高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 20 New Frontiers》Section Ⅱ课时跟踪检测

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111 Section Artificial Intelligence & Scientific Breakthroughs.单词拼写1The Indians were the original (最早的) inhabitants of North America.2Do you know who is the inventor (发明者) of the electric lights?3You should find the urgent exit (出口) the moment you come to a hotel.4Mike has been in a coma since the accident happened and his complete cure (痊愈) cant be expected.5Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue (营救)6Weve corresponded (通信) for years but Ive never actually met him.7I went to college. Meanwhile (与此同时), all my friends got wellpaid jobs.8The 20th century witnessed those breakthroughs (突破) in science and technology.单项填空1The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.AMoreoverBThereforeCMeanwhile DOtherwise解析:选C。句意:熟练工人的收入上涨了,与此同时非熟练工人的收入降低了。meanwhile表示“与此同时”。2The wood _ easily; it can be used to make a fire.Ais split BsplitsCcan be split Dwill be split解析:选B。句意:这种木材很容易被分开,可以用来生火。split意思为“裂开,撕开”。3Scientists are making every effort to find a new _ for cancer.Aeffect BwayCcure Dmethod解析:选C。考查名词词义辨析。句意:科学家们正在尽力寻找治疗癌症的新方法。way与method尽管可以表示“方式、方法”,但是不如cure(治疗方法)更确切;当然也要考虑名词与介词的搭配;effect“作用”。故选C。4An earthquake hit Yushu on April 14,2010. How much did you _?Ten thousand yuan. They may have used it to buy some clothes.Adonate BspendCtake Dpay解析:选A。根据句子意思判断应用donate,意思为“捐赠”。5Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to _.Aturn to Blook forCdeal with Dtalk about解析:选A。考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她在操作这台新电脑方面有困难,但是她不知道该向谁求助。turn to“求助于”;look for“寻找”;deal with“应对,处理”;talk about“谈论”。故选A。6Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird.Awhen BifCand Dtill解析:选A。句意:汤姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引住了。题干为“be about to do sth. when .”结构,该结构表示“正要做某事,这时(突然)”,其中when为并列连词。7In many places of the world people often gather to laugh wildly just to _ stress on life.Arescue BrestoreCreplace Drelieve解析:选D。relieve“减轻,解脱”;rescue“营救”;restore“恢复,复活”;replace“替换,代替”。8You mustnt mention anything about the negotiation in your talk, or you might _ the commercial secret.Agive off Bgive inCgive away Dgive up解析:选C。句意:你决不能在谈话中提到有关谈判的任何内容,否则你可能会泄漏商业机密。give away“泄漏”,符合句意。give off“发出,放出(气味、热、光等)”;give in“屈服”;give up“放弃”。9Whenever a big company _ a small one, the product almost always gets worse.Agets on with Bcuts downCtakes over Dputs up with解析:选C。take over意思是“接管,接替”。get on with“相处,进展”;cut down“缩减,缩短”,put up with“忍受”。10No time for sports, even music, _ films and TV programs, all we students can see are exercises, exam papers and this sort of thingsAnot mentioning Bnot mentionCnot to mention Dto mention on解析:选C。not to mention为固定用法,意为“更不用说”。.阅读理解安徽、河南专用History is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery. A striking example is provided by Dr. Otto Loewi, a pharmacologist (药理学家) and a winner of Nobel Prize. Loewi had spent years studying the chemical transmission (传送) of nerve impulses (神经脉冲). A tremendous breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of an experiment three nights in a row. The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and untidily on a pad. But the next morning, he couldnt tell what the notes meant. On the third night, he got up after having the dream. This time, instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed the crucial (关键的) experiment. Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would have rejected it.Loewis experiment gives some insight into using dreams to produce creative solutions. Formality (拘谨) is reduced during dreaming, which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point of view.Being able to take advantage of dreams for problem solving is improved if you “set” yourself before retiring. Before you go to bed, try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve. Steep (使沉湎) yourself in the problem by stating it clearly and reviewing all relevant information. Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch your dreams. Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a new insight, it is certain to be an adventure. About half of a group of college students using the method for a week recalled a dream that helped them solve personal problems.语篇解读:本文以德国医学家勒维因梦境而创造性地进行医学实验为例,说明梦很有可能会引导人们走向创造和新发现。1The main idea of this passage is that _.Avery little is really known about the meaning of dreamsBit is possible to “catch” ones dreams by planning before going to sleepCdreams can be useful in producing creative solutions to ones problemsDLoewis experiment helped in the study of transmission of nerve impulses解析:选C。主旨大意题。根据第一段首句可知,作者认为梦是通向创造和新发现的一条捷径,也就是说梦可以帮助人们找到解决问题的创造性措施。2The first paragraph is mainly organized by _.Aclassifying types of experimentsBsummarizing the work of one researcherCcomparing and exploring historical casesDtelling in time order about one mans research解析:选D。细节理解题。本段以时间顺序为线索,详细介绍了勒维在做研究时因三次梦境而成功解决了问题。3If Loewi had thought of the experiment while awake, he would have _.Aasked someone else to do itBthought it was a bad ideaCtried it out on his ownDthought it was a wise idea解析:选B。细节理解题。第一段末句勒维说,如果他在醒着的时候想到这样的实验,一定会否定它。也就是说他会认为这个办法不好。4The author probably thinks that _.ALoewi should not have conducted his experimentBdreaming is of very little value to most peopleCformality may stop us thinking of useful ideasDcollege students should not try out dream experiments解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句可知,作者认为梦境之所以能帮助解决问题,是因为人在做梦的时候不那么拘谨。因而可以推知,作者认为过于拘谨会限制人们的新想法。福建专用A篇同安徽、河南专用BA decade after terror struck America, we are starting to move forward.It has been 10 years. In those awful (可怕的) days right after 9/11, I asked my colleague, Dave Barry, if he thought he would ever write jokes again. He was then the humor columnist (专栏作家) for the Miami Herald.“For the last week,” he told me, “I havent even tried to write anything funny, and for a while I thought maybe I never would, or should.”He had it; we all had it that feeling of being stuck, unable to find your way back to the life you had lived before. I wrote 10 columns in a row about what I had seen, the planes crashing, the lives lost. Finally, I had to force myself to write a column about something that was not terror (恐怖). That lasted one column. Then I went right back to what was now normal. Terror was normal.That was a decade ago. Todays terrors become tomorrows memories. News becomes history.And I find myself remembering how I used to kill ants when I was a child. The thing that struck me was that they always came back. Even if you destroy their world a hundred times, they build it a hundred and one times.There is something of that in people. It may be one of the best things about us. We always fight the cruel things in life, bury our dead, rebuild and find a way to move forward. We did it when fire burned down Chicago, after the earthquake in San Francisco, and after the floods in New Orleans.And we did it on September 11.It is true that we have changed in ways that are not all good. We are at war on three fronts. We are running a strange prison on Cuba. The government may not let you fly and will not tell you why.Osama bin Laden is dead. Experts tell us the terror group he led is weakened. However, terrorism remains alive in American political thought, which is becoming more extreme.There is reason to be worried about these changes. But I am still grateful that we moved away from the 9/11 nightmare (噩梦) at all.It felt as if we might never go forward from that moment. But we did. 5.Which phrase can be used to describe Dave Barrys feelings just after 9/11?Aheartbroken and hopelessBfrightened but hopefulCunable to care or focusDsad but confident解析:选A。根据第四段Dave Barry所说的话“可能永远,或者不应该写有趣的事了”可知,9/11事件后,他非常伤心,感到绝望。故答案选A。6From Paragraph 5, we can conclude that _.Athe author was so shaken that he stopped writing completelyBthere was no terrorism in America before 9/11Cfor some time Americans found it difficult to think about anything other than terrorDno one ever feels safe anymore解析:选C。根据第五段第一句“He had it; we all had it that feeling of being stuck, unable to find your way back to the life you had lived before.”可知,9/11事件后的一段时间内,美国人们很难从灾难的阴影中走出来。故答案选C。7. With the example of ants, the author aims to show that _.Ahe misses his happy childhoodBpeople can rebuild and recover, just like antsChe is sorry that he killed the antsDrebuilding is more important than sadness解析:选B。作者提到小时候把蚂蚁弄死,毁掉它们的家之后,它们总是再回来。通过这个故事说明这样一个道理,人们也会像蚂蚁一样,从悲伤中走出来,重建家园。故答案选B。8According to the last part of the article, the authors main point is that _.Aterrorism has influenced the government too muchBpeople should look on the bright sideCterrorism will continue to existDno changes are ever completely good解析:选B。通过文章最后部分中的“But I am still grateful that we moved away from the 9/11 nightmare (噩梦) at all.”以及“It felt as if we might never go forward from that moment. But we did.”表明,不管经历过什么灾难,现实中又有什么困难,人们都应该乐观面对,一如既往地前进。故答案选B。.选做题任务型读写(安徽专用)A debate is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views. Its a nice way of gaining a lot of knowledge and views on a topic,or situation that we arent either aware of, or havent really looked into in detail.It makes you more able to think critically and more confident in speaking.In addition, it helps in appreciating tolerance of others opinion and improves your listening skills.A debate requires one to know how to use words and intelligence to overcome his or her opposing team members. To give great arguments during a debate, first you need to get your facts right. To make what you have in material for a debate contain facts, dont just depend on the Internet, especially avoid just referring to one website for all your information. You are also required to refer to books, and make sure theyre authors of a high degree, since their materials have reference notes and extensive research projects done on what they are covering.Second, you should be full of confidence. You need to show that youre sure of what youre saying, and point out how flawed their comeback arguments were. The only way to do this is to thoroughly know your material before heading on out to a debate session. Know your statistics, know your statistics, know your history and above all know names, dates and places. Make key notes to refer to. Dont stammer (口吃), and also dont level your gaze with your opponent or the rest of them. All this will help you keep confident.At last, by no means should you lose your calmness, but keep your voice firm and raised enough to sound calm. A good team member should know how to keep his emotions in control as well as keep others under control in his/her team.TitleDebate(1)_A discussion about a subject on which people have different views.(2)_Help understand a topic or situation more deeply. Improve your (3)_to think critically.(4)_your confidence in speaking.Help appreciate tolerance of others opinion.Make you better at speaking.TipsGet your facts rightDont just be (5)_on the Internet for your information. Refer to books (6)_by those with a high degree.Be (7)_with confidence.Show your (8)_of what youre saying. Point out the flaw of others comeback arguments.Thoroughly know your material before attending a debate.Make key notes to refer to.Avoid stammering and (9)_your gaze with your opponentKeep coolSpeak (10)_and loudly enough to sound calm. Control your emotions.答案:1.Definition/Meaning2.Benefits3.ability4.Increase/Improve5.dependent6.written7.filled 8certainty9.leveling10.firmly短文填词(福建专用)Im a booklover. Some of my classmates call me “Bookworm”I never mind it b_reading is one part of my life. Books1._are my best friends. Whenever Im free, I will take _ a2._book and read carefully and soon I will be_ (沉浸) in it.3._Actually since my childhood, Ive f_the habit of reading at 4._any time. When I was a little boy, I became_ in picture books,5._so my father bought me lots of picture books. After_(进入)6._middle school, I began to read_(小说), essays and so on.7._Books tell me how bo be a man and how to tell the_8._between right and wrong. I find that I can b_a lot from9._. So I think of a good book as my best friend.10._答案:1.because2.out3.absorbed4.formed5.interested6.entering7.novels8.difference9.benefit10.them任务型阅读(河南专用)Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help your heart._1_ Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to having a healthier heart. Here are some tips for exercise success.Choose activities that are fun and add variety. Develop several activities that you can enjoy._2_Wear comfortable,properly fitted shoes and comfortable, loosefitting clothing appropriate for the weather and the activity.Find a convenient time and place to do activities._3_ If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.Use music to keep yourself entertained._4_ Decide what kind of support you need.Do you want them to remind you to exercise?Exercise with you regularly or occasionally?Be understanding when you get up early to exercise?Spend time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine?Share your activity time with others. Ask your family members, friends or coworkers for help.Dont overdo it, especially at first. You can slowly increase the time and intensity (强度) of your activities as you become more fit._5_Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at times. Nothing will inspire you more than success!ATry to make it a habit, but be flexible.BThey all cause you to feel warm and breathe heavily without being out of breath.CBe an active role model for your children.DThat way, exercise will never seem boring.EIf you are overweight or have a high risk of heart disease, see your doctor for medical advice before exercising.FSurround yourself with supportive people.GGradually, work up to exercising on most days of the week for 3060 minutes.答案:15BDAFG短文改错(河南专用)Before I had children, I used to heading out all the time. Whether it was to go to the cinema with a few friend, enjoy a nice dinner,or watch the game, I would just take off without much thought. Now, I still enjoyed those things. But I can only go out and have a great time whether I know my children are with someone that I trust him and that they really like. My husband and I struggled to find someone to take care for our children when we were working,as well as some occasional nights out. But now I dont need worry about that any more. I am exciting to get help from a guide book. It feels good to find nothing that makes my life easier.答案:第一句:headinghead第二句:friendfriends;game 前的 thea第三句:enjoyedenjoy第四句:whetherif; 去掉 him第五句:forof第六句:need 后加 to第七句:excitingexcited第八句:nothingsomething111


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