2012高一英语同步练习:2.3 Unit 2 The Olympic Games《Grammar and Useful Structures》(人教版必修2 陕西专版)

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2012高一英语同步练习:2.3 Unit 2 The Olympic Games《Grammar and Useful Structures》(人教版必修2 陕西专版)_第1页
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2012高一英语同步练习:2.3 Unit 2 The Olympic Games《Grammar and Useful Structures》(人教版必修2 陕西专版)_第2页
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2012高一英语同步练习:2.3 Unit 2 The Olympic Games《Grammar and Useful Structures》(人教版必修2 陕西专版)_第3页
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111Section Learning about Language & Using Language.单项填空1It was_of you to leave school at such an early age.Astupid BfoolishCunknown Danxious解析:stupid常指智力不足,反应迟钝,意为“笨的”;foolish指无头脑,缺乏常识或判断力,相当于汉语的“愚蠢的”,也就是“不是智的”。答案:B2Can I help you? Id like a room with a bath.How much do you_?Aoffer BaffordCcharge Dspare解析:charge意为“收费;要价”,符合题意。offer意为“提供”;afford意为“买得起”;spare意为“节约;抽出时间”。答案:C3She had been working hard so she_to win.Adivided BdeservedCdevoted Ddecided解析:句意为“她一直那么努力,所以她应该赢。” deserve to do意为“应该做;值得”。答案:B4After much_,the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%.Adebating BtalkingCdiscussing Dbargaining解析:A项意为“辩论”;B项意为“谈话”;C项意为“讨论”;D项意为“讨价还价”。由于事情发生在商店里,bargaining应为最佳选项。答案:D5Ill go to_and then we can go to the cinema together.Apick up you Bpick out youCpick you up Dpick you out解析:pick up此处为“接某人”,up为副词,代词要放在up之前。答案:C6Its believed that_you work,_result youll get.Athe harder;the betterBthe more hard;the more betterCthe harder;a betterDmore hard;more better解析:the比较级,the比较级,表示“越,就越”。答案:A7In 2008 the Chinese people were always in high spirits,for pieces of exciting news came to China_.Astep by step Blittle by littleCday after day Done after another解析:考查词组辨析。句意为:2008年中国人民总是情绪高昂,因为激动人心的消息接踵而至。A、B两项意为“渐渐地”,C项意为“一天又一天”。根据前半句中的always一词可排除前三项。答案:D8It was in the hotel_my father works_I met the film star.Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;where解析:考查定语从句和强调句型。题干是强调句型,所强调的成分是地点状语in the hotel,状语中含有一个定语从句where my father works修饰hotel。答案:C9Do you have any favorite_?Yes.“Opportunities are for those who get ready” always encourages me to work hard.Aexpression BspeechCmotto Dmark解析:考查名词辨析。答话人回答:“机会总是眷顾那些有准备的人”这句话永远激励着我努力工作。由此可推知问话人在问“你有最喜欢的座右铭吗?”expression表达,说法;speech演讲;motto座右铭;mark标记。答案:C10The company which sells sea food has been_20,000 dollars for breaking safety rules.Agiven BpunishedCfined Dlost解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:这家海鲜销售公司由于违反了安全条例,被罚款两万美元。fine罚款。注意punish一词意为“惩罚”,但不用于“罚款”。答案:C11It is a good way to_your products on the Internet if you want to attract more customers.Sounds great!Amake BsendCleave Dadvertise解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:如果你想吸引更多的顾客,在网上为你的产品做广告是一个很好的办法。advertise为做广告,宣传。答案:D12What are we visiting next Monday?A modern city that has appeared in_was a village ten years ago.Athat BwhichCwhat Dwhere解析:考查宾语从句。填入的连词应引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,所以排除A、D项。另外,which意思不符,故排除。答案:C13Last year,Maggie_an officer of her own choice,which made her parents very angry.Ahad married Bgot marriedCwas married to Dmarried with解析:考查动词用法。表示与某人结婚可用marry sb.或be/get married to sb.,因此可排除B、D两项;根据时间状语last year可判断本句应用一般过去时,故排除A项。答案:C14When I was at school,I_up very early,reading short articles in English Weekly.Aused to get Bwas used to getCused to getting Dam used to getting解析:考查短语用法。根据When I was at school可知used to do sth.(过去常常做某事)符合语境。答案:A15Let me help you carry your travel case to the station,Granny.Oh,no,my boy.It is not too heavy_.AWhat a good boy BThanks a lotCHow kind of you DThank you anyway解析:考查情景交际。根据Oh,no,my boy.It is not too heavy可知D选项最恰当。答案:D.完形填空A long time ago,Bear passed Wolf on a path by a lake.As usual,he made fun of Wolf.Wolf began to run after him and Bear_1_on a tree overhanging (悬于上方) the lake.Wolf followed,quickly becoming_2_.He was ready for a rest.He stopped for a_3_from the lake,and when seeing Bears reflection (倒影) in the_4_,Wolf dived in.He almost lost his_5_before pulling himself to the bank,and he lay on the bank and fell into a deep_6_.Seeing this,Bear climbed out,took some wet earth from the lake bottom and_7_Wolfs eyes with the wet earth.When Wolf awoke,he couldnt_8_his eyes.He tried to break the dry,hard earth on his eyes,but_9_.He began to cry.An ugly,brown bird heard the cries and came to see if he could_10_.“What is the_11_?” asked the bird.“My eyes have been covered by earth,and I cannot break it off,” cried the wolf.“Can you help me,please?”“Ill_12_,” said the bird.As he pecked (啄) on the hard earth,it_13_broke into small pieces and soon Wolf was able to_14_again.“How can I repay (报答) you,for the_15_youve shown?” asked Wolf.“That is not necessary,” replied the bird.But Wolf was so_16_that he wanted to do_17_.He then looked at the ugly,brown bird and said,“Ive_18_it!” He took the bird to where the red rock was found,and using it,painted the little,brown bird_19_.“Now you are a redbird (红雀),” said Wolf,“and_20_of your children from this day on will be born with the beautiful,red feathers.” And so they were,and are today.语篇解读本文是一篇民间故事,讲述红雀的羽毛为什么是红的。 1A.played BrestedClived Dhid解析:狼在追熊,所以熊应该是“躲到(hid)”树上。答案:D2A.tired BinterestedCsatisfied Dworried解析:由下句He was ready for a rest可知,狼追了一段时间后感到“累了(tired)”。答案:A3A.swim BdrinkCboat Dmeal解析:狼跑得累了,所以停下来到湖边去“喝水(drink)”。答案:B4A.stone BtreeCwater Dsoil解析:因为熊躲在悬于湖面上的树上,所以“水中(water)”有熊的倒影。答案:C5A.food BlifeCchance Dmatch解析:狼把倒影当成了熊,所以跳进湖里差点丢掉“性命(life)”。答案:B6A.river BvalleyChole Dsleep解析:从下文的When Wolf awoke可知,它拼命游上了岸,感到极度疲惫,所以就躺在岸上“睡着了(sleep)”。答案:D7A.protected BhurtCcovered Dfilled解析:由下文的break the dry,hard earth可知,熊用泥土把狼的眼睛蒙上了。答案:C8A.open BfindCclean Dclose解析:因为眼睛被泥土蒙住了,所以狼无法“睁开(open)”双眼。答案:A9A.changed BfailedCstopped Dran解析:从He began to cry的事实判断:它试图打碎这些硬土,但是“没有成功(failed)”。答案:B10A.watch BflyChelp Dcall解析:有只小鸟听到狼的哭喊声后过来看看能否“帮忙(help)”。答案:C11A.color BruleCpurpose Dmatter解析:小鸟想帮忙,于是它就问是怎么回事儿。答案:D12A.try BgoCstand Dprepare解析:由后文狼获救的事实可知,小鸟是说它要“试一下(try)”。答案:A13A.quietly BslowlyChardly Dnearly解析:这些硬土“慢慢地(slowly)”被鸟啄碎了。答案:B14A.smell BspeakChear Dsee解析:眼睛睁开了,它就能“看见了(see)”。答案:D15A.kindness BpleasureCcourage Dhumor解析:小鸟帮助了狼,这显然是“善举(kindness)”。答案:A16A.young BstrongCgrateful Dcareful答案:C17A.anything BnothingCeverything Dsomething解析:得到了别人的帮助,狼很“感激(grateful)”,所以它也要为小鸟做“一些事情(something)”。答案:D18A.made BgotCnoticed Dreceived解析:当它看到小鸟那难看的颜色时,顿时“想到了(got)”一个主意。答案:B19A.red BwhiteCblack Dblue解析:下文的redbird有提示。狼用红色的岩石土把小鸟的羽毛涂成了“红色(red)”。答案:A20A.none BoneCall Dsome解析:由最后的they were,and are today可知,小鸟“所有的(all)”后代出生时,都将有这种漂亮的羽毛。答案:C.阅读理解The first ancient Olympic Games for which we still have written records were held in 776 BC.Coroebus won the only event at the Olympics.This made him the very first Olympic champion in history.Then they grew and continued to be played every four years.In 393 AD,the Roman emperor Theodosius ,a Christian,announced to end the Games because of their pagan (异教的) influences.About 1,500 years later,a young Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival (恢复)In 1892 Coubertin first brought forward his idea to revive the Olympic Games but failed.Two years later,Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates (代表) who represented nine countries.At this meeting he got what he wanted.All the delegates at the conference voted for the Olympic Games.They also decided to have Coubertin set up an international committee to organize the Games.This committee became the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Demetrious Vikelas from Greece was selected to be its first president.Athens was chosen for the revival of the Olympic Games and the planning was begun.The very first modern Olympic Games opened in the first week of April,1896.Since the Greek government had been unable to afford a stadium,a rich Greek architect,Georgios Averoff,donated one million drachmas (over$100,000) to repair the Panathenaic Stadium,originally built in 330 BC.Since the Games were not well publicized internationally,contestants (选手) were not nationally chosen but rather came individually and at their own expense.Some contestants were tourists who happened to be in the area during the Games.语篇解读奥林匹克运动历经千年,已经成为了一项具有巨大吸引力、穿透力和凝聚力的全球性活动。本文简要介绍了它的历史。 1What would be the best title for the passage?AThe history of the OlympicsBHow Coubertin set up IOCCThe first modern Olympic GamesDGreat changes in the Olympic Games解析:归纳标题题。全文简要讲述了奥运会的历史,A选项紧扣中心,可作标题。答案:A2Coubertin held a most important meeting with 79 delegates in_.A1500 B1892C1894 D1896解析:细节理解题。第二段提到顾拜旦在1892年提出恢复举办奥运会,第三段提到“Two years later,Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates.”,由此可知这次会议是在1894年召开的。答案:C3Who offered money help to the first modern Olympic Games?ADemetrious Vikelas. BCoroebus. CPierre de Coubertin. DGeorgios Averoff.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知,由于当时希腊政府财力不足,是富有的建筑师Georgios Averoff掏钱资助了第一届现代奥运会。答案:D4At the first modern Olympic Games,_.Awinners were given money as prizeBIOC invited contestants to tour GreeceCthere were no strict rules for being a contestantDmany countries chose some athletes to compete解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段,当时参加奥运会的选手不是由国家选派的,而是个人报名参赛,支付费用的,其中还有一些是碰巧在那儿旅游的游客。由此可知当时对参赛选手没有严格的限制。答案:C111


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