高中英语冀教版必修1Unit3《Travel journal》复习试题

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111沧州市颐和中学导学案20132014第一学期第08号 Class _ Name_ Date_学科高中英语年级高一作者杨卫芬 孙悦 课题课型复习一、 单词、短语填空(10题,共10分)1. He gave the taxi _(费用) to the driver before he got off.2. He took a friendly a_ to us, which made us very happy.3. Father is thankful to me for _(劝说) him to give up smoking.4. The t_ dates back to Tang Dynasty.5. To write a good passage, you have to o_ your ideas very carefully.6. The captain kept a j_ when he was at sea. He wrote down everything that happened.7. Her poor eyesight was a _(不利条件) to her.8. There were beautiful _(景色) around the countryside.9. The boy kept crying. His parents had to _(让步) and bought him the toy.10. He is r_ and hard-working so that we can rely on him.二、 单选(20题,共30分)4. -How long _ in Guilin? -For two weeks. Im going to some places of interest there.A. did you stay B. are you staying C. do you stay D. have you stayed5.The fast _ of modern life makes people stressed.A. schedule B. bend C. pace D. altitude6. The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.A. really B. too C. such D. so7.If you stand here, youll get a better _ of the river.A. sight B. view C. show D. screen8. -Are you still busy? -Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish9. -Do you feel like _ there or shall we take a bus? - Id like to walk, but since there isnt much time left, Id rather we _ a taxi.A. to walk; take B. walking; take C. walking; took D. to walk; took 10. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.A. takes B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off11. My money _. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.A. has run out B. is running out C. has been run out D. is being run out12Frank, with his two sisters, _ London by train which _ at 8:00 next morning.A. is leaving for; will leave B. are leaving for; leaves C. is leaving for; leaves D. will leave for; will leave13. It is said that dogs will keep you _ as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.A. safely B. company C. house D. friend14. -Was it by cutting down staff _ she saved the firm? - No, it was by improving work efficiency.A. when B. what C. how D. that15. Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird.A. when B. if C. and D. till16. Kathy likes red so much that she is always dressed _ red.17. on B. in C. with D. as18. Blocks of flats have been _ in this area to settle the workers from the countryside.A. put away B. put out C. put up D. put on3、4、 单句改错(10题,共10分)1. I prefer to stay at home rather than to go out for a walk._2. My legs were such heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice._3. My family all fond of folk music._4. I lived here ever since I was a child.5. _6. The farmer dreams about visit the Summer Palace one day._7. Boiling the water for five minutes._8. The sports meeting was put off because the bad weather._9. Although it was autumn, but it was already beginning to snow in Tibet._10. John persuaded his father to give in smoking._11. I am too busy to visit the Palace Museum; however, I dont want to go there.12. _111

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