英语七年级上册Unit8 Section A课时练习

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英语七年级上册Unit8 Section A课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We eat breakfast_seven every dayAinBatCforDon2 . Kate is a school girl. She got many presents on her _ birthday.AnineBthe ninthCninetiethDninth3 . (题文)He went to Shanghai _ September , and came back _ the morning _ October 4.Ain , in , onBin , in ,ofCin , on , onDon , in , of4 . Happy birthday!_.AHappy birthdayBThats goodCThe same to youDThank you5 . How much are the pants(裤子)? _ tweny dollarsAIt hasBIt isCThey haveDThey are二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: 6 . B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.A: 7 . B: Green or blue.A: Look at the skirts over there. We have different colors. Which(哪一个)one do you like?B: I think the green one is nice. 8 . A: Its 150 yuan.B: Oh, its too expensive(贵的).A: 9 . Its only 60 yuan.B: Its cheap(便宜的), but it is big. 10 . A: Yes. Here you are.ACan you help me?BWhat color do you like?CCan I help you?DDo you have a small one?EHow much are they?FWhat about this one?GWhats the price?三、完型填空Hobo不小心将咖啡洒到了一些单词上,他有点吃不准了。帮他选一选吧! Im Colin and Im looking for new friends! Im thirteen years old and I live in Nanjing. I love ! I like swimming, football and volleyball, my favourite sport is basketball. I play it times a week at a basketball club. Its on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Many of my friends are of the club too. I to be a good basketball player one day. _ weekends I like to play basketball with my friends. We often talk about basketball and_basketball matches on TV. I also like drawing and music. It me happy. Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player. He is my hero!Do you like sports too? Do you like basketball? else do you enjoy? Send me a letter and we can be friends.(选自初中补充习题七年级上册)11 . AbooksBsports CclothesDtoys12 . AbutBsoCthenDand13 . Aone Btwo CthreeDfour14 . AcooksBworkers CstudentsDmembers15 . Ahope BenjoyClove Dstudy16 . AInBAt CAfterDBefore17 . AhearBlook at Cwatch Dsee18 . AlistenBlistening Clisten toDlistening to19 . Atakes Bmakes CletsDfinds20 . AWhere BWhen CWhatDHow四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词)21 . Jack has five lessons on Friday. (改为一般疑问句)_ Jack _five lessons on Friday?22 . Mary always goes out at night. (改为否定句)Mary _out at night.23 . We have already been to the Expo. (改为一般疑问句)_ you been to the Expo _?24 . I usually go to school on foot. (改为同义句)I usually _school.25 . They put the rubbish into rubbish bins.(就画线部分提问)_they put the rubbish into?26 . Lets have a walk along the lake. (改为同义句)_ walking along the lake?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空27 . _(什么时候)do you usually go to school?28 . December is the_(第十二)month of the year.29 . The old man was born on _(八月) 22nd, 1904.30 . Taylor Swift held a concert in Shanghai on_ (五月30th, 2014.31 . Teachers Day is on S _l0th.32 . August is the e_ month of a year.33 . The Spring Festival is usually in J_or F_.34 . Is Tuesday the t_ day of a week?A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。35 . Can you tell me the _ (首都)of Canada?36 . I should always _ (珍视)our friendship.37 . Dont be _ (生气)at him. He is a child, after all.38 . If someone invites you to meet at _ (正午), you should be there at 12 in the daytime.39 . Gail was lying in the sun looking very _ (放松的) and happy.40 . Lets play music.That sounds_ (轻松).41 . Helping others is the most _ (有价值的) thing in the world.42 . Lisa will make her_ (努力) to learn English well because she wants to be an international guide.43 . In autumn, the day is shorter and the temperature _ (下降).44 . The _ (价值) of this painting must be at least 500 dollars.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空45 . _(actual), he is an honest boy.46 . He is _(look) outside through the window.47 . Would you love _(join) us, Tina?48 . We cant see _(some) stars in the day.49 . When he _(come) back, Ill tell him the news.七、完成句子50 . 你通常几点起床?_do you usually get up?51 . 瑞克经常上学迟到。Rick_often_school.52 . 凯特6点钟到达学校。Kate_at 6:00.53 . 我从8点工作到12点。I work_8:00_12:00.54 . 冰淇淋不利于健康。Ice cream is not_health.55 . 晚饭后她通常做她的作业然后散个步。She usually_her_and then_a_after dinner.介词填空56 . Look! The little boy is getting _ the bus.57 . It is dark. The child runs home _ a hurry.58 . There are a lot _ sheep on the hill.59 . Welcome _ our class, Tom!60 . Are you looking _ your eraser?61 . _ the moment, the students are having lunch in the dining hall.62 . There are hundreds _ pigs and ducks on his farm.63 . Many people are waiting _ the train.64 . Dont talk _ me! I am doing my homework.65 . Every day each panda can eat fifteen kilos _ bamboo(竹子).八、汉译英:单词/短语66 . In_(秋天),leaves fall from trees.九、英译汉:单词/短语根据汉语意思写出短语67 . 生日快乐_68 . 多大年纪;几岁_69 . 再见_70 . 在八月_第 7 页 共 7 页


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