高一英语同步练习:5.2Unit5《Nelson Mandela- a modern hero》(人教版必修1福建专用)

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高一英语同步练习:5.2Unit5《Nelson Mandela- a modern hero》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第1页
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高一英语同步练习:5.2Unit5《Nelson Mandela- a modern hero》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第2页
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高一英语同步练习:5.2Unit5《Nelson Mandela- a modern hero》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第3页
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111.单项填空1He said he was familiar with me._this is the first time that I have seen him.AHowever BAs a matter of factCOr DBut 解析:句意为:他说他和我很熟,实际上,我这是第一次见他。however符合语境,但使用时通常加逗号。答案:B2He is a man who is active in social activities,and he_do public service work now and then. Ais about to Bis going to Cis willing to Dis equal to解析:由句意可知后半句的意思是:他乐意做公共服务工作。be willing to do sth.“乐意做某事”,故选C项。答案:C3Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesnt know whom to_. Aturn to Blook for Cdeal with Dtalk about解析:句意为:在用新电脑方面她有很多困难但她不知道该向谁求助。turn to sb.for help向求助。答案:A4His great grandparents still live in the small town_many battles in the AntiJapanese War.Awhere were Bwhich sawCwhere saw Dwhich were解析:句意为:他的祖父母仍然住在小镇上,这个小镇见证了抗日战争中的许多战斗。分析句子结构可知,空格后的部分应该是一个定语从句。定语从句缺少主语和谓语,故用which saw,拟人用法,表示“小镇经历了许多次抗日战斗”。答案:B5The naughty boy is always_trouble,but now he is really_trouble. Agetting;at Bmaking;in Casking;on Dputting;in解析:句意为:那个淘气的男孩总是惹麻烦,不过,现在他自己真的遇到麻烦了。make trouble惹麻烦;in trouble陷入麻烦中。答案:B6Barack Obama was very happy when many supporters voted_him.Afor BagainstCon Dat解析:vote for投票支持;vote against投票反对;vote on就投票;vote at无此搭配。答案:A7The soldiers were fighting bravely_their people_the enemy.Awith;for Bfor;againstCback;with Dout;with解析:fight for为而战;fight against与作战。句意为:士兵们正在为了他们的人民而与敌人进行战斗。答案:B8Nowadays,many parents from the countryside cannot afford to educate their children,because the school_are too high.Afares BchargesCfees Dbills解析:fee费用(如会费、学费等)。fare(旅行)费用;charge货价,费用(对服务、劳动索取的代价);bill账单。答案:C9_is the first thing to consider when customers buy certain goods.AQuantity BQuality CValue DReward解析:quality质量。句意为:“顾客买东西时考虑的第一个因素是质量”。quantity数量;value价值;reward报酬。答案:B10Ms Black is considered a_lady by her neighbors,for she often helps the poor old man next door.Agenerous Bhopeful Cmean Dselfish解析:结合语境“for she often helps the poor old man”推断出她很“慷慨(generous)”。答案:A11He was put into prison because he_some government buildings in South Africa.Ablew up Bblew downCblew out Dblew over解析:考查blow的不同短语。blow up充气;爆炸;blow down吹倒;blow out吹灭,熄灭;blow over停止;平息。结合句意,只有A适合。答案:A12They are of_height,but I think Mary_the job.Aequal;is equal to Bequally;is equalCequal;equal s Dequally;is equaled解析:考查equal的用法。equal可以作形容词,修饰名词height;be equal to the job“称职”,其中to是介词,故A正确。答案:A13It seems that Fred has a big plan.Yes.He wants to devote all of his time_films.Ato write BwritingCto writing Dfor writing解析:考查devote的用法。devote.to.是固定搭配,其中to为介词,后面的动词应用动词ing形式。答案:C14It is said that Marys husband didnt know about the accident until last Wednesday.Only then_him about it.Ashe told Bwould she tellCshe did tell Ddid she tell解析:考查倒装句。“only状语”放在句首加强语气时,通常使用倒装语序。答案:D15Can you tell me when he was_and what he is doing at present?Aout of order Bout of workCout of question Dout of season解析:句意为:你能告诉我他什么时候失业的和他目前在干什么吗?out of work“失业”符合题意。out of order无次序的;混乱的,一般指事物;out of question没问题;out of season过时,不合时令。答案:B.完形填空Rickshaw pullers (人力车夫) are some of the poorest people in our city and they work extremely hard.Recently I suffered a(n)_1_injury and had to use a rickshaw puller to take me to the hospital every_2_.I also had to use these trips to get all the stuff (物品) I_3_like medicines,milk,fruit,etc._4_I couldnt walk too much.Every day on the way back home,I would_5_the rickshaw puller to stop by the_6_to get me the things I needed.Each day,it would be a_7_rickshaw puller and at first I was worried that they would not_8_to stop or they might ask me for more money for this.However,they_9_me wholeheartedly;without any_10_of the time,effort or money,the rickshaw pullers would_11_set off to get the stuff for me.Often they werent exactly_12_about what to get so they would come back to me for clarification (说明)Sometimes they would_13_different kinds of stuff with them to show me so I could select_14_and then they would go back to the shop to buy it.They would take care to make sure I got whatever I needed at the right price.They would try to_15_the rickshaws as close to my _16_as possible,so I would have to walk as little as possible to get into my house.One of them didnt even take any extra (额外的) _17_for the time or efforts to help me when I_18_it at the end of the trip.I was so_19_these rickshaw pullers for offering me not only help but care and concern in a genuine (真诚的) way,as if I were their_20_.语篇解读在最近与一些人力车夫打交道的过程中, “我”发现虽然他们的收入很微薄,但他们的服务态度及助人为乐的精神却很让人感动。 1A.ear BkneeCeye Dhand解析:从下文had to use a rickshaw puller及I couldnt walk too much可推测,“我”是膝盖受伤,走路有困难。答案:B2A.hour BweekCday Dmonth解析:这是“我”每天(day)都要做的事。下文Every day,Each day都有提示。答案:C3A.bought BsoldCexpected Dneeded解析:medicines,milk,fruit都是“我”每天所需要的(needed)生活用品。_6_空后的I needed是提示。答案:D4A.as Bwhen Cif Dbut解析:“我”不能走太久的路是“我”每天在路上就买生活必需品的原因,故选A项。答案:A5A.command BtellCask Dsuggest解析:下段第一句提到“我”一开始担心人力车夫不愿意半路停下来,所以“我”应该是请求他们在市场附近停下来。ask for表示“请求,要求”,符合语境。故答案选C项。答案:C6A.station Bhospital Cmarket Doffice解析:既然是买东西,那应该是去市场(market)。答案:C7A.tall Byoung Cdifferent Dspecial解析:文中并没有讨论车夫的身高、年龄等,而且从下文出现的they可推断,也不会是某一特殊的车夫,而是不同的(different)人。答案:C8A.prefer Bagree Cdecide Dpretend解析:一开始,“我”还担心他们不同意(agree)中途停车或是会多收费。答案:B9A.helped BprotectedCrecognized Dunderstood解析:从下文车夫的所作所为可以推断,他们是在全心全意地帮助(help)“我”。答案:A10A.writing BrequestCorder Ddiscussion解析:对于帮助“我”所花费的时间、精力和钱,他们从不讨价还价(discussion)。 答案:D11A.slowly Bimmediately Ccalmly Dcarefully解析:他们总是立刻(immediately)就去购买“我”所需要的东西。答案:B12A.concerned BworriedCexcited Dclear解析:从本空后他们回来向“我”问清楚可知,他们对于“我”要买什么物品并不十分清楚(clear)。答案:D13A.collect BintroduceC bring Dborrow解析:有时,他们会从商店带(bring)给“我”不同的物品让“我”挑选。答案:C14A everything BsomethingCnothing Danything解析:“我”从他们带过来的物品里挑选某样东西(something)。答案:B15A.stop BcarryCtransport Dpack答案:A16A.bed Bcar Cfarm Ddoor解析:从本句后半部分“我”可以走最少的路进家可知,这里是指车夫尽可能把车停靠(stop)在离“我”的家门(door)最近的地方。答案:D17A.money Badvice Cprize Dpraise答案:A18A.offered Bshowed C explained Dreturned解析:“我”雇佣人力车夫是要付钱的,这里是“我”想给 (offered)其中一个车夫额外的钱 (money),以感谢他为了帮助“我”所付出的时间和精力。 答案:A19A.disappointed with Bthankful toCafraid of Ddoubtful about解析:车夫如此帮助“我”, “我”对他们很是感激(thankful to)。答案:B20A.neighbor BworkmateCboss Dfamily解析:他们对“我”是真诚地关心和帮助,就好像“我”是他们的家人(family)一样。答案:D.阅读理解 Sophia Richardson: Both my parents are really important to me.My parents are really more than friends.Theyre the people I can open up and talk to.Talking to them is like talking to one of my friends.Theyve been there for me and given me good advice on a lot of my problems.Stacey Avnes: My Jewish big sister is important to me.Her name is Lauren.Weve been together for two years.My mom is a single mom and she is very busy.Lauren is someone who helps me deal with all this stuff because shes someone I can talk to.Shes like a second mom to me and also a best friend.If I have any problem,I can call her and shell come and pick me up and well go to the park and talk. Jean Park: Its my uncle who is important to me.When Im with him,Im grateful for the small thingsbeing alive and healthy;having a good family and friends.Hes also very grateful for the small things and gives back to his community.Melaku Shierfaw: My father is important to me.He came here from a rich family in Africa.But when he came,he didnt take any money and started fresh.He showed that he could do everything by himself without the help of others and hes successful.It shows me that I can do anything as long as I try. Kalin ScottWright: My great grandmother is in charge of our whole family.She was born in 1920.I know she went through a lot in her life.She was a very strong woman and she raised my mom and took her in.She had a kind spirit and loved me and my brother.Shell always be there for me although shes not alive any longer.语篇解读谁是我们生命中重要的人呢? 1What is this passage mainly about?AWho loves us most. BWho is important to us.CWhat our parents are like DWho is in charge in our family.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知文章中的人都是在说谁是他们生命里重要的人,故选B。答案:B2We can infer that Sophia_.Ais always in troubleBhas few friendsCgets along well with her parentsDrelies too much on her parents解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的My parents are really more than friends.Theyre the people I can open up and talk to.可推断Sophia跟她父母相处得很好。答案:C3What do we know about Staceys big sister?AShe is very lonely. BShe is a single mother.CShe is Staceys only friend. DShe often helps Stacey.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的Lauren is someone who helps me deal with all this stuff because shes someone I can talk to.Shes like a second mom to me and also a best friend.可知Stacey的“姐姐”经常帮助她。答案:D4What does Jeans uncle teach him?ATo be grateful for the small things in life.BTo be ready to help his community.CTo treat others like friends.DTo have a good family.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的When Im with him,Im grateful for the small things.可知Jean的叔叔教会了他感激生命中一些细小的事情。答案:A5From his father,Melaku has learnt that_.Anot everyone can be successfulBmoney is not important in ones lifeCone should never ask others for helpDhe can do anything as long as he tries解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的It shows me that I can do anything as long as I try.可知应选D。答案:D111

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