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同等学力申硕考试英语语法词汇经典练习(60题)选择题:1. Anyone who can study abroad is fortunate; but, of course, it is not easy to make the_ from one culture to another.(A).transaction(B).transportation(C).transmission(D).transition标准答案:D试题解析:考点:词义辨析 解析:transaction: 交易;办理;transportation: . 运输;运输工具;transmission:传送;播送;传递;transition:过渡;转变;转换。翻译:能出国留学很幸运,但是,当然,要从一种文化过渡另一种文化不容易。2. Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality into all our cars, because our first_ is bringing you pleasure for years to come.(A).prestige(B).benefit(C).privilege(D).priority标准答案:D试题解析:考点:近义词辨析 解析:prestige: 威望,声望;声誉;benefit: 利益,好处;privilege: 特权;优待;priority: 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事。 翻译:熟练的技术人员和先进的技术使得我们的汽车具有卓越的品质,因为我们优先考虑的是在未来岁月给你带来快乐。3. The camel is _ by the ability to go for quite a few days without water.(A). summarized(B). symbolized(C). characterized(D). represented标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:summarize:总结;概述;symbolize: 象征;characterize: 描绘的特性;具有的特征;represent: 表现;代表。翻译:骆驼具有好几天可以不用喝水的特征。4. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _.A. for longB. once in a whileC. for goodD. once upon a time标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词组辨析 解析:for long: 长久;once in a while: 偶尔;有时;for good: 永久地;一劳永逸地;once upon a time: 从前。翻译:他是如此憎恶战争以致他决定永远离开军队。5. What I am telling you is strictly_. Do not let anyone know of it.A. secretiveB. specialC. individualD. confidential标准答案: D试题解析:考点:词义辨析 解析:secretive: 秘密的;偷偷摸摸的;special: 特别的;专门的;individual: 个别的;个人的;confidential: 机密的,应保密的。翻译:我现在告诉你的事情是保密的,不要让别人知道。6. Julie is one of those women who always_ the latest fashions.A. put up withB. come up withC. get on withD. keep up with标准答案: D试题解析: 考点:词组搭配 解析:put up with:忍受;容忍;come up with: 提出;想出;get on with: 于友好相处;keep up with: 赶得上;和保持联系;翻译:朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一。7. If a cat comes too close to its nest, the mocking bird (initiates) a set of actions to protect its offspring.A hastensB triggersC devisesD releases标准答案: B试题解析: initiate “开始,创始;发起”; hasten “催促;使赶紧;加速”; trigger “触发;引发,引起”; devise “设计;发明;想出”。 release “释放;发射”翻译:如果有猫太靠近它的巢,这只知更鸟就会发起一系列动作来保护它的后代。8. Music often_ us of events in the past.(A). remembers(B). memorizes(C). reminds(D). reflects标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:remember:记得;牢记;纪念;代问好;memorize:记住,背熟;remind:提醒;使想起;常用于remind sb. of sth.句型中;reflect:反射,照出;反省。翻译:音乐经常让我们想起过去发生的事情。9. Hermans success is due to his hard work and his ability to (formulate) plans which will get work done efficiently.A fulfillB approveC conceiveD conduct(E).标准答案: C试题解析:。formulate “规划;用公式表示;明确地表达”; fulfill “履行;满足;实现”; approve “批准;赞成”; conceive “构思;持有;以为”。 conduct “管理;表现;引导”。翻译:Herman的成功是由于他努力工作和能制定计划使工作有效完成。10. Today black children in South Africa are still (reluctant) to study subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.A anxiousB curiousC opposedD unwilling标准答案: D试题解析: reluctant “勉强的;不情愿的”; anxious “渴望的;担忧的”; curious “好奇的,有求知欲的”; opposed “敌对的;相反的”; unwilling “勉强的;不情愿的”。翻译:今天南非的黑人小孩仍然不愿意学习他们长期以来被禁止学习的科目。11. He was _ enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made.(A).intelligent(B).efficient(C).proficient(D).diligent标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:intelligent: 聪明的;理解力强的; efficient: 有效率的;生效的;proficient: 熟练的,精通的; diligent:勤勉的;用功的。翻译:他很聪明,能从我的手势理解我提的问题。12. Many new_ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.(A). opportunities(B). realities(C). necessities(D). probabilities标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:opportunities: 因素;机会;机遇;realities: 现实;实际;真实;necessities: 必需品;probabilities:可能性;机率。翻译:那些受过高等教育的人将会有很多新机会。13. When the big bills for mothers hospital care came, father was glad he had money in the bank to _.(A). fall short of(B). fall through(C). fall back on(D). fall in with标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词组辨析 解析:fall short of: 达不到;缺乏;fall through: 落空;失败;fall back on: 借助于,求助于;fall in with: 偶然遇到;赞同。翻译:当拿到妈妈的医疗账单时,爸爸庆幸他还可以求助于存在银行的钱。14. Children usually (take after) both parents because they inherit characteristics from both the mother and the father.A. inheritB. likeC. assembleD. resemble标准答案: D试题解析:take after “与相像”; inherit “继承”; like介词 “像”; assemble “集合,聚集;装配”; resemble “类似,像”翻译:孩子通常像父母,因为他们从父母两者继承了特征。15. People of (diverse) backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business or education.A. differentB. distinctiveC. similarD. separate标准答案: A试题解析: diverse “不同的;变化多的;多种多样的”; different “不同的”; distinctive “有特色的,与众不同的”; similar “相似的”; separate “分开的;单独的”翻译:为了观光、出差或留学,来自不同文化背景的人们现在可以坐飞机到遥远的地方。16. He (was confronted with) many difficulties, which, with the help of his friends, he successfully overcame.(A). was opposed by(B). was faced with(C). was happy with(D). was caused by标准答案: B试题解析: be confronted with “面临,面对”; be opposed by “被反对”;be faced with “面临;面对”;be happy with “与在一起很高兴;对感到满意”; be caused by “由引起”。翻译:他面临了很多困难,在他朋友们的帮助下,成功地克服了这些困难。17. The agencys ruling (crippled) their plans.A. enhancedB. promptedC. impairedD. advanced标准答案: C试题解析:cripple “削弱;使跛”; enhance “提高;增加;加强”; prompt “促进;激起”, impair “削弱;损害;减少”; advance “预付;提出;使前进;将提前”。翻译:该机构的统治削弱了他们的计划。18. The new device can (regulate) the amount of oil that goes into the truck.A. reduceB. relateC. controlD. process标准答案: C试题解析: regulate “调节,规定;控制”; reduce “减少;降低”; relate “叙述;使有联系”; control “控制;管理;抑制”; process “处理;加工”。翻译:该新设置能调节进入卡车的油量。19. It is necessary to make an (abstract) while writing a report.(A).index(B).analysis(C).discussion(D).summary标准答案: D试题解析: abstract “抽象;摘要”; index “指数;索引”; analysis “分析;分解”; discussion “讨论,议论”; summary:“概要,摘要”。翻译:在写报告的时候有必要写摘要。20. Failure to control the growth of international debt will also (constrain) living standards.(A). enhance(B). reinforce(C). restrain(D). stabilize标准答案: C试题解析: constrain “强迫;束缚;驱使”; enhance “提高;增加;加强”; reinforce “加强,加固”; restrain “抑制,控制;制止”; stabilize “使稳固,使安定”。翻译:不能控制国际债务的增长也将抑制生活水平。21. Successful leaders _ events rather than react to them.(A). conquer(B). dominate(C). determine(D). contest标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:conquer:征服;dominate:主导,控制;determine:决定,断定;contest:竞赛。react to是做出反应,相对来说比较被动。所以选B。翻译:成功的领导者是先控制事件而不是事后才作方应。22. In the law court, the suspect couldnt _ his time at that time.(A). count on(B). account(C). account for(D). count标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:count on: 指望;account: 账目,账户;account for: 对作出解释;count:计算。翻译:在法庭上,这名疑犯不能为他那时在做什么作出解释。23. That old film (evoked) our father generations memories of the years of the war.A annoyedB irritatedC rousedD advocated(E).标准答案: C试题解析:。evoke “引起,唤起”; annoy “骚扰;打搅;惹恼”; irritate “激怒;刺激,使兴奋”; rouse “唤醒;激起”。 advocate“提倡,主张,拥护”。翻译:那部老电影唤起了父辈对战争年代的回忆。24. She always handles the problems _ her own experience and principles.(A).in the light of(B). in the event of(C). in the face of(D). in the course of标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词组辨析 解析:in the light of: 根据,按照;鉴于; in the event of: 万一,如果发生;in the face of: 面对; in the course of:在过程,在期间。翻译:她一直都是根据她自己的经验和原则来处理问题。25. There is no denial that in the tropical area there is a high_ of malaria.(A). incident(B). incidence(C). accident(D). precedent标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:incident:事件;incidence: 发生率;accident: 事故;precedent: 前例。翻译:不可否认,在热带地区疟疾的发生率很高。26. Their (assumption) that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.A. multiplicationB. emotionC. suppositionD. emission标准答案: C试题解析:assumption “假定;设想;担任;采取”; multiplication “乘法;增加”; emotion “情感;情绪”, supposition “假定;推测;想像”; emission “(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射”。翻译:他们以为他们正在进行的课题是崭新的,事实证明不是那样。27. Two (substitutes) were used during the basketball games.(A).players(B).centers(C).referees(D).replacement标准答案: D试题解析: substitutes “替代品;替补”; player “运动员”; center “中心,中央”; referee “裁判员;调解人;介绍人”; replacement:更换;代替者。翻译:在这次篮球比赛中用了两个替补。28. Our readers are comfortable with our clear, _ words that inform and entertain them.(A). convention(B). concise(C). creative(D). crucial标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:convention: 大会;协定;惯例;习俗;concise: 简明的,简洁的;creative: 创造性的;crucial: 决定性的;重要的。翻译:读者喜欢我们清晰简洁的语言,这些语言告诉他们信息并取悦他们。29. Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except_?(A).ingredients(B).elements(C).components(D).compounds标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:ingredients: (食物的)成分;材料;elements: 基础;原理;因素;components:(机器等的)部件;组件;成分;compounds:化合物;混合物;复合词。翻译:为什么素菜馆的菜除了材料外各方面都像肉呢?30. The government will try to _for those who were exposed to radiation.(A).compete(B).compensate(C).complain(D).compose标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:compete: 竞争;compensate: 补偿;complain: 抱怨;compose: 谱曲。 翻译:政府将会努力补偿那些暴露在辐射下的人们。31. The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen _ into human nature.A. intellectB. insightC. perceptionD. understanding标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:intellect: 智力,理解力;知识分子;insight: 洞察力;洞悉;perception: 感觉;知觉;洞察力;understanding: 谅解,理解;理解力。翻译:这本书的作者显示了他对人性引人注目的敏锐洞察力。32. _ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.A. Rather thanB. Apart fromC. Instead ofD. Owing to标准答案: B试题解析:考点:词组辨析 解析:rather than: 而不是;宁可也不愿;apart from: 远离,除之外;且不说;instead of: 代替;不是而是;owing to: 由于,因为。翻译:除了是一项有乐趣的、良好的锻炼方式,游泳还是一项有用地技能。33. The idea of being evaluated by_ makes some managers uneasy.A. substanceB. subsidyC. subordinatesD. subsequence标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词义搭配 解析:substance:物质;实质;subsidy: 津贴;补助金;补贴;subordinate: 下属,下级;部属,属下;subsequence: 后继;随后发生的事情;翻译:由下属评估让一些经理感到不安。34. As the rubber business (declined) in South America, Brazil turned to the production of coffee.A. was prosperousB. failedC. was on an inclineD. was kept back标准答案: B试题解析: decline “下降;拒绝;衰落”; prosperous “繁荣的”;fail“失败,衰退”; incline “倾斜,斜坡”;keep back“留在后面”翻译:由于南美橡胶生意衰落,巴西转向咖啡生产。35. A long journey in cold weather is (dreadfully) tiring.A. unfortunatelyB. terriblyC. noticeablyD. predictably标准答案: B试题解析: dreadfully “可怕地;极其”; unfortunately “不幸地”; terribly “可怕地;非常;极度地”; noticeably “显著地,明显地;引人注目地”, predictably “可预言地”。翻译:寒冷天气中的漫长旅程是十分累人的。36. The salesman approached the house (cautiously) because of the vicious dog.(A). nervously(B). bravely(C). carefully(D). deliberately标准答案: C试题解析: cautiously “慎重地,谨慎地”; nervously “焦急地;神经质地;提心吊胆地”; bravely “勇敢地”; carefully “小心地”; deliberately “故意地;慎重地”。翻译:由于那条凶猛的狗,销售员小心翼翼地走近那所房子。37. A teacher should not show (preference) for any one of his pupils.A defermentB conceptionC partialityD capacity标准答案: C试题解析: preference “偏爱,倾向;优先权”; deferment “延期;迁延”; conception “概念;设想;怀孕”; partiality “偏袒;偏心;偏爱”。 capacity “能力;容量;生产力”翻译:老师不应该偏袒任何一个学生。38. All these actions by the NATO (conflicted) with the universally accepted international laws.A assumedB resumedC interceptedD collided标准答案: D试题解析: conflict “冲突,抵触;争执”; assume “承担;假定;采取;呈现”; resume “重新开始;重新获得”; intercept “拦截;截断”; collide “使碰撞;使相撞”。翻译:北大西洋公约组织(NATO)所有的这些行为与世界公认的国际法相违背。39. The new tax policy was (denounced) in the newspaper.(A). welcomed(B). criticized(C). deleted(D). rejected标准答案: B试题解析: denounce “谴责;告发;公然抨击”; welcome “欢迎”; criticize “批评;非难”; delete “删除”。 reject “拒绝;抵制;丢弃”。翻译:这项新的税收政策受到了报界的抨击。40. Sometimes, the messages are conveyed through (deliberate), conscious gestures; other times, our bodies talk without our even knowing.A. definiteB. intentionalC. delicateD. interactive标准答案: B试题解析:deliberate “故意的;从容的;深思熟虑的”; definite “确切的;一定的”; intentional “故意的;策划的;蓄意的”; delicate “微妙的;易碎的;精美的”; interactive“相互作用的;交互式的”翻译:有时,信息可通过深思熟虑的、有意识的手势来传达。有时,甚至在我们不知不觉中,我们的肢体也传达信息。41. These newly unearthed cultural relics on the origin of Chinese characters _ the intelligence of our remote ancestors.(A). manifest(B). magnify(C). maintain(D). manipulate标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:manifest: 证明,表明;显示; magnify: 放大;赞美;夸大;maintain: 维持;维修;供养;继续;主张; manipulate:操作;操纵;巧妙地处理;篡改。翻译:这些新出土的关于汉字起源的文物证明了我们远古祖先的智慧。42. He was acquitted in _ of strong evidence of his guilt.(A). defense(B). deficit(C). default(D). defect标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词组辨析 解析:in defense of: 为辩护;为保证;deficit: 赤字;不足额;default:违约;缺乏;缺席;in default of 因缺乏;defect:缺点,缺陷;不足之处。翻译:因无确凿证据而判他无罪。43. Englands team, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to _ themselves for last years defeat.(A). revive(B). retort(C). revenge(D). remedy标准答案: C试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:revive:苏醒;复兴;复活;恢复精神;retort: 反驳,反击;revenge: 报复;替报仇;洗雪;remedy: 补救;治疗;纠正。翻译:英国队现在已经准备充分,将在下周全力以赴以洗雪去年失败的耻辱。44. Gazing at others eyes generally signals a request for information and perhaps affection, but embarrassment can _ too long a mutual gaze.A. bring forwardB. result inC. bring outD. result from标准答案: D试题解析:考点:词组辨析 解析:bring forward: 提出;提前;result in: 导致,结果是;bring out: 出版,生产;使显示;result from: 起因于;由造成。翻译:盯着别人眼睛看通常意味着请求获得信息或者可能是表达喜欢,但长时间的相互凝视可造成尴尬。45. The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a _.A. observationB. reservationC. preservationD. conservation标准答案: D试题解析: 考点:词义搭配 解析:observation观察;监视;观察报告;reservation: 保留;预约,预订;preservation: 保存,保留;conservation: 保存,保持;保护;翻译:这个珍禽巢居的岛于宣布为自然保护区。46. Although buses in this district are (scheduled) to depart at a certain hour, they are often late.A plannedB requestedC obligatedD loaded标准答案: A试题解析: scheduled “预定的;已排程的”; planned “根据计划的;有计划的”; requested “要求的;被请求的”; obligated “有义务的;责无旁贷的”。 loaded “负荷的;装填子弹的”翻译:尽管这个区的公共汽车预定在特定的时间发出,但经常会晚点。47. Important and populous (人口众多的) low or medium-income countries are not yet willing to (assume) legal commitments about their energy uses.A supposeB presumeC undertakeD transmit标准答案: C试题解析: assume “假定;承担;呈现;采取”; suppose “假设;认为;推想”; presume “假定;推测”; undertake “承担,保证;从事”; transmit “传达;传输;传播”。翻译:一些重要的人口多且中低等收入的国家还不愿意承担能源使用的法律义务。48. After a terrible accident, he has lost the (faculty) of memory.A. degreeB. typeC. abilityD. feeling标准答案: C试题解析:faculty “能力;全体教员”; degree “程度,等级;度;学位”; type “类型,品种;样式”, ability “能力,能耐;才能” ;feeling “感觉,触觉;感情”。翻译:可怕的事故后,他失去了记忆的能力。49. A lot of people could fall ill after drinking (contaminated) water.A. muddledB. pollutedC. mixedD. troubled标准答案: B试题解析: contaminated “受污染的;弄脏的”; muddled “混乱的;糊涂的”; polluted “污染的;被玷污的”; mixed “混合的;弄糊涂的;”,troubled “动乱的,不安的;混乱的”。翻译:如果喝了受污染的水后,很多人会得病。50. The racial killings at the weekend have (triggered off) a wave of protests throughout the country.(A).witnessed(B).activated(C).transferred(D).trifled标准答案: B试题解析: trigger off “引起;激起”; witness “目击;证明;为作证”; activate “刺激;使活泼;使活动”; transfer “转让;调任;传递”; trifle:浪费;虚度。翻译:周末发生的种族杀戮引发了全国性的抗议浪潮。51. I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no (alternative) but to staying at home.(A). reluctance(B). mischief(C). egoism(D). choice标准答案: D试题解析: alternative “供替代的选择”; reluctance “勉强;不情愿”; mischief “伤害;顽皮;不和”; egoism “利己主义,自我主义”; choice “选择”。翻译:我想出去,可我没有钱。我没有选择,只有呆在家。52. We are now in an age where the public can have _ to information that enables it to make its own judgments.(A). access(B). reach(C). approach(D). touch标准答案: A试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:access: 通路;进入;使用权;have access to使用;接近;可以利用; reach: 延伸;范围;approach: 接近;方法;途径;touch:接触;触觉;翻译:我们正处在公众可以获得信息的时代,这些信息帮助他们作出自己的判断。53. We are allowed to _ our notes now and then in answering these questions.(A). contribute to(B). attribute to(C). respond to(D). refer to标准答案: D试题解析: 考点:词义辨析 解析:contribute to: 有助于;捐献;attribute to: 把归因于;respond to: 响应;refer to: 参考;涉及;指的是;适用于。翻译:回答这些问题的时候,我们允许偶尔参考我们的笔记。54. Under the guidance of the teacher, the pupils are building a model boat _by steam.(A).towed(B).pressed(C).tossed(D).propelled标准答案: D试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:tow: 曳;拖;牵引;press: 压;按;逼迫;toss: 投掷;使不安;突然抬起;propel: 推进;驱使;驱策;激励。 翻译:在老师的指导下,学生们正在制造一艘蒸汽推动的模型船。55. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, _ themselves.(A). expanding(B). stretching(C). prolonging(D). extending标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:expand:扩张;使膨胀;详述;stretch:伸展,张开;stretch oneself伸懒腰;伸展身体;尽最大的努力; prolong:拖延;延长;extend:延伸;扩大;伸出;给予。翻译:早上完成工作后,职员们站在桌子后面伸懒腰。56. I prefer _ coffee to tea.A. immediateB. instantC. instanceD. instinct标准答案: B试题解析: 考点:近义词辨析 解析:immediate: 直接的;立即的;最接近的;instant: 立即的;紧急的;紧迫的;速成的;instance: 实例;情况;建议;instinct: 本能,直觉;天性。翻译:我喜欢速溶咖啡胜过茶。57. This kind of pop music seems to (appeal to) younger generation.A instructB interestC resort toD persuade(E).标准答案: B试题解析:。appeal to“. 呼吁;上诉;要求;对有吸引力”; instruct “命令;教授;指导”; interest “使感兴趣;引起的关心”; resort to “依靠,求助于;诉诸”。翻译:这类流行音乐好像对年轻一代人有吸引力。58. Diligence and bravery are the typical (attributes) of Chinese people.A. qualitiesB. mistakesC. superiorityD. definition标准答案: A试题解析: attributes “属性,特性”; qualities “质量;特性;才能”; superiority“优越,优势;优越性”; definition “定义”。翻译:勤奋和勇敢是中国人典型的特性。59. The politician made a (vigorous) speech in defence of the government.(A). vivacious(B). descriptive(C). energetic(D). attractive标准答案: C试题解析: vigorous “有力的;精力充沛的”; vivacious “活泼的;快活的;有生气的”; descriptive “描写的,叙述的;描写性的”; energetic “积极的;有力的;精力充沛的”。 attractive “吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的”。翻译:那位政客为政府做了有力的辩护。60. The dental work made a (profound) change in her appearance.A. thoroughB. provocativeC. properD. interesting标准答案: A试题解析:profound “深厚的;意义深远的;深刻的”; thorough “彻底的;十分的;周密的”; provocative “刺激的,挑拨的;气人的”; proper “适当的”。翻译:对牙齿进行的矫正深刻改变了她的外表。


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