英语外研版必修1 同步练习Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》

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英语外研版必修1 同步练习Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》_第1页
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111一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Write the right word form requested in the parentheses.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.attract(形容词)6.fascinate(形容词)_2.fortunate(副词) 7.profession(形容词)_3.pretty(同义副词) 8.occupy(名词)_4.organize(名词) 9.starvation(动词)_5.unemploy(形容词) 10.nuisance(反义词)_答案:.1.attractive2.fortunately3.quite4.organization5.unemployed6.fascinating7.professional8.occupation9.starve10.favourite.Complete the sentence according to the Chinese given in the paratheses.(根据括号内所给的中文完成句子。)1.Only a few people _(幸存) in that terrible accident.2.When we go abroad,we have to_(兑换) Renminbi for foreign currencies.3.When I climbed up the Great Wall,I found a great many foreign_(游客).4.For further details,please_(联系) the local office.5.Although he has never got a chance to study in a professional school,he is valued a lot for his perfect_(手工) skills.6.According to a recent_(调查),there will be far more boys than girls in twenty years.7.There are more than one hundred_(人家) in this small village.8.Dont_(打扰) me.Im busy now.答案:1.survived根据句意可判断survived是发生在过去的动作。2.exchangehave to后接动词原形。3.tourists“游客”由many修饰,所以用复数形式。4.contact祈使句中的谓语要用动词原形。5.manualmanual修饰skills作定语。6.survey前有冠词a因此用单数形式。7.households前有one hundred修饰,因此用复数形式。8.botherDont开头构成否定祈使句,故谓语用动词原形。Exercises for phrases(短语专练).Match the phrases with their definitions.(把下面短语与其释义配对。)1.two storeys higha.挡路2.be made ofb.两层楼高3.put upc.一生4.all ones lifed.建造5.in the waye.由制成6.get outf.摆脱7.get away fromg.许多8.according toh.外出9.a great manyi.按照10.go upj.上涨答案:1.b2.e3.d4.c5.a6.h7.f8.i9.g10.j.Complete Sentence B according to Sentence A.(根据A句完成B句。)1.A:He does well in mathematics.B:He_ mathematics.2.A:Because of his carelessness,the experiment failed.B:_ his carelessness,the experiment failed.3.A:What have you learnt in your English lessons so far?B:What have you learnt in your English lessons_?4.A:Whats the weather like?B:_ the weather?5.A:People in the area cannot afford to buy a house there.B:The area is_poor_people there have no money to buy a house.6.A:Youve passed the driving test.Congratulations.B:Let us_ you_ having passed the driving test.答案:1.is good atdo well in与be good at都有“擅长”之意。2.As a result ofas a result of意思为“因为”,与because of同义。3.up to nowso far意思为“迄今为止”,与up to now为同义词组。4.How aboutHow about.?句型意为“怎么样?”,What is.like?句型表示询问对某人或某事物的看法。二者可相互替代。5.so,thatso.that意为“如此以致于”。6.congratulate;oncongratulate sb. on (doing) sth.意为“就某事祝贺某人”。Exercises for sentence structure(句子结构专练).Translate the following sentences into English.The words and expressions given may help you.(翻译下列句子,括号中有提示词。)1.这是我一生中第一次玩得这么痛快。(It is the first time that.)_2.自从我们上次分别到现在已经6年了。(It has been.since.)_3.我们感到非常幸运能住在一个美丽的海滨城市。(feel fortunate doing)_4.他在他昨天坐过的地方找到了钱包。(where)_5.现在我们就要离开商业区到达港区。(be leaving)_答案:1.It is the first time that I have enjoyed myself so much all my life.2.It has been 6 years since we departed each other last time.3.We feel very fortunate living in a beautiful seaside city.4.He found his purse where he sat yesterday.5.Now were leaving the business district and approaching the harbour.Exercises for function items(交际用语专练).Match the dialogue parts.(把下列对话进行匹配。)1.A great many books were given to the children in the rural areas.2.My daughter has passed the exam and will go to college this September.3.Cathy,may I use your dictionary for a short while?4.How long do you think we have to wait?5.It was clever of him to revise to his notes before that important test.A.Of course.Here it is.B.As a result he passed.C.Congratulations!Shes really intelligent.D.Oh,Really?Thats really a good thing.E.I make it two weeks.答案:1.D把许多书籍送给贫困地区的孩子们确实是件好事。2.C别人的女儿考上大学应该表示“祝贺”。 3.Ahere it is意为“给你”。4.EI make it two weeks.相当于I think well have to wait for two weeks.5.B他考试前复习他的笔记,那么考试通过就是必然结果。Exercises for grammar(语法专练).Complete the English sentence according to the sentence given in Chinese.(根据所给的中文完成英语句子。) 1.He_(还没读完) the novel up to now.2.This is the first time I_(参观) the beautiful city.3.This is one of the most interesting books that I _ ever _(读过的).4.It_ten years since we last met each other.5.My friend Tom said he would come to my birthday party tonight,but he_(还没来) so far.6.When and where to go for the vacation_(还没决定下来) yet.答案:1.hasnt finished reading时间状语up to now多与现在完成时连用。2.have visited第几次做某事多用完成时态。3.have;read根据句意 “这是我读过的书中最有趣的”可知用完成时。4.has been“自从做某事以来多少年了”多用现在完成时态,也可用is。5.hasnt come时间状语so far与现在完成时态连用。6.hasnt been decided完成时态强调结果,那就是“何时到何地去度假还没决定”。111

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