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昆明市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册名校小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(1)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出每组中不同类的一项。1 . AgiraffeBmonkeyCteacher2 . AtallBthinCgirl3 . AcatBbearCear4 . AfatBshortCthat5 . Listen! The little baby is_. ( )AcryingBshoutedCcry6 . Can you see some ? ( )ApigBpigsCpiges7 . 找出不同类的单词。( )1. A. coachB. fatherC. teacherD. cleaner( )2. A. museumB. bookstoreC. fishermanD. supermarket( )3. A. bus B. footC. planeD. subway( )4. A. hikingB. swimmingC. straightD. singing( )5. A. angryB. sadC. happyD. feel8 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项(_)1. A. apple B. bear C. pear D. grape(_)2. A. banana B. in C. on D. under(_)3. A. watermelon B. strawberry C. boat D. orange(_)4. A. UK B. USA C. Canada D. pear(_)5. A. grape B. apple C. watermelon D. milk9 . _are they? ( )They are my grandparents.AWhereBWhoCWhat10 . Are you Mike? ( )No, Im .AnoBHiCnot11 . The _ coats are over there. ( )AtwinsBtwinsCtwins12 . Im going to the park _.( )Anext weekendBlast weekendCevery day13 . Sanya has beautiful beaches _ clear water. ( )AatBtoCwithDfrom二、填空题14 . 选词填空1. fun fineIts_in the sun.2. make cake Mum, its too short. Too short? Then lets_a skirt.3. to for Whats this, Mum? A red dress _ you.4. at cat Thank you. Not_all.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。The pupils of Class One, Grade Five went for a spring outing. They wanted to climb a mountain. They got to the foot of the mountain by bus. Then they climbed the mountain on foot. At the top of the mountain they took many photos.15 . The pupils went for a spring outing. (_)16 . They got to the foot of the mountain by taxi. (_)17 . At the top of the mountain they took a photo. (_)阅读文章,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。Today is Tuesday. Its a fine day today. Peter has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Now he and his classmates are having an Art lesson. Peter is drawing a big house. It is very interesting. He likes Art very much, but there are only two Art lessons in a week. He hopes he can have more.18 . Its Tuesday today. (_)19 . Peter has five lessons on Tuesday. (_)20 . Peter is having a Music lesson. (_)21 . Peter likes Art every much. (_)22 . Peter doesnt want to have more Art lessons. (_)四、书面表达23 . 作文。nameSarahin the morningclean the roomdo homeworkin the afternoontake a dancing classplay basketball17:00-21:00go for a walkwatch TV根据表格提示写一写Sarah的一天。要求:1.用上表格的所有内容。2. 可适量增加情节3. 字数在50词,不少于5句话。_第 4 页 共 4 页


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