高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 20 New Frontiers》Section Ⅳ 语言点一应用落实

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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 20 New Frontiers》Section Ⅳ 语言点一应用落实_第1页
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高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 20 New Frontiers》Section Ⅳ 语言点一应用落实_第2页
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111.选词填空1They _ the murderer had run away when they got there.答案:discovered2The ship was _ by the North Star because the weather was fine.答案:navigated3Look at the sky!It was very _ of you to bring your umbrella today.答案:sensible4May I borrow your car?Sorry. My car is not _, and it is being repaired.答案:available5We _ for a car to collect them from the airport.答案:arranged.单项填空1I think it is _ of you to decide to choose this one.AsensitiveBsensibleCflexible Dpositive解析:选B。句意:我认为,你选择这个是明智的。sensitive“敏感的”;sensible“明智的”;flexible“灵活的”;positive“主动的”。2There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.Apresent BavailableCprecious Dconvenient解析:选B。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在国家西部,有很多工作可以获得。present“现在的,出席的”;available“可用的,可得到的”;precious“宝贵的,贵重的”;convenient“方便的,便利的”。故选B。3Everything goes smooth and the meeting is being held as _.Aarranged BarrangingCto arrange Dto be arranged解析:选A。考查固定搭配as arranged。句意:一切进展得很顺利,会议正按安排的那样举行。as arranged是固定搭配,表示“正如所安排的那样”,符合句意。故选A。4The temperature continued to fall for a short time, but no ice _.Aforms BformedCis formed Dwere formed解析:选B。考查句子的时态和语态。句中时态为过去时,所以A、C两项因为时态不一致而被排除。ice一般用作不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,故D项也被排除。此时form为不及物动词,无被动语态。故选B。111

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