高一英语牛津译林版必修1《Growing pains》学案(1)

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高一英语牛津译林版必修1《Growing pains》学案(1)_第1页
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1111st period Welcome to the Unit Teaching aims: (1)To introduce and develop the theme of growing pains. (2) To identify some common family problems between parents and children. Get students to discuss something about teenagers growing pains.(3)Encourage the students to make full use of resources and share their ideas with each other.Important points & difficult points:(1) Speaking skills (2) Encourage students to communicate with classmates.Self Study:一阅读学法大视野P030回答问题:1. What is generation gap?_2. Why are there generation gaps?First_second_3. How to bridge the generation gap?_4. “Why isnt she as obedient as she used to be?”Whom does she in the sentence above refer to(指代)? _5.英译中:1)The desire to prove themselves capable of making decision by themselves makes them disobey what parents said._2)Communication enhances the understanding between children and parents._6.我的词汇库My word bank:1.抱怨n_ 2.压倒性的、无法抵制的、强势的adj _ 3.误会n_ 4.在青春期_ 5.违背v_ 遵守_6.同龄人n_ 7.增强,增加,提高v_ 8. 填补,弥合,架起一座桥梁 v_二阅读调查问卷根据自己情况选择答案。 1. Do you think your parents understand you? A. Yes B. No C. Dont know 2. Do you often quarrel with your parents? A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes D. Rarely E. Never 3. Do you and your parents often talk to each other or have fun together? A. Very often B. Often C. No D. Rarely E. Never 4. Do you and your parents have common interests or hobbies? A. Yes B. No 5. Do they always force you to do things you dont like to do A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes C. Never 6. Do they ask for your opinions over some family issues? A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes C. Never 7. If you have some problems or feel upset, will you choose to talk to your parents? A. Yes, I will B. No, I wont 8. What do you think of the relationship between you and your parents? A. Very close B. Not so close C. loose(疏远) 三完成学法大视野33页随堂演练1及34页随堂练习2Teaching procedures:Step 1 GreetingStep II Dictation and check their homework。Step III Report the relationship between you and your parents to your group with the help of the questionnaire(调查问卷).Step IV Talk about the pictures on P21 and make up stories. Picture 1 What does the boy do? What is the mother doing? How is she probably feeling?What feelings may the boy have?Sample:Tom got home feeling very tired, and he just wanted to have a good relax. When his families said hello to him, he said nothing and just went straight to his bedroom. They didnt ask him the reason though they were very confused. After a while, his mother rushed into Toms room and shouted at him for the loud music coming from his room. Tom felt very upset. He thought they didnt understand him.Step V我的词汇库My word bank:1.强迫某人做某事 _ 2. 浪费_ 3. 调大音量,出现_ 4.挑选某人做 _5.六点前 _在六点_ 6.成长并非易事_Step VI Homework:1. 完成学法大视野34页随堂演练3翻译句子&4阅读短文.2. What kind of behaviors(行为) of yours will make your parents feel unhappy? List as many as you can. *not helpful with housework _*_*_*_*_*_What do you do when you have family arguments with your parents? *_*_*_Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem?*_*_2nd & 3rd Periods Reading (I)Teaching aims: 1. Get the students to learn about a playhome alone2. Help the Ss know about the reading strategy.Important points & difficult points:Knowing about some important words, Phrases and sentences.Teaching procedures:Self Study(自主学习,完成part 1 and part 2)Part I Phrases 1. Try to find the following phrases and learn them by heart.(1). 调大音量(P21) (2). 浪费时间(P21)(3). 迫不急待做(4). 环顾四周(5). 应该做.(6). 不见了,消失了(7). 处理(8)乱七八糟(9). 负责(10).(灯)熄灭(11). 代替(12). 对苛刻(13). 既然(14). 与不同(15). 注意2. Fill in the blanks with the phrases above. Change the form when necessary.1). I cant hear the voice. Why not _ the volume?2). The film is said to be very interesting. I _ see it.3). Dont _ the boy. After all he is only a child.4). Sorry I didnt catch your words. I_ something else.5). British English _ a bit _American English in spelling and pronunciation.6). We watched the train until it _.7.) _it is raining heavily, we have to put off the sports meeting.8). Last night I stayed at home _ going to the cinema with my parentsPart 2 .Fast reading and answer questions (1).Who are the main characters in the play? (不多于5个单词)(2).Why was Dad angry with Daniel? (不多于7个单词)(3). What happened to their dog, Spot? (不多于3个单词)Teaching procedureStep 1 GreetingStep II Dictation and check their homework Step III . Read the passage and then finish the following exercises Part 1. Choose the best answers to the questions below.(1). The passage is mainly about _ A. how the family manage to be on good terms B. why the room is a mess. C. why there is a misunderstanding between the parents and sons. D. what happens to Daniel and Eric after their parents get home. (2). Which of the following is the cause of the quarrel? A. Spot was seriously ill. B. The couple return earlier than expected. C. The boys play football all day long. D. The brothers laziness (懒惰).(3). Eric says hello to his parents in a frightened voice because_ A. Dad often punishes him. B. he is afraid that Dad will see the messy room and punish him. C. Dad will beat him and his brother. D. he is always timid (胆小的).(4). From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _ A. children often hate their parents. B. parents often hate their parents. C. children and parents often hate each other D. parents and children should explain to each other when some misunderstanding (误解) occurs.(5). The phrase “deserve to” means_ A. have to B. want to C. need to D. to be good enough to have something (6). What would probably happen in the following act? A. Dad and Daniel will quarrel again. B. Mom and Eric will help Dad and Daniel to get rid of the misunderstanding. C. Eric will not play football any longer D. Daniel will desert (抛弃) the dog. Part 2 . Detailed Reading 根据课文完成下面表格excited angry disappointed surprised frightened sorry calm regretful stubbornAct 1 CharactersThings they doFeelingsMom and DadJust 1_from vacation2_Eric3_at home4_Danielstaying in another room5_Act 2 CharactersThings they doFeelingsDanielExpressing his anger6_Eric7_his brother8_MomTalking about the things happened today9_Dad10_Part 3 完型填空Mom: Daniel, I need to talk to you. Dad and I realize there is probably a good explanation for everything, _you are not supposed to act that way.Daniel: Mom, Im sorry, but I was so angry! Why didnt you just ask _ happened?Mom: Well, we are angry too. Remember, you are _charge, but the house was in a mess and it looked like you spent all of the cash _ pizza instead _ dog food. Do you have anything to say to defend_?Daniel: Spot was sick, Mom. We had to use the money to take him to the clinic. We stayed there and waited all day. Thats _ we didnt have time to clean the house.Mom: Anyhow, next time we are on vacation, _you have an emergency like this you should call us.Part 4 精彩句子背诵1. Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. 2. I cant wait to surprise the boys!3. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.4. You werent supposed to come home until tomorrow.5. What did you do with the cash we left?6. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.7. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. 8. Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.9. Why didnt they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me?10. Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.Step IV. Homework学法大视野P035 I /IIIInteraction Card Between Teachers and Students Reading (II)Language Points: 1. 见学法大视野P037P038 (学生自学老师答疑)2. 重点句型(补充) The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. 翻译:with + 宾语+宾语补足语(adj/adv/prep-/doing/done/to do )1.The teacher came in _ (手里拿着一本书)2. I am used to sleeping _. (把窗户开着)3 It is bad manners to talk with your mouth_(full) 4 .Our city looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 5.I couldnt do my homework with that noise _(go on)6. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_(tie)behind his back. . _, (工作完成了) I went home happily. 7. With a lot of difficult problems _,(有这么多问题要处理), the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.Step III Practice Choose the best answers.1. -What is he doing? -He is _ to be cleaning the classroom now. A. forced B. regarded C. supposed D. known2. _ the term is finished, Im going to rest for a few days. A. So that B. Now that C. As if D. Even if3. The shirt is different _ that one _ style and material. A. from, in B. with, on C. to, between D. from, between4. _ is a waste of time to spend many hours_ computer games every day. A. It, to play B. That, to play C. It, playing D. That, playing5. The professor entered the hall, _a group of students. A. followed by B. following C. to follow D. A and B6. I really dont know _ to do with the problem. A. how B. what C. if D. where7. Hey, you are here. I _ you _ at school now. A. think, are B. thought, are C. thought, were D. think, were.8 .The work is _of the experienced worker. Im sure it will be done on time. A. in charge B. in the charge C. charge D. charged 9. I had my bike _ in the shop yesterday. A. repair B. to be repaired C. repaired D. to repair10. Please _ us what the word means, will you? A. explain B. tell C. explain to D. B and C11. Better leave the table _ in the corner if it is not in your way. A. standing B. stand C. to stand D. stands12. Whats the reason _ his being late today? A. for B. of C. in D. from 13. I was busy doing my homework _ the light _. A. as, went out B. when, went out C. when, go out D. while, goes out14. Look, the house is in a mess. Please have someone _ it at once. A. cleaned B. to clean C. clean D. cleaning15. _only five minutes to go before the teacher collected our exam papers, I felt uneasy as I had not yet checked the answers A. with B. until C. because D, ForHomework: 1. 学法大视野P039P040 P13P14Interaction Card Between Teachers and Students4th and 5th Periods Grammar and Usage Teaching aims: .Get the students to learn about Grammar Attributive Clauses.Important & difficult points: How to use preposition+ relative pronouns which/ whom,How to use relative adv when/where/whyStep 1 Review1. The doctor _you are looking for is in the room.2. The letter _I received yesterday was from my father.3. They talked of things and persons_they remember.4. Do you know the man _name is Wangyu.5. But I dont like the way _he treats his kids.Step 2 Presentation 介词+关系代词 (用定语从句连接句子) 1 1)Is this the car? 2) You paid a high price for the car. _2. 1) Stephan Chou is one of the famous actors in China. 2)We get a lot of fun from them. _3) 1)Look! Here is a map. 2) We can know more about China from the map. _一 介词的选用原则1) 根据定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配来决定This is the book _which I spent 8 yuan.This is the book _ which I paid 8 yuan.2)根据先行词的搭配来决定 I remember the day _which I joined the League. I remember the days _which I lived hereI remember the month _which I stayed there.3)根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系 Is that the newspaper _which you often write article?4)根据从句中形容词的习惯搭配 Can you explain to me how to use these idioms _which Im not sure?5)含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如look for, take care of, look after, pay attention to 等 这正是我在找的手表_ 那个保姆照顾的小宝宝都很健康 _二 介词+关系代词 前还可以有some, any, none, all, neither, many, most ,each, few等代词或者数词,分数等等1)In the basket there are quite many apples, _have gone bad.2) He loves his parents deeply, _are very kind to him.3)我们班共有50个学生,大多数来自乡下。Step 3 Practice (用适当的介词加关系代词填空)on in for to of from about1. Do you like the book _ _she learned a lot?2. Do you like the book _ _she often talks?3. I have many friends, some _ _are businessmen.4. The man _ _I spoke on the phone last night is very goo at wrestling.5. The park is the place _ _I often go .6. My mother is the person _ _I got money to buy my new bike.7. This is the novel _ _the main character is a soldier.8. Mr Smith is a math teacher _ _a lot of students show their greatest respect.9. This is the shop _ _ I bought my new dress. 10. This is the hero _ _we are proud. 关系副词 when/ where/ why1 .关系副词 when/ where/ why 也可以用“介词+which”来代替when=in/on/at/during+which where=in/on/at/under+which why=for whichHe remembers the day when( =_) his father died. I went back to the place where(=_) I was born and grew up. The reason why(=_) he was absent yesterday is still unknown.2 比较1)This is the house _we visited last year. This is the house _we lived last year.2)I will never forget the day _I spent with Tom. I will never forget the day_I met Tom.3) I know the reason _he gave me. I know the reason _he was late.Step 4 consolidation完成课本P96 C2的练习单项选择1I shall never forget those years_I lived in the country with the farmers, _has a great effect on me. A that, which B when , which C which, that D when, who2.can you remember the afternoon _I went to your home to borrow a diamond necklace of yours? A which B that C / D when 3. American women usually identify their best friend as someone _they can talk frequently. A who B as C about which D with whom 4. There are altogether 11 books on the shelf, five _are mine. A on which B in which C of which D which5. Thats the new machine _parts are too small to be seen. A that B which C whose D what短文填空I received the letter you sent me last week. Thank you for sending me the photos 1 reminds me of the happy time we spent together. I can never forget the days 2 we stayed in the country. How are these friends 3 once played with us? I am now running a supermarket 4 was built by Tom 5 money is a lot Do you remember Tom ? He always helps me a lot. Last night, I dreamt of a beautiful place 6 _we were all playing and joking happily. I still dont know the reason 7 you left us without saying anything. I hope you can come back soon. Tom and I will do all 8 we can to help you.Step 5 Homework 完成 P 44-45 P46-47Interaction Card Between Teachers and Students6th period Task: Writing an advice letterTeaching aims:教学目标 1. To learn letters about the problems that happened between the father and his son. 2. To learn about some expressions: insist, suggest, forbid, as though, insist on.3. To help students learn how to work together and write an advice letterTeaching difficulties: 教学重点难点 1. How to write an advice letter. Self Study:一查字典翻译下列句子及词组(听力帮助)1.I hate it when that happens. _I hate it when I catch the flu because my nose is running._2.refuse to do _3.shout at _ 4. feel lonely _ 5.feel worried _6.make sb upset _7.sigh and cry _8.have fun _ 9. be honest with _ 10.take your advice _ 11.turn off the TV _12.join sb doing _13.think of sb _二Find out the main idea for each diary entries on p34Diary entryMain pointThe first diary entryIm so excited! Mum and dad bought me a bikeThe second diary entryThe third diary entryThe fourth diary entry我的词汇库My word bank.p341.灿烂的;极好的; _adj 2. 代替;不是而是_ 3.adj. 昂贵的;花钱的_ 5.成绩,学分_ 6. adj. 挑战的;引起挑战性兴趣的_ 7.熬夜_ 8.对紧张_ 9.处理_13 高分_ 10.白担心一场_ 11 出错_ 12混淆_ 为骄傲_三Read two letters on page 35 fast and find out the answers1._2._ _3._4._5._6. _我的词汇库My word bank.p351.n. 指导,引导;领导_ 2.拒绝做_ 3. 独生子_ 4. 粗鲁_ 5. 表现得像_ 6.坚持_ 7. 网聊_ 8.目前_ 9.允许他自由


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