英语七年级上册Unit 7 Section B(1a-2c)课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 7 Section B(1a-2c)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 7 Section B(1a-2c)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Your clothes_very good.Thank you.AamBisCareDat2 . There are _students in our class,twelve boys and eighteen girls.AtwentyBelevenCfifteenDthirty3 . The paper is made wood and the desk is also made wood.Aof; fromBof; ofCfrom; ofDinto; of4 . _are you going to get good grades?Im going to study harder.AHowBWhereCWhatDWhy5 . In my class,all the students like the NBA star James _ me.I think Harden plays basketball better.AagainstBbesidesCexcept6 . - _ to the local people, its a special and magical place.AAccordedBAccordingCAccordDAccords7 . _are these trousers? Theyre ¥200.AHowBHow manyCWhatDHow much二、完型填空On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face and then go out to_ morning exercises. It is about 8:20 a.m. After I eat my breakfast, I often go to a shopping centre with my mother. The shopping centre is_our home, so we walk there. It_us about 20 minutes to get there on foot. The shopping centre has a good_.It is called“万达”in Chinese. It doesnt have a(n)_name. Can you help to put it into English? It is new and big._many things there, such as(诸如)TVs, fridges, bikes, computers, clothes, books, food and drinks. There are many_there. There are men and women, old and young. Parents must_their children. The shopping centre is so big. Young children may get lost(迷失) in it._ do many people come here to buy things? Some of the things there are usually expensive, but they are very_. The workers there are always nice and friendly c友好的). If you come to my home, I can take you there.8 . AmakeBdoCrunDplay9 . AnearBintoCatDfrom10 . AmakesBtakesCplaysDcosts11 . AflowerBplaceCnameDroom12 . AoldBbigCEnglishDFrench13 . AThere isBThere areCThey areDTheyre14 . AstudentsBpeopleCchildrenDteachers15 . Alook afterBlook forCLook atDlook like16 . AWhatBWhoCWhyDWhen17 . AsmallBgoodCbigDbad三、阅读判断These unbelievable Disney experiences will become magical gifts sure to impress every Disney fan in your lifeMeet Mickey and MinnieNot only are Disney ocean trips filled with on-board fun and excellent ports,making them a perfect present,but as soon as you book a Disney ocean trip as a gift,you can schedule a special holiday phone call from Mickey and Minnie to surprise your gift receiver with the news about their special vacation presentAdd even more holiday spirit with seasonally themed Very Merry Time Ocean Trips and special New Years sailings,tooLong Weekend City EscapeWant to let them relax closer to home?Surprise them with a long weekend getaway to Boston,New York City,or San Francisco with Adventures by DisneyThese urban adventures are packed with VIP experiences,awesome accommodations(住宿),and best diningBook before Thanksgiving and theyll throw in an extra night for free,tooHoliday Dinner in ParadisePicture this:A classic Christmas dinner on a beach in HawaiiSounds pretty goodNow add live music,local entertainment,and Mickey,Moana and friends in their finest beachwearIt can be the greatest boliday meal your gift receivers catIt isnt just about holiday meals,of course Your gift also comes with soft sand beaches,pools with water slides and lazy rivers,cultural activities,and free kids clubs,tooSafari StyleIf youre looking for the perfect gift for animal lovers,the Wild Africa Trek at Animal Kingdom will make them scream with excitement!A private guided tour of the Safi River Valley provides VIP access to the wild animals as guests ride or walk on a rope bridge on their adventureTheyll also be treated to safari snacks,a surprise gift,and free pictures!18 . According to the passage,a visitor can get a free nights stay in AMeet Mickey and MinnieBLong Weekend City EscapeCHoliday Dinner in ParadiseDSafari Style19 . Besides great dinner, visitor can enjoy on Hawaii beachApictures taken for freeBtraditional local snacksCphone calls from MickeyDdifferent cultural activities20 . Which statement is NOT true according to the article?AVisitors can get a surprising phone call from Mickey and Minnie after a Disney boat ride is bookedBVisitors can enjoy a great view of countryside to escape from cities if they take“Long Weekend City Escape”vacationCVisitors can see Disney characters in bathing suits if they take“Holiday Dinner in Paradise”vacationDVisitors will be provided with a VIP guided trip at Animal Kingdom21 . This passage is written to ADisney fansBgift giversCforeign visitorsDanimal lovers四、句型转换句型转换22 . People stopped talking when the movie began. (改为同义句)_ the movie began, people stopped talking.23 . Summer comes after spring.(改为同义句)Spring _ summer.24 . I didnt go to bed until I finished my report. (改为同义句)I didnt go to bed _ I finished my report.25 . Have you seen a table? The table has three legs. (改为含有定语从句的复合句)Have you seen a table _ three legs?26 . I know the girl. She can dance well. (改为含有定语从句的复合句)I know the girl _ dance well.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空27 . How much are these s_?28 . I n_a white s_.29 . A_can afford this sweater.30 . The two w_are Toms and Jims mothers.31 . Do you want to buy my bike? I want to s_ it.六、完成句子根据汉语完成句子32 . 对面是两家中餐馆。_ two Chinese restaurants.33 . 右转到国王大街,然后经过教堂。_ Kings Street, and _ the church.34 . 你能告诉我哪条路是到历史博物馆的吗?Can you tell me _ the History Museum?35 . 邮局在书店的对面。The post office _ the bookshop.36 . 打扰一下,去邮局怎么走?_, _ can I _ the post office?七、用单词的正确形式完成句子阅读下列句子。从方框中选择合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。worry about, keep a diary, rapid, strange, alien, advantage, carry out, after all, be worth the risk, grammar rule37 . I wont believe that there are _ living in space unless I see them with my own eyes.38 . The children looked at us in surprise, as if we were _.39 . Toms height might be his _ if he wants to be a basketball player. He is a little bit short.40 . We wont give up the project even though we may fail. _ , weve spent much time preparing for it.41 . NASAs Viking programme _ successfully in the 1970s.42 . The man seems _ his sons safety and he cant calm down.43 . I think this deal (交易) _ . We have nothing to lose, right?44 . _ in English can help you improve your writing skills.45 . As the population is increasing _ , the Earth is becoming more and more crowded now.46 . Learning lifeless words and _ can be boring. Teachers should make the process lively.八、多任务混合问题47 . The card is used for_.Ataking a taxiBdisgavelling by trainCtaking a busDentering the college来48 . Lilian is_.Aa bus driverBa university studentCa teacher in a collegeDa middle school student49 . The card can be used in any of the four .AcitiesBcollegesCuniversitiesDbus companies50 . According to the reading material,if you find a lost card,you can .Asell itBphone LilianCuse it for disgavellingDgive it back to any Stagecoach driver51 . You can not findin the card.ALilians ageBthe priceCthe card numberDthe time limit第 8 页 共 8 页


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