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太原市2020年中考三模英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Many parents devoted much time_ their childrenAeducateBto educateCto educatingDeducation2 . (题文)She has taken my book _.Aby mistakenBby mistakeCfor wrongDmake a mistake3 . In the past few years, great changesin Chongqing.Ahave taken placeBtook placeChave been taken placeDhave happened4 . These problems will lead to the failure (失败) of the plan. So we must solve them first.AcreateBcauseCcontrol5 . -How much milk did you put in the coffee?-Im sorry to say, ,I forgot.AnoneBnothingCno oneDno6 . -When do you expect Sara _ home?-Before 5:00 p.m. I have something important to tell her.AcomeBto comeCto leaveDleave7 . Its 7 p.m. now. The zoo near my home _at 8 p.m. That is to say, it _now.Aopens; closesBcloses; is openCis open; is closedDis open; closes8 . Simon, I hear that Daniel got full marks in the English speaking and listening test.Exactly. He practises hardest in our class.ANo pain, no gainBA miss is as good as a mileCMany hands make light workDActions speak louder than words9 . I hope _ play football tomorrow with me.Ahim toBhe willChim willDhe to10 . Do you know the murder who killed the computer engineer?Yes, He_ to be the mans best friends.Afinds outBworks outCturns outDbreaks out11 . I _be short, but now I am much taller.Aused toBis used toCis use toDuse to12 . We mustnt drop _ everywhere because it will make our city dirty.AwaterBlitterCfoodDsnow13 . What is in the box ?- There _ a pencil and two rubbers.AamBareCisDbe14 . May I have some wine? No, you . You have to drive home later.AshouldntBneedntCmustntDmay not15 . A Bite of China is documentary Ive introduced to you several times.Its great. Ive never watched more attractive one.Athe,aBthe,theCthe,/Da,the二、完型填空Just for today I will be happy. I quite agree with Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the US. He said, “Most people can be as happy as they hope to be in their mind.” _ is from inside. It is not a matter of outside.Just for today I will take care of my _. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, so that it will be a _ machine for my building. I plan to run for an hour every morning, and play basketball three or four times a week. _ it is possible, I will join a basketball team and train myself there too.Just for today I will try to strengthen my _. I will learn something useful and meaningful. I will keep reading as part of myself. I will choose _ to read, especially books that need thought as often as I can, because reading is like a key that can _ my mind to the outside world. It nourishes me deeply and _ me a full man.Just for today I will have a plan. I will write down _ I expect to do every day first. And then I will begin _ a very small thing, such as getting up on time. I may not follow it _ the same as I have expected, but I am sure that I will have it. _, a good plan is half done. Just for today I will be _ enough to enjoy myself. I will not be afraid to be happy, and to enjoy what is beautiful. I will not be afraid to love and to believe that those I love also love me. Ill value every moment that will be _ with my parents, my children and my friends. And I will say “I love you” loudly to them. Never keep my love as a _. Just for today I will start my new journey and enjoy life as well.16 . AAgreementBHappinessCFriendshipDCommunication17 . ApetBkidCbodyDhouse18 . AnoisyBheavyCsimpleDperfect19 . AIfBTillCUnlessDWhether20 . AmindBprideCpowerDmemory21 . AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything22 . Aput upBopen upCmake upDclean up23 . AcallsBmakesCwritesDexpresses24 . AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere25 . AbyBatCwithDthrough26 . AmainlyBexactlyCrecentlyDsuddenly27 . AInsteadBFinallyCAnywayDHowever28 . AbraveBcarefulCnervousDworried29 . AspentBwastedCmissedDoffered30 . AdollBpoemCsecretDpainting三、阅读单选The first breath-taking pictures of the Earth taken from space showed it as a solid ball covered by brown land masses and blue-green oceans. We had never seen the Earth from that distance before. To us, it appeared as though the Earth had always looked that way and always would. Scientists now know, however, that the surface of the Earth is not as permanent (永久的) as we had thought.Scientists explain that the surface of our planet is always moving. Continents moves about the Earth like huge ships at sea. They float on pieces of the Earths outer skin. New outer skin is created as melted rock pushed up from below the ocean floor. Old outer skin is destroyed as it rolls down into the hot area and melts again.Only since the 1960s have scientists really began to understand that the planet Earth is a great living machine. Some experts have said this new understanding is one of the most important revolutions in scientific thought. The revolution is based on the work of scientists who study the movement of the continentsa science called plate tectonics.The modern story of plate tectonics begins with the German scientist Alfred Wegener. Before World War One, Wegener argued that the continents had moved and were still moving. He said the idea first occurred to him when he observed that the coastlines of South America and Africa could fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He proposed that the two continents might have been one and then split apart.Wegener was not the first person to wonder about the shape of the continents. About 500 years ago, explorers thought about it when they made the first maps of Americas. The explorers noted the east coast of North America and South America would fit almost exactly into the west coast of Europe and south Africa. What the explorers did not do, but Wegener did, was to investigate the idea that the continents move.31 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe coastline of India and Africa fit together.BOur ancient thought that the surface of the earth is still.CAlfred Wegener was not the first person to investigate the idea that the continents move.DWe didnt see the Earth from far away until we saw the picture taken in the space.32 . The last word of the third paragraph tectonics means _.Astudy of buildingBstudy of the earth structureCstudy of the earth surfaceDstudy of designing33 . What did the explorers find?AThe east coastlines of North America and the west coast of Europe could fit together.BThe coastlines of North America and Africa could fit together.CThe coastlines of South America and Africa could fit together.DThe coastlines of North America and India could fit together.Which pet is the best pet for you? Different pets are good for different people. People who live in the country can have almost any pet. Dogs need a lot space(空间) to run, so the country is a good place for them. The country is a good place for cats, rabbits, horses, and birds, too. People who live in the city can also have pets. Cats are happy inside flat. Birds, fish, and lizards can live in flat . Dogs can be very happy in apartments if they get lots of exercise and clean air. Dogs need to be walked every day. A runner would make a good pet owner(主人). Then the dog could run with its owner.Cat and dog owners must train their pets. Training takes time. Birds, fish, and lizards are better pets for people who are very busy.Cats and dogs both need soft beds to sleep on. Birds sleep on a perch in their cages. Lizards and fish need tanks to live in. one thing all animals need is lots of love.34 . Peter is busy with his work in the city every day, so he may keep the pets like_.Acats and birdsBdogs and fishChorses and lizardsDbirds and lizards35 . Which sentence is true according to (根据) the passage?APeople in the country can have almost any pet.BPeople in the city can only have cats or dogs.CPeople who own cats cant only have other pets.DAll the pets need soft beds and lots of love.36 . Whats the passage mainly about?AHow to keep a pet in your house.BHow many kinds of pet there areCWhats the difference between cats and birdsDHow to choose(选择) your best pet.Hotels can make a persons stay away from home as restful as possible. Hotels provide warm beds to allow guests a peaceful nights rest. Besides, some hotels offer guests special services such as newspapers to read in the morning, fresh coffee, and even breakfast. Hotel workers want their guests to feel warm and welcome when they stay in their hotel.One hotel near the Arctic Circle, however, is different. This hotel gives its guests a cold welcome. The Ice Hotel, in Sweden, is all made of ice. The Ice Hotel might sound strange, but in some ways it is a special hotel. It has a front lobby where guests check into the hotel, plenty of rooms to sleep in, and even room service, which guests can use to have food delivered to their rooms. The Ice Hotel is different, though, because most of the items are made from ice.It takes more than 30 tons of ice and snow to build the Ice Hotel. It melts(融化) in the summer and is rebuilt each winter. Different builders and artists create the Ice Hotel, so each winter this famous hotel has a new shape and design.The effort of building the Ice Hotel is worth it, however. Walking into the Ice Hotel is like walking into a diamond. The walls reflect even the smallest bits of light. Ice pillars(柱子)support the roof. The floor below shines like glass. Almost every inch of this hotel sparkles inside. Visiting the Ice Hotel is truly an unusual experience.Temperatures inside the Ice Hotel are usually below freezing. Guests wear warm jackets, hats, gloves, and thick boots. Even the owners of the Ice Hotel know that staying in a building with walls of ice four feet thick can be a bit cold. They have a solution though. The Ice Hotel has a sauna for its guests. A sauna is a room filled with steam, where guests can warm themselves. In a way, then, one could say that the Ice Hotel does give their guests a warm welcome after all.37 . Why must the Ice Hotel be rebuilt each year ?ABecause the hotel melts during the summer.BBecause guests suggest changes to the hotel.CBecause the hotel is damaged by the sauna.DBecause more rooms are needed at the hotel.38 . From paragraph2 we can infer that _.Athe Ice Hotel has temperatures below freezing but is warm insideBguests of the Ice Hotel check in at the front lobbyCthe Ice Hotel is like other hotels except that it is made of iceDguests of the Ice Hotel may order food that is delivered to their rooms39 . What is the purpose of the writer writing the article?ATo describe the temperature inside a hotel.BTo give information about an uncommon hotel.CTo compare different kinds of hotels.DTo encourage people to visit hotels.There are 55 students in my class. They come from different places, so they go to school in different ways. Twenty students go to school on foot because they live near the school. Ten students ride the bikes to school because they live not far from school. Ten students go to school by bus because they live far from school. Ten students go to school in their parents car. The other students go to school by boat because there is a river between their houses and the school.40 . How many students are there in the class?A10B20C50D5541 . Twenty students_to school because they live near the school.AwalkBby busCride the bikesDon foot42 . Ten students ride the bikes to school because they live_the school.AnearBnot far fromCfar fromDvery far from43 . If you live far from the school, you should_to go to school.AwalkBride a bikeCtake a busDby boat44 . Five students go to school by boat because_.Athey would like to go by boatBthey live far from the schoolCthey have boatsDtheres a river between their houses and the school四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。45 . This old man likes traveling but he cant stand taking a long j_ by bus.46 . I dont like going out a_ after dark. So can you go with me?47 . Are you the o_of the car?Yes, its mine.48 . We have difficulty in r_money. Can you give us some ideas?五、单词填空Once upon a time, there was a very young mouse who had never seen anything of the world. He almost got into trouble the very first time he went out. This is the s49 . he told his mother about his adventures.“I was walking along very quietly when I saw two strange creatures(生物). One of them had a very kind look, but the other was the most frightening monster you could i50 . . “On top of his head and in front of his neck, there were pieces of red meat. The moment he saw me, he o51 . his mouth as if he wanted to swallow me. Then he let out a roar that frightened me almost to death.” “I wanted to make friends with the pretty creature because it looked s52 . good and gentle. He had thick and smooth fur and a gentle face. His eyes were bright and shining. As he looked at me, he w53 . his fine long tail and smiled.“My son,” said the mother mouse, “that gentle creature you saw was the cat. In fact the cat eats us. Under his k54 . appearance, he was against every one of us. The other was nothing but a cock who wouldnt be h55 . to you at all. So youre lucky, my child. ”六、填空Harry Potter is a set of popular books created by J.K.Rowling in Britain. The books tell us some stories about a talented wizard (天才魔法师), Harry Potter. When he was eleven years old, he had an unhappy life. However, a strange letter changed everything. It said he was accepted by Hogwarts magic school which was closed to the common people. All kinds of adventures (冒险) happened to Harry from then on. He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on his way to school. They became good friends later. Harry did well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic. Harry always had a positive attitude(态度)when he faced the difficulties. With the help of his friends, he tried his best to beat the enemies. Finally, the world peace came back. Smile appeared on everyones face. If someone wants to know what takes place in the magical world, he will have to read the set of books by himself!The information about Harry PotterThe time when he had an unhappy lifeAt the56 . of eleven years oldThe feature of Hogwarts magic schoolNot57 . to the common peopleThe place where he58 . his good friendsOn his way to schoolThe end of his adventuresThe world peace59 . The way someone knows the magical worldReading the set of books by60 . 七、汉译英:整句句子翻译将下列句子翻译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上61 . 必须采取措施来防范一些疾病的传播_62 . 你知道怎样在短时间内做出一个正确的决定吗?_63 . Tim经常提醒我在公共场合举止要有礼貌_64 . 莎士比亚(Shakespeare)不仅是一位作家而且是一位演员_65 . 为了今年取得更大进步,我会投入更多的精力到学习上_八、讲稿66 . 假如你是李华,你将代表班级参加学校举办的演讲比赛,演讲的题目是“We should help parents do housework”,请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点提示:现象:许多学生懒惰,不愿做家务你常做的家务:整理床铺浇花打扫房间倒垃圾你的体会和看法:(至少两点)要求:(1)短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥;(2)80词左右。Boys and girls,_第 11 页 共 11 页


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