2012高一英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection-period 2(人教版必修2)

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2012高一英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection-period 2(人教版必修2)_第1页
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2012高一英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection-period 2(人教版必修2)_第2页
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111同步训练Passage BCondors (秃鹰) Are Coming Back!Not long ago, the future looked grim (黑暗的) for the California condor. Today, because of conservation(保育) efforts, the huge bird can be seen flying over its old territories(地盘) once again.Condors eat carrion(腐肉), usually the bodies of other small animals. They can spot their food from the air, or watch for other carrion-eating birds circling over a carcass(尸体). Ranchers(牧场主), fearing that the condors were preying(捕食) on their cattle, used to shoot them and poison carcasses they knew the condors would eat. These techniques worked too well, and for a while condors teetered(濒于) on the brink(边缘) of extinction.To help re-population the area with California condors, scientists and researchers are now breeding(繁育) them in captivity(囚禁) and then reintroducing them into the wild. Its been working well, and in December 1996, the first California condors were released(释放) outside of Calinornia, into the Vermillion Cliffs of northwestern Arizona. They had been kept in a pen(围栏) on a 1,000-foot cliff(悬崖) in preparation for their freedon. From the moment they flew away, the condors have been watched carefully by a team of scientists. Five of the six birds released as part of the project survived on their own. The sixth condor was killed in fight with a golden eagle.The effort to save condors takes a lot of planning and hard work. The goal of the condor-recovery(恢复) program is to put two populations of California condors back in the wild, one in California and one in Arizona.Exercises:I. Choose the best answer according to the passage.1. Why did condors teeter on the brink of extinction?A. Because the future looked grim for the condors.B. Because they didnt have enough carrion or body of other small animals to eat.C. Because the condors preyed on the ranchers cattle.D. Because ranchers used to shoot them and poison carcasses they know the condors would eat.2. The condors in _ area had a dreadful future.A. the Vermillion CliffB. ArizonaC. CaliforniaD. Dallas3. What are scientists and researchers doing to change the situation?A. They are helping repopulate the area with California condors.B. They are breeding condors outside of California.C. They are taking the condors outside of California.D. They are keeping the condors in a pen on a 1,000-foot cliff in preparation for their freedom.4. At last what had happened to the sixth condors?A. They had been watched carefully by a team of scientists.B. They flew away to the Cliff for their freedom.C. Five of the six released as part of that project survived on their own, the sixth condor was killed in fight with a golden eagle.D. The sixth condors back in the wild could have their freedom.II. Choose the correct answer.carcassA. 尸体B. 雕刻breedA. 饲养B. 面包eagle A.急于B. 鹰technologyA. 技术B. 技术III. Match the words and their explanations.1. wildA. cows and bulls2. freedomB. in the natural state3. cattleC. time that has not come yet4. futureD. method of doing something that needs skill.5. techniqueE. condition of not being under controlPassage B:I. 1. D2. C 3. B 4. CII. 1. A 2.A 3.B 4.BIII. 1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D111


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