.狭窄的道路弯弯曲曲,通往泰山山顶。 The party started winding down after midnight.午夜过后,聚会开始慢慢地不那么热闹了。 Lets see if we can wind this up by 7.看看咱们能不能在7点前把着弄完。12. apply: 应用;申请;请求;贴;涂;有效;适用 oneself to 致力于;专心于 sth. to sth. 应用某物于某一方面 to sb. for sth.向某人申请 to sb. / sth. 适于某人/某物 application n. 申请;应用;专心 applied adj. 应用的 Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.科学上的发明通常都应用于工业生产过程中。 What I have said applies only to some of you. Ill apply for the job today. Apply the paint evenly to both sides of the door.13. demand: v. 要求;需求 to do sth. sth. of sb. thatclausesth. (sth.) v-ing第二部分:练习1. I felt quite _ what I was supposed to do then.A. unsure of B. uncertain about C. certain D. sure2. He said he would come; He didnt _.A. even if B. even though C. although D. though3. Ten _ the students are absent.A. per cent of B. percentage of C. per cent D. percentage4. They _ invited if there had been room. A. would have been all B. would have all been C. all would have been D. would all have been5. They drove along with all the car windows _.A. wound up B. winding on C. winded up D. wind up 6. The mother died when the child was born, so it had to be brought up _.A. with a hand B. by hand C. by the handD. at hand 7. Apply some medicine _ his wound. A. on B. for C. to D. in8. The landlady led the way _ the tenant around her house.A. in showing B. showing C. into show D. showing in9. Scientific experiments _ students without the teachers instructions can be dangerous. A. carry out B. carrying out by C. carrying by D. carried out by10. _ is known to us all, only the theory _ practice can be practical.A. Which, base on B. Which, based on C. As, based on D. As, basing on11. - How come a simple meal like this costs so much? - We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now.A. added B. included C. obtained D. charged12. Good workers are always _ in the factory.A. in demand B. on need C. by request D. for requirement13. The situation is hard to _, because he isnt a man easy to _.A. be dealt, communicate B. be dealt with, be communicated C. deal with, communicate with D. deal , be communicated with14. _ their friendship grew into love.A. By degree B. By degrees C. To degree D. To degrees15. She passed the entrance exam easily, _ of her family. A. with the delightB. with delight C. to the delight D. to the delights16. Can you telephone me _ to arrange a meeting? A. at your convenienceB. for your convenience C. on your convenience D. with your convenience 17. My grandma still treats me like a child. She cant imagine _ grown up.A. my B. mine C. myself D. me18. Weve been looking at houses but havent found _ we like yet.A. one B. ones C. it D. them19. As well as _, the girl plays the guitar wonderfully.A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. sings20. Hes not a(n) _ boxer; hes the world champion.A. mere B. only C. merely D. alone第三部分:练习答案1-5. BDADA 6-10. BCADC 11-15. BACBC 16-20. ADACA111


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