高中英语 Unit2《The United Kingdom》2-1同步检测 新人教版必修5 (1)

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高中英语 Unit2《The United Kingdom》2-1同步检测 新人教版必修5 (1)_第1页
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高中英语 Unit2《The United Kingdom》2-1同步检测 新人教版必修5 (1)_第3页
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1112-2同步检测.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1There is no need to d_ any more about it.2You can easily c_any problems.3The violence was the result of political and enconomic c_.4They have developed different l_ systems.5But London has been i_by some invaders of England.答案:1.debate2.clarify3.conflicts4.legal5.influenced.根据汉语提示完成句子1Now when people _(提及)England you find Wales included.2It happend in 1603 when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales _(也;又)3The three countries found themselves united peacefully _(代替) by war.4The southern part of that country _(脱离)to form its new government.5Although the four countries do _(共同协作)in some areas they are still very different.答案:1.refer to2.as well3.instead of4.broke away5.work together.用所给词的适当形式填空1England is the largest of the four countries and for _(convenient) it is divided into three zones.2These cities do not have the historical _(attract) of other places.3The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art_(collect), theatres, parks and buildings.4Which country is _(leave)out?5Although they work together in international _ _(relate),theyre still very different.6_ (general)speaking, I dont like cats.7Were you _(influence)by anybody when you were starting your career?8Marks are awarded on the_(base)of progress and performance.9The inspector needs to make a _(judge) about how the school is performing.10She showed us her passport as _(prove) of her identity.答案:1.convenience2.attractions3.collections4.left5relations6.Generally7.influenced8.basis9judgment/judgement10.proof.单项填空1If you dont know what this means,_ the dictionary.Alook upBrefer toClook at Dlook in答案:Brefer to“参考;提及;涉及”。后面直接跟词典、笔记等。2The Senate will_ the subject of tax increases.Adebate BargueCquarrel Ddispute答案:A参议院应是进行讨论,因此,debate比较恰当。3He found the mountain_ with snow.Acovering BcoveredCto cover Dto be covered答案:B因为mountain与cover为被动关系,因此用过去分词。4He found himself _ to the stranger.Adraw BdrawnCdrew Ddrawing答案:Bdrawn作found的宾语补足语。句意为“他发现自己被陌生人拽着”。5(2008山东)Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four o clock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient答案:Dconvenient“方便的,便利的”,常用于“It is convenient for sb. to do sth.”句型中。 free“空闲的”;vacant“地方空着的,无人用的,职位空缺的”; handy“手边的,附近的”。6_,he is brave enough to save the boy.AOn his credit BFor his creditCTo his credit DIn his credit答案:C本题考查介词短语辨析。根据语境“他非常勇敢,救了那个男孩”可知这是一件值得赞扬的事。to ones credit意为“值得赞扬”。其他几个选项介词搭配不对。7I am terribly sorry. I shouldnt have lost my temper.You_at me but thats OK.Ado shout Bhave shoutedCis shouting Ddid shout答案:D本题考查谓语动词的强调形式。根据语境第二个人想表达“你刚才确实冲我喊了,不过没关系”,did shout是动词shouted的一种强调形式。8The question is so _that there is a _expression on his face.Apuzzling;puzzled Bpuzzled;puzzlingCpuzzling;puzzling Dpuzzled;puzzled答案:A表示对物体性质的描述应用puzzling;对人的状态的描述用puzzled。9What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary _?Abreak up Bbreak downCbreak out Dbreak in答案:Abreak up“分裂;打碎;离婚”。句意为“如果吉姆与玛丽离婚,那些孩子会怎么样?”10It was until 1920 _regular radio broadcasts began.Awhile BwhichCthat Dsince答案:C“It is/was.that.”为强调句型。11To my _, she was the mother of two children.Asurprised BsurprisingCsurprise DNone is correct答案:Cto ones surprise“某人惊讶的是”。12Next time you come here, _drop in on me.A.must BdoCdoes Ddid答案:B助动词do 表示强调 ,句意为“下次你来这儿,一定要来看我”。13Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong _ on some young people.Ainfluential BimpressionCinfluence Dfluent答案:Cstrong之后应接名词,排除A项;根据句意可知,应是“有很强烈的影响”,故选C。14(2011湖北模考)When will the government_its position on equal pay for equal work for women?Adivide BclassifyCconvince Dclarify答案:D句意:政府什么时候才能阐明妇女在同工同酬问题上的立场呢?clarify ones position“阐明某人的立场”。15(2011济南高二检测)It was wrong of you to_from all your friends who helped you when you were in trouble.Abreak away Bbreak downCbreak into Dbreak out答案:A考查动词短语辨析。句意:和在困难的时候帮助过你的朋友们决裂是错误的。break away from“脱离,背叛”,符合句意,故选A。.用方框中所给短语适当形式填空consist of,divide.into, be known as, break away, in memory of, take the place of, break down, refer to, to ones credit, leave out1Electric trains have now _ steam trains in England.2_ four groups, the students in the class started the game.3Nowadays many farmers want to _from the land and make a living in cities.4There is a big family, _ ten people.5It is greatly _that you gave back the money you found.6The old electric fan has _. We will buy a new one.7The printer _ two lines from this paragraph.8In his report the captain _ the soldiers heroic deed all over again.9Zhang Xinzhe _ an excellent singer.10This song is written_ the famous film star.答案:1.taken the place of 2.Divided into3.break away 4consisting of 5.to your credit6.broken down7.left out 8.referred to9.is known as10.in memory of.根据汉语意思完成句子1英国是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰这四部分组成的。The United Kingdom _ _ four parts, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.2为了贪图方便把小汽车停在路边是不合法的。It is unlawful to park the car by the roadside _ _ _.3这座古刹已经屹立在山顶将近1000年了。This old temple has _ standing at the top of the mountain for nearly 1000 years.4他发现自己当上教师是受了父母的影响。He found himself _ by his parents to be a teacher.5他重新读了一次计划,检查有没有遗漏重要的东西。He read the plan again to check if he had _ _ something important.答案:1.consists of2.for convenience3.remained4.influenced5.left out.阅读理解When we meet another person for the first time, we are actually flooded with new information. Almost at once, we notice his appearance, style of dress, and manner of speech. Besides, as we listen to what he has to say and observe the things he does, we begin to form some ides of what kind of person he is and what he intends to do. As you know from your own experience, though, we do not only gather these separate pieces of information. Instead, we go further and combine them into a unified (统一的) picture. In short, we form an overall impression of each person we meetan impression that can be favorable(良好的)or unfavorable. But how exactly do we perform this task? How do we combine so much different information into a clear first impression with such quick speed? A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and results point to the following answer: We perform this task through a special type of averaging.Expressed very simply, our impressions of others seem to represent a weighted average of all information that can be gathered about them. That is, they reflect a process in which all information we have about others is averaged togetherbut with some facts, or input(输入)receiving greater weight than others. As you can readily see, this makes good sense. For example, in forming an impression of a new boss, you would probably be affected to a much greater degree by how this person gives you orders (whether respectfully or not ) than by the color of his or her eyes. The fact that not all information aboutother persons affects our impressions of them to the same degree raises an important question. Just what kinds of input receive the greatest weight? Again research provides some revealing(揭露的)answers.1This passage is mainly about_.Ahow our first impressions are expressedBhow our first impressions are formedChow we can favorably impress othersDhow first impressions affect our lives答案:B通读全文可知,本文主要讲述第一印象是怎样形成的,故选B项。2According to the passage, the first impression is _.Athe result of quick lookBnot based on enough informationCa combination of pieces of informationDthe observation of what a person does答案:C由首段第四、五句可知,第一印象就是首次见面时各个细节信息结合到一起所形成的画面,C项与之最为相近。3Research has shown that first impressions are generally more affected by_.Athe way others speakBappearance and style of dressCall information we haveDcertain types of information at hand答案:D由第二段第二句及后面举的例子可知,对第一印象影响更大的是当时所掌握的某些种类的信息,故选D项。111


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