2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》(外研版全国通用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》(外研版全国通用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》(外研版全国通用)_第3页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,外研版全国通用,Module 1 Life in the Future,必修4,alternative ways 可供选择的方法;备用方法 alternative sources of energy 替代能源 there is / have no alternative but to do sth. 除做某事外别无选择 as an alternative 作为一种变通方法,词汇点击,1. alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物,Their main job is to find an alternative sources of energy. 他们的主要任务是找到一种替代能源。,词汇点击,完成句子,It rained all day long last Sunday, so I _ _. 上周日下了一天雨,我除了待在家中别无选择。,had no alternative but to stay at home,1. alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,Its risky to do sth. 做某事有风险 Despite bearing a highly risky task and great expectation from his countrymen, Zhai Zhigang is going easy from the beginning. 尽管担负着一项危险性极高的任务和祖国人民的巨大期望,翟志刚从一开始就从容不迫。,词汇点击,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,词汇点击,知识拓展,risk n. 危险,风险;隐患,at risk 有风险 at the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事 be worth the risk 值得冒这个险 at your own risk 自担风险地,责任自负地 take/run a risk 冒险 risk doing 冒险做,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,词汇点击,知识拓展,risk n. 危险,风险;隐患,A good pilot never takes a risk. 一个优秀的飞行员从来不冒险。,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,词汇点击,知识拓展,risk vt. 冒险,risk ones life to do sth. 冒着生命危险做某事 risk doing sth.冒险做某事,完成句子,短语精释,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,Its _ to go out so soon after being ill. 病后这么快就外出,太危险了。 We might get away with it, but it isnt really _. 我们可能会蒙混过关,但真的不值得去冒这个风险。,risky,worth the risk,完成句子,短语精释,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,The officer _ the drowning boy. 那位军官冒着生命危险救落水儿童。 Do you think I should _ him a letter? 你认为我是否应该冒险给他写封信?,risked his life to save,risk sending,完成句子,短语精释,2. risky adj. 冒险的,有风险的,He risked _ when he cheated in the exam. A. to catch B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught,【解析】 D risk后面跟名词或动名词作宾语,且句意表达的是被动,故选D。句意:他在考试中作弊时,冒着被逮住的风险。,词汇点击,3. arrest vt. 逮捕,拘留;吸引 n. 逮捕,拘留,A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. 一名男子因与这桩抢劫案有关已被逮捕。,arrest sb. for sth. 因某事而逮捕某人 arrest sb.on suspicion of 因有的嫌疑而逮捕某人 be / get arrested 被捕 arrest ones attention 引起某人注意 make an arrest 展开抓捕行动,词汇点击,3. arrest vt. 逮捕,拘留;吸引 n. 逮捕,拘留,He _ driving after drinking. 他因酒后驾车而被捕。 She _ suspicion of using a stolen credit. 她因被怀疑使用偷来的信用卡而被捕。,完成句子,was arrested for,was arrested on,词汇点击,3. arrest vt. 逮捕,拘留;吸引 n. 逮捕,拘留,Suddenly a scream from the distance _. 突然,远处的尖叫声引起了他的注意。 He is _ for robbery. A. in arrest B. on arrest C. under the arrest D. under arrest,完成句子,arrested his attention,【解析】 D 考查固定短语。be under arrest 被捕。,词汇点击,4. limit n. 限度;(常作复数)范围;边界 vt. 限制,限定,Many restaurants attempt to set limits on consumer waste. 许多饭店试图设定消费者的浪费限量。,There is no limit to 无可限量 to the limit 到了极限 limitto 把限定在 be limited to 局限于(某地方,范围等),词汇点击,_ what you can do if you try. 只要你努力,成就无可限量。 The children were stretching my patience _. 这些孩子让我忍无可忍。 Her travelling has _ a few French resorts. 她只能在法国的一些旅游胜地度假。,完成句子,Theres no limit to,to the limit,4. limit n. 限度;(常作复数)范围;边界 vt. 限制,限定,been limited to,词汇点击,A _ factor in health care is the way resources are distributed. A. limited B. limiting C. limitless D. limitation,完成句子,4. limit n. 限度;(常作复数)范围;边界 vt. 限制,限定,【解析】 B limiting 限制性的,有局限的。句意:健康护理方面的一个限制性的因素是资源的分配方式。,词汇点击,5. command n. 命令;指挥 vt. 命令;指挥,Soldiers should do anything at commanders command. 战士应奉指挥官之命做事。,have / take command of 控制,指挥 do sth. at / by ones command 奉某人之命做某事 in / under the command of sth. 在某人的统率下 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command that(从句用 should 虚拟语气),词汇点击,The firefighters arrived and _ the fire. 消防队员到达后控制住了火势。 The army is _. 军队由国王统率。,完成句子,took command of,under the kings command,5. command n. 命令;指挥 vt. 命令;指挥,词汇点击,The captain _ the soldiers to fire. 上校命令士兵开火。 He commanded that we _ the river at 2 oclock tomorrow morning. A. crossed B. to cross C. should be crossed Dcross,完成句子,commanded,5. command n. 命令;指挥 vt. 命令;指挥,【解析】 D command 后接从句,用虚拟语气, should 可以省略。,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,free of charge 免费 in charge of 管理,负责 in the charge of 由某人负责 take charge of 掌管,负责,看守 at ones own charge 自费 charge money for sth. 向某人索取的费用 charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,The battery needs charging at once. 这电池需要立即充电。 How much did he charge you for repairing the radio? 修理收音机他收了你多少钱?,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,词语辨析charge, accuse,两者都含有“控告,谴责”的意思。 charge 指因犯较大的错误或重大的罪行而进行正式法律控诉,常与介词with 搭配。 accuse 指当面指责,不一定诉诸法律,常与介词of 搭配。,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,词语辨析charge, accuse,The police are going to charge him with murder. 警察要控告他谋杀。 They accused him of taking bribe. 他们指控他受贿。,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,The new resort is open to the public _ for the first week. 这个新的旅游胜地第一周对公众免费开放。 Tom was _ the company while the boss was away. 老板不在时公司由汤姆负责。,完成句子,free of charge,in charge of,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电,We are _ the sales manager. 我们由销售经理管理。 I studied in the university _. 我是自费上的大学。,完成句子,in the charge of,at my own charge,词汇点击,6. charge n. 费用,价钱;主管,掌管 vt. 要价;控告;充电, I have just had my computer repaired. How much did they _ for that? A. cost B. charge C. pay D. spend,完成句子,【解析】 B 句意:“我刚刚让人修理了我的计算机。” “他们收费是多少?”charge money for sth. 向某人索取的费用。,词汇点击,7. shape vt. 造成形状 n. 形状,形态,The children are shaping the sand into mound. 孩子们把沙子堆成山丘。 Shape a dough into a ball. 把和好的面揉成一团。 He is a devil in human shape. 他是一只披着人皮的狼。,词汇点击,7. shape vt. 造成形状 n. 形状,形态,follow the shape of 依照的形式 in shape 身体/物体状况良好 out of shape 身体/物体状况不佳 in the shape of 呈的形态;以的形状,词汇点击,7. shape vt. 造成形状 n. 形状,形态,单项填空 You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _. A. date B. shape C. order D. balance,【解析】 B 句意:你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在帽子已经严重变形了。,run out 为不及物动词短语,后面接宾语时,需加 of。 The petrol in our car is running out. 我们车的汽油快耗尽了。 My contract runs out next July. 我们的合同明年7月到期。,短语精释,1. run out 用完,耗尽;(协议,文件等)失效,过期,短语精释,1. run out 用完,耗尽;(协议,文件等)失效,过期,完成句子,Many hospitals are _ money. 许多医院都快没有资金了。,running out of,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,Its time to get rid of these old pictures. 该是我们处理掉这些旧照片的时候了。 He was a boring nuisance! Im glad to get rid of him. 他这个人真讨厌!我很庆幸能摆脱他的纠缠。,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,知识拓展,get down to (doing) sth. 着手(开始认真)做某事 get along / on with sth. / sb. 与某人相处;(工作、学习等)进展 get into 陷入,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,知识拓展,get over从(疾病,失望等中)恢复;克服(困难) get through (with) 干完,完成,度过,打通电话 get (sth.) across to (sb.) 将传达给 get around 四处走动;传播,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,知识拓展,Im going to get down to some serious jobhunting after Christmas. 圣诞节后我打算认真找份工作。 Mrs White gets around quite a lot, working for an international company. 怀特女士为一家跨国公司工作,经常到处奔波。,完成句子,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,I cant _. 我戒不了烟。 What he said at the meeting _. 他在会上所说的话让他陷入了麻烦。,get rid of smoking,got him into trouble,完成句子,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,How are you _ your new classmates? 你与新同学相处得怎么样呢? Im afraid your daughter failed to _ her midterm exam. 恐怕你的女儿没有通过期中考试。,getting on with,get through,完成句子,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除,I couldnt _. The line was busy. A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through,【解析】 D 句意:我打不通电话,电话占线了。get through 在此意为“打通电话”。,完成句子,短语精释,2. get rid of 处理掉,去掉;摆脱,排除, The boss said we has only three days to finish the work. Dont worry.We have already _ two thirds of it. A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away,【解析】 B 句意:“老板说我们只有3天的时间完成工作。”“不用担心,我们已经完成了2/3。”get through (with) 干完(工作)。,词汇点击,3. rely on / upon 依赖,依靠;信任,信赖,I think we can rely on him not telling anyone. 我认为我们可以信赖他,他不会告诉任何人。,rely on sb. / sth. for 依靠某人/某物 rely on sb. / sth. to do / doing 信任某人/某物去做 rely on it that 指望 rely on ones own effort 依靠某人自己的努力,完成句子,短语精释,3. rely on / upon 依赖,依靠;信任,信赖,He can be _ to keep secret. 相信他能保密。 We have to _ the river for water. 我们用水只能依靠这条河。 We _. 我们依靠自己的努力。,relied on,rely on,rely on our own efforts,短语精释,4. for sure肯定地,有把握地;相当于certainly or surely,常用于非正式文体中,在句中作状语。,I think he lives there but I dont know for sure. 我想他是住在那里的,但是我不敢确定。,make sure (that) 确信,确保 be / make sure of sth. 对某事确信/有把握 be sure to do sth. 一定做某事;务必做某事,短语精释,4. for sure肯定地,有把握地;相当于certainly or surely,常用于非正式文体中,在句中作状语。,He is sure of success. 他有把握成功。 He is sure to succeed. 他一定会成功的。,短语精释,4. for sure肯定地,有把握地;相当于certainly or surely,常用于非正式文体中,在句中作状语。,完成句子,Please _ the door is locked when you leave. 请你离开时一定要把门锁好。 晚饭前务必完成功课。 _.,make sure that,Be sure to finish your homework before supper.,短语精释,5. instead of 代替,Will you go to the party instead of me? 可否请你替我去参加宴会呢?,词语辨析instead of, instead,instead of 代替,后接名词、代词、动名词、介词短语。 instead 为副词,可单独使用,置于句首或句末。置于句首时,常表示“而是/反而”。,短语精释,5. instead of 代替,Will you go to the party instead of me? 可否请你替我去参加宴会呢?,词语辨析instead of, instead,He gave me an English book instead of a Chinese book. He didnt give me a Chinese book.Instead, he gave me an English book. 他没给我汉语书,而是给了我一本英语书。,短语精释,5. instead of 代替,完成句子,He was ill, so I went to the meeting _ him. 他病了,所以我代替他来参加会议。 We havent got any coffee. Would you like tea _? 我们没有咖啡,你喝茶行吗?,instead of,instead,Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.,句型探究,每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会变。,句型探究,no matter后接what/who/which/when/where/how等引导让步状语从句。,No matter how hard I learn English, I still cant master it. 无论我怎样努力学习英语,我仍然无法精通。 No matter where you are, you must write me a letter. 无论你在哪儿,一定给我写信。 No matter who saved the boy, he is worth everyones respect. 无论是谁救的那孩子,他都值得所有人的尊敬。,句型探究,知识拓展,no matterwhat / who / which / where / when / how也可改为 what / who / which / where / when / however 的形式。no matter疑问词只能引导状语从句,而疑问词ever 除了引导状语从句外,还可引导名词性从句。,句型探究,知识拓展,Whatever youre doing when you want to smoke do something else!(引导让步状语从句) No matter what youre doing when you want to smoke do something else!(no matter what 引导让步状语从句) 不论你想抽烟时正在做什么去做点别的吧! I will give the prize to whoever win the game.(whoever 引导名词性从句) 我将把奖金给赢了的人。,句型探究,You can take away _ book on show here. A. which B. whichever C. no matter which D. no matter what,单项填空,【解析】 B whichever 引导宾语从句,不能变为 “no matter 疑问词”的形式。,句型探究,The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit _ the season. A. whatever B. wherever C. whenever D. however,单项填空,【解析】 A 句意:这个律师除了西服很少穿其他衣服,无论是什么季节。whatever the season后面省略了is。,句型探究,_ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. Although,单项填空,【解析】 A 句意:无论你准备得多么好,在爬山中你仍然需要运气。,句型探究,No matter how _, it is not necessarily lifeless. (2011辽宁卷) A. a desert may be dry B. dry a desert may be C. may a desert be dry D. dry may a desert be,单项填空,【解析】 B 句意:不管沙漠多么干燥,都未必是无生气的。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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