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黑龙江省2019版九年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We may meet difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough to any challenge.Aput onBget onCtry onDtake on2 . My sister enjoys _.Alisten to musicBlisten musicClistening to musicDlistening music3 . When you walk along a river, which sign can you mostly see?ABCD4 . -How long does itto get to the nearest underground station?-.Atake, For fifteen minutes.Bcost, For fifteen minutes.Ctake, Fifteen minutes.Dcost, Fifteen minutes.5 . I _ models when Jack came in.AmakeBwill makeCam makingDwas making6 . I like the coat. Can I _? Certainly.Atry on itBtry themCtry it onDtry them on7 . Do you mind if I turn the TV down?_.AYes, I dont mindBOf course not, please go right aheadCSure, please turn it downDDont worry. Youll get used to it.8 . _of people died from the earthquake,and two_of them were women and children.AThousand;thousandBThousand;thousandsCThousands;thousandDThousands;thousands9 . Shes outgoing. She never minds _ to a boy.AspeakBspeakingCspokenDto speak10 . Since Jerry is strong enough to move this heavy box, he any help.AneedsBdoesnt need toCneeds toDdoesnt need11 . Peter doesnt mind lending you his camera.He _. Ive already borrowed one.AcantBmustntCdoesnt have toDmay not12 . _the Internet, people in todays world are much closer to each other.ASo farBThanks toCThanks for13 . Hes never stolen anything before,_ he?_ Its his third time to be taken to the police stationAhasnt:YesBis;YesChas;YesDhas;No14 . Have you heard of the famous Huawei company? Sure. Its one of the greatest companies _ make us Chinese proud.AwhichBthatCwhatDwho15 . There a pop concert next Sunday. Lets enjoy it.Ais going to beBisCwill haveDhas二、完型填空One day a visitor(访问者) comes to Nasreddins house. “I am your _ from Konya. My name is Samuel,” he says. “I bring you a duck.” Nasreddin is happy. He asks his wife(妻子) to cook the_ , and they have dinner with the cousin Samuel.The next day another visitor arrives. “I am the _ of Samuel,” he says. Nasreddin invites him in and gives him a good_.The next day another visitor arrives, and says he is the friend of the friend of Samuel. Again Nasreddin invites him in for a meal. But he is getting_.The visitors seem(好像) to use his_ as a restaurant.Then another visitor comes, and says he is the friend of the friend of the friend of Samuel.Nasreddin invites him to_ dinner with him. His wife brings some_to the table and the visitor_ it. “What kind of soup is this? ” asks the visitor. “It tastes just like boiled(烧开的) _.” “Ah,” says Nasreddin, that is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck.”16 . AuncleBsonCfriendDcousin17 . AsteakBfishCduckDchicken18 . AfriendBteacherCstudentDclassmate19 . AmeatBmealCtableDseat20 . AsorryBhappyCangryDfunny21 . AgardenBofficeCschoolDhome22 . AcookBeatCbuyDsell23 . AriceBsaladCbreadDsoup24 . AtastesBneedsCwatchesDtouches25 . AteaBwaterCmilkDcoffee三、阅读单选We have some helpful people in our community centre. Please look at the information about them below.26 . Zhang Bingzhu can help children _.Afix thingsBlearn ChineseClook after flowersDplay sports27 . Maybe Lenovo is a _.AhospitalBrestaurantCcomputer companyDpost office28 . If your phone doesnt work well, you can call _ for help.A13814148878B374581627C282464095D1503614780629 . Who is Bob White?AA retired teacher.BA computer programmer.CA good gardener.DA company manager.30 . Which of the followings is TRUE?AZhang Bingzhu is not free at weekends.BAllan Smith is a retired programmer.CBob White comes to the centre twice a week.DYou cant call Allan Smith on Fridays.Now more and more people communicate(沟通) by sending messages with mobile phones, sending e-mails or even chatting on line. How about our pen, pencil or paper? Which one do you think is easier and more convenient, handwriting or texting (发短信)?Today, texting is the most common way of communication, even among young students. People dont write letters anymore. They usually send e-mails to their friends. From texting to e-mails, it seems like keyboard (键盘) are replacing the good old pencil and paper. As a result, many students are poor in handwriting. Some even dont know how to write normal words we often use.In order to improve students handwriting skills, the British government(政府) recently decided to open handwriting lessons in middle schools. The British government hopes the students will be able to learn how to write business and personal letters properly at any length(长度). The students will also be taught different kinds of writings. They will also learn to use correct spelling, punctuations (标点)and grammar. The handwriting lessons will begin in 2014. Why dont you practice handwriting and write letters to your family and friends to surprise them?31 . Which is the most common way of communication among young students today?AWriting lettersBTextingCMaking telephone callsDMaking appointments32 . What does the underline word “ replacing” mean in Chinese?A发生B重装C代替D重复33 . What did the British government decide to do to improve students handwriting skills?ATo help students write personal letters.BTo open handwriting lessons in middle schools.CTo send the students abroad to learn handwriting skills.DTo ask the students not to send massages with mobile phones.34 . Through the handwriting lessons, the British students cant learn_.Ato write business and personal lettersBdifferent kinds of writings Cto use correct spelling, punctuations and grammarDto draw pictures35 . When will the British government begin the handwriting lessons?AIn 2004BIn 2012CIn 2013DIn 201436 . Which month is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in?AJanuary.BMarch.CAugust.DDecember.37 . Which of the following is RIGHT?AKing was born in Tennessee.BKing led a bus boycott in Alabama.CKing received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.DKing gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1965.38 . How old was King when he died?A29.B39.C65.D68.39 . Whats the purpose of the time line in this article?ATo teach the students to draw a time line.BTo introduce Martin Luther King Jr. Day.CTo tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.DTo explain why whites and blacks were separated.“Well, were in our new house. Lets get a new pet to get along with it,” Mrs. Brown said to her husband. “That sounds like a pretty good idea.” Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?” “Lets go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said.Next morning the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal_. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr. Snow said, “So I need to ask you some questions.”After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldnt need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadnt checked her yet. So Mr. Snow told them to return on Sunday.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of her shots. She will be healthy.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.40 . From the reading we learn that _.Athe Browns have never had a pet before.Bthe Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.CShadow is a small and healthy dog.DMr. Brown didnt quite agree with his wife.41 . The word “shelter” in Paragraph 4 means_.Aa place to sell small dogsBa place to keep homeless animalsCa place to study animalsDa place to sell books on pet care42 . Mr. Snow asked the Browns some questions to_.Asee if they had moved to a new houseBfind out how rich the Browns wereCknow where they would keep their new petDmake sure they would take care of pets43 . Its clear that _.AShadow will not be easy to get illBthe Browns were not satisfied with ShadowCMr. Snow didnt check Shadow at allDShadow likes barking a lot四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写44 . I live in a beautiful town. The people here are _(友好的,外向的).45 . I think my hometown is a _(精彩的,美妙的) place.46 . My sister is 7 years old, she is old enough to go to_ school(小学).47 . Is your uncle a_(魔术师).48 . Its_(必须的必要的)to learn English well.49 . In this shop, you can _(选择) anything if you need.50 . Lets make a_(讨论) about this problem.51 . Could you tell me the_(原因) why you dont go to school?52 . Do you want to_(变成) a better man?53 . You should show your_(票,入场券) when you enter the cinema.五、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据其内容,填入合适单词,使文章通顺,每空一词。Hans Christian Andersen was a famous writer of stories for children. He was54 . in a poor family in Denmark in 1805.His father died55 . the boy was eleven. Hans tried a few jobs. Finally,at the56 . of fourteen,he moved to the capital of Denmark57 . work in the theatre. 58 . he went on to study and later he travelled around Europe.His first book59 . out in 1822. He60 . many stories for children,but older people also found61 . interesting. Many of his stories,62 . The Ugly Duckling and The Little Match Girl became very famous. People still enjoy63 . them and they can read them in many languages.六、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)How to Make the Time for Your Personal GoalsOne of the biggest challenges in trying to achieve any personal goal is that we want to put them off until tomorrow, or next week, in order to finish more important things at work and home. Maybe the following can help you find the time for your personal goals.1.Make one goal at a timeOften the problem is that you try to make too many goals at once. You have a list of things you want to finish and because of that you never start. Its very difficult to pay attention to too many goals at once. So catching one goal at a time is enough. 2. Be sure you really want itIts not enough to say, “It would be nice to learn French” or “It would be cool to do yoga(瑜伽) every morning”. It has to be something you really want. Ask yourself why you want to achieve this goal, and how much you want it.3.Show that Youre seriousTell as many people as you can about your goal. Write down your goal carefully. If you cant even write it down, youre not serious. Then write out a plan, with dates and actions. Think about problems, and write down your ways to solve them. The plan shows youre serious.4.Make it your top taskYou all have many things to do in your lives, from school or work to family. If you put all these first, you wont ever find the time for your goal. Instead, if we make our goal our top task, well make the time. With these steps, your goals surely come true.Four 64 . to make the time for your personal goalsMake one goal at a time You never start 65 . you have a list of things to finish.Its not 66 . to pay attention to too many goals at once.Catching one goal at a time is enough.Be sure you67 . want itYour 68 . has to be something you really want.Ask yourself the69 . for achieving the goal and how much you want it.Show that youre serious Tell as many people as 70 . about your goal. Write down your goal, plan and ways of 71 . the problems.Make it your top taskThere are many things for you to do in your lives.You wont make the time for your goal 72 . you put your goal first.With the steps, you will surely73 . your goals.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译74 . 过量的工作会导致疾病。_75 . 露西跳舞不如我好。_76 . 我们的篮球决赛星期二下午在体育中心举行了。_77 . 他迫不及待地给他的家人看了这次旅行的照片。_78 . 这些名胜不仅在苏州有名,而且在全世界也出名。_八、话题作文79 . 书面表达在家庭生活中,我们会做很多关于我们青少年的决定,比如该买什么新年衣服,该怎样庆祝生日,该上哪所学校等。你认为在我们自己的事情上应该自己做决定。还是听从家长的意见?针对这一话题,九年级七班的同学们展开了辩论。假设你是正方或反方的一员,请围绕你的观点,结合自身的亲身经历,说出至少三条理由来支持你的观点。(只能选择一方观点表达。)要求:1.阐明自己的观点。2.词数80词左右。3.不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。At home, I think第 12 页 共 12 页


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