七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets 测试题

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七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets 测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What heavy snow it was!Yes, but I love air after it snows. It smells so fresh.Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a2 . -Talking loudly in a library is impolite.-In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly inpublic.(找出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项)Alook afterBbe carefulCtake care ofDlook up3 . Is _ ready for the trip?No, we still need to buy a map before we start the tripAanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing4 . How long can I _ the English workbook?For two weeksAkeepBbuyCborrow5 . The village is quiet and relaxing, but there arent any shops or restaurant. The underlined part means.Athere are someBthere are noChave someDwith some6 . Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve it?Thanks. Mrs. Wang always asks us to _ conversations in our English classes.Atake upBmake upCturn upDend up7 . 一I think drinking milk every morning is good our health.Yes, I agree you.Aat;withBfor;withCto;toDwith;to8 . Whats the time?Its 12:00. Lets go for.AbreakfastBlunchCsupper9 . - me a math book and some CDs? -Yes, I can.ACan you takeBCan you bringCYou can take .DYou can bring10 . Kitty is _ a rabbit in her hand.AgettingBholdingChavingDgiving11 . Xu Haifeng _ the first gold _ in Olympic Games for China.Agets; medalBwon; symbolCgot; prizeDwon; medal12 . Are the beaches in Dalian beautiful?Sure. They_lots of tourists from home and abroad every year.ApromiseBadviseCattract13 . Dont worry. She is _ to look after your son.Aenough carefullyBcarefully enoughCenough carefulDcareful enough14 . Do you _soup before meals or after meals?AdrinkBeatCtakeDmake15 . His mother _ him _ the games. Ais allowed , to playBdoesnt allow , to playCdoesnt allow play Dis allowed play二、完型填空Have you ever been to a special town in Thailand? In this town, _ are everywhere in the town. They run around the streets, They _ on cars, houses, and other buildings. They can go anywhere they want to, and they get into everything!The monkeys are very noisy _this town and they often make a lot of trouble. But how do the people of this town feel about these little animals? They know _ sometimes the monkeys can make life difficult. People also feel _ when the monkeys sit on their cars, run everywhere, and take away food. _ people there dont worry about the trouble caused by the monkeys, They know that its not just the monkeys, people of the town also cause the problem. So the monkeys _to run around the streets. They dont try to stop the monkeys, People of this town do even _ for the monkeys, They have a monkey party once a year!But why do they have this big monkey party? In fact, monkeys are very important for Thai people, Some Thai people consider monkeys to be heroes _there is a great story. In the story, a demon(恶魔)takes the gods wife away ,The monkey Hanuman(长尾猴)helps to save _. As a result, Hanuman becomes a hero and many people in Thailand are especially kind to monkeys today.16 . AmonkeyBmonkeysCtigerDtigers17 . AclimbBclimbedCwill climbDhave climbed18 . AonBatCinDto19 . AwhereBwhoCwhichDthat20 . AterribleBterriblyChappyDhappily21 . AAndBButCOrDSo22 . Awill allowBwill be allowedCallowDare allowed23 . AmanyBmoreCmostDthe most24 . AbecauseBunlessCalthoughDuntil25 . AsheBhersCherselfDher三、阅读单选It was a cold winter afternoon before Christmas. My parents and I sat on the beach in Washington, D.Cs Union Station, waiting for the train. Inside the waiting hall were many people.A boy sat nearly. His worn jacket, pale face, dirty hands all seemed to tell me that he was homeless.“He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him,” I said to myself.Just at that moment, a well- dressed young couple walked towards him.“Excuse me,” the man bent down. “My wife and I thought two meal boxes but one was enough for us. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?” He handed the boy a meal box.The boy thanked them and opened the box with joy and care. Suddenly he stopped. In the direction to which he looked, I saw an old man in rags(衣衫褴褛) in a worn sweater, worn trousers and open shoes, entering the hall.Putting the meal box aside, the boy stood up and helped the old man to his seat. He took off his jacket and covered the old mans shoulders, saying, “A gentleman brought me this warm meal but I just finished eating. I hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?” He placed the stillwarm meal box in the old mans hands without waiting for an answer.“Sure, son, but if only you share that sandwich with me. Its too much for a man at my age.”We were all touched. Dad went away and soon returned with cups of hot chocolate and a big pizza. Mum and Dad went up to those in rags, “Excuse me”I rushed into a KFC and took out my pocket money.It was so cold that afternoon but I felt much warmer than I had ever though possible.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。26 . When did the story happen?AAfter Christmas afternoon.BOn Christmas afternoon.COn Christmas DayDOn Christmas Eve afternoon.27 . Who gave the boy a meal box?AThe young man.BThe old manCThe young woman.DMum and Dad.28 . Why dont the boy have the meal?AHe was not hungry.BHe wanted to help the old man.CHe didnt like the food.DHe saw a sandwich in the meal box.29 . What did the writer most probably do at the end of the story?AHe bought some food for the homeless.BHe told his story to people in the KFC.C.He gave his pocket money to the homeless.CHe asked the other passengers to help the homeless.30 . Whats the best title for the passage?AA Poor Boy.BA Worn Jacket.CA Big Pizza.DA Warm Meal Box四、根据首字母、中文提示填空首字母填空31 . He put one of his f_into his mouth to show that he needed food32 . Last night the TV news r_ that serious accident33 . The sun r_ in the east and goes down in the west34 . Mr Green is still w_ after the illness35 . Could you please p_me the salt?Sure,here you are36 . In ancient China, the emperor can have many w_.37 . When you are in the library,you should read in s_38 . The boy is quite lazy and he always c_ others homework.39 . Mary f_ the clothes and put them in the wardrobe(衣橱).40 . He used to tell lies and c_others.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。41 . 逐级地登上中山陵很累人却富有意义。Its _ but meaningful to climb the Zhongshan Tomb _.42 . 游客们一大早就聚集在海边以便能观看日出。Tourist _ at seaside early in the morning _ they can watch the sunrise.43 . 在过的20年里,我的家乡经历了巨大的变化。My hometown _ great changes in the last 20 years.44 . 除非你亲眼所见,否则你无法想像兴化“水上森林”之美。You cant _ the _ of the Forest on Water in Xing Hua _ you see _ your _ eyes.45 . 泰山有许多奇形怪状的石头。There are many stones _ on Mount Tai.六、单词填空缺词填空。根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空格处填入适当的词使文章完整。Camp Zoo is a wonderful place. The animals here are very cute. They are nice and f46 . to each other. But Giraffe is different. Why? He is always getting others food. He can do that because he has a long n47 . . When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always p48 . of food in Giraffes place. The other animals feel q49 . bad, so they plan to do something. They put a s50 . at Giraffes door. It s51 . , “The robber (强盗) giraffe.”“W52 . do you call Giraffe the robber, Mr Lion?” a child asks the k53 . of the animal world. The lion answers, “Because he takes our food away every day. He is not kind.”All the visitors l54 . at Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoosends(送) Giraffe to another zoo. Giraffe knows he is w55 . . In the new place, he never gets other animals food any more.七、话题作文56 . 为配合“动物保护月”活动, 学校“英语天地”将举办How to protect animals in danger的征文比赛活动, 请你自选一种濒危动物, 提出如何保护这种濒危动物的建议吧。内容提示: 1. Whats the animals situation? 2. How to protect it?要求: (1)中心突出, 语义连贯. 层次清晰, 书写规范; (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名; (3) 70词左右。_第 7 页 共 7 页


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