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四(下)计算专练 四则运算(-)班级 姓名 1、口算:1170= 0536= 345= 842= 3530=1804= 196= 2412= 9911= 3618=966= 6012= 9113= 8517= 5117=2、用递等式计算:17+83-25 413-762 8(54-49)-33 284-27 4 73-612+34 81(21-12)13四(下)计算专练四则运算(二)班级 姓名 1、 口算:1580= 8060= 10140= 4850= 1720=1307= 752= 254= 5213= 7437= 5427= 1004= 8643= 6025= 4529=1234= 11140 20820 19750 93212、 用递等式计算:14556 27+(18 -12) 752-182+31 125-155(75+25)(43-36) 1204-3604四(下)计算专练四则运算(三)班级 姓名 1、口算:2540= 1044= 2008= 1250= 30020=217= 156= 134= 4812= 9030= 5427= 3204= 42021= 4823= 3021=1236= 48220 7513 9933 604602、用递等式计算:6(425) 434-652 9605+5620 693(85-65)(76+54)5 1684+176 四(下)计算专练四则运算(四)班级 姓名 1、口算:1580= 8060= 10140= 4850= 1720=1307= 752= 254= 5213= 7437= 5427= 1004= 8643= 6025= 4529=1234= 11140 20820 19750 93212、用递等式计算:132412 (119-8)3(32-14)(366) 434-652054+843 20+300-6四(下)计算专练四则运算(五)班级 姓名 1、 递等式计算:29(3+9) 3613-5528125549 56(102-94)+1260(357)+86 (18-18)(18+18)179-496 63+248-23=752、 把合适的数填在里。(546)=8 3-15=450+8=250 420-7=0四(下)计算专练四则运算(6)班级 姓名 1、递等式计算:(75+25)(43-36) 12(78-69)434-648 783+(120-95)693(85-65) 35+2428497(81-72) (78-29)7122、在算式中合适的地方添上小括号,使算式成立。63+248-23=66 63+248-23=75四(下)计算专练四则运算(七)班级 姓名 1、递等式计算:580-306 21423+42200-26+48060 37+9(36-12)246(26+15)2 (466-254)6(35+46)(356-347) (50-252)162、计算109-2(124-08)+12(0+3) 四(下)计算专练四则运算(八)班级 姓名 1、递等式计算: (585-235)146 18(79-79)27510-(48+486) (395+265)233200(1208-7214) 41(32-14)663+(248)-23 35+24(248)2、在下面各算式中添上运算符号和括号,使等号两边相等。9 9 9 9 9=10 9 9 9 9 9=0四(下)计算专练(一)加法运算定律班级 姓名 计算下面各题,怎样简便就怎样计算。362+233+138 526+327+274182+765+108 24+128+476+572368+2649+1351 89+101+111999+99+9 728+598挑战题:1、用简便方法计算:256+249+251+246+253 2、计算1+2-3-4+5+6-7-8+9+10-+1990四(下)计算专练(二)乘法运算定律班级 姓名 1、口算:252= 1252= 425= 258=4125= 754= 255= 1258=2、运用乘法运算定律进行简便计算:25184 351031254825 4758 8(1259) (25+12)4 6799+67 3728+63283、计算: 2532125 四(下)计算专练简便计算(一) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算:848-172-228 457-188-15745+65-45+65 812-47-153-1126758 (13+50)2020112 22699+2262、简便计算:5498-1928-387-1072-1613四(下)计算专练简便计算(二) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算:698-432+502-368 462+74+138+1262516 125724835+5235 1937+8137+432564125 125482、请用两种简便算法计算12564四(下)计算专练简便计算(三) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算:618-(352-272) 576-(176+280)75+43-75+43 7899+781252584 9928249-247 1502522、用简便算法计算3715+37106+3725四(下)计算专练简便计算(四) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算:398-305 694-36+4245405 8532-8528253440 60(13+45)75052 128051282、计算2811111+999998四(下)计算专练简便计算(五) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算: 2524 125241253225 4235+5835+675447-5437-38 125(8+80)3200425 350142、计算19999+99999999四(下)计算专练简便计算(六) 班级 姓名 1、怎样简便就怎样计算:25(48) (25+18)439+52+161+42 8910120001258 6812-6829+99+999+9999 (18+18+18+18)252、计算1112+2223+3334 小学数学计算分层专项练习四年级(下)怎样简便怎样算(1)姓名 班级 座号 等第 计算过关:怎样简便就怎样算。48376348992121573(17385)1252382884812483800568810挑战聪明:怎样简便就怎样计算。1111144222222812345699小学数学计算分层专项练习四年级(下)怎样简便怎样算(2)姓名 班级 座号 等第 计算过关:怎样简便就怎样算。573174126539953322540061212410217480(32324)挑战聪明:怎样简便就怎样计算。12532255583448383小学数学计算分层专项练习四年级(下)怎样简便怎样算(3)姓名 班级 座号 等第 计算过关:怎样简便就怎样算。792539251012727716(21645)12524(650180)5560184345924挑战聪明:怎样简便就怎样计算。1999999999111222233334 乘法运算定律综合练习姓名 班级 3862+3838 75147014 101381298 5599+55 55991229+12 58199+58 4279+42 5289 6910169 552155125(80+8) 125(808) 1253225 9999+99 387+3114 2546+50277925+222525 99992222+33333334一、竖式:三位数乘两位数 (延伸阅读:小学四年级数学上册典型应用题练习)13545 10825 54312 47210 1385412689 20332 31225 43728 8240320824 36137 40623 46023 30556 62478 46589 35356 45240 47985二、竖式:三位数除以两位数、验算33621 85839 91827 88837 64532 43246 96623 73179 98028 8283668934 61888 37245 29429 32842 39556 76574 84035 63031 96119三、简便计算 (延伸阅读:四年级数学上册乘法简便运算练习题及答案)1.加法交换结合律:48251755781432257 1288972357288143 12923517116537852773 16728933 58394261 7534125366 1257532015338162 16332137268 158395105 822197782.乘法交换结合律(一):25 12532=(1525)4= 38254= 3525= (6025)4=(1255)8=25174=(25125)(84)3812583= 52892= 125582= 98125=43254= 125502= 421258=60254= 12558= 25174= 378125=3.乘法交换结合律(二):12532 24125 12556 12572 12516 48125 125 642536 2532 2516 2524 25284.乘法分配律(一):34723428 74875235376537 8582+8215 2597+253762525241617162327362764 73363627 6423362343365736 1967193357354335 187272182 46464654 31693131 341334 35.乘法分配律(二):389938 75 29975 10299102 3993999128 128 279927 3419934 3599356.乘法分配律(三):125(880 ) (804)25 8(1259)(204)25 32 (2003) (12517)8(1002)99 102(1001) 25(404) (25100)4 99(1001) (12540)8 (12525)8 99 (1007) 8 (1257) (3025) 47.乘法分配律(四):46102 48101 9946 10242 10331 10716 10815 1258888102 10299 39101 2541 48101 201 24 30243 102138.商不变的规律:30025 4000125 2405 60025 32005040025 15025 80025 2000125 9000125四、混合运算 (延伸阅读:小学四年级数学上册复习试题)672672127 987(345298)65 210520(240227) 34024020530(320170)90 458(8528)23630840(240212) 408512(178283)864(2723)12 (10512635)25 24014053 36026020510448272163565520 240180302 45030203146(3442070) 624(2714)4 (77217)691 (165655)5840(120195)15 557(18626)23 375(2510)15 (65934)?(280?40)1527-2008(324-285)12 26(1604812)4336(3629)6 62(3001455)35(320170)50 (3654984)2415090(6752) 18236(126) 640(96-80)4清水混凝土的配合比设计中,要针对当地水泥、砂石、外掺料及外加剂等原材料影响混凝土质量的多种因素进行分析,确定主要控制因素,并从经济性和使用要求综合考虑,优选出符合生产条件的最优方案组合。obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the partys mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the partys interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of (Hunan Office issued 2013 No.23


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