高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 2The Olympic Games》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language

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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 2The Olympic Games》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language_第1页
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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 2The Olympic Games》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language_第2页
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111Unit 2 第三课时 Learning about Language.单句改错1The rainforest will be not destroyed here._2When is a new road going to built around the lake?_3You cant leave until all the work will be finished._4The houses will be to be pulled down for a new stadium._5The workers will be get paid before the end of this year._6He will be in the charge of the company while the manager is away._答案:1be notnot be一般将来时的被动语态的否定式是在will后加not。2to后加bebe going to是将来时形式,在句中,其被动语态缺少be动词。3will beis在时间状语从句中,一般将来时的被动语态用一般现在时的被动语态表示。4去掉be towill与be to都表示将来时,二者重复。5去掉be或get构成被动形式时,get的作用与be相同。6去掉in后的thein the charge of表示被动意义,意为“由管理”,其主语通常是物。.单项填空1He says that a great party_next week in honor of the 30th Olympic Games.Awill be heldBis heldChad been held Dwould be held答案:A由句中谓语动词的一般现在时可排除C、D两项;由时间状语next week可知表示将来的动作,故A项正确。2I dont know when he_to work in that small village, perhaps next year.Awas sent Bwill be sentChas been sent Dsent答案:B主语he与谓语动词send构成逻辑上的动宾关系,排除D项;由时间状语next year可知用一般将来时的被动语态。3Dont you know that our school_next year?Ais rebuilt Bis being rebuiltCis going to be rebuilt Dhas been rebuilt答案:C由时间状语next year可知表示将来发生的动作,our school与rebuild构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故C项正确。4A park_in the neighbourhood. Then people living in it will be very happy.Awill be set up Bis set upChas set up Dwas set up答案:A由后句的“will be.”可知,公园是将被建造,所以用一般将来时的被动语态。5Another five volunteers_to take care of the homeless children this week.Awill select Bhave selectedCwill be selected Dhad been selected答案:C主语volunteers与select构成逻辑上的动宾关系,排除A、B两项;由句子的时间状语this week可知选C项。6Hundreds of jobs_if the factory closes.Alose Bwill be lostCare lost Dwill lose答案:Bjobs与lose之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态;本句为复合句,条件状语从句应为一般现在时,主句通常用一般将来时,故本题用一般将来时的被动语态。7You_around our school this afternoon. Now, please have a good rest.Aare shown Bwere shownCare going to be shown Dwill show答案:C主语you与动词短语show around构成逻辑上的动宾关系,排除D项;由时间状语this afternoon可知C项正确。8In spite of popular support, the radio programme_off the air very soon.Ahad been taken Bwill be takenCtakes Dwere taken答案:B由时间状语very soon可知表示将来的动作,排除A、D两项;radio programme与take off构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故B项正确。9An exhibition of painting_at the art museum when he comes back from abroad.Ais going to hold Bis going to be heldCare going to hold Dare going to be held答案:Bwhen引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来的动作,由此可知主句表示将来的动作,exhibition与动词hold构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且主语为单数,故B项正确。10Computers_in everyday life in the mountainous villages before long.Ais used Bwill useCwill be used Dwas used答案:Cbefore long意为“不久以后”,表示将来的动作,故谓语动词用一般将来时;computers与动词use构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故选C项。.选词填空用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。as well asstand fornowadayshostancientdeserveathleteunitemagicaltake part inThe Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics._1_, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great games. But in_2_times, there were no stamps. The first Olympic stamps came out on January 25,1932, in the United States for the third White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the Olympics became a rule.The five rings of the Olympics which_3_all people living in_4_first appeared on the stamps for the fourth athletic meeting in Germany. In the 1950s, when the White Olympics came, the_5_countries_6_the nonhost countries published stamps to mark the games. China also published four stamps in 1980 when Chinese sportsmen began to_7_the White Olympics.Different kinds of sports were drawn on these stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful and_8_movements of some_9_. Such stamps_10_to be collected.答案:1.Nowadays2.ancient3.stand for4.unity5.host6.as well as7.take part in8.magical9.athletes10deserve.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadnt healed(痊愈)from a/an_1_injury. I had_2_whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was,_3_for the 3,000meter run.“Ready.set.” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed_4_me. I felt_5_as I fell farther and farther behind.“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest_6_I had ever heard at a meet. The firstplace runner was two laps(圈)ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.“Maybe I should_7_,” I thought as I moved on._8_, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran_9_and decided not to_10_in track next year. It wouldnt be worth it,_11_my foot did heal.When I finished, I heard a cheer_12_than the one Id heard earlier. I turned around and_13_, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.”I was leaving_14_several girls came up to me. “Wow, youve got courage!”one of them told me.“Courage? I just_15_a race!” I thought.“I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”Suddenly I regained_16_. I decided to_17_track next year. I realized strength and courage arent always_18_in medals and victories, but in the_19_we overcome. The strongest people are not always the people who win,_20_the people who dont give up when they lose.短文解析:带着脚伤,“我”坚持跑完了3000米比赛。比赛结束后同学们对我所说的话使我意识到,最坚强的人是那些遭遇挫折或失败也不轻言放弃的人,而并非总是那些胜利者。只要勇于参赛,坚持到底,就会有所收获。1A.slighter BworseCearlier Dheavier答案:C题意:我早些时候所受的脚伤还没有痊愈。earlier与现在构成比较。注意本句中的过去完成时态及其still的意义有着明显的提示作用。2A.expected BsupposedCimagined Ddoubted答案:D题意:我无法确定自己能否参加运动会。doubt和whether or not连用,表达不确定的意思。例如:She had her doubts(as to)whether he would come. 她无法确定他是否来。3A.late BeagerCready Dthirsty答案:C题意:但是我来了,已经为3000米赛跑做好了准备。but 表示语义转折,与前文受伤未愈而不能确定参赛形成对比;be ready for“为做准备”,即作者准备参加3000米比赛。作者未提及参加比赛迟到了,排除选项A;根据下一段,作者曾经后悔报名参赛,排除 eager和thirsty,两者都有“渴望”的含义,与下文矛盾。4A.from behind Bahead ofCnext to Dclose to答案:B题意:其他的女孩冲在了我前面。根据下文“I fell farther and farther behind.”可知。ahead of 表示“处于的领先地位; 比更先进; 领先”;例如:She was always well ahead of the rest of the class. 她在班上总是遥遥领先。5A.ashamed BastonishedCexcited Dfrightened答案:A题意:当我和其他女孩之间的距离越来越远时,我感到羞愧极了。ashamed(of sth./sb./oneself)|ashamed(that.)“感到羞耻;感到惭愧”;例如:You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你应该为说这些谎话而感到羞耻。6A.cheer BshoutCcry Dnoise答案:A题意:“万岁”! 人们大声呐喊。这是我在运动会上所听到的最大的欢呼声。 cheer表示“欢呼,喝彩”;例如:A cheer arose from the crowd when the president appeared.当总统露面时,人群中发出了欢呼声。shout一般指由于情绪过度激动而发出的大声的呼喊、高叫;例如:We heard shouts for help in the distance.我们听到远处有呼救声。注意下列例句:Childrens shouts of joy shook the classroom.孩子们的欢呼声使教室都震动了。cry一般指由于情绪激动而发出的哭泣声;例如:With a cry of delight, he found the puppy. 他找到了小狗,高兴得叫喊起来。7A.slow down Bdrop outCgo on Dspeed up答案:B题意:当我继续向前跑去的时候,我想“或许我应该退出比赛了”。这一段描写在胜负已分的情况下,“我”的心理活动。下文说“I decided to keep going.”应该与前文构成转折对比。四个选项中只有drop out“中途退出”与keep going相反。drop out(of sth.)表示“退出参加,从比赛、俱乐部或学校退出”。例如:She started an engineering degree but dropped out after only a year. 她开始攻读工程学学位,但仅一年后就辍学了。8A.Therefore BOtherwiseCBesides DHowever答案:D题意:不过我决定一直跑下去。I decided to keep going.与前文Maybe I should drop out.构成转折对比。9A.with delight Bwith fearCin pain Din advance答案:C题意:在最后两圈,我痛苦地跑着,心中决定明年不再参加比赛了。根据上文可知:作者的脚受了伤,还没有痊愈,所以在比赛中会感到“疼痛”,此外还暗含“由于目前落后而在精神上遭受煎熬”之意。in pain 表示“痛苦地,疼痛地”。10A.play BarriveCrace Dattend答案:Crace(against)sb./sth.表示“(和)比赛;参加比赛”;例如:Who will he be racing against in the next round? 下一轮他和谁比赛?11A.even if Bonly ifCunless Duntil答案:A题意:即使脚伤痊愈了,“我”明年也不参加比赛了,因为这不值得。even if/though表示“即使,假使”,引导让步状语从句。12A.weaker BlongerClower Dlouder答案:D题意:当“我”完成比赛时,我听到了欢呼声比我先前所听到的欢呼声要响亮得多。13A.well enough Bsure enoughCsurprisingly enough Dstrangely enough答案:B题意:我转身望去,果然不出所料,那些男孩子们正在为比赛做准备。 “我”跑在最后,绝对想不到观众的喝彩声是为自己而发。sure enough表示“果真,的的确确”,和下文“They must be cheering for the boys.”的推测一致。14A.while BwhenCas Dsince答案:B题意:我刚要离去,几个女孩子走近了我。“哇,你真有勇气!”其中的一位女孩告诉我说。when(just after which)用作并列连词,表示“一就;刚就”,强调动作的突然性。例如:The ambassadors wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husbands hat. 大使的妻子继续问了好多问题,突然她发现丈夫帽子上有个洞。15A.finished BwonCpassed Dlost答案:D题意:“勇气?我刚刚输掉一场比赛!”我心想。16A.cheer BhopeCinterest Dexperience答案:B题意:突然之间,“我”内心重燃希望。regain hope(gain hope once more) 与上文I ran in pain and decided not to race in track next year.形成对比。17A.hold on Bturn toCbegin with Dstick with答案:D题意:“我”决定明年继续参加比赛。stick with 表示“坚持做(某事)”; 例如:Im sticking with my original idea. 我坚持我原来的主张。注意:hold on to表示“坚持,不放弃;紧紧抓住(尤指坚持不放)”;例如:When youre standing in the subway, youd better hold on to the strap. 当你站在地铁上时,你最好抓住皮环。18A.measured BpraisedCtested Dincreased答案:A题意:我意识到力量和勇气不总是用奖牌和胜利来衡量,而是以我们克服困难时所激发的奋斗精神来衡量。be measured in表示“以来衡量”。19A.sadness BstrugglesCdiseases Dtiredness答案:Bstruggle表示“奋斗”。20A.or BnorCand Dbut答案:D题意:最坚强的人并非总是赢得比赛胜利的人,而是那些遇到失败挫折而永不放弃的人。此段采用了not.but.句式。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。In the summer of 1936, people all over the world heard the name of Jesse Owens. That summer, Owens joined the best athletes from fifty nations to compete in the Olympic Games. They met in Berlin, Germany. There was special interest in the Olympic Games that year.We do not know what Hitler thought of Jesse Owens. No one recorded what he said about this black man who ran faster and jumped farther than any man of any color at the Olympic Games. But Hilter thought nobody should run faster or jump higher than the athletes from Germany. For at Hilters request, films were made of the Berlin Olympic Games.The films show Jesse Owens as a thin but powerfullybuilt young man with smooth brown skin and short hair. When he ran, he seemed to move without effort. When he jumped, as one observer said, he seemed to jump out of Germany.Jesse Owens won the highest award, the gold medal, in all four of the Olympic competitions he entered. In the 100meter race, he equaled the fastest record in that Olympic event. In the long jump and the 200meter race, he set new Olympic records. And as part of a fourman team, he helped set a new world record for the 400meter relay race. He was the first American in the history of Olympic track and field eventsto win four gold medals in a single Olympics.1When were Berlin Olympic Games held?ABefore the Second World War.BAfter the Second World War.CDuring the Second World War.DDuring the First World War.答案:A第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的,从文章第一段可知柏林奥运会是1936年夏天举办的。2According to the underlined sentence in the second paragraph, we know that_.AHilter thought highly of any man of any colorBHilter thought Owens was an ordinary athlete like other athletesCHilter thought Owens was a strong athleteDHilter thought poorly of any man of any other color答案:D希特勒认为日耳曼民族是世界上最优秀的民族,认为没有任何人或任何民族在体育赛事上比自己的民族更强。3From the third paragraph, we can infer whom Owens jumped long in competition with finally?AAnother American athlete.BOne British athlete.CA German athlete.DNot mentioned.答案:C从文章第三段最后一句可知。4How many gold medals did Owens get in Berlin Olympics?AThree. BFour.CFive DSix.答案:B从文章最后一段最后一句可知。111


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