英语三年级下册Unit 6 Outdoor Fun 单元测试卷

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英语三年级下册Unit 6 Outdoor Fun 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I tried_ watch TV any more.( )Adont toBto notCnot toDto dont2 . The snake can use its body_. ( )Ato danceBdaceCdances3 . -Would you like _? ( ) -No, thanks.Adrink somethingBto drink anythingCsomething drinkDsomething to drink4 . There is a sign on the grass. It_ No walking.( )AmeanBwritesCsaysDtells5 . _ a love present! I really like it! ( )AWhatsBHowCWhat6 . Lan Yangyang likes_ a film on Sunday. ( )AwatchBto watchingCto watch7 . I often go _ a picnic _ my family. ( )Ain; withBon; andCon; with8 . You should walk for five minutes walk.其中walk是_.( )A动词/名词B名词/名词C动词/动词9 . He _blue glasses. ( )AhaveBhasCis10 . Do you have water?( )No, I dont.AanyBaCan11 . I like _ in Chinese lessons. ( )AwriteBto singCto write12 . Do you have _ for us _?( )Arooms enough; to liveBrooms enough; to live inCenough rooms; to liveDenough rooms; to live in13 . It has small eyes. ( )AB14 . _ from Beijing to London! ( )AHow long way it isBWhat a long way is itCHow long way is itDWhat a long way it is15 . Its time _ watch TV. ( ) AtoBforCfor to16 . Does she_have chopsticks? _.( )ANo,she doesntBYes,she doesntCNo,she does.二、阅读选择阅读理解。Maria lived near a forest(森林).She often played with the animals in the forest. They were all her friends.One day, Maria walked into the forest to play with her animal friends. But to her surprise(令她惊讶的是),the forest was very quiet and the animals werent there! Maria hurried back to tell her parents. Her parents returned to the forest with Maria. The forest was still very quiet. But Marias father noticed a little monkey behind a big tree. The monkey was dying (快要死的)! They tried to save him. But the monkey was too weak. Before he died, the monkey told them the truth(真相): a ghost(魔鬼) wanted to get the forest, so he asked all the animals to go away.Maria and her parents were very angry. They decided to drive the ghost away. They asked their friends and neighbors to help them. The ghost was strong but the people were stronger. At last, the ghost left and the animals returned to the forest happily.17 . Maria had lots of _friends.AboyBgirlCplantDanimal18 . One day the forest was quiet and Maria _why.Adidnt knowBdidnt think aboutCnoticedDasked the animals19 . The little monkey_ at last.Ahelped Maria to find other animalsBwalked awayCdied because he was too weakDwas well again20 . What do the underlined words driveaway mean in Chinese? _A开车B离开C赶走D杀死21 . Who lived in the forest at last? _AThe ghost.BThe people.CThe little monkey.DThe animals.三、完形填空完形填空。One day a pig went to the stable(马棚)to_ a good friend,an old horse,and was going to _there for the night. Night came and it was time _sleep. The pig went into the straw heap(稻草堆) and lay comfortably(舒服地). A long time _, but the horse was still_ there and did not move. So the pig asked the horse _ he did not go to sleep. Standing like this is the beginning of sleeping. answered the _.The pig found it _ to believe(相信) and said, How can you stand there sleeping? It s not comfortable at all. The horse answered, Comfort is your habit(习性). _horses, we have the habit of running quickly. So we are always ready to run quickly even if(即使)we are_.22 . AlookBseeCwatchDlook at23 . AleftBsitClayDstay24 . AbyBonCtoDwith25 . ApassedBpassCpastDwas passed26 . AstandingBstandsCsittingDlying27 . AwhatBwhyCwhenDwhich28 . AanimalsBpigChorseDheap29 . AhardlyBeasilyCdifficultDeasy30 . AWhileBForCAsDLike31 . AsleepBasleepCsleptDto sleep四、填空题选择“is, am, are”填空32 . This _Chen Jie. She _a girl.33 . Where _you from? I _from the UK.34 . We _friends. We _students.35 . He _a boy. He _from China.36 . My name _Sarah. I _a student.选择正确的词填空,注意其正确的形式,每个词只能用一次。beach twelve cloud fast you37 . What will the weather be like tomorrow? lt will be_, I think.38 . On her_birthday, she got a doll from her parents as a gift.39 . Dont swim in the river by_.Its very dangerous.40 . He is the winner. He runs the_of all.41 . In Dalian there are a lot of nice_along the sea.五、书面表达42 . 书面表达。假如你叫李明。上周一,我(李明)在第一中学上学,到学校门口时,看见一个男孩骑自行车摔倒在地,我(李明)把男孩背到了医院后,还买花去看男孩,最后男孩康复出院了。_第 5 页 共 5 页


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