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新译林8A英语UNIT 6单元知识点归纳及练习题8A Unit 6 Birdwatching一、词汇大集合1. go to the market to watch the birds/ go birdwatching in the market去市场观鸟 2. the birds at the market在市场的鸟 3. email sb. at +(email address)按照(邮件地址)发邮件给某人 email me at.给我发邮件 4. have long legs and a long thin neck有长腿和细长的脖子 5.become a member of the Birdwatching Society 成为观鸟协会的一员 6. rare birds珍稀鸟类 7. brown and grey feathers棕灰色的羽毛 8. broad wings宽大的翅膀 9. a nature reserve 一个自然保护区 in North-east China在中国的东北 10. one of the worlds most important wetlands世界最重要的湿地之一 11. provide food and cover for wildlife= provide wildlife with food and cover为野生生物提供食物和庇护所 (provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物) 12.speakspeaker 演讲者winwinner 获胜者 paintpainter 画家 actactor 演员visitvisitor 游客inventinventor 发明家 sciencescientist 科学家pianopianist钢琴家tourtourist游客artartist 艺术家 13. all year round一年到头 14. go there only for a short stay只去那儿作短暂停留 15. be active in the daytime在白天很活跃 16.be interested in (doing) 对(做).感兴趣enjoy the natural world享受自然界(adj) 17. 40 per cent of them他们中百分之四十 18. make the wetlands smaller缩小湿地 19. in order to have more space/food for farms and buildings为了腾出更多空间用作农田和建筑 20. lead to less and less space for wildlife导致野生生物的空间越来越小 (make space for为.腾出空间) lead to doing sth 导致做某事(leadled) 22. dont have enough food to eat没有足够的食物吃 23. the Chinese government中国政府 24.prevent sb. (from) doing sth.= stop sb (from) doing= keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 25. the members of our Birdwatching Society 观鸟协会的成员 26. record their types记录它们的种类 27. changes in their numbers它们数量上的变化 28. a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds许多游客去扎龙观鸟, 29. invite them to help us邀请他们帮助我们 count and describe birds 清点和描述鸟类30. need more people to count and describe the birds需要更多的人来数鸟和描述鸟 31. understand the importance of the wetlands理解湿地的重要性 the importance of protecting wildlife 32. stop / keep / prevent sth. from happening阻止某事发生 33.in other parts of the world 在世界的其他部分 34.take part in activities 参加活动 35. take a notebook with you to (= in order to )write down what you see随身带笔记本为了写下你所看到的 36. take a camera to take photos of .带相机去拍.的照片 37. ask people not to catch birds for any reason要求人们不要为任何理由去捉鸟 38. agree to let me join同意让我加入 39. see a baby panda drink her mothers milk看见熊猫宝宝喝它妈妈的奶 (看见某人做了或常做某事see sb. do sth.、看见某人在做某事see sb. doing sth.) 40. hear someone sing 听见某人唱歌(hear用法与see/ watch/notice相同) 41. encourage us (not)to do sth. 鼓励某人(不要)做某事 42. advise us not to shout in the wetlands建议我们不要在湿地大叫 43. different kinds of plants各种各样的植物 44. cover an area of.(=be . in area.)覆盖.的面积45. square kilometres平方公里 46. the second largest home to red-crowned cranes丹顶鹤的第二大家园 be important to the health of people all over the world 对全世界人们的健康重要 47. not only.but also.不仅.而且.(邻近原则)48.take a pair of binoculars 带一副望远镜 49.see the birds more clearly 更清晰地看见鸟 50. make beautiful sounds 发出优美的声音make different bird sounds 发出不同的鸟声 51.at bird shows 在鸟展上 52.birds in the pictures 画里的鸟 53.include birds in their poems 把鸟写进他们的诗里(v)-including 介词“包括”54.part of our lives 我们生活的一部分 55.application form 申请表 Let me introduce myself. 让我来自我介绍。56. call sb. on + (phone number)拨打(电话号码)找某人 57.as a result 因此,结果 58. have made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong已经制定法律阻止在扎龙的所有这些事情二、句型大集合 1. What do cranes look like?= What are cranes like? = How do cranes look ? 鹤长什么样? 2. How many types of cranes are there in the world? 世界上有多少种鹤? 3. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. 它是适合一些珍稀鸟类生活的完美地方。4. There are not many cranes left. 没有很多鹤剩下 5. Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there. 此外,渔民们一直在那里捕鱼。 6.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.研究扎龙帮助我们了解保护野生生物。 7.The cold weather made some birds fly south for the winter. 寒冷的天气使一些鸟类飞往南方过冬 fly to sp. to spend the winter 飞到某地过冬 8. You may get thirsty. 你可能会口渴。9. What /Anything else? 还有什么? 10. I think it is important for me to do something to protect them.It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 表示对某人来说做某事怎么样 e.g. 对我来说, 解决这道数学题很容易。 Its easy for me to work out the math problem. 孩子们在那条河里游泳是危险的。 It is dangerous for children to swim in that river. 三、单元综合练习题 牛津初中英语八上 Unit 6单元测试卷 姓 名_一、听力(共20 小题,每小题1分,满分20分). 根据你所听到的句子,选出与其内容相符的图片,每句读一遍。( )1 . A. B. C. ( ) 2 . A. B. C. ( ) 3 . A. B. C. ( ) 4. A B C. . 根据你所听到的对话内容,选出正确的答案,每段对话读一遍。( ) 5 . How many hectares(公顷)does the nature reserve have? A. 210,000 . B.21,000 . C. 2,1000,000.( ) 6. Is the woman glad to look after the dog? A. No, she hates the dog. B. Yes, she is glad to help the man. C. We dont know.( ) 7. Where are they probably? A. In a cinema B. In a zoo C. In a market( ) 8. Will David go birdwatching with the girl? A. He cant decide B. Yes, he will C. No, he wont( ) 9. Whats the girls favourite bird? A. Sparrow B. Swan C. Swallow( ) 10.Whats the short form of “ minute”? A. Its km. B. Its min. C. Its cm.听下面三段对话或独白。 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话读两遍。听第一段材料,完成第11-12题。( ) 11.What trouble does the woman have in learning A. Speaking B. Reading C. Spelling( ) 12. How many foreign languages does the man speak? A. Three B. Four C. Five 听第二段材料,完成第13-15题。Ht ( ) 13. Where does the talk happen ?A. In a hotel. B. In a shop C. In a restaurant( ) 14. Which floor will the man stay on ? A. The third floor. B. The fourth floor. C. The seventh floor.( ) 15. How much should the man pay for two nights ?A. 40 dollars B. 160 dollars C.80 dollars听第三段材料,完成第16-20题( ) 16. Whose house did the hole lead to? A. A mouses B. The little mouses C. The snakes( ) 17. What were the snakes doing? A. They were sleeping. B. They were chatting C. They were eating.( ) 18. How did the little mouses mother feel? A. She felt sleepy. B. She felt afraid of the snakes C. She wasnt afraid of the snakes.( ) 19. When did the story take place?A. On a winter afternoon B. On an autumn morning C. On a winter morning( ) 20. What can we learn from the story? A. Snakes never eat mice. B. Snakes usually sleep in winter. C. Mice like to live next to snakes.二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( )1. What do you think of nature reserve you visited last weekend? -Its great. It is ideal home for wildlife. A. the ; a B. the; an C. a; an D. an; an ( ) 2. Birds can find food _ now than before. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily ( ) 3. I think _necessary for us _the birds. A. it , protect B. its, to protect C. its , protecting D. it , to protect( ) 4. The red-crowned crane is one of _ in the world. A. a rare animal B. the rare animal C. the rarest animals D. the rarest ( ) 5. The boys made _, so their teacher got very _. A. much noise, angrily B. much noise, angry C. many noise , angrily D. many noise, angry ( ) 6. -The number of the tigers is getting _. - I agree _ you. A. more and more , to B. smaller and smaller, to C. smaller and smaller, with D. more and more ,with( ) 7. The rich man _ much food_ the poor families during the hard time. A. provides, to B. provides, with C. provided, with D. provided, for ( ) 8. Do you need more people_ you_ the bird count? A. help; do B. to help; do C. help; to do D. to help; doing( ) 9.Some can make different bird . A. acts; sounds B. acts; voices C. acts; sounds D. actors; voices( )10. It will be_ tomorrow, so there will be a lot of_ tomorrow. A. rain, rain B. rainy, rain C. rain, rainy D. rainy, rain ( )11. Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve . A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years round( )12. fit, she eats little every day. A. Keep B. Keeping C. Keeps D. In order to keep( )13. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _ down too many trees. A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cutting C. stop people cutting D. all the above( )14. The prices are rising(上升) too high. So the government has to do something it. A. stop B. stopped C. to stop D. stopping( )15.What do you think we can do wild birds? A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protects( )16. There _lots of fish in this river, and birds catch _for food. A. are, them B. are , it C. is, it D. is , them ( )17. Look at the picture. Can you see some boys _ basketball?A. plays B. playC. played D. playing( )18. He made a fire _ himself _ warm.A. make; to keep B. to make; to keep C. to make; keep D. make; keep( )19.She did what she could _ us. Though 3,000 dollars is a lot of money for her.A. help B. helped C. helpingD. to help( )20. I dont know if he _. If he _, I will let you know as soon as possible. A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. will come; will come D. comes; will come三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the forests, she found two dying birds. She took them home and put them in a small _1_. She was happy to have two “friends”. She _ 2 _ them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl happened to leave the door of the cage open. The larger and the_ 3_ of the two flew out of the cage. The girl was afraid that it would fly away. She caught it quickly, she felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away. Suddenly she couldnt 4 _ a sound from the bird. When she opened her hand, the bird was already dead. Her_ 5_ killed the bird! Then she noticed _ 6 _bird jumping up and down _7_ the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom(自由) . It wanted to fly into the clear, blue _8_. So she lifted it from the cage and let it fly away highly. The bird circled once, twice, and three times. The girl _ 9 as the bird flew. She didnt care about losing the bird any more. She wanted it to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the _10_ song she had ever heard.The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. ( ) 1. A. box B. basket C. cage D. bag( ) 2. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after D. looked over( ) 3. A. stronger B. lazier C. weaker D. smaller( ) 4. A. listen B. make C. describe D. hear ( ) 5. A. love B. joke C. luck D. wish( ) 6. A. one B, the other C. another D. other ( ) 7. A. outside B. inside C. beside D. behind ( ) 8. A. sea B. hill C. forest D. sky ( ) 9. A. watched B. saw C. guided D. escaped(逃脱)( ) 10. A. worst B. oldest C. newest D. sweetest四、阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2分,共40分。)( A )A crow(乌鸦) is about twenty inches(英寸) long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on bad food. Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds. They clean up the dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for food all day, and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flying back to their nests(巢) in the trees. They sleep there at night.Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, and sometimes they do it by turns(轮流) like human beings(人类). It is easy to tell(判断) from crows sound if they are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds. A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and some time later it dies too.( ) 1. Crows “live on bad food” means “ _ ”. A. Crows eat old bad food. B. Old bad food is crows nests. C. Crows make their nests on old bad food. D. Crows sleep on old bad food.( ) 2. Crows are more useful to us because they _.A. are clean birds B. can move away waste food C. can make our streets clean D. arent dirty( ) 3. Crows always look for food _. A. in the evening B. all day C. in the morning D. at night( ) 4. People cant hear crow talk _. A. together B. by turns C. noisily D. quietly( ) 5. If a pair of crows loves each other, _ A. they will not live together. B. neither of them can live alone happily.C. they will die D. one of them will die( B )Death Valley, an area in Nevada and California, is one of the most famous deserts in the United States. Almost 20 percent of this area is below sea level. Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and it is the lowest point in the United States.Long ago, the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”the land of fire. The present name, Death Valley,can date back to 1849, when a group of miners became lost in it and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has become a National Monument (遗址) and is crossed by several roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human has hardly destroyed the special beauty of this place.Here there are a lot of surprising natural scenes. One of the most surprising and variable (多变的) parts of Death Valley is Devils Golf Course, where it seems hard for people to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures (沙雕) stand on the frightening ground, as evening shadows (暮色) move and lengthen.( )6. _ is the lowest place in the United States.A. Tomesha B. Death ValleyC. NevadaD. Badwater( )7. The name of the valley comes from _.A. an Indian name B. the death of the miners C. the local people D. a National Monument( )8. From the passage,we can learn that _.A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners went thereB. it is still not easy to travel across the desert C. people can be provided with good services in the desertD. people have changed the natural sights of the desert( )9. Devils Golf Course is famous for _.A. a lot of sand B. evening shadows C. dream-like sightsD. the sand sculptures( )10.We can say that the writer _ Death Valley according to the passage.A. enjoys B. is frightened of C. dislikes D. is tired of(C)If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak, when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blamed(责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people cant read or write but usually they have better memories ? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things, they cannot write them down in a small notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practise remembering things in a way as other people do.( )11.Someone cant have a good memory if _.A. he cant read or write B. he doesnt use his memoryC. his parents havent a good memory D. he doesnt use his arms or legs for some time( )12. If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, _.A. you cant use them any more B. they will become strongerC. they become weak but they slowly become strong againD. they become weak and wont become strong until you use them again( )13. Which of the following is TRUE ?A. Your memory works in the different way as your arms or legsB. Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it enough chance for practiceC. Dont learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memoryD. A good memory comes from less practice( )14. Few people know that it is only _ if a friend has a poor memory.A. his own fault B. his parents fault C. his teachers faultD. his grandmothers fault( )15. The writer wants to tell us _.A. how to use our arms or legs B. how to read and write C. how to have a good memoryD. how to learn from the people(D)Many animals hide to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide in snow. Usually their colors or shapes help protect them. Its hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes.Many animals try to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary. Some animals will run away from them.Many animals try to stay around other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out of danger. Seeing many stripes at once can also confuse animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each toward a different direction. In this way they can also help each other stay alive by looking around for animals that many want to eat one of them.( )16. Animals have ways to stay alive. How many of them are mentioned in the passage ?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five( )17. Why do animals hide ?A. Because they like to play hide-and-seek. B.


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