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习题2一、单项选择题1. What has your car done ?A. miles B. distance C. gas D. mileage2. Is there any _flight that leaves on Sunday?A. toward B. unchanged C. direct D. straight3. The observation group traveled from South Africa to Oxford _eight other African countries. A. with B. via C. by D. through 4. The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship s . A. deck B. cabin C. walls D. log5. Jenny could the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested. A. take B. repay C. redeem D. obtain 6. Weve made preliminary arrangements for your charter flight.A. essential B. complete C. priorD. necessary7. The observation group traveled from South Africa to Oxfordeight other African countries. A. with B. via C. by D. through 8. That passenger service girl went to so much trouble over my suitcase .A. I would thank her B. that Im most grateful for all she did C. that I would like her paged for her help D. that she would like me to praise her二、阅读理解题(1). Complete the dialogue according to the context.补全对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。 Dialogue 1P:But _1_can I get nose drops?S:Please dont_2_. Ill get it for you. Just a _3_, please. Here_4_are. I think it should be all right in a few _5_.P:Thanks a lot. S:How are you _6_now?P:Much better. Thank you.( )1. A. what B. why C. which D. how( )2. A. care B. worry C. hurry D. mind( )3. A. moment B. lot C. little D. few( )4. A. we B. you C. they D. it( )5. A. while B. week C. minutes D. hour( )6. A. thinkingB. listening C. looking D. feeling(2).Read the following passage, then choose the best answer from A、B、C、D. 阅读下列短文,并做后面的题目,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A traveler hurried down to the hall of an American hotel and went to the cash-desk(付款台). He had just 15 minutes to pay his bill(帐单)and get to the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had left something in his room.“Look here, boy,” he said to the bellboy, “run up to my room and see if I have left a parcel(包裹)on the table there. Be quick about it “.The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed. The traveler was walking up and down the hall, looking very angry. At last the boy appeared(出现).“Yes, sir.” He reported to the traveler, “you have left the parcel there, its right on the table in your room.”1. The traveler_.( )A. ran down the street B. came downstairs very quicklyC. ran so quickly that he fell down D. came into the hotel very quickly2. Which statement(陈述)is true? _( )A. He had to pay his bill and arrived at the station in 15 minutes.B. It took him 15 minutes to go to the station in 15 minutes.C. He could pay his bill in 15 minutes and then go to the station .D. He hand nothing but 15 minutes.3. According to the passage, a bellboy is_.( )A. a boy whose work is to ring the bell B. a boy who plays with a bellC. a boy whose work in a hotel is to help guests with their bags D. the hotel owners boy4. The traveler asked the boy_.( )A. to go upstairs B. only to see if the parcel was on the table in his roomC. to fetch the parcel he had left in his room D. to look for his parcel5. Five minutes later , the boy_.( )A. ran up to the room B. reported to the traveler in the roomC. came downstairs D. came down to the hall but brought nothing back三、段落翻译1. Paging DeparureAttention please: China Eastern Airlines announces the departure of flight MU535 to Hong Kong. Will passengers for this flight please proceed to Gate 10. Thank you.2.Irregularity Delay Due to Weather Indefinite TimeMay I have your attention please. Air China regrets to announce that the departure of Flight CA957 to Singapore will be delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions in Singapore. We are monitoring weather reports and will keep you informed. You are kindly requested to wait in this lounge until further notice. Thank you!四、词组翻译把英文翻译成汉语,把汉语短语翻译成英文。1. 顺便说一句2. 在机场3. boarding pass4. look forward to5. departure time五、句子翻译题1. There are three standbys for CA981 to New York.2. Please check-in 2 hours before fight departure.六、情景对话Reconfirmation: Miss Brown has just arrived In Paris form Japan. She is holding a continuing reservation on a flight to London two days from now. She wants to reconfirm the reservation. She already has her ticket for Flight CA 128. Her telephone number in Paris is 01 4456 1616.航空英语1习题2答案 一、单项选择题题号12345678答案DCBDCCBB二、阅读理解题( 1 )Dialogue1题号123456答案DBABCD(2)题号12345答案BACDD三、段落翻译1登机广播旅客们请注意: 飞往香港的东航MU535次航班,现在开始登机了。请该航班的旅客到十号门去登机。2. 因天气原因,航班非正常延误广播旅客们请注意。中国国际航空公司抱歉地通知各位,由于新加坡的天气原因,飞往新加坡的CA957次航班将延误起飞。我们正关注天气预报的变化,并与各位保持联系。请旅客们在候机室等候通知。谢谢。四、词组互译题题号答案1by the way 2at the airport3登机牌4期待,盼望5起飞时间五、句子翻译1. 前往纽约去的CA981航班有3名候补旅客。2. 请在班机起飞前2小时办理乘机手续。六、情景对话无参考答案。


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