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广西壮族自治区2019-2020年度七年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空“Jamila, is the money on the table yours?” asked Mrs. Johnson.Jamila looked up from the _ in her hand.” Oops, I took it out of my jacket pockets before I left for tennis practice yesterday and _ to take the money up to my room.” Then Jamila put it in the book.“Jamila, you just put that_ into the back of your book? Maybe you cant _ it when you need it. You are working so hard to _ for a new bicycle. I dont want you to lose you money. How about your piggybank?”Jamila nodded. “But its broken. So I_ putting money in it. Some of the money I made is _ a bottle on my desk. Some is in a box under the bed and I might also have a few_ in my desk, I think.”Mrs. Johnson said, “It seems its time for _ to get a bank account(帐户). Do you want to go to the bank with me? Itll still be _ for another hour.”Jamila jumped up. “Will the account be in my own name?” Jamila asked _.“Of course,” answered her mom. “Why not go and see _ you can find all the money you have placed around the house. You might be surprised by _ you have when its all in one place.At the bank, the banking manager told Jamila that the _ the money stayed in her account, the more interest(利息) it would be. Jamila was excited to_ that she could make more money just by keeping her money in a savings account.1 . AbookBjacketCballDbag2 . ArememberedBforgotCrefusedDagreed3 . AletterBmoneyCpenDkey4 . AsearchBcarryCuseDfind5 . AsaveBchangeCcheckDtravel6 . AenjoyedBkeptCstoppedDpracticed7 . AfromBinCforDabout8 . AclothesBbottlesCdollarsDboxes9 . AyouBusCmeDthem10 . AfreeBbusyCclosedDopen11 . AquietlyBshylyChappilyDcarelessly12 . AwhereBhowCifDwhen13 . Ahow longBhow muchChow manyDhow old14 . AlongerBshorterCfurtherDnearer15 . AreadBreportCexplainDlearn二、阅读单选Are you too busy to look after your children? Do your children have problems with school subjects? If so, why not come to Home for Children? We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to do homework and learn after school.Experienced(有经验的) Teachers / Supper / BooksAges 8 to 16Our courses(课程):English, Maths, Computer, Music, Handwriting(书法)Open 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Monday to FridayAddress: 28 Park Road, Sunshine Town (between First Street and Second Street, next to the Times Market)For more information, please call Mr. Zhang at 8865-8395.16 . From the advertisement we can know that Home for Children is a place to _.Ado homework and learn after schoolBteach students how to cookClook after sick childrenDplay games together after school17 . What cant children learn in Home for Children?AMusic.BEnglish.CComputer.DDrawing pictures.18 . Mrs. Green can send her daughter Lucy to Home for Children EXCEPT _.Aat 4:00 pm on MondayBat 5:00 pm on FridayCat 6:00 pm on SundayDat 7:00 pm on Wednesday19 . Who can do homework and learn in Home for Children?AMike, a school boy of 6.BMary, an 11-year-old girl.CCathy, an experienced teacher.DLinda, a girl of 17 years old.20 . What can you do if you want to know more information about Home for Children?ACall Mr. Zhang.BVisit its website.CSend an e-mail.DWrite a letter.21 . What can we learn from the information?AHome for Children is open on weekends.BHome for Children is next to the Times Market.CHome for Children will be open for 24 hours in a week.DAfter school parents must pick up their children and send them to Home for Children.Sarah was excited. She was going to be 13 in two weeks. Her mother said it was a big day for a teenager. She said that Sarah could have a tea party to celebrate.Sarah had 20 people in her class, and her mother said she could invite all of them. So they bought beautiful cards and wrote down the guests names, and the time, date and place of the party. Sarahs mother also wrote down her phone number, so that guests could reply. Then they posted the invitations.When you receive an invitation, it is polite to reply as soon as possible. You can either write a reply or make a telephone call. Its especially important when it is a wedding or anniversary (纪念日) invitation.Sarah received 19 replies. One boy did not reply. He is very rude! said Sarahs mother.The party was held in Sarahs village. Her guests brought birthday presents as well as flowers for her parents. It is polite to bring a gift for your host, even if it is only small. It means you are thanking him or her for inviting you.Sarah really enjoyed her party and wrote letters to all the guests, thanking them for their presents. It is polite to write back and thank the host for inviting you. Say how much you enjoyed the party, even if you didnt.22 . Sarah was going to have her _ birthday very soon.AsecondBthirteenthCnineteenthDtwentieth23 . How did Sarah and her mother invite the guests?AThey told them in class.BThey called them one by one.CThey wrote letters to the guests.DThey sent cards to the guests.24 . It is impolite if you _.Areply to the invitation as quickly as you canBbring a small gift for the hostCdont really enjoy the partyDdont write or call back after receiving an invitation25 . What can we infer(推断) from the article?ASarah wanted to celebrate her birthday because she was very old.BYou only reply when it is a wedding or anniversary invitation.CSarahs mother didnt like what the boy did because she thought him impolite.DAll the people that Sarah invited came to her birthday party.26 . What can be a good title for this article?ALearn to be a good guestBSarah and her 20 classmatesCImportant events in U. K.DHow to invite other peopleHello! My name is Mike. I am from America. Now I am with my parents. I like breakfast at home. I have an egg, some bread and porridge(粥) for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.27 . Mike is _.AAmericanBEnglishCChineseDin the USA28 . For breakfast, Mike has_.Aan egg, an apple and porridgeBan egg, bread and porridgeCan apple, bread and milkDan egg, an apple and bread29 . He has lunch_.Aat schoolBat homeCin a restaurantDwith his parents30 . He has _ for lunch.Arice, meat and vegetablesBnoodles and dumplingsCchicken, meat and fruitDA and B31 . Sometimes they have dinner_.Aat schoolBin a restaurant with some friendsCat his friends homeDin the open air三、用单词的正确形式完成短文选用方框中所给单词的适当形式,完成短文。dont she shop kindfindIts Sunday today. Anna goes 32 . with her mother. She wants her mother to buy her a new coat. In a clothing store, she 33 . a green coat. She tries it on. Its too small. She wants a bigger one ,but the bigger one is not green. Anna 34 . like other colors.“Lets go to another store to have a look,”35 . mother says. Then they come to a new store. It is bigger and there are many 36 . of coats in different colors and sizes. Anna tries a green one. Its nice for her. So they buy it. Her mother spends forty-five yuan on the new coat.四、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Mei.37 . .B: Yes. I have just heard that I had got the chance to go to Switzerland on my student exchange program.A: Really? How lucky you are!B:38 . . You know I have to live with my host family. I have never been there before, so I dont really know what I am supposed to do.A:39 . . I know something about that. First, dont be late. In Switzerland, its very important to be on time.B:40 . . I think Ill have to buy a watch.A: And you cant visit other peoples homes without calling them first. If you want to visit your friends, you must call them first.B: Oh, thats pretty different from the customs in Colombia where I am from.41 . .A: Yes, thats the difference. Good luck!B: Thank you!五、语法填空根据短文内容,在空格内填入合适的单词或写出括号所给单词的适当形式。(每空一词)Many teenagers have the same favorite room at homethe bedroom! Its 42 . private(私人的)place. They can do 43 . (they)homework, be with friends, read, listen to music or just44 . (relaxing). Each teens room is different. Meet these two teens and see what the rooms45 . (be)like?KwanI share a room with my little brother. We have a small 46 . cool room. We keep it clean. Our room is red and blue. There are two 47 . (bed), and theres a big window next to them. My brother is eight, and he likes cars. He always 48 . (play) with his toy cars in the room. There are a lot of car posters 49 . the wall. I dont like cars so much, but thats OK. I have four sisters, I am happy I have the room with my little brother.IrishI love my room! Its a little 50 . (tidy), but I dont worry about it. There are clothes on the floor and under my bed. My favorite thing in my room is my pink chair. My TV is great, 51 . . The only problem: there are usually clothes on it.六、话题作文52 . 书面表达随着生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人养成了不好的生活习惯。请你根据下面表格的内容,以We need good habits为题谈谈不良生活习惯对健康的影响。现象结果夏天吃太多冰激凌容易胃痛久坐在电脑前玩游戏对眼睛不好常常熬夜对心脏不好正确的做法:健康饮食,经常锻炼,养成良好的生活习惯要求:1.条理清晰,要点齐全; 2. 70词左右(开头已给出,不计入总次数)We need good habitsToday more and more people have some bad habits._第 8 页 共 8 页

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