2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M7 Unit 4《Public transport》

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2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M7 Unit 4《Public transport》_第1页
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2013届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M7 Unit 4《Public transport》_第3页
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Unit 4 Public transport,1、postpone vt. 延期, 推迟,The weather being bad, we had to postpone our trip. 因为天气不好,我们不得不延期出行。 The party was postponed until 8 oclock. 晚会推迟到8点举行。,We agree to the shipping date, (that) there is no steamer recently. 由于(考虑到)最近无船,我们同意推迟装船日期。,postpone; considering,2、 beneath,prep. 在之下;向下面 The sun is now beneath the horizon. 太阳此刻落到地平线以下了。 (地位等)低于;劣于 He is beneath his brother intellectually. 他在智力方面不如他兄弟。 adv. 在下面 Her careful makeup hid the signs of age beneath. 她细致的化妆掩盖了她年龄的痕迹。,beneath ones dignity 有失身份 beneath under 在的正下方 under有“在进行中”的意思。,A above的反义词为below; beneath的反义词为over。,The supplier of goods will sell nothing if he charges above the market price and sell all if he charges at or _ the market price. A. below B. beneath C. over D. above,3、辨析annoy, bother,annoy 指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”。 bother 指不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”, 使人不能安宁, 而产生烦恼的心理。 I was annoyed by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒。 Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter. 请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。,C get annoyed with sb. 对恼火;生的气。,The lady got _ because the boy broke her window. A. happy B. annoy C. annoyed D. anger,4、convey vt.,运载; 运送某人/某物 convey sb./sth. (fromto) take sb./sth.; carry sb./sth.; transmit sb./sth. Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。 This train conveys both passengers and goods. 这列火车既载人又载货。,表达或传达(思想、感情等) convey sth. (to sb.) convey (to the reader) the poets feelings / what the poet feels (向读者)充分地表达出诗人的思想感情 Words cannot convey how delighted I was. 言辞无法表达我内心的喜悦。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。,convey sth. (to sb.) (法律) 转让(土地 财产等) conveyor 运送者; 传送者; 传达者; 转让者;运输设备; 传送装置 one of the largest conveyors of passenger traffic 最大的客运工具之一,convey their sincere apology to,They asked me to you and promised to replace these rollers by new ones. 他们请我向你们转达他们真诚的歉意,他们还保证用新滚筒替换这些滚筒。,5、 undertake vt. & vi. (undertook, undertaken) 承担;承受;许诺;开始进行,undertake后接名词、代词或不定式作宾语,但不能接动词的ing形式。同时,也可接宾语从句。 undertake to do sth. 答应做某事 undertake a task/a project/a research 负责一个任务/工程/研究,Ill undertake that I will buy you a birthday present. 我保证给你买一个生日礼物。 I undertook to teach the children English. 我答应教孩子们英语。 He is going to undertake a new experiment. 他打算着手进行一项新的实验。,undertake,If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will _ to replace it. 如果设备达不到议定的规格质量,我们将负责调换。,6、辨析rise, arise, raise,这3个动词的音、形近似,且含义也相近,都有“上升”的意思,但它们的含义和用法有所不同。 (1) rise vi. (rose, risen)没有被动语态,使用范围较广。它可以指太阳、月亮、河水、物价、数量等“升起、上升、增长”,也可以指人“起立、起床、地位升高”等。 (2) arise意为“上升;发生”,是比较庄重的用语,主要用于诗歌或带古风的文体,含有比喻的韵味;当difficulty, problem, crisis, conflict等词用作主语时,习惯上与arise搭配,不用rise。,(3) raise vt. 它一般指“升起、举起、抬起、提出”等具体行为、动作,有时也用于借喻,表示“提高”工资、价格、地位,“增加”数量、容量等。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 They raised a national flag. 他们升起了一面国旗。,C 句意:然后问题出现了。我们大学毕业后将做什么?表示出现不愉快的“问题”,常用arise。,The question _ then. What are we going to do when we graduate from the university? A. raises B. arouses C. arises D. rises,B 句意:听到那不公平的条件,那位生气的人提高嗓音从椅子上站起来。前一空后面没有宾语,故用不及物动词rose。后一句后面接有宾语,故用及物动词raise的现在分词形式,表伴随状况。,Having heard the unfair conditions, the angry man _ from the chair, _ his voice. A. raised; raising B. rose; raising C. raised; rising D. rose; rising,rose,The total output by 20%. 总产量增长了20%。,arise,New problems _ when the old ones are solved. 旧问题解决时新问题又来了。,was raised,He _ from clerk to manager. 他由职员提升到经理。,1、 link up 联系,连接,The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit. 两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上(互相)连接。 The two highways link up here. 两条高速公路在这里衔接起来。 The electrician joined the wires up. 电工把电线连接起来。,Railway lines country towns the capital. 铁路把各个城镇与首都连接起来。,link; with,2、drop off,(1) 让下车 Please drop me off at the bank. 请让我在银行下车。 (2) 减少;下降 The business of the company was dropping off. 这家公司的生意日益清淡。 (3) 睡着 She dropped off during the lesson. 她在听课时睡着了。,My old friend Jack was on business in the city and he _ me yesterday. A. dropped out of B. dropped in at C. dropped in on D. dropped off,C drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人。,3、split up 分裂,破裂,离婚,Jenny and Joe have split up. 珍妮和乔闹翻了。,这个政党分裂成3个小派别。 The party _ three small groups.,split up into,1、Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke. 由于蒸汽机冒出来的烟,早期的地铁线在一定的间隔下有一个洞通向表面,以便让新鲜空气进来,不会让人窒息。,本句中so that 引导目的状语从句;leading作定语修饰 holes。 This is the passage leading to his backyard. 这是通向他后院的走廊。 I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations. 我用功,免得考试不及格。 We turned on the light so that we might see (so as to see) what it was. 我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。,Bring it I may see it better. 把它拿近点儿,让我仔细看看。,closer so that,2、 So, why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today? 所以今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观光一番呢?,Why not do? 是Why dont you do?的省略形式,这是表“建议”的句型,意为:为什么不做呢?其肯定式是why do you do / why do?肯定句式常用于责问对方,意为:为什么做? Why dont you (Why not) sing a song? 为什么不唱支歌呢? Why do you/Why lend him the money? 为什么要借钱给他?,表示“建议”的其他句型: (1) Lets do, shall we? / How / What about doing? 我们可以做吗?/做怎么样? (2) Cant we do? 我们不能做吗?(这是一个否定疑问句表示建议或邀请) (3) I suggest you (should) do / I advise you to do / Youd better do 我劝你应该做/你最好做(这3个句型均为直接向对方提出建议,使用时需注意句中的动词形式),(4) Maybe we could do 也许我们能做 (5) Would you like /love to do? 你愿意做吗? (6) I wonder if you should do 我想知道你是否应该做 (7) I think its better for you to do 我认为对你来说做更好。, Its a long time since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend? A. Why not visit B. Why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit,A 句意:“我很久没有见到我的妹妹了。”“为什么不在这个周末去看看她去呢?”回答人显然是在提出建议。“Why not 动词原形”结构用来表示建议。,Why the teacher for advice? 为什么不向老师征求意见呢?,not turn to,3、 Many cyclists fail to pay attention to the cars that surround them, and often ride too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop. 许多骑自行车的人没有注意周围的车辆,而且经常骑得与车辆太近,以至于车辆没有足够的空间和时间刹车。,句中的too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop 是“too adj. / adv. (for sb. / sth. ) to do sth.”句型,表示“太以致(某人)不能做某事”。,The problem is too difficult for me to work out. 这问题太难了,我解答不了。 The gate is too narrow for a car to get through. 这门太窄了,一辆小汽车通不过。 其实,这类句子都可以改为sothat结构的句子。以上句子可分别改写为: The problem is so difficult that I cant work it out. The gate is so narrow that a car cant get through it.,too adj. / adv. (for n./ pron. ) to do sth.结构在大多数情况下表示否定意义,即“太而不能”之意,但tooto结构在下列几种情况下,也可表示肯定意义。 not 置于动词不定式前,成为toonot to do结构时,原来表示否定意义的不定式再次受否定,变为肯定意义,意为“太不会不”或“非常必定能”。 He is too tall not to reach the book on the bookshelf. 他很高不会够不到书架上的书。,在tooto do这一结构前有not, never, no longer, but, only, all等词时,这一结构的意思也为肯定意义。 The box is not too heavy for me to carry. 这个箱子并不重,我提得动。 You know but too well to hold your tongue. 你十分清楚少言为佳。 Ill be only too glad to join in your games. 我非常想参加你们的比赛。,too 后为 anxious, eager, easy, glad, happy, pleased, excited, ready, satisfied, kind, willing, difficult等表示态度、心情、倾向等方面的形容词时,too 相当于very much(极其,十分,非常),表示肯定意义。 They were too anxious to leave. 他们急着要走。 Its too kind of you to help us repair the car. 你真是太好了,帮助我们修车。 当不定式充当句子中的实际主语时,tooto表示肯定含义。 Its too wrong of you to have made such foolish mistakes. 你犯这种愚蠢的错误实在是大错特错。,D 句意:没关系,我非常高兴能帮助你。tooto前面有only表示肯定意义,表示“非常”。, Thanks for your trouble. Not at all. Im _ pleased to help you. A. too much B. too only C. so much D. only too,too wise not to know,You are _ that. 你很聪明,必然会知道那件事情。,never too old to learn,One is _. 活到老,学到老。,is too ready to,The model worker _ help others. 这位劳动模范非常乐于帮助别人。,4、Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control. 在你的自行车上加上一个重东西会使自行车更难以控制。,此句是make it adj. (for sb.) to do sth.句型。在此结构中,it是形式宾语,此结构中真正的宾语是后面的不定式,而形容词充当了宾语补足语成分,尤其是当宾语太长时,常采用it作形式宾语的形式。,Each new way of looking at a situation deepens our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities. 每一种看待情况的新方法都会加深我们对问题的理解,使我们更容易发现新的解决途径。 The hard situation here made it necessary to make some changes. 现在困难的局面有必要做一些变化了。,(1) 此类以it作形式宾语的动词还有feel, consider, find, believe, take, imagine, think, suppose, regard等。 I consider it reasonable to tell her beforehand. 我认为提前告诉她还是很有道理的。 (2) make 宾语宾语补足语 在这一结构中,宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词不定式、过去分词或形容词形式。 make 宾语不带to的不定式。这一结构表示的意思是“使某人做某事”。 若变为被动语态,补语要用带to的动词不定式。,They made the boy stand in front of us. 他们让那个男孩站在我们面前。 In the old society, the farmers were made to work day and night. 在旧社会,农民被迫不分白天黑夜地干活。 make 宾语过去分词。这一结构表示的意思是“使某人/某事被”。,The chemistry teacher had a special way to make his students interested in chemistry. 这位化学老师有一种特殊的方法使学生对化学感兴趣。 make 宾语形容词。这一结构表示的意思是“使某人/某事(变得)”。 make后的宾补还可用名词。 She made herself the centre of the class. 她使自己成为班里的中心。,D 句意:作为诺顿最忙的人,她把关心镇里其他人的事作为她的职责。作形式宾语只能用it。,As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town. A. this B. that C. one D. it,find it quite impossible to,I make some changes. 我发现要做些变化不可能。,made him very excited,The interesting story _. 这个有趣的故事使得他很兴奋。,1. D 考查连词。根据题意:如果很多人说这部电影不好看,我也懒得去看了,或者我等到出了DVD再看。until 直到。,1. If a lot of people say a film is not good, I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait _ it comes out on DVD.(2011上海) A. whether B. after C. though D. until,2. D 本题考查宾语从句,whatn./pron. that。本题of 后缺少名词,other前缺少连接词。只有what 能替代两个成分,引导从句作of的宾语。所以,选择D。句意:你想通过你的话传递的信息也许正好与他人实际理解的相反。,2. The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of _ others actually understand.(2011上海) A. why B. that C. which D. what,1语法一致原则。即主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式。主语为复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式。 2意义一致原则。即谓语动词的单复数形式由主语表达的实际意义决定。同样形式的主语含义不同时,谓语单复数形式有变化。 3就近原则。即谓语动词的单复数形式由靠近谓语动词的名词确定。 4承前原则。即谓语动词的单复数形式由远离谓语动词的名词确定。,1“Either A or B谓语”结构,谓语取决于B。 Either the students or their teacher dislikes basketball. 老师和学生都不喜欢篮球。 但在一般疑问句中,谓语取决于A。 Do either the students or their teacher dislike basketball? 这种谓语取决于与其最近的主语现象叫做“就近原则”。,2“Neither A nor B谓语”结构,谓语多取决于B。但现代英语也出现复数谓语,理由是neither A nor B是两部分之和,为复数概念,故其后可用复数谓语。 Neither she nor I was(或were) fortunate enough to gain extra points. 她和我都不幸未能获得附加分。 3Neither of 接单、复谓(通常视为单数,但在口语中,从表达的实际意义上亦可视为复数) None of 接单、复谓语 Neither of them is(或are) right. 他们两个都不正确。,4“A as well as/(together)with/along with/but/rather than B谓语”结构,谓语取决于A。 All but Li Dong have passed the test. 除了李东所有人都通过了考试。 5表示钱数、时间、长度、数学等概念名词,其后通常用单数谓语。 20 kilometres is too much for them. 20公里是他们吃不消的。,6There be 结构中be的形式取决于靠近be的名词,若是单数名词,则be为is/was; 若是复数名词,则be为are/were(即第1条中的“就近原则”)。 There is a desk, two chairs and three sofas in the room. 房间里有一张课桌,两把椅子和三把沙发。 7a group of,a team of后跟复谓、单谓皆可,跟复谓的理由是不止一个人,跟单谓的理由是将许多人视为“一组”、“一队”这样的一个单位体。 A group/team of students are /is cleaning the street. 一群学生在打扫街道。,8像school, class, family, team, group等这类群体名词,其后谓语可能是单数形式,也可能是复数形式。通常视其为一个整体单位时,用单数谓语;视其为群体成员时,则用复数谓语。 The class are having a meeting. 这个班学生在开会。 The class is not very big. 这个班不是大班。 9像police, clothes, trousers这类复数概念名词,其后总是跟复数谓语。the wounded (伤员)后总是跟复数谓语。,10像clothing, news, information, advice这类不可数名词后应跟单数谓语,但它们前面有可数性短语修饰时,也可跟复数谓语。 Three pieces of news were announced on TV. 电视上播放了3条消息。 11百分数of复名复谓,百分数of单名/不可数名词单谓。分数后的谓语形式同百分数。 40 percent of the students are girls. 40%的学生是女生。 80 percent of the task has been finished. 完成了80%的工作。,12who/why/how/whether/if/than引导的名词从句单谓。 How he got there is unknown. 不知道他是怎样到那儿的。 13Many a 单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。 14More than one 单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。 15One and a half 复数名词作主语,谓语用单数。,1. Entering the room, the headmaster said, “Everyone _ quiet, please.” A. keep B. keeps C. is keeping D. to keep,A 此题容易误选B,因为主语 everyone通常被视为第三人称单数,所以其后谓语用 keeps。但事实上,最佳答案应是A,注意句末的 please,它表明此直接引语为祈使句,只不过该祈使句带上 everyone 这个主语。既然是祈使句,所以动词用原形,即选A。,2. In fact, _ one cause that leads to the problem. A. cattle is B. cattle are C. cattles are D. the cattles are,B 从表面上看,此题似乎应选A,其实,正确答案为B。cattle (牲畜,牛)为集合名词,用作复数意义,但不用于复数形式(即不加复数词尾s),若用作主语,谓语要用复数。,3. More than one student _ read the novels, which _ written by David. A. has; was B. have; were C. has; were D. have; was,C 此题容易误选B,其实最佳答案为C。more than one student (不止一个学生) 从形式上看是单数,但从意义上却是复数,它用作主语时,英语习惯上让其谓语与该主语的形式(而不是意义)保持一致,即用单数谓语。至于第二空要用复数,因为which指的是novels,故谓语用were。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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