1-2《Learning about Language》必修1英语同步练习(名师解析)(人教版必修1)

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1-2《Learning about Language》必修1英语同步练习(名师解析)(人教版必修1)_第1页
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1-2《Learning about Language》必修1英语同步练习(名师解析)(人教版必修1)_第3页
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111课时作业.单词拼写1How many s_(分) do they get in the driving test?2With a pretty dress _(穿着), she went out for work.3I have a f_ (感觉) of discomfort.4We were pleased with our first _(调查) of the house.5The headmaster is a d_(坚强的) man.6The _(公路) is convenient and can help you save a lot of time.7Are you i_ (感兴趣) in politics?8His father bought him a _ (衣箱) before he went to university.9His friend has s_ (遭受) from headaches for some years.10The police searched the thief and found the wallet hidden under his _ (大衣)答案1scores2.on3.feeling4.survey5.determined6.highway7.interested8.suitcase9.suffering10.overcoat.完成句子1That afternoon in the train,the two cousins _ _ (舒适地坐) in their seats.2We always _.我们总是同甘共苦。3Sorry, I cant go with you. Im _ _ (患病) a serious stomachache.4You should get help _ _ instead of through private relationships.你应该通过官方渠道而不是通过私人关系寻求帮助。5It took Mary a few minutes to _ _ (恢复常态)6_;one for experts and one for lay people.两套演讲已安排好了:一套为专业人员,一套为非专业人员。7I am _ _ _ (厌烦) all her negative remarks.8People had to walk many kilometres _.为了搞到木材,人们要走很多千米的路程。9The boss got so angry that he told Tom _ _ _ (整理) all his things and leave his company at once.10_, Ill never speak to you again.如果你敢说出去一个字,我就再不和你说话。答案1settled down2.share joys and sorrow3.suffering from4.by officials5.recover herself6.Two speeches have been prepared7.getting tired of8.in order to get the wood9.to pack up10.If you dare let out one word.单项填空1Didnt you have a good time at the party?No.I _ a lot from the noise made by the band.AworriedBsufferedCheard Dpained解析:题意:“难道你在晚会上玩得不高兴吗?”“是的。乐队制造的噪音让我遭受了许多痛苦。”suffer from 在此意为“遭受之苦”,符合题意。worry“担忧”;hear“听说”;pain“使痛苦”。答案:B2These photographs will show you _.Awhat does our village look likeBwhat our village looks likeChow does our village look likeDhow our village looks like解析:宾语从句要用正常语序。答案:B3He asked me _.Ahad I waited for themBhave I waited for themCit I have waited for themDwhether I had waited for them解析:直接引语为过去时,变为间接引语时,应改为过去完成时,故B、C两项错误;直接引语为一般疑问句,间接引语变为 if 或 whether 引导的从句。故D项正确。答案:D4Can you check _ the gold ring?Awhere Alice has put Bwhere had Alice putCwhere Alice had put Dwhere has Alice put解析:宾语从句要用正常语序。答案:A5Mary said that she _ at six every morning.Agot up Bgets upChas got up Dis getting up解析:直接引语变为间接引语时,表示习惯性、经常性的从句谓语动词时态往往不变,故B项正确。答案:B6No one can be sure _ in a million years.Awhat man will look likeBwhat will man look likeCman will look like whatDwhat look will man like解析:宾语从句要用正常语序。答案:A7He told me that he would go to the zoo _.Athe next day BtomorrowCright now Dnext day解析:在间接引语中表示将来的时间状语 tomorrow 要变为 the next day 或 the following day。right now 意为“立即,马上”,一般不与将来时态连用。答案:A8Do you remember _ he came?Yes, I do. He came by car.Ahow BwhenCthat Dif解析:由下句提示 He came by car 得知要选 how 表示方式。答案:A9It took a long time for this area to _ from the effects of the earthquake.Ahide BrecoverCconcern Dset解析:题意:这个地区花费了很长时间才从地震的影响中恢复过来。recover from 意为“从恢复”,符合题意。hide “隐藏”;concern “担忧”;set“设置”。答案:B10You cant imagine _ when they received those nice Christmas presents.Ahow they were excitedBhow excited they wereChow excited were theyDthey were how excited解析:考查感叹句在宾语从句中的用法,除了要用正常语序,时态也要与 received 保持一致。答案:B11Mother asked me where I _ the next day.Awould go Bwill goCam going Dwent解析:由主句时态为一般过去时可排除B、C两项;由时间状语 the next day 可知表示将来的动作、故用过去将来时。答案:A12He often thinks of _ he can do more for the country.Awhat BhowCthat Dwhich解析:how 修饰实义动词 do, more 作 do 的宾语,因此不能选答案A。答案:B13The nurse told the children that the sun _ in the east.Arisen BroseCrises Drising解析:若直接引语如果表达的是客观真理,变成间接引语时时态不变,故此处应用一般现在时。答案:C14Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _.Awho is he Bwho he isCwho is it Dwho it is解析:考查两点,一是宾语从句用正常语序,二是当未知对方是谁或对方是婴儿时都用 it 代替。答案:D15He asked me _ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.Athat if BifCthat whether Dhow解析:that, if 和 whether 都是连接词,不能并用,排除A、C两项;by air 已经明确了去北京的方式,故不选 how。直接引语为一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,应用连接词 if 或 whether,故B项正确。答案:B.完形填空FriendshipTwentyone years ago, my husband gave me Sam, an eightweekold dog, to help me ease the loss of our daughter. Later my husband and I moved from New York to New Jersey where our neighbor, whose cat had _1_ had kittens, asked us if we would like one. We were afraid that Sam would not be _2_, but we made up our _3_ to take a kitten.We picked a little, gray, playful cat. She _4_ around running after imaginary mice and squirrels and jumped from table to chair very _5_, so we named her Lightning (闪电)At _6_, Sam and Lightning were not close to each other. But slowly, as the days went on, Lightning started _7_ Sam. They slept together, ate together and played together. When I took _8_ one out of the house, the other was always _9_ by the door when we returned. That was the _10_ it was for years.Then, without any _11_, Sam suddenly died of a weak heart. This time, there was no Sam for Lightning to greet and no way to _12_ why she would never see her friend again.In the _13_ that followed, Lightning seemed heartbroken. She could not _14_ me in words that she was _15_,but I could see the pain and _16_ in her eyes whenever anyone opened the front door. The weeks _17_ by, and the cats sorrow seemed to be lifting. One day as I walked into our living room, I _18_ to have a look at the floor next to our sofa _19_ we had a sculptured replica (雕塑复制品) of Sam that we had bought a few years before. Lying next to the statue, one arm wrapped around the statues neck, was Lightning, sleeping with her best _20_.1A.recently BlastlyCfirstly Dnever2A.sad BexcitedCdisappointed Dglad3A.minds BheartsCheads Dbrains4A.walked BclimbedCraced Dhid5A.slowly BquicklyCcarefully Dbravely6A.last BnoonCnight Dfirst7A.leaving BfollowingChating Dcatching8A.neither BbothCeither Dany9A.waiting BsleepingCcrying Dbarking10A.road BpathCway Dstreet11A.words BdiseasesCfear Dwarning12A.talk BexplainCthink Dwrite13A.days BweeksCseasons Dyears14A.express BtellCreport Dsay15A.enjoying BdoingCsuffering Dmissing16A.disappointmentBangerChunger Dfun17A.came BwentCgathered Dwalked18A.seemed BappearedChappened Dmeant19A.what BwhichCthat Dwhere20A.friend BenemyCsofa Dchair答案与解析1Arecently 表示“最近”。此处表示“我搬到新泽西时,邻居家的猫最近生了小猫”。2D我们担心小狗 Sam 会因多一个宠物而不高兴。3A作者和丈夫在经过思考之后,最终还是决定 (make up ones mind) 要养只小猫。此处要用 mind 的复数形式。4C要捉“老鼠”和“松鼠”,小猫必须要“跑”(race),而不能“走”(walk)、“爬”(climb)、“藏”(hide)等。5B由下文的“因此我们给她命名为闪电”可知,闪电的速度很快,因此应选择 quickly。6Dat last “最后”,at noon “在中午”,at night“在晚上”,at first“起初”。由下文的 But 可知,起初它们并不亲近。7B由下文的“它们一起睡觉,一起吃东西,一起玩耍”可知,Lightning 开始“跟随”着 Sam 到处去。8Ceither 表示“两者中的任何一个”。9A在四个选项中只有 waiting 能够表示两只小动物之间的感情。10C此处表示“多年来都是这个样子”,应用表示“方式”的 way。11D此处表示没有任何“前兆(warning)”。12B“没有办法解释她为何再也见不到朋友了”。13A由下文的“几周过去了”可知,此处应选择 days, 表示“在接下来的日子里”。14B由上文可知“Lightning 的心好像碎了”,但由于她不会说话,因此不能用语言告诉 (tell) 我。15C由“但是我能从她的眼中看出她的痛苦”可推知“Lightning 在忍受痛苦 (suffering)”。16A此处表示“她见不到朋友的痛苦和失望”。17Bgo by 表示“(时间)经过”,相当于 pass。18C“我”不经心地看了一眼沙发旁的地板。happen to do sth 可表示“碰巧、不经心做某事”。19D由上文的“我们的沙发”以及下文“Sam 的一个雕塑复制品”,可知,此处表达“在沙发那儿有 Sam 的一个雕塑复制品”,此处应用 where 引导定语从句。20A由上文可知,小猫用胳膊搂着小狗的雕塑复制品,因此小猫是在和最好的朋友一起睡觉。111

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