外研版英语六年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day(2)教案

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Module 9 Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day.1教学目标 语言知识目标:1.表达良好祝愿。2.全体学生能运用Best wishes to you!Wishing you happiness every day!3.全体学生能运用wish, happiness, what4.强化语音语调,初步达到语意达调。语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂并说出重点语句。学生能理解课文并阅读相关短文。学生能按照要求完成语句的书写。运用:全体学生能运用已学语言表达良好祝愿。文化意识:在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化差异。情感态度:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。2学情分析 本单元的教学内容是表达良好祝愿。单元课文是Lingling的爸爸和Lingling 的对话。爸爸问Lingling在做什么,Lingling说在给朋友们写告别信。爸爸于是问Lingling信上都写了什么,Lingling说他先在每封信上写上一个朋友的名字,然后统一写上祝愿。爸爸发现Lingling大概要写40封信,感到很惊讶。本单元的学习重点是学会运用表达祝愿的语句。这是新学内容,且在书面语言中比较常见,教师要在写作中训练、强化这一内容的运用。本单元的任务是为班级同学写毕业祝福。这是一个非常有意义的活动,可以增进学生间的感情。此外,任务开展的语言难度相对不大,应给予英语学习有困难的学生更多的展示机会。3重点难点 1. The students can read and use the new words and new sentences correctly.2. The students can understand the topic of this unit.3. The students can write the good wishes correctly.4教学过程 活动1【导入】热身与导入 1. Look, ask and answer.Look at the picture.T: What is it?Ss: Its an alien.2. Look, listen and read.Watch the flash first. And then listen and read after the tape.(activity 1)Read in groups. And invite some groups to read it.3. Ask and answer.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is writing an email to his friends.T: What does he write in his email?Ss: I miss you. Best wishes to you.T:if you get an email from Bob, What will you do?Do you know how to write an email/ a letter? (Lingling is writing goodbye letters to all her friends at school. Lets see how did Lingling write the letter.)活动2【讲授】讲授 Learn the new text.Watch the flash. (activity 2)Listen and watch again.Learn the new words with pictures. Learn the new words in sentence.happy happinessWhat a happy day! Wishing you happiness every day!Read the new words and new sentences.Read in groups.Read one by one.Competition. (I say it in Chinese and you say it in English.)Invite some students to read the new words and new sentences.Listen and read.Please read after the tape.Read it in your group and help each other.Read together.Read and show. Choose your favorite part to read in your group.And play it in class.活动3【活动】活动与练习 1. Discuss the questions in your group. Please underline the answers in your book.Q1: What is Lingling doing?Q2: What does she write first?Q3: Then what does she write?Q4: How many letters are there?2. Answer the questions together.Invite some students to underline the sentences on the blackboard. Check your answers.?3.Please restore Linglings letter on the blackboard.(restore, check and correct)4. What should we notice in our letter?5. Write and say.Write good wishes to your classmates in their notebook.Read your letter to your classmate.Choose the best one and show it in your class.(check and correct the mistakes)活动4【测试】总结与检测 Ask and answer.T: Where can we use the good wishes? Lets sing a song.(activity 4)活动5【作业】作业 Show the homework and end the class.


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