合肥市2020版英语三年级上册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷

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合肥市2020版英语三年级上册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whos this_? ( )AboyBgirlCman2 . Where are my _?( )_ in your bedroom.Atoy;ItsBtoys;TheyreCtoys;Its3 . 看看哪个句子与图片意思相符( )A、Point to the dog.B、Point to the door.情景交际。4 . 你要回答对方自己身体状况很好时,应说:( )AIm fine.BIm Tom.CGood evening.5 . 对方询问你叫什么名字时,你应回答:( )AIm a boy.BIm Lin Tao.CIm fine.6 . 同学问你变色龙爬到绿叶上会变成什么颜色,你应该怎么回答:( )AIts yellow.BIts green.CIts blue.7 . 老师问玲玲大海是什么颜色,她应该说:( )AIts blue.BIts yellow.CIts red.8 . 我们的黑板是什么颜色的,我们应该怎么表达:( )AThe blackboard is red.BThe blackboard is black.CThe blackboard is yellow.9 . Wherehe from?( )He the UK.Adoes; comes fromBis; fromCis; comes from10 . ( )(5) 当你想问别人想去哪儿时, 应说:AWhere do you want to go ?BWhat are you working ?CWho do you want to go ?选出每组中不同类的一项。11 . AblackBblueClook12 . AdeskBblackCchair13 . AmyByourCyou14 . ApandaBbirdCboy15 . AanBnowCthe16 . Take care of this plant, it will _. ( )Agrow upBgrow intoCgrow17 . My name is Panpan. _ a panda.AImBICMy18 . Imwinner.AaBanCthe二、填空题Read and write.(按要求写一写。)19 . bike(复数形式)_20 . country(复数形式)_21 . cook(第三人称单数形式)_22 . stay(第三人称单数形式)_23 . watch(ing形式)_24 . swim(ing形式)_25 . 飞机(汉译英)_26 . 词典(汉译英)_27 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。miss write wish happiness1.You are in England with your friends. Do you _ your family?2.You will have a competition. I _ you success(成功).3.She _ to her parents once a week.4.Money may not buy _.28 . 将排列错乱的字母重新排序,组成单词,补全句子:This hat is _ (sih).29 . 小朋友,你能从选项中选择正确的选项把对话补充完整吗?AWhat did you do yesterday ?BWhat are you doing ,Tom ?CDid you go to the sea yesterday ?DWe had a good time !E. Where does she lives ?A: (1)_B: Im reading the English ,(2)_A: I went to the park with Lucy .B: (3)_A: She lives in London. (4)_B: Yes ,we saw some fish and ate many things ,(5)_30 . 用所给词的适当形式填空:_(you)bus is coming! Run!根据汉语或提示完成单词31 . 句子_32 . 迅速的,快的 q_; (副词)_33 . 迅速的,快的 f_; (副词)_34 . 下一个_35 . 小的;年幼的_36 . 想,思考_; (过去式)_37 . 努力地,费劲地_38 . 孩子_; (复数)_三、英译汉39 . Translate: Yesterday I had a big surprise._.40 . 英译汉:My name is Panpan. _写出短语的汉语意思。41 . how much_42 . toy car_43 . so much money_44 . a cute dinosaur_45 . a big teddy bear_46 . 英译汉。1. go to see the dragon boat race_2. hang lanterns _3. dragon dances _47 . 翻译句子(1)Hello, Im Wu Yifan. I have an orange ruler.(2)Good morning, Im Miss White. I have a brown bag.四、英汉混合英汉互译。48 . 喜欢芒果_49 . 五十只猴子_50 . 在我的卫生间_51 . 干得好。_52 . 一个胖男孩_53 . have a try _54 . Dont be sad. _55 . ride my bike _56 . only thirteen yuan _57 . her short tail _五、匹配题58 . 看一看,选一选,把正确的单词写在图片后。rice monkey lion apple bananarice monkey lion apple banana1._2._3._4._5._六、连词成句59 . 连词成句:insects,are,They (.)_60 . Put the words in the right order. (连词成句,10分。)(1)tall buildings, in ,the nature park ,are , there, any(?)_(2)on, do, do, Sundays, what, you (?)_(3)a big bed is there,(.)_ _(4)young, is, teacher, English,Our, (.)(5)to eat, like , would, what you (?) _61 . 连词成句1.has nose it a (.)_2.my is this mother (.)_3.brother he is my (.)_4.to go they by the car zoo (.)_5.white shoes her are (.)_连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。62 . are, there, many, so, pictures (.)_63 . nice, a, what, photo(!)_64 . father, my, can, well, very, draw(.)_65 . in, whats, the, room (?)_66 . there, is, clock, a, my, in, room(.)_67 . are, there, of, lots, flowers, front, in, of, house, their(.)_68 . 连词成句。1. hamburger, dont , why, a , eat, you _?2. to, dont, why, you, now, go, school_?3. jeans, are, whose, they_?4. in, perhaps, umbrella, the, is ,study, your_.5. be, late, dont , again_.第 9 页 共 9 页


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