高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ 语言点一应用落实

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ 语言点一应用落实_第1页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ 语言点一应用落实_第2页
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111.用所给词的适当形式填空1Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.2The company reported a small decline in its profits.3They are against the new plan.We decide to vote on it.4Last night he was robbed of all he had with him.5I bought the painting, because I think it will worth a fortune in the future.6The book is concerned with SovietAmerican relations during the Cold War.7You will be on business in Beijing for only one day, which is a temporary arrangement.8The equipment of the library took much time and money.单项填空1Mr. Black was always _ the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.Atended byBabsorbed inCtouched by Dconcerned about解析:选D。句意:布莱克先生向来关心穷人和患者,常为他们提供免费的医疗服务。be concerned about在此表示“关心,忧虑”。2A lastminute goal _ the other team _ its victory, which made them very upset.Atook; from Brobbed; ofCsent; to Dcut; on解析:选B。句意:最后一分钟的进球夺取了对方球队的胜利,这使得他们很沮丧。take . from .“从摘取/减去”;rob sb. of sth.“夺取/抢来某物”;send sb. to .“把某人发送到”。故选B项。3The number of tourists to France _ by 70% since the Olympic Torch Relay in Paris.Ahave been decreased Bhas been fallenChas declined Dhave fallen解析:选C。since短语作时间状语,句子用现在完成时;“the number ofn.”作主语时,谓语用单数;decline和fall作“下降,减少”讲时是不及物动词,故选C。4The completed design must have been _ to the boss by the end of this month. No problem.Aunited BopposedCassisted Dsubmitted解析:选D。第一句句意:到这个月底必须把完成的设计上交给老板。submit“上交”,符合句意。5Young William went to America to _ his fortune.Aloof for Bseek forCseek Dfind解析:选C。句意:年轻的威廉到美国去闯天下了。seek ones fortune“寻找成功(致富)之路”。111


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