英语九年级上册Module2 Unit2同步检测

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英语九年级上册Module2 Unit2同步检测_第1页
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英语九年级上册Module2 Unit2同步检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Steve has to attend an important meeting, so hell be absent _ your birthday party.AaboutBwithCfrom2 . What do you think of Harry Potter? It is very popular among children, and it is one of _ that I have ever read.Amost interesting bookBmost interesting booksCthe most interesting bookDthe most interesting books3 . Tom didnt listen to the teacher carefully _, he did badly int the examAIn a wordBAs a resultCIn fact4 . Those are Jennys parents.Really? They_young.AlookBtasteCsmellDsound5 . -Is there_ in todays newspaper?-No, there isnt.Aanything interestingBinteresting anythingCsomething interesting二、补全对话5选5A:6 . B:Yes.Its on the third day of March.A:7 . B:Yes.Every family with a girl between 3 and 7 will decorate the house with a lot of beautiful dolls.The parents dress the dolls very well.A:8 . B:Usually grandparents buy dolls for their granddaughters.A:9 . B:Rice cakes and some other delicious food.A:10 . B:Yes.Its on 5th May.On that day,boys will have a lot of interesting things to play with.A:Sounds interesting!AIs there a boys festival in Japan?BWhat do they usually eat on Dolls Day?CWho buys these dolls for the little girls?DDo you know Dolls Day in Japan?EIts a festival for girls,isnt it?三、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给词的适当形式填空11 . We have to find somewhere _ (live) first.12 . How long does it take you _ (walk) 100 metres?13 . Now the poor have chances _ (go) to the college.14 . The population of China may grow _ (slow) in the future.15 . In the future, Chinas population _ (not grow) so fast.第 3 页 共 3 页


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