河北省石家庄市31中中职英语人教版必修2《Unit Five》测试

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河北省石家庄市31中中职英语人教版必修2《Unit Five》测试_第1页
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111Part Two Translation (第二部分 翻译20%)I. Put the following into Chinese. (把下列短语译成中文,10%)1. take over_2. in chains_3. do badly in _4. have a good sense of humor_5. Theories of Relativity _6. in memory of _7. suffer from _8. be in business _9. have no time to lose _ 10. straight As _II. Put the following into English. (把下列短语译成英语,10%)1. 起航 _ 2. 在方面出色 _3. 诺贝尔奖 _4. 行动迟缓 _5. 脾气不好 _6. 到目前为止 _7. 成绩单 _8. 建立 _9. 操作系统 _10. 还清 _Part Three Vocabulary(第三部分 词汇10%)Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用下列单词的适当形式填空,10%)clumsy enroll brilliant contestant treatmentraise messy artificial absent-minded enthusiasm1._ people are always forgetful.2. It was _ of him to find a solution so quickly.3. You look _. You cant go to office like that.4. The old man is _ in action.5. The twin brothers were _ in the dancing competition.6. One of his teeth is _.7. This disease requires urgent _.8. We _ nearly 100,000 dollars for the sick children.9. Our school _ more than 1,000 students last year.10. She showed great _ for her work.Part Four Grammar (第四部分 语法10%)Choose the correct word for each sentence. (选择,10%)( )1. That is Mary _ over there. A. sitting B. to sit C. to be sat( )2. These are the facts _ by the committee.A. to gather B. gathering C. gathered( )3. I had my suit _ yesterday. A. to press B. pressing C. pressed( )4. The language _ in Canada is English. A. to speak B. speakingC. spoken( )5. I am sorry to have kept you _ so long. A. to wait B. waiting C. be waiting( )6. Can Mary make herself _ in English? A. understood B. understand C. to understand( )7. I started the clock _. A. to go B. goingC. gone( )8. _ with mine, your audio components are rather expensive. A. Comparing B. To compareC. Compared( )9. How was the concert last night? It was _. A. disappointing B. disappointedC. disappoint( )10. The gentleman sitting with his arms _ was my boss. A. folding B. to fold C. foldedPart Five Sentences(第五部分 句法20%) Complete the following sentences. (完成句子,20%)1. The winners will go on to the _ _ _ _ (下一轮竞赛). 2. Einstein was brilliant but _ _ _ _ (脾气不好).3. Hes _ _ _ (年纪太大) for the job.4. Hangzhou is _ _ _ _ _ (因西湖而著名).5. Hes a man with a good _ _ _ (幽默感).6. My hard work _ _ (取得成功) when I was enrolled into university.7. We should produce better goods to _ _ _ (满足人们的要求).8. We eat zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival _ _ _ (纪念) Qu yuan.9. He is _ _ (前往) Canada next month.10. Stop talking and try to _ _ _ _ (专心做) your work. Part Six Reading Comprehension (第六部分 阅读理解10%)Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question.(阅读材料,选择正确答案,10%)(A)AIR HOSTESSES FOR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS WANTED1.Age: Between 20 and 33 years old2.Height: 1.60 m to 1.75 m3.Education: To GCSE standard4.Two languages. Able to swim.5.Apply to: Recruitment office, Southern Airlines Heathrow Airport West HR37KK.( )1. This advertisement is for _.A. boys B. girls C. elder ladies( )2. According to this advertisement, one should _.A. feel like working long hours flying abroadB. speak one language onlyC. be always with smiling face( )3. Which of the following is not mentioned in this advertisement?A. Marriage. B. Male or female. C. Education.( )4. 1.57 m is _ for the height according to this advertisement.A. the right size B. too tall C. too short( )5. What requirements do air hostesses have to meet with?A. Able to swim.B. Able to sing English songs.C. Able to control computers.(B)One day, Nasreddin bought a donkey in the market, but while he was taking it home, two thieves followed him. One of them took the rope from the donkeys neck and tied it round his friends. Then he went away with the donkey. When Nasreddin got home, he turned and saw the young man. He was very surprised. Where is my donkey? he said angrily. Im very sorry, said the thief, but once I said some bad things to my mother, and she changed me into a donkey. Good man bought me. I am now a man again! Thank you. Nasreddin untied the man and said, Go! And never say bad things to your mother again! The next day, Nasreddin saw the donkey in the market and the other thief was selling it. Nasreddin went to it and said into its ear, Young man, people will never learn.( )6. What did Nasreddin get in the market?A. A cow. B. A man. C. A donkey.( )7. Nasreddin caught two thieves on his way home, didnt he?A. Yes, he did.B. it doesnt mentioned.C. No, he didnt.( )8. Whose neck did one thief put the rope around?. A. Nasreddins.B. The other thiefs.C. Donkeys.( )9. When Nasreddin got home, what did he see behind him?A. A young man.B. A thief.C. Donkey.( )10. What did Nasreddin let go?A. The donkey he bought.B. The young man.C. His mother. Unit Five Test ATapescripts and KeysPart One Listening(30%)I. Listen and choose the right picture. (5%)(e) 1. Madam Curie (a) 2. Albert Einstein (d) 3. Bill Gates (b) 4. Liu Xiang (c) 5. Michael JacksonII. Listen carefully and choose the correct response to each sentence you hear. (5%)(A) 1. Why not have a bath after swimming?(A) 2. Have a nice holiday.(B) 3. You look so tired. Why not take a rest?(C) 4. Happy New Year, Mr. White.(B) 5. Can you tell me where Tom is?III. Listen to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. (10%)(C) 1. W: Excuse me. When will the next train arrive?M: Now is 9:45. The next train will come in 5 minutes.Q: When will the next train come?(C) 2. M: Cathy, do you want to join us to the beach?W: Sorry. I havent finished my homework yet.Q: What will Cathy most probably do?(A) 3. M: Oh, my god. I left my English textbook at home.W: You can use mine if you like. Well have to finish the exercise in 10 minutes, you know. Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?(B) 4. M: Martha runs faster than Lucy.W: But Mary runs even faster than Martha.Q: Who runs the fastest?(A) 5. W: Would you like to have a cup of tea?M: If you dont mind, I prefer to have some iced beer.Q: What drink does the man want?IV. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to the questions. (10%)An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Philip, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. My money has finished and my friends have gone. said the young man, What will happen to me now? Dont worry, young man. answered Philip, Everything will soon be all right again. Wait, and you will soon feel much happier. The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? he asked Philip. No, I didnt mean that. said the old man, I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.1-5 CCBCBPart Two Translation (20%)I.Put the following into Chinese. (10%)1. 接管 2. 戴着镣铐 3. 在方面很差 4. 富有幽默感 5. 相对论6. 为了纪念 7. 遭受 8. 经商 9. 时间紧迫 10. 成绩全优II. Put the following into English. (10%)1. set sail 2. do well in 3. Nobel Prize 4. clumsy in action 5. have a bad temper 6. so far 7. report card 8. set up 9. operating system 10. pay off Part Three Vocabulary (10%) Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. 1. Absent-minded 2. brilliant 3. messy 4. clumsy 5. contestants 6. artificial 7. treatment 8. raised 9. enrolled 10. enthusiasm Part Four Grammar (10%)Choose the correct word for each sentence.1-5 ACCCB 6-10 ABCACPart Five Sentences (20%)Complete the following sentences. 1. next round of competition2. had a bad temper 3. much too old 4. famous for the West Lake5. sense of humor 6. achieved success7. meet peoples needs 8. in memory of9. leaving for 10. put your mind toPart Six Reading Comprehension (10%)(A) 1-5 BAACA (B) 6-10 CCBAB Unit FiveTest BPart One Listening Comprehension (30%)I. Listen and fill in the missing words. ( )1. She eats a lot of fruit every day to lose _.A. white B. weightC. way( )2. So Ill be all _ by myself.A. along B. alone C. among( )3. Many people have different _ in their spare time.A. hobbies B. happiness C. habits( )4. The park is _ my school.A. besides B. behind C. beside( )5. I am just inviting a few _ in our company.A. colleges B. companies C. colleaguesII. Listen to the tape and choose the best response to what you hear. ( )6. A. I dont like it.B. Why not?C. No, I dont think so.( )7. A. You can go as you like. B. Thank you for coming. C. Must you? Is it so late?( )8. A. Yes, you can. B. Oh, no, its not so heavy. C. No, thanks. I think I can manage.( )9. A. Oh, no, not so good. B. Thank you. Im glad to hear it. C. Its my pleasure.( )10. A. Maybe its Weather Report, but Im not sure. B. It was in the TV Guide. C. I dont like the program.( )11. A. My pleasure. B. With pleasure. C. Thats all right.( )12. A. Im a hard-working student. B. Thank you, I will remember that. C. I have failed.( )13. A. I wont. B. Thats OK. C. Yes, I will.( )14. A. Thats dangerous. B. Thank you. C. No, I wont.( )15. A. Thats right. B. All right. C. Thats OK.III. Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. ( )16. A. Womens Jobs.B. Doctors.C. Teachers.( )17. A. In 1990.B. In 1991.C. In 1992.( )18. A. In hospital.B. In a factory.C. In the country.( )19. A. Mary.B. The man.C. The woman.( )20. A. Mr. Pattis will be late. B. Mr. Pattis will be here on time.C. Mr. Pattis makes mistakes.( )21. A. In Janes home.B. In the classroom.C. On the phone.( )22. A. A secretary.B. A teacher.C. A student.( )23. A. Their holidays.B. Going to Wuxi.C. Going to Beijing.( )24. A. She will take a rest.B. She will go over her lessons.C. She will go to school.( )25. A. Jack.B. Either Jack or his sister.C. His sister.IV. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to the questions. ( )26. Where did the writer come from?A. Asia.B. Europe.C. America.( )27. When did the writer come?A. She came to England just now.B. She came to England three months ago.C. She will come to England in three months.( )28. How much time does she have to write letters?A. Much time to write letters.B. No time to write letters.C. A little time to write letters.( )29. Why did she came to England?A. To study.B. To make a living.C. To learn British ways of living.( )30. Which statement is correct?A. Englishmen do not often shake hands with friends when they meet.B. Englishmen often shake hands with friends when they meet.C. Englishmen raise their hats to all friends when they meet.Part Two Grammar and Vocabulary (50%)Choose the correct word for each sentence.( )31. We have a much _ life now.A. good B. better C. best( )32. He was so _ that he shared his house with the poor.A. loyal B. generous C. reliable( )33. They like to _ each other when they meet on the street.A. hug B. shake hands C. bow( )34. Global warming could melt the ice in the poles, which would _ the level of the oceans.A. rise B. raise C. increase ( )35. I felt _ when I saw the police suddenly coming towards me.A. upset B. excited C. sad( )36. Dont ask her _ help. She is busy doing cleaning.A. with B. to C. for ( )37. The beggar calls _ my home once a month.A. on B. at C. for( )38. A great celebration was held on his _ birthday.A. ninetys B. ninetieth C. nintieth( )39. We _ waste any food.A. mustnt B. cant C . will( )40. That man doesnt look his age; I think hes somewhere _.A. in his thirties B. in the thirtieth C. in thirties( )41. Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for _ , with _ best wishes.A. you; our B. us; your C. you; your( )42. Not long ago, our country sent up a rocket with two small satellites into space. One weighed 204 kilos and _ , 25 kilos.A. the other B. other C. others ( )43. In order to keep healthy, you should eat _ fast food, _ fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.A. fewer; fewer B. less; more C. fewer; more ( )44. More and more people in Shanghai are able to talk and write _ English these days.A. for B. with C. in ( )45. It is reported that a small plane from South Africa crashed northwest of Changsha _ May 28 , 2004.A. on B. in C. to ( )46. All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai. Were sure Shanghai will be even _ tomorrow.A. good B. better C. best ( )47. During the three-day May Day holiday, _ families went sightseeing.A. thousands of B. thousands C. thousands and thousands ( )48. Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport _ the whole roof fell down.A. while B. as soon as C. when ( )49. I enjoy the popular dance hip-hop, but _ my father _ my mother likes it.A. both; and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor( )50. Internet bars mustnt let people under 18 in or let anybody _ bad things.A. watch B. to watch C. watching( )51. We _ keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves.A. may B. should C. can ( )52. Tom, _ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy. said Mum.A. not be B. not to be C. dont be( )53. We are very sad and angry to hear that the bad milk powder _ the deaths of over 30 babies.A. made B. did C. caused( )54. Shall we call for a taxi?OK. Let me _ the phone number in Yellow Pages.A. look at B. look for C. look up( )55. I like swimming very much, but now I _ swim as _ as I used to.A. dont; often B. not; often C. dont; oftener( )56. A football team may _ players from different countries.A. make up B. be made up ofC. make up of( )57. After the Director had left the company, Jane began to take charge _ the company.A. of B. inC. with( )58. It was _ that he decided to buy it. A. so good a picture B. such good picture C. such good a picture( )59. He _ in the emergency room _ I arrived at the hospital. A. has been treating; since B. has treated; since C. was being treated; when( )60. We surely _ a new Olympic standard swimming pool.A. must have builtB. will have built C. have built( )61. The profits are _ than the losses. A. much more great B. much more greater C. much greater( )62. Both the director and the film _ you have just talked about are very famous. A. whose B. which C. that( )63. She has to be very _ because she hasnt much money. A. economic B. economical C. economics( )64. No sooner had he gone to sleep _ the telephone rang once more. A. when B. before C. than( )65. John appears as though he _ the secret. A. knew B. has known C. had known( )66. I bitterly regret _ him the story yesterday. A. having told B. told C. to have told ( )67. Your coat doesnt _ your hat. A. suit B. mix C. match( )68. The sports center will provide more opportunities _ students and teachers. A. with B. for C. than ( )69. I wish you _ me the news yesterday. A. tell B. could tell C. had told( )70. I have no idea _ he will go abroad next week. A. what B. that C. which( )71. The judge dismissed the case because there was not _ evidence. A. strong B. abundant C. many( )72. She dieted constantly in order to _ her fine figure. A. protect B. keep C. persist( )73. Who else except a millionaire could _ to use such an expensive car? A. pay B. buy C. afford( )74. His speech was so interesting that it was constantly _ by applause. A. interfered B. interrupted C. troubled( )75. Dont worry, I have already _ them _ the decision. A. informed; with B. informed; of C. informed; for( )76. Generally speaking, all kinds of materials will expand when heated but will _ when cooled. A. contrast B. contract C. return( )77. Passengers on the London train are being asked to go off and _ to another. A. transfer B. translate C. travel( )78. I am sorry _ so long, I forget the keys. A. keeping you waiting B. to keep you waiting C. to have kept you waiting( )79. The boss has _ my pay by 50%. A. rose B. risen C. raised( )80. It was stupid _ them to leave their bicycles outside an


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