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黑龙江省2019版英语五年级下册期末测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I a teacher. My name Lucy. ( )Ais,amBam,isCam,amDis,is2 . I will _the book in the library.Ato readBreadsCread3 . She goes to work _ bike. ( )Aby aBrides aCby4 . Excuse me, how can I get to the bookstore? ( )Turn right _ the school, and then go _.Aof; straightBat; straightCin; straight5 . Helen is behind me. I am Helen. ( )AbetweenBin front ofCbeside6 . Do you like ?AmusicBmusicsCmusicing7 . What_youlikefordinner?Idlikesomevegetables,please. ( )AareBdoCwould8 . Where does the museum shop? .AIts a puzzle.BIts near the window.CIts near the cinema.9 . We are _ a cake for you. ( )AmakeBmakeingCmaking10 . Please come to_this winter. ( )AChineseBUSCthe US11 . He worked _ a hospital. ( )AinBtoCon二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Amy is a student in Class 2, Grade 5. She always goes to school by bus at half past seven in the morning. And after school, she goes home and does her homework. In her free time, she enjoys reading and singing. This Sunday, she wont stay at home. She is going to have a picnic with her friends. They will have a good time.12 . Which grade is Amy in? ( )AGrade 6.BGrade 5.CGrade 4.13 . How does Amy go to school every day? ( )AOn foot.BBy bike.CBy bus.14 . Where does she do her homework after school? ( )AAt school.BAt home.COutside (外边).15 . Amy is interested in_in her free time. ( )AreadingBsingingCA and B16 . Whats she going to do this Sunday? ( )AShe will have a picnic with her friends.BShe will stay at home.CShe will have a singing class.三、填空题17 . 选词填空。happy angry cool tired glad1. Why are you so _?Because we are back at school.2. We are _ to see you.3. He broke(打破) the window. His father is _.4. Superman(超人) is _. I like it.5. The boys are _. Because they played too hard.四、英译汉18 . 翻译句子(1)Hello, Im Wu Yifan. I have an orange ruler.(2)Good morning, Im Miss White. I have a brown bag.19 . 写出下列单词的汉语意思。(1)game_(2)hungry_(3)coat _(4)small _(5)goat _(6)old _20 . 英汉互译。1140 centimeters _250 kilograms _3醒来 _ 4砍倒_5dont worry _五、汉译英21 . 你从自行车上摔下来了吗?Did you _ your bike?六、判断题22 . 判断题。1. train和try中的字母组合“tr”发音相同。(_)2. I visit some museums last week.(_)3. Do you buy something at the car museum?(_)4. I saw a lot of insects.(_)23 . 判断句子正(T)误(F):We ate some sausages yesterday.(_)24 . Read and judge(T)or(F) : Are you going to the zoo yesterday? (_)25 . Look and write (T) or (F):Jim went to the bookstore tomorrow. (_)26 . 找出错误的一项并改正。( )(1)Jonegoto schoolat7:00 am.A B改正:_( )(2)The teacherlikespeaking.A B改正:_( )(3)Ilikewriting.A B改正:_( )(4)Idonthasdinnerat8:00 pm.A B C 改正:_七、句型转换27 . My grandma was a nurse before. (对画线部分提问)_your grandma _ before?28 . My mother works in an office now. (用 before 改写成一般过去时)My mother_in an office_.29 . My grandpa was a farmer before. (对画线部分提问)_your grandpa_before?30 . 根据要求完成句子。【小题1】It is an egg. (变为一般疑问句)_【小题2】That isa cake.(对划线部分提问)_【小题3】Id like some bread and some milk. (英译汉)_【小题4】are/ you/ here (.) (连词成句)_【小题5】please/ egg/ an/ like/ Id (.) (连词成句)_句型转换。31 . Jim often has some bread and milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_ Jim often _ for breakfast?32 . Mary always visits her grandparents. (用next Sunday改写)Mary _ her grandparents next Sunday.33 . We mustnt play football on the road. (对划线部分提问)What _ you _ on the road?34 . I went to school by bike just now. (改为同义句)I _ a _ to school just now.35 . She is going to read books at home tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ books at home tomorrow?八、改错36 . 判断句子正(T)误(F),并将错误的地方改正过来:There are a book called Harry Potter. (_)_37 . Read and correct the error: -Will you visit Japan? -No, I willnt._38 . 找出错误并改正(_)1. Wegoing tohavea party._A B C D(_)2. Will youtakeyou kitetomorrow? _A B C D(_)3. Ihave EnglishinMonday and Tuesday. _A B C D(_)4. CanIhavesome pear? _A B C D(_)5. The boysisveryclever. _A B C D(_)6. Imgo toplaywith my friends. _A B C D39 . 选出句中错误的一项并改正: Its half tosix now.(_)_A B C40 . 选出错误选项并改正:I driveacar before. (_)_A B C九、匹配题41 . 从方框中选出合适的答语。AYes, we did.BI had some rice.CShe drove a car.DI can use the computer.ENo, we havent.(_)1. What did you have for breakfast?(_)2. Did you fly a kite yesterday?(_)3. What can you do in the library?(_)4. What did she drive?(_)5. Have you got the Harry Potter books?第 8 页 共 8 页


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