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sports,必修 5 Module5,1,Introduction: Look at the pictures and speak out the names of the sports and the relative names.,2,Look at the photos. Say who the people are and which sports they play.,Deng Yaping,table tennis,basketball,Yao Ming,football (soccer),Beckham,3,Check the ball games.,athletics badminton baseball basketball boxing table tennis golf gymnastics football rugby,n. 田径运动,n. 羽毛球,n. 棒球,n. 篮球,n. 高尔夫,n. 拳击,n. 乒乓球,n. 体操运动,n. 足球,n. 橄榄球,4,athletics,5,badminton,6,baseball,7,basketball,8,boxing,9,table tennis,10,golf,11,gymnastics,balance beam,rings,floor/free exercises,12,football,13,rugby,14,Choose a word in Part 3 for each of the following pictures.,15,track,16,club,17,ring,18,trainers,19,pitch,20,net,21,bat,22,tracksuit,23,stadium,24,Match the words in the box with their meanings. bat club net pitch ring stadium track tracksuit trainers,1 Athletes run along this. 2 You hit a golf ball with this. 3 Boxers fight inside this. 4 sports shoes 5 a field where football and rugby are played,track,club,ring,trainers,pitch,25,6 In tennis and table tennis the ball must go over this. 7 You use this to hit the ball in baseball and table tennis. 8 casual clothes you can wear at home or to do sport 9 a building for important sports events, like the Olympic Games,net,bat,tracksuit,stadium,26,athletics,trainer,track,27,badminton,bat,net,28,basketball,29,boxing,ring,30,baseball,bat,31,gymnastics,Where the man perform is,stadium,32,swimming,33,volleyball,net,34,Walking race,track,35,golf,club,36,rugby,pitch,37,football,pitch,38,table tennis,tracksuit,39,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your favourite sport. Use the words below.,What? Where? How often? How good? Who . with? Example: What is your favourite sport? Now tell the class about your favourite sport.,40,Use these words below to tell the class about your favorite sports.,What is your favorite sport? Where do you often play? How often do you play? How do you feel? Who do you play with?,My favorite sport is basketball.,I often play it at school.,I play it three times a week.,I feel very happy.,I often play with my classmates.,41,Reading: A Life in Sport,Li Ning,42,Read the passage and say what you can see in the photo.,What is the sportsman doing? Do you know the name of this type of gymnastics he is doing? What is the name of this gymnast? What else do you know about him?,Li Ning is performing on the pommelled horse at a competition. 鞍马,43,Para 1. Li Nings sports life was very successful.,Read the passage to find out the topic sentence or summarize the main idea of each paragraph,44,Paragraph 1,1. Why did people call Li Ning the prince of gymnasts? 2. What did the sports journalists meet to do in 1999? 3. Why did Li Ning retire with the feeling that he had failed?,He had won 106 gold medals in_ across the world. They included six out of seven gold medals,He _because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.,Sports journalists met to_ the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century and Li Nings name was on it.,make a list of,was disappointed,major competitions,45,retire (v) (n.) retirement 退休 retire as +职位 作为退休 from 从退休 to 退休到 with 带着 退休,Language points,Para.1,46,2. They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship. six in seven six in seven 七个当中有六个,47,In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left. 在英国的某些地方, 十个人当中有一个,到30岁时, 牙全掉光了。 3. as well as 和,也,48,4. Li Nings name was on it, together with Footballer Pele and boxer Ali. 和, 连同 together with连接主语时, 由前面的主语决定谓语动词。 He, together with his parents has been to America. 5. even though/if 即使,49,6. disappointing (adj.) 令人失望的 disappointed(adj.) 感到失望 be disappointed in/with sb 对失望 (事实) at/about sth/doing sth(行为不满) to do (去做.) of sth (得不到),50,Para 2 Li Ning launched a new brand of sportswear after he retired.,Main idea,51,Paragraph 2,1. What made him determined to succeed in his new life? 2. What did he decide to launch? 3. What do you know about his logo?,_made him determined to succeed in his new life.,He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, _ global giants.,The bright red logo_ the first two pinyin letters of his name.,is made up of,competing with,The sense of failure,52,Anything is possible.,A slogan,Logo,53,7. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to(下决心去做) succeed in his new life.,强调句的结构 It is/was +被强调部分+who/that+其它,Para.2,54,Mary(1) did the experiment(2) in the lab(3) yesterday evening(4). (1)强调主语: It was Mary who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. (2)强调宾语: It was the experiment that Mary did in the lab yesterday evening. (3)强调地点: It was in the lab that Mary did the experiment yesterday evening. (注意不用where) (4)强调时间: It was yesterday evening that Mary did the experiment in the lab. (注意不用where),55,8. compete (v.) compete with 和 竞争 in 参赛 for 为竞争 against 反对而竞争 competition (n.) competitor (n.) competitive (adj.),56,be made up of 由组成 =be composed of consist of(主动) Eg: My class is made up of 40 students. My class is composed of 40 students. My class consists of 40 students.,57,Para 3 Several elements guaranteed Li Nings success.,Main idea,58,Paragraph 3,Why did Li Nings success come quickly?,on the increase,attractive,had a major advantage over,They _their betterknown rivals-they were cheaper.,His designs were_.,The number of young people with money to spend was_.,So success was guaranteed,59,10. On the increase 正在增加,越来越多 Eg: 1. The demand for food is on the increase in Africa. 2. Traffic accidents in this city are on the increase. increase by 增加了 increase to 增加到,Para.3,60,11. design (v) 设计,企图 (n)designer 设计师 Eg: design sth for sb 为 设计 by design 故意 design to do 企图去做,61,12. advantage 优势, 长处 1.) take advantage of sth. 利用 = make use of He often takes advantage of her kindness and borrows money from her.他经常利用她的善良向她借钱。 2.) have the advantage of/ over 胜过,占优势 You have the advantage of me there. 在那点上你比我强。,62,3.) to the advantage of sb. = to sbs advantage 对某人有利 It is to our advantage to recognize his characteristic.,63,13.倍数的表达方式 1. A + be + Num. + times asas +B My house is twice as large as his 2. A + be + Num. + times + adj. (er) + than + B At least, the train runs five times faster than the boat 3 A + be + Num. + times +the +length /size /width/depth/weight of B The train is twice the length of that one,64,Ten years ago, the population of that village was_ that of theirs A as twice large as B twice as large as C twice as much as D as twice much as peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks but it cost _ his A as much twice as B twice as much as C much as twice as D as twice much as,c,b,65,14. guarantee + n. + to do sth. + that clause guarantee n. 抵押品, 担保 They guarantee this clock for a year. 这块表保修一年。 I guarantee to pay off his debt. =I guarantee that Ill pay off his debt.,66,Para 4 Li Ning products are very successful now.,Main idea,67,Paragraph 4,How successful are Li Ning products?,purchased,The chances,internationally,will be wearing,Chinese athletes_ Li Ning tracksuits during the 2008 Olympics.,The company has also grown_.,_are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo, when you go into a school or university anywhere.,A Li Ning Product is _every ten seconds.,68,15. the chances are 大概是; 很可能 eg: The chances are that shell be coming.,Para.4,69,Para 5 Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport.,Main idea,70,Paragraph 5,What has Li Ning continued to do since he opened a school for gymnasts? He has continued to help young people to_.,achieve their sporting ambitions,71,16. ambition n. 抱负, 雄心, 野心 ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的, 有野心的 achieve / fulfill / realize an ambition an ambition to do sth/of doing sth be full of ambition 野心勃勃 She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes. His ambition to become a pilot was thwarted (阻挠) by poor eyesight.,72,Read the text again and fill in the blanks.,3 gold medals,106 gold medals,Seoul Olympics,Detailed understanding,6 gold medals,73,began a new career,sporting ambitions,1999,national market,74,Summary & practice,75,Fill in the blanks.,When Li Ning began as a businessman, he didnt forget his 1. _, so he decided to launch a 2. _ of sportswear. He chose his own name as the 3. _, and the bright red logo is 4. _ L and N. As soon as his sports clothes 5. _ the market, they were popular among the young people, because these designs were 6. _,sporting background,new brand,brand mark,made up of,came onto,attractive,76,and they were 7. _ than other better-known rivals. Now, the company has grown internationally. The Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes, while Italian designers are employed to 8. _. During the 2008 Olympics, Chinese athletes will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.,cheaper,create new styles,77,Students finish the exercise on book P.43,78,2. Complete the table with words from the passage.,competition,failure,retirement,success,79,1. Li Ning won six medals at the Angeles Olympics. 2. He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.,3,Read the passage and check the true statements.,80,3. He got a new job working for Nike sportswear. 4. He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully. 5. Six Li Ning products are sold every minute. 6. Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.,81,7. In1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali. 8. He wants to help children become good at sport.,82,5. Find words or phrases in the passage which mean:,1 a prize you can win at a sports competition 2 having a strong wish to do something 3 to introduce (into the market) 4 the name of a product made by a specific company 5 sports clothes,medal,determined,launch,brand,sportswear,83,6 a big international company 7 a symbol which represents a particular brand 8 people you compete against 9 to come out 10 a strong wish for the future,global giant,logo,rivals,step out,goal,84,6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. compete fail guarantee perform retire succeed,1 Professional footballers usually _ before they are forty. 2 How many runners will you have to _ against in the marathon? 3 Li Ning had all the skills needed to _ in business. 4 How well did he _ in the 100 metres? 5 If you _ the exam, you wont go to university. 6 We will do our best, but I cant _ that we will win.,retire,compete,succeed,perform,fail,guarantee,85,Homework,Finish Reading in the Workbook. Read the passage again.,86,根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 Chinese economy is growing fast, so more families are able to p_ private cars. 2. Nike and Adidas are both world famous b_. 3. Li Ping p_ very well in the competition and won the gold medal.,urchase,rand,erform,随堂测试,87,4. Her wedding dress is made by a very famous fashion d_. 5. The advertising s_ of Li Ning sportswear is known to us all anything is possible. 6. The parents tried their best to help their son to achieve his _ (志向) of becoming a famous pianist.,esigner,logan,ambition,88,7. The Olympic Games are a get-together for athletes from different countries and different _ (背景). 8. People generally regard the dove as a(n) _ (象征) of peace. 9. He is too young to have a(n) _ (具体的) aim for the future. 10. We see that company as our biggest _ (竞争对手).,background,symbol,specific,competitor,89,II. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。,launch, represent, employ guarantee, compete,determine, international, disappoint,They promised their electric products could be _ for three years. 2. The degree received in our college is _ recognized.,guaranteed,internationally,90,3. _ to continue studying abroad, he came to Canada. 4. They kept on developing new products _ against other similar products. 5. To his _, he didnt beat his final rival, taking second place. 6. Mrs. Smith had no choice but to be _ as a cleaner in the hotel. 7. The company hopes to _ the new drug by next October.,Determined,to compete,disappointment,employed,launch,91,8. Mr. Baker _ the company in the trade talks instead of his manager.,represented,92,III. 根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。 At every Christmas season all the big stores _ _ (竞争) each other for more customers. 2. _ _ (即使) I fail again, I wont give up the experiment. 3. What _ (使你决定成为) an Olympic torch bearer?,compete with,Even though,made you determine(d) to be,93,4. _ (就是在她退 役之后) that she decided to start a dance school. 5. Please _ (列个书 单) that you want to buy. 6. _ (很有可能) are that he will win the gold medal of the World Championships.,It was after her retirement,make a list of books,The chances,94,7. A foreign car can cost up to _ (4倍于) a similar product made at home. 8. The baby _ (继续) cry in spite of my efforts to gentle it. 9. Sadly, Mr. Robson lost his family _ (还有) his house after the fire. 10. Well try our best but we cant _ (保证能赢).,four times as much as,continued to,as well as,guarantee well win,95,Can you name more names of the sports?,田径运动 track and field; athletics 田 赛 field events 径 赛 track events 跳 高 high jump 撑杆跳高 pole jump; 跳 远 long/broad jump 三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump 马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race) 接 力 relay race; relay,96,跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race 竞 走 walking; walking race 体 操 gymnastics 自由体操 floor/free exercises 单 杠 horizontal bar 双 杠 parallel bars 高 低 杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊 环 rings 跳 马 vaulting horse 鞍 马 pommel horse 平 衡 木 balance beam,97,球类运动 ball games 足 球 football; soccer 足 球 场 field; pitch 篮 球 basketball 篮 球 场 basketball court 排 球 volleyball 乒 乓 球 table tennis; ping pong 羽毛球运动 badminton 网 球 tennis 棒 球 baseball 垒 球 softball 手 球 handball 曲 棍 球 hockey; field hockey,98,


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