英语七年级上册Unit 4 单元检测题 (青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 4 单元检测题 (青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 4 单元检测题 (青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dad,where are my tapes?They are _ the box _ your bed.Aat;onBin;underCin;atDat;in2 . Jane, whos that girl?Oh, I _ her. Shes Linda, Toms cousin.AknowBaskCfindDmeet3 . -_ my baseball? -Its under the chair.AWhereBWheresCWherereDWhere are4 . Where are my dictionaries?_ on your bed.AIt isBThat isCThese areDThey are5 . My book _ keys are on the sofa, _ my hat is not.Aand; andBbut; andCand; butDbut; but6 . -_ have you stayed in Beijing? -For a week.AHow soonBHow longCHow oftenDHow much7 . Whats your telephone number?_ 278106.AImBItCItsDIs it8 . Do you know the _ between them?AdifferenceBdifferentCdifficultDdifficulty9 . 表示“美国篮球协会”的缩略词是_。ABBCBABCCNBADCBA10 . My mother is a teacher.likes her job very much.AHeBSheCHerDHis二、补全短文5选5I am Susan, and my brother is Bob.11 . In my room, my books and dictionaries are in the bookcase.12 . My keys are in my schoolbag.13 . In Bobs room, his books and notebooks are everywhereon his bed and his chair. He has a tape player and its under his desk.14 . “Where are my keys? Wheres my ruler? 15 . ”ABob always asks,BMy pens, pencils and erasers are in my pencil box.CIm tidy, but Bob is not.DWheres my pen?EI can always find them.FHe cant find his pen.三、完型填空(题文)阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。Look at this picture. It is _1 _nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teachers2_on his desk. Its a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room. You can see a girl and_3_ boys.The girls _ 4 _is Julia. She is eleven. The boy _5_a black hat is Tom. The other boy is Tony. They _6 _the same coats and they are the same age. I _7 they are twins. Tom is a_8_ boy. A book is in his hand. You _9_ see the teacher_is the teacher? He is taking the photo16 . (小题1)AanBaCtheDone17 . (小题2)AbackpackBbaseballCbookDhat18 . (小题3)AoneBthreeCfourDtwo19 . (小题4)AnameBageCbrotherDnotebook20 . (小题5)AatBonCinDunder21 . (小题6)AisBwear (穿)ClookDam22 . (小题7)AthinkBseeCbringDmeet23 . (小题8)AdearBfirstClostDgood24 . (小题9)Ais notBcantCbe notDdoesnt25 . (小题10)AWhatBHowCWhereDThat四、阅读单选I am John.and this is my brother, David. Im tidy , but David is not, In our room. my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My red tape player is on the desk and my keys are in the schoolbag. I have a watch. Its blue and it is on the desk , too. Davids books are everywhere - on the bed,on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is his. Its under the bed. He always asks. Wheres my ruler?Wheres my schoolbag?26 . Who is tidy?AJohn.BDavid.CJohn and David.DDavids sister27 . Where is Davids model plane?AOn the bed.BUnder the bed.COn the desk.DUnder the desk.28 . Johns keys areAin the bookcaseBon the deskCin the schoolbag!Dunder the bed29 . Johns tape player is .AredBwhiteCblueDyellow30 . Davids books arent_.Aon the bedBon the sofaCunder the chairDin the bookcase五、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂A,错误的涂B。Hi Gina,How are you? Im in a new school in China now. This school is big and nice. There are about 2000 students in my school. I like the teachers. They are all kind to me. My classmates are kind, too.There is a big library in my school. It is very beautiful. We often read books in the library. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Sometimes I go to play ping-pong or basketball with my classmates.Please e-mail me soon.Yours,Helen31 . This is an e-mail from Helen to Gina.32 . Gina is in a new school now.33 . Helens classmates are kind.34 . Theres a big library in the school.35 . Helen has classes on Saturdays and Sundays.六、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。每小题每空格限填一词)36 . People created this song in honor of the great man. (改为否定句)People _ this song in honor of the great man.37 . He died of a heart attack at the age of seventy-two. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ of a heart attack at the age of seventy-two?38 . This new iPod cost him two thousand yuan . (对划线部分提问)How _ this new iPod cost him?39 . It took the workers two years to build the bridge. (保持句意不变)The workers _ two years _ the bridge.40 . You will go to the movies with me.(改为反义疑问句)You will go to the movies with me , _ ?41 . for , abroad , this , Tom , to , is , time , second , the , go(连词成句)_七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。42 . How are you?Im f_,thanks.43 . Whats this in E_?Its a key.44 . S_it, please. M-A-P.45 . Is it an _(橙子)?Yes, it is.46 . What color is it?Its _(紫色的).八、用单词的正确形式完成句子(题文)Look at this picture. It is_nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teachers_on his desk. Its a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room. You can see a girl and_boys.The girls_is Julia. She is eleven. The boy_the same coats and they are the same age. I_they are twins. Tom is a_boy. A book is in his hand. You_see the teacher._is the teacher? He is taking the photo.阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。47 . (小题1)AanBaCtheDone48 . (小题2)AbackpackBbaseballCbookDhat49 . (小题3)AoneBthreeCfourDtwo50 . (小题4)AnameBageCbrotherDnotebook51 . (小题5)AatBonCinDunder52 . (小题6)AisBwear (穿)ClookDam53 . (小题7)AthinkBseeCbringDmeet54 . (小题8)AdearBfirstClostDgood55 . (小题9)Ais notBcantCbe notDdoesnt56 . (小题10)AWhatBHowCWhereDThat九、多任务混合问题My name is Wang Yang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 396-3852. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. (1) 它在书桌上面。Its white. Whats in it? This is (2) _ eraser. Its white. This is a pencil. Its white. (3) This is a ruler. Its white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! (4) My schoolbag is green. This is my good friend. His name is John. He is English. His telephone number is 278-9265. (5) This is his pencilbox. Its green, too.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。57 . 请把文中(1)处画线句子译成英语。_58 . 请在文中(2)处填入适当的冠词。_59 . 请把文中(3)处画线句子改成复数句。_60 . 请对文中(4)处画线部分提问。_61 . 请把文中(5)处画线句子改为一般疑问句。_Tommy:Wheres my dictionary, Jenny? Jenny: Tommy:No,it isnt. Is it in my bookcase?Jenny:No, it isnt. Look at the dresser. Is that your dictionary on the dresser?Tommy:No, And it isnt a dictionary.Jenny:Tommy:Its an English book. Oh! I need (需要)my dictionary.Jenny: Is it on the sofa?Tommy:No, it isnt. Oh,its under the sofa.Jenny:Your things are everywhereon the bed, on the sofa, under the chair Our cousin, Sally,is a good girl. Her room is nice and tidy. Her books and CDs are in her bookcase. Her notebooks are on the desk. Her keys are in the drawer.Tommy:But I am not her.棍据对话内容,完成下列任务。任务一:把下面三个问句放到合适的位置a.Where is it? b.Is it under your bed?c.What is it?62 . _任务二:请列举出Sally的房间中的物品63 . _任务三: 回答下列问题64 . Wheres the English book?_65 . Whos Sally?_任务四:把画线的句子译成汉语66 . _十、看图作文67 . 假如你是刘明请写一张便条给刘红,告诉她将你所需要的东西带到学校。提示:名称数学书棒球CDs电子游戏帽子l铅笔盒位置沙发上床下抽屉里书柜上椅子上桌子上要求:不少于50词。第 10 页 共 10 页


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