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八年级英语下册单元检测卷:Unit5姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jim _ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.AwatchedBwas watchingChad watchedDwould be watching2 . - I hear that China is building an Aircraft Carrier ( 航空母舰 )- _ great news it is ! AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a3 . The fans were excited and _their teams.Acheered on Bwarmed upCplayed against Dplayed with4 . This kind of computers the popular.Aare; moreBare; mostCis; moreD is; most5 . Whats that_ English? Its a map.AinBatCofDto6 . My father _someone to come and help us when you _ us yesterday.Arang, sawBrang, were seeingCwas ring, sawDwas ringing, saw7 . Some wild animals are in danger because the number of them _ smaller and smaller.AbecomeBare becomingCis becomingDhave become8 . Our teacher asked us _ football in the street.Ato not playBnot play Cnot playingDnot to play9 . My mother often buys apples _ me.AforBtoCat10 . In the reading class, the _ you are, the _ you can find answers in the passages.Amore careful, easierBmore careful; more easilyCcarefully, easilyDmore carefully; easier11 . Is he _ a movie on TV?No,hes _ an e-mailAreading;writingBlistening;readingCwatching;writingDlooking;reading12 . Its very impolite to keep others _ for a long time.AwaitBwaitsCto waitDwaiting13 . I let myself _ when we were in danger.Aget downBcome downCcalm downDput down14 . Jeff Smith should offer to pay he has plenty of money,_ .Thats not the case. He is not generous enough.Ain allBabove allCafter allDfirst of all15 . _ her husband, she has now become a famous film star.ABecauseBThanks toCThanks forDWith the help二、完型填空Wang Yani was born in 1975.Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an_.Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her father as he painted,which made him laugh.One day,Yani painted lines on her fathers painting.He got_At that time she was only two and a half years old.She cried and said,“I want to_like you!”Her father looked at her without saying anything. He_remembered his childhood (童年).He also wanted to draw and paint,but his parents didnt understand. They just got angry. He didnt want to see the same thing happen to his daughter,so he decided to_her.With her fathers help,Yani soon_Her lines became flowers,trees and animals. Her father took her to parks and zoos to get_for her paintings. By the end of six,Yani had made over 4,000 works. Her paintings were very special. People_her works. When she was eight,one of her paintings was made into a Chinese postage stamp.Yani became famous when she was young. Her works were_in different countries in Asia,Europe and North America,_her parents never sold her paintings. She is well-known in the world,and art is still a great joy in her life.16 . AactorBathlete (运动员)Cartist17 . AangryBexcitedCsad18 . AlaughBspeakCpaint19 . AhappilyBclearlyChardly20 . AhelpBstopCrefuse21 . Adid homeworkBmade moneyCmade progress22 . AnewsBtimeCideas23 . AhatedBlovedCfound24 . AlostBsoldCshown25 . AandBbutCso三、阅读单选Once Mr. King had a cat, and he loved it very much. He called it “Sky”, because he thought “Sky” was the strongest name in the world.One day he had a meal at a restaurant with his cat. He met his old friend. He told him about his lovely cat and its name. His friend said, “How foolish you are! Sky is not the strongest thing in the world. My cat is called Cloud because cloud is stronger than sky.” After hearing this, Mr. King called his cat “Wind” because he thought wind was stronger than cloud.After a few days he suddenly(突然)thought that “Wall” was stronger than wind. And “Mouse(老鼠)” was stronger than wall. So he went to his friend to ask for an idea. His friend said, “Dont you think Cat is stronger than mouse?” “Yes, but.”The man thought and thought and then decided his cats name had better be “Cat” because a mouse was always afraid of a cat. Dont you think Mr King is very silly(傻的)or funny?26 . His cats first name was _ .ASkyBCatCWindDCloud27 . He decided his cats last name was _ .AMouseBWallCCloudDCat28 . Mr King gave his cat _ names in all(总共)and at last he called it “Cat”.AsixBfiveCfourDtwoDear Cindy,Happy New Year! How are you? What about my uncle and aunt? Are they well?I dont go to school today, so my mother and I go shopping together.We go to Chongqing Clothes Store first. The clothes are on great sale. And it sells all kinds of clothes. You can buy T-shirts, sweaters, jackets, trousers, shorts, socks and shoes in the store. Some of them are nice and cheap. The orange sweater is only 99 yuan each. I like the T-shirts. They are only 59 yuan. They are in red, green and white. My mother buys a sweater and a down coat (羽绒服).They are 388 yuan. She also buys three T-shirts for me. I am very happy.Then we go to a bookstore. The winter vacation is coming, so I want to buy some books and read them every day. Jin Yong is a great writer (作家). I think his books are great. But he passed away (去世) at the age of 94 in Hong Kong. I am good at writing stories, too. I hope I can be a great writer. I buy two books. They are 108 yuan. My mother thinks she can read the books with me.Then, we go to have a nice lunch at Burger King. It sells hamburgers for 36 yuan. Coke Cola is 8 yuan a cup. Its French fries are really nice and they are 12 yuan. After the lunch, we go home.Thats my day. Whats your day like? Write to me soon.Yours,Kate29 . How much is a down coat?A99 yuan.B59 yuan.C289 yuan.D388 yuan.30 . You cant buy _ T-shirts at Chongqing Clothes Store.AorangeBredCgreenDwhite31 . Why does Kate want to buy some books?ABecause its New Year and she doesnt go to school.BBecause they are nice and cheap.CBecause winter vacation is coming and she wants to read some books.DBecause Jin Yong is a great writer.32 . Kate and Cindy are _.Abest friendsBsistersCclassmatesDcousinsAs I was leaving to meet Lynne, my roommate told me that Id better take some money. But I didnt listen to him. I thought that Lynne would pay because she had invited me. I arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. Id been told that Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table in the corner of restaurant and a waitress came and took our order.The dinner was a great success. I talked a lot about Saudi Arabia and Lynne told me all about herself. After two hours, the waitress finally came and asked if we wanted one check or two. Lynne said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed (尴尬) when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I pretended to look for something in my pockets and said, Oh! I forgot my wallet! Can I call my roommate, please? The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called my roommate. In a few minutes, he arrived with some money, but he couldnt hide how he felt. He laughed all the way home. Now, I think its funny too, but at that time I was terribly embarrassed. I thought that an invitation to have dinner in the United States meant the same thing as that in China. I guess you have to understand that your customs are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country, you have to learn about their customs, too.33 . The writers roommate advised the writer to take some money with him _.Ato pay for the mealBto share the cost of the mealCto invite Lynne to dinnerDto pay for the taxi34 . The roommate laughed all the way home because _.Athe writer was embarrassed when he couldnt pay his checkBthe writer hadnt told Lynne the truthCthe writer listened to him when he left the house.Dthe dinner wasnt a great success35 . The writer and Lynne _.Aenjoyed their meal very muchBdidnt finish successfully their mealCtraveled to Saudi Arabia togetherDwerent happy during the dinner36 . What is the passage mainly about?APeople should always take some money with them.BA Chinese man must pay for the meal.CA good roommate can really help you a lot.DCustoms can be entirely (完全地) different in different countries.四、句型转换改写句子.37 . We have to do the taskas carefully as possible. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to do the task as carefully as possible?38 . He has learned to play the guitar for five years. (对划线部分提问)_ has he learned to play the guitar?39 . The foreign teacher often tells us to listen to him carefully during the class to improve our English.The foreign teacher often tells us to improve our English _ to him carefully during the class.40 . My pen pal asked me, “Do you wear school uniforms to school every day?” (改写句子句意不变)My pen pal asked me _ I _ school uniforms to school every day.41 . If you dont keep practicing English, you will forget it. (改写句子句意不变)_ you _ practicing English, you will forget it.五、完成句子七、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。42 . 他经常乘火车回家乡。He often_the train to his_43 . 我每天骑车去上学。I_my bike_school every day44 . (烟台中考题)我相信我们的中国梦一定会实现。I believe our China Dream will_45 . 我有时步行去学校。I sometimes_school.46 . 从学校到汽车站不是很远。It isnt_the school to the bus stop六、材料作文47 . 书面表达李雷想要他妹妹李梅给他带些东西到学校来: 地板上的笔记本; 书桌上的尺子; 桌底下的磁带播放机; 书柜上的数学书。请你以李雷的名义给她写一张留言条。Dear Li Mei, Can you bring some things for me to school? . . ._Thanks, Li Lei第 8 页 共 8 页


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