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福州市2020版七年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mum, where is Dad? He _ flowers in the garden now.AplantedBplantsCwill plantDis planting2 . Will you come to my birthday party next Friday? _. I will go to my grandparents.AI think soBIm afraid notCId like toDI agree with you3 . Who is the boy over there?_ is my brother.ASheBHeCItDThey4 . The little boy _ his school bag last night. Luckily, his teacher found it and gave it to him.AlostBmissedCmissesDloses5 . The fruit is_, because it was picked from the garden just now.AfreshBcheapCbigDunhealthy6 . The man was charged_ into the house last night.Awith breakingBto breakCfor breakingDwith broken7 . When are you free? Come to my house and help me with the computer._Tuesday _Thursday, Im only free these two days, any day is OK.ANot only;but alsoBBoth;andCNeither;norDEither;or8 . -will Taixingin ten years ?- It will be much cleaner and more beautiful, Im sure.AWhat; be likeBHow; be likeCWhat; likeDHow ; like9 . His cousin plays basketball _ three hours every Sunday.AatBforCinDon10 . The professor gave _ on how to do a scientific research well.Atwo pieces of suggestionsBtwo pieces of advicesCtwo suggestionsDtwo advice二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,有两项是多余的。A: Help yourself to some fish.B: 11 . The fish is very nice.A: Would you like some eggs?B: 12 . May I have some chicken, please?A: 13 . What would you like to drink?B: 14 . I like orange juice very much.A: 15 . B: No, thanks.AWould you like some rice?BWhat about fish?CA glass of orange juice, please.DIts nice.EThanks.FNo, thanks.GHere you are.三、完型填空Steve doesnt like math. It is a(n) _ subject for him. He has a math test next Monday and he has_days to study (学习) for it. He is_ these days. He locks himself in( 把自己锁在) his _. He locks his phone and computer in the bookcase. After two days he cant do it by himself. He _Kevin because he is good at math, and Kevin comes to help him _Sunday morning. After that, Steve is ready for (为做好准备) the test.The two-hour test finishes and Steve is happy because he thinks he can get _ A.16 . AdifficultBsmallCeasy17 . AoneBtwoCthree18 . AfreeBhappyCbusy19 . AroomBclassroomCstore20 . AcallingBcallsCcall21 . AinBatCon22 . AaBanCthe完形填空Do you often communicate with your parents?Some parents are always comparing their_with themselves when they were young, or with other people when they were children.“When I was your age,” a father said to_sixteen-year-old son one day, “I was at the top of my class every year. And I_what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals. You have no goals,_your are always at the bottom of your class .”The mans son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father_times.“And when your mother was your age,” the young mans father,_, “She had a good job and she was earning money. You dont even have a part-time job. You earn nothing.”The mans son still said_He had heard this before,_.“And_your elder brother was your age,” the young mans father went on, “he studied hard. But your just_your time.”And the mans son still said nothing.Finally, the young mans_said, “And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night.”This time the son_stay silent(沉默).“And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father,” he said, “He was the president of_United States._are you?”His father had no answer to this.Are your parents always comparing you_others? And whats your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?23 . AchildrenBstudentsCteachersDfriends24 . AmyBhisCherDyour25 . AknowBknewCwill knowDhave known26 . AalthoughBorCandDso27 . AmanyBfewCanyDmuch28 . Awent awayBwent overCwent upDwent on29 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything30 . AalsoBtooCeitherDyet31 . AafterBbeforeCas soon asDwhen32 . AsaveBtakeCwasteDkeep33 . AbrotherBsisterCmotherDfather34 . AcanBcantCcouldDcouldnt35 . AaBanCtheD/36 . AWhatBHowCWhereDWho37 . AtoBwithCaboutDfor四、阅读单选Cindy, A red watch is in my classroom. Is it yours? Ask Ms. Li for it. MikeFoundA schoolbag is in the school library. Is this your schoolbag? Its blue. My name is Tony Green. Please call me at 236-0731. LostMy school ID card. Its number is 201-1816. My name is Mary Brown. Please e-mail me at maryg2gfimail.com.FoundA set of keys. Please call Jane at 5019999.FoundA dog. Black and white. In Green Park. Call Jenny at 5018888.38 . Cindy lost her _.Aschool ID cardBwatchCschoolbagDdog39 . You found a school ID card. Maybe it is _.AMikesBJennysCTonysDMarys40 . Jenny found_.Asome keysBa schoolbagCan ID cardDa black and white dogWe often(经常)go shopping(购物)on Sundays. I often go to the supermarket(超市) with my mother on Sunday morning in a car. Father likes fruit very much. We buy some red apples for him. Mother likes yellow bananas, but they are green. Look! The strawberries are very nice, mum. Do you like them? I say to mum. Yes, I like strawberries very much. Mother buys some for herself.The oranges are very nice.Mother buys some for me.I like oranges very much. We need some vegetables, too. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. Then we buy some tomatoes. carrots and broccoli, I dont like broccoli, but my parents like it. I like carrots very much. We buy lots of carrots.After shopping, mother and I have some French fries, milk and ice-cream. And then we go back home with the fruit and vegetables.41 . Wholikesapplesverymuch?AMotherBFatherCIDI dontknow42 . Motherdoesntbuyanybananasbecause(因为).AtherearenotanybananasBthebananasaregreenCshedoesnt likebananasDIdontlikebananas43 . Motherbuyssomeorangesfor.AherselfBfatherCusDme44 . Myparentslike,butIdontlikeit.AtomatoesBstrawberriesCcarrotsDbroccoli45 . Afterbuyingthefruitandvegetables.AwegobackhomeBweeatsomeapplesandtomatoesCwehavesomefoodDweonlyeatsomeice-creamJuly is a month of funfilled activities for kids and teens as long as you know where to find themWhen you want some fun activities for July,consider these ideas happening in this monthSecret of the DragonTime: Monday,July 1,2013,10:30amCost: Adult:7.40Children(under15):halfbookings Phone the booking office:3403 2578Address: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Secret of the Dragon is a magical story about two children who are taken on a dragon ride to explore the universeThe Search for LifeTime: Thursday,July 4,2013,2:00pmCost: Adult:14.50Children (under 15years):8.70BookingsPhone the booking office:3403 7689Address: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Are we truly alone in space?Is there any life out there?These are the questions asked in this showMagic ClassTime: Friday,July 12,2013,10:00amCost: FreeBookings:Please call 3403 8470to book your placeAddress:Centenary Community hub,171Dandenong RdNote: Would you like to be a magician?Then join David,the magician,to learn about real magic with playing cards,coins,ring ropes and DIY projects and be able to become the life of the partyScience with MeTime: Saturday,July 20,2013,3:00pmCost: FreeBookings: Please phone 3403 1226to book your placeAddress: 10,Egginton CloseNote: Do you want to make a guitar with Katy and her mom?Science with Me is going to be with youPlease remember to bring a piece of wood,a hammer,some rubber bands and some nails with you46 . Alec is strongly interested in space lifeHe may go toAMagic ClassBScience with MeCSecret of the DragonDThe Search for Life47 . John and his 10yearold son want to watch Secret of the DragonHow much should they pay?A7.40B11.10C14.80D23.2048 . What do the four activities have in common?AThey are all freeBThey happen in the same placeCThey are all weekend activitiesDThey can all be booked by phoneWe surveyed(调查)300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:49 . How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A20B50C75D8050 . The people of 19- 26 likes _ best.Awatching TVBgoing to the moviesCplaying computer gamesDtaking a walk51 . Which two activities do most of the people doing?APlaying computer games and watching TVBPlaying computer games and taking a walk.CWatching TV and going to the movies.DPlaying computer games and going to the movies.52 . We know young people dont like_.Awatching TVBtaking a walkCgoing to the moviesDplaying computer games53 . Which of the following is true?AThe people between 11-18 dont like taking a walk.BThe people of 27-35 like watching TV best.CPeople between 19-26 dont like playing computer games at all.DThe people between 11-18 like watching TV best.五、单词填空The summer before I went off to college, Mum stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing board and said, “Pay attention; Im going to teach you to iron.”Mum clearly explained her reason for this lesson. I was going to be independent and needed to learn this important s54 . . Also, I would be meeting new people, and p55 . ironed clothes would help me make a good impression.“Learn to iron a shirt,” Mum said, “and you can iron anything.” But ironing shirts was not e56 . work. It didnt make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball, and it wasnt a s57 . operation like ice-skating. Ironing was like driving a car on a street that has a stop sign every 10 feet. Moreover, an iron produced steam and it would be d58 . . If you touched the wrong part of it, youd get burnt. If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.As for technique, Mum taught me to begin with the flat spaces outward, always pushing the iron forward into wrinkled (有褶皱的) parts. Collars (领子) had to be done right. Mum said they were close to your face, where everyone would s59 . them.Over the years, Ive learned to iron shirts skillfully, which makes me proud. Whatever failures I s60 . in my life, an ironed shirt tells me I am good at something. Besides, through ironing Ive learned the method of solving even the most troublesome problems. “Deal with wrinkles one at a time,” as Mum might have said, “and before long everything will get ironed out.”六、回答问题阅读下文并回答问题。One day, a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside. He wanted to show him how poor the villagers were and wished him to cherish what he had. They spent two days in a poor family in the village. On their return from the trip ,the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” “ It was great, Dad.” “Did you see how poor people could be?” the father asked.“Oh, yeah!” said the son .“So what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.After thinking for a while, the son answered, “I saw that we have a dog ,while they have four. We have a pool in the garden. And they have a small river without an end. At night, We have small lights in the garden, but they have the stars in the sky. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around to keep us safe but they have friends.” You could imagine the look on the fathers face! Then the son went on, Thanks, Dad. Now I know how poor we are!”61 . Did the rich father take his young son to the countryside?_62 . How long did they spend in the poor family in the village?_63 . Where was the pool of the rich family?_七、书信作文64 . 假如你是Sam,寒假即将来临,你有什么计划和安排呢?你的笔友Dennis来信想知道你的假期安排。请根据以下提示回信。1. What did you do last winter holiday? (stayed at home, played computer games most of the time)2. How did you feel about last winter holiday? (boring and meaningless)3. Whats your plan for the coming winter holiday? (do homework, read more books; get lots of exercise; improve health; spend more time with)Dear Dennis,I had a bad winter holiday last year. _So for the coming winter holiday this year Im going to _Yours,Sam第 12 页 共 12 页


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