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二年级上册期末测试英语试卷(四)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . ( )AT-shirtBsweater二、情景交际2 . 当别人送你一个礼物,你可以说:_ ( )AGoodbye.BYes, please.CThank you.3 . Lily捡到一件T裇衫,它问WangXiang是不是他的,Lily会说:_ ( )AWhoseT-shirtisthis?BIsthisyourT-shirt,WangXiang?CWhereisTomsT-shirt?4 . 你想知道那是什么应该说:_( )AWhats it?BWhats this?CWhats that?5 . 当你想劝告对方不要跑时,你应说:_ ( )AYou not run.BDont run.6 . 你想告诉伙伴你有一支钢笔,可以说:_ ( )AI have a ruler.BI have a pen.CIts a pen.三、填空题看图,选词完成句子。7 . I play at the _ (school, park). 8 . Do you like _ (apples, oranges)? 9 . Its _ (autumn, summer). Its hot. 10 . Heres a _ (dress, T-shirt) for you. 11 . I go to Xian by _ (train, plane). 四、排序题12 . 将下列句子重新排列成一段通顺的对话。1. Sorry, I cant play basketball.2. What a pity!3. Lets go and play basketball.4. Hi, Liu Tao. What day is it today?5. Its Wednesday.( )( )( )( )( )五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。This Saturday is Lindas birthday. Her parents and she are going to the zoo in the morning. Linda likes animals very much and she also (也) likes monkeys very much. At noon, they are hungry and going to a restaurant (餐馆) and have lunch there. Lindas father is going to buy a cake for Linda. Then they are going to see a film. They all like it very much. It is going to be a fine day.13 . This Friday is Lindas birthday.(_)14 . Lindas parents and Linda are going to the zoo in the morning. (_)15 . Linda likes monkeys very much. (_)16 . Lindas mother is going to buy a cake for Linda. (_)17 . It is going to be a fine day. (_)六、英汉混合英汉互译。18 . have a look _19 . 吃早饭_20 . 靠右_21 . 听音乐_22 . pick apples _七、句型转换按要求改写句子23 . There arent any basketballs in the playground.(改为肯定句)There_ basketballs in the playground.24 . Im hungry now.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-_ hungry now? -Yes, I_ .25 . There are three umbrellas near the window.(改为单数句)There_ umbrella near the window.26 . There are three bears in front of her. (对划线部分进行提问)_ bears in front of her?27 . There are some toys on the bed. (改成否定句)There _ toys on the bed.八、改错28 . 圈出句子中的错误,将答案写在横线上。1.What can I get to the bookstore?_2.Turn right on the hospital._3.How a great museum!_4.How can we get to there?_5.A talk robot!_第 4 页 共 4 页


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