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海口市2020年(春秋版)浦东第四教育署2019-2020学年六年级上学期12月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It is important for learners to practice _ English.AspeakBsayingCspeakingDsay2 . A: _ will we know the results of the test?B: In a week, I suppose. AHow muchBHow farCHow soonDHow long3 . Would you mind opening the window?_ Please do.ACertainly notBYoud better notCIm afraid so4 . -Thankshelping me_ English, Tina. -Youre welcome.Afor ; aboutBfor; withCabout ; withDto ; for5 . Lets _ football this Sunday.Ato playBplayingCplayDplays6 . Id like some fried rice. Id _ like some boiled eggs.AandBelseCalsoDonly7 . I want some boiled eggs_ they are good for me.AthoughBbecauseCwhenDafter8 . _is your home from the centre of Guangzhou?Its only 15 minutes on foot.AHow longBHow manyCHow farDHow9 . _ the coat in water! Have it dry cleaned.ANot washBDont washCNot washingDNot to wash10 . 我的妹妹的英文名为_.ABobBAliceCDale11 . We used to come to schoolbike, but now we all come to schoolthe school bus.Aby; byBon; onCby; onDon; by12 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?AluckBhuntCuseDsuburb13 . Through TV, we can see what is in the world.Ataking partBtaking offCtaking placeDtaking up14 . (题文)- _ have you been studying English? -Since last year.AHow farBHow soonCHow longDHow often二、完型填空完形填空Briar and Bramble are two brown bear brothers . They live happily in a forest . However , their peaceful life is disturbed (被扰乱) _ Logger Vick . Vick comes from the big city and he is a bad man . He wants to cut down the _ in the forest .Of course the bear brothers will not let Vicks plan _ . They fight against the _ man . Because Briar is smart (聪明的) , he can think out a lot of _ . For example , they steal (偷) Vicks tools from _ and make their own tools . Bramble is not as smart as Briar , _ he is very strong . Vick is a bit afraid of him . Whats more , the bear brothers have other animals to _ them . Every time Vick _ to cut down trees , he fails (失败).Now you must know _ Im talking about . Yes , youre right . Its Boonie Bears . Do you love watching it ?15 . AwithBfromCwithoutDby16 . AbambooBflowersCtreesDbirds17 . Acome trueBgo outCget fatDget up18 . AgoodBbadCsillyDtired19 . AanswersBteamsCquestionsDways20 . AhimBthemCusDher21 . AsoBandCbutDbecause22 . AcarryBhelpCfindDsave23 . AhopesBneedsCleavesDtries24 . AwhyBhowCwhatDwhose三、阅读单选London is a good place for kids! The museums listed here will welcome children and make their fun.Bethnal Green Museum of ChildhoodIt is famous for its collection of toys, dolls and childrens costumes. It also offers a lively program of activities on weekends and during holidays.Address: Cambridge Heath Road, E2Phone: 020-89835200Price: FREELondons Transport MuseumTravel through time and discover the colourful story of Londons famous transportation system, from 1800 to the present day, through exciting displays of buses, trams and trains.Address: Londons Transport MuseumPhone: 020-73796344Price: 5Natural History MuseumIt has hundreds of exciting exhibits. It also allows visitors to meet museum researchers and find out about their work, and learn about recent scientific discoveries and the museums collections.Address: Cromwell Road, SW7Phone: 020-79425000Price: FREETheatre MuseumIt tells the history of the performing arts in the UK. The collection includes displays on theatre, dance, opera, musicals, rock and pop.Address: Russell Street, WC2EPhone: 020-79434700Price: FREE25 . The museums are mostly for _.AparentsBchildrenCteachersDpeople from other countries26 . If you want to visit Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, you can _.Acall 020-79434700Bgo to Cromwell RoadCcall 020-89835200Dgo to Covent Garden Tube Station27 . If you want to know about operas, you should go to _.ABethnal Green Museum of ChildhoodBLondons Transport MuseumCNatural History MuseumDTheatre Museum28 . You dont need to pay to visit any of the museums except for _ .ABethnal Green Museum of ChildhoodBLondons Transport MuseumCNatural History MuseumDTheatre Museum29 . You may find these ads at _.Awww.friendship.comBwww.inventors.comCwww.londontown.comDwww.jokesfinal.com四、句型转换句型转换30 . Lucy is Amys sister. (对画线部分提问)_ is Lucy?31 . Tom always hurries into the classroom. (改为同义句)Tom always runs into the classroom _.32 . Are these your ducks? (做肯定回答)_. _.33 . Jenny often helps me learn English. (改为同义句)Jenny often _ me_ my English.34 . This is my EnglishChinese dictionary. (改为同义句)This EnglishChinese dictionary _.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):35 . The beautiful _ house at the foot of the hill belongs to an old lady.(wood)36 . Mike worked hard and at the age of thirty he got great _ in business.(succeed)37 . How can you _ to stay so slim?(manager)38 . The little girl was disappointed to see the rainbow _.(appear)39 . The light went out and the room was in the _(dark)40 . Thai people _ Water Festival at the end of March or the beginning of April.(celebration)41 . Are you sure that the door and the windows are locked _?(secure)42 . I dont go out much, _ because I have to look after the kids.(main)43 . Please do not _ the room before knocking on the door.(entrance)44 . Tom could look after himself. His parents were proud of his _.(independent)六、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子):45 . Its hard to say at his stage how the market will _/divelp/.46 . Hunter knew _ /nl/ all of this already.47 . As you design your_/sistm/, consider how it should be tested.48 . The rising Sun is _ /spel/ beautiful to look at from this angle.49 . Over 90%of students will work harder after failing in the exams, as _/genst/ 10% of them will lose their hope.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文Arelationship Bvarious Cspecial Dcustom EdisappointedTea culture is different in countries in the worldThere are50 . ways that are commonly used to make tea,such as white tea,green tea and black teaAnd how to prepare tea may be different,tooIn some places,people often boil tea with salt and butterPeople may drink tea at home or in public,for example,at tea housesAs part of culture,tea has a51 . with history,health,education,communication and so onIn some countries,tea plays an important part in social activitiesFor example,afternoon tea is a British52 . Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon teaTea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantagesIt makes people less tired and helps to clear heat in the human bodyChinese people are also good at using tea to cook some 53 . dishesTea eggs and tea shrimps are among the most popular ones八、单词填空Rob and Peter are54 . (brother) Peter is lazy(懒惰的) One day, they want to have lunch at home Rob says to 55 . (he), Could you go to buy some meat?No, Im tired(疲劳的), says Peter, you goSo Rob 56 . (go) to buy the meatSoon he comes 57 . He says to Peter, Peter, here is the meat Now cook 58 . , pleaseBut Peter says, I am not good at(擅长)cooking You cook it So Rob cooks the 59 . Later he says to Peter, Go and get some 60 . /w:t(r) /Im not 61 . /str/ I cant do it Peter answersAt last Rob says, The lunch is ready(准备好的) Come and 62 . /i:t/ it Yes, Ill do it, answers Peter, I dont like 63 . (say) NO all the time(一直)九、回答问题My name is Cherry Green. I come from the USA. Im now a student in Grade Seven. My father is a math teacher in my school. My mother is a worker in a store.For me, it is very busy from March to May. On March 8th, it is Womens Day. I want to help my mother cook dinner. On March 12th, it is my fathers birthday. There is a big party for him in my house. I want to buy him a shirt. On April 1st, it is April Fools Day. I will think up some jokes(笑话). On the second Sunday of May, it is Mothers Day. I want to buy my mother a dress. What about a blue one? It is her favorite color. I think she will like it very much.64 . Whats Cherrys family name?65 . What does Cherrys father do?66 . What does Cherry want to do on March 8th?67 . When is Cherrys fathers birthday?68 . What does Cherry want to buy her mother?十、将所给单词连成句子单词造句69 . people,things,disabled,can,many,do_70 . Jane,years,got,two,ago,married_71 . his,hands,he,the,door,controls,with_72 . girl,write,the,cant,read,or_73 . how,do,does,she,it,_?十一、话题作文74 . Write a passage of at least 40 words on the topic “rules in our school”(以“我们学校的规则”为题写一篇短文,词数不少于40个)Sentence patterns for reference(以下句型仅供参考)For example, We mustWe mustnt第 9 页 共 9 页


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