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黑龙江省大庆铁人中学2016-2017学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题 满分: 150分 考试时间:120分钟 第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a classroom. C. In a library.2. At what time will the film begin? A.7:20 B.7:15 C.7:003. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. Their friend Jane. B. A weekend trip. C. A radio programme.4. What will the woman probably do? A. Catch a train. B. See the man off. C. Go shopping.5. Why did the woman apologize? A. She made a late delivery. B. She went to the wrong place. C. She couldnt take the cake back.第二节(共15小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Whose CD is broken? A. Kathys. B. Mums. C. Jacks.7. What does the boy promise to do for the girl? A. Buy her a new CD. B. Do some cleaning. C. Give her 10 dollars.听第7段材料.回答第8、9题。8. What did the man think of the meal? A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory. C. A bit disappointing.9. What was the 15% on the bill paid for? A. The food. B. The drinks. C. The service.听第8段材料,回答第I0至12题。10. Why is the man at the shop? A. To order a camera for his wife. B. To have a camera repaired. C. To get a camera changed.11. What colour does the man want? A. Pink. B. Black. C. Orange.12. What will the man do afterwards? A. Make a phone call. B. Wait until further notice. C. Come again the next day.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday? A. Go to a play. B. Stay at home. C. Visit Kingston.14. What is Ariel going to do in Toronto? A. Attend a party. B. Meet her aunt. C. See a car show.I5. Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave? A. To call up Betty. B. To buy some DVDs. C. To pick up Daniel.16. What might be the relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Guide and tourist.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where does Thomas Manning work? A. In the Guinness Company. B. At a radio station. C. In a museum.18. Where did the idea of a book of records come from? A. A bird-shooting trip. B. A visit to Europe. C. A television talk show.19. When did Sir Hughs first book of records come out? A. In 1875. B. In 1950. C. In 1955.20. What are the two speakers going to talk about next? A. More records of unusual facts. B. The founder of the company. C. The oldest person in the world.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn the hit film The bucket List, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman meet in hospital in California after they have been diagnosed with cancer. Between them they cook up a “bucket list” a to-do list of all they want to do before they kick the bucket. The movie makes you wonder what would be on your bucket list. So lets pack up some and see what it would cost to go out and have a little fun.THE PYRAMIDS, GIZA, EGYPTOn to the pyramids, surely on anyones bucket list. Exotik Tours can take you there on a variety of trips, including their popular Egypt Express which includes three nights in Cairo and a three-night Nile Cruise. From $1,384, including four-and five-star accommodation, 12 meals and a ton of sightseeing.www.exotiktours.com 416-646-3347TAJ MAHAL, AGRA, INDIAOne of the worlds most fascinating images, Indias Taj Mahal makes even Nicholson and Freeman look calm. Torontos Goway Travel has many suggestions for India, including a three-day independent visit to Agra. Stay at the attractive Oberoi AmarVilas overlooking the Taj. Include two breakfasts, touring and airport transfer from $1,420.www.gowaytravel.com 416-322-1034THE GREAT WALL, CHINAIf the Great Wall of China is on your bucket list, check into Tour East Holidays four-day Amazing Beijing Tour for $580 per person, four-star accommodation, sightseeing including the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, breakfasts and two lunches, transportation and guide.www.toureastholidays.com 416-929-0888THE HIMALAYAS, NEPALAnd on to the Himalayas. Talk about “something truly majestic(壮丽的). See the top of the world on GAP Adventures Everest Adventure tour, a 15-day exploration including Everest Base Camp, teahouse lodge stays, and walking through Sherpa villages. Incredibly affordable at just $665 plus local payment of $250. GAP Adventures warns that this is a physically demanding trip.www.gapadventures.com 416-260-099921. The underlined phrase “kick the bucket” in Paragraph 1 means _. A. play a game B. come to life C. pass away D. list interesting places22. If you take on the Everest Adventure tour, you should be aware that _.A. It is a tiring trip B. the sights may not be so good.C. it is an expensive trip D. you may not be used to the food there23. According to the passage, where can you enjoy a view of the whole Taj Mahal? A. In Sherpa village. B. At Oberoi AmarVilas C. Near the Forbidden City D. Through Egypt Express.BReports tell us that Americans work more and vacation less than people in other major industrial countries. Still,millions of Americans do try to get away from home for a week or two in the summer months. Some might even have the time and money to spend longer on vacation.For example, many retired Americans can be found driving around the United States in big recreational vehicles,known as R. V. s. These serve as a home away from home. In fact,it might even be their only home as they see the country.Some American families get in their cars and drive to historic places like Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. There,they can experience what life was like for early Americans. If that is not exciting enough, also in Williamsburg is a water park and an amusement park with rides.Other Americans visit national parks like Yellowstone or Yosemite out in the West. They want to spend time with nature. Or they take their vacation by a lake or the ocean. They might swim or fish. But many just want to sit and enjoy the feeling of doing nothing,except maybe read a book.Some families fly to other countries on vacation. Or they go on a cruise ship(大型游轮)and stop in different ports. Cruise ships are like floating cities.But not everyone goes someplace special on vacation. This might be the only time for people to work on things like home improvement projects. And while they do that,they might think of all the fun their friends are having.24. What can be the best title for the text?A. Americans work more and vacation less.B. Where Americans go on their summer vacations.C. Different places for summer vacations.D. Not all Americans take summer vacations.25. If you want to spend time with nature,you can do the following things except _.A. to visit national parks B. to see the countryC. to stay by a lake D. to visit historic places26. Which of the following is NOT true?A. People choose different destinations depending on different interests.B. People interested in history can have fun in Colonial Williamsburg.C. All the people take vacations only to do nothing but relax themselves.D. Not all Americans can afford time and money to go on a vacation.27. What does the underlined sentence of the passage mean?A. They fully enjoy doing their work on home improvement projects.B. They think of their work at home as a special kind of vacation.C. They can imagine what fun their friends are having on vacation.D. They might envy their friends having time going on vacation.CA new study warns that about thirty percent of the worlds people may not have enough water by the year 2025.A private American organization called Population Action International did the new study. It says more than 335 million people lack enough water now. The people live in 28 countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about 3,000 million people may lack water. At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems. The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on the earth stays the same.Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world. He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe. Mr Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning.The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water of agriculture.The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have. 28. The first four paragraphs mainly tell us . A. the study of the global water condition B. the importance of water resources C. the seriousness of water shortage D. the fact of the global lack of water 29. Which of the following problems is NOT true about lack of water according to the passage? A. It may bring about a lot of health problems. B. It may result in more international conflict. C. It may lead to the improvement of new industries. D. It may influence the development of the economics.30. Which of the following is the best way to solve water problem in the long run?A. To use water in a variety of ways. B. To limit the rising birthrate of the earth. C. To reduce the use of agricultural water. D. To become aware of the water problem.31. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? A B. C. D. DWhen its five oclock, people leave their office. The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time. They leave when the clock tells them theyre done.These days, the time is everywhere: not just on clocks or watches, but on cell-phones and computers. That may be a bad thing, particularly at work. New research shows on that clock-based work schedules hinder (阻碍)morale(士气) and creativity.Clock-timers organize their day by blocks of minutes and hours. For example: a meeting from 9 am to 10 a.m., research from 10 a.m. to noon, etc. On the other hand, task-timers have a list of things they want to accomplish. They work down the list, each task starts when the previous task is completed. It is said that all of us employ a mix of both these types of planning.What, then, are the effects of thinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier, they had participants organize different activitiesfrom project planning, holiday shopping, to yogaby time or to-do list to measure how they performed under “clock time” vs “task time.” They found clock timers to be more efficient but less happy because they felt little control over their lives. Task timers are happier and more creative, but less productive. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening, and seize opportunities that come up.The researchers argue that task-based organizing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in the business culture. Smart companies,they believe, will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies.This might be a small change to the way we view work and the office, but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread characteristic of the economy: work organized by clock time. While most people will still probably need, and be, to some extent, clock-timers, task-based timing should be used when performing a job that requires more creativity. Itll make those tasks easier, and the task-doers will be happier.32. What does the author think of time displayed everywhere?A. It makes everybody time-conscious.B. It is a convenience for work and life.C. It may have a negative effect on creative work.D. It clearly indicates the fast pace of modern life.33. What did Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier find in their experiments about clock-timers?A. They seize opportunities as they come up.B. They always get their work done in time.C. They have more control over their lives.D. They tend to be more productive.34. What do the researchers say about todays business culture?A. It does not support the strategies adopted by smart companies.B. It does not attach enough importance to task-based practice.C. It places more emphasis on work efficiency than on workers lives,D. It aims to bring employees potential and creativity into full play.35. What do the researchers suggest?A. Task-based timing is preferred for doing creative work.B. It is important to keep a balance between work and life.C. Performing creative jobs tends to make workers happier.D. A scientific standard should be adopted in job evaluation.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项To be more grateful in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier, more contented and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you, I bet you ask yourself this question all the time: “How exactly can I be more grateful with life?” 36 .1. Learn to live in the moment.Life is wonderful adventure full of enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Dont just go through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie(僵尸) can make you more likely to take things for granted. 37 , make an effort to enjoy the experience. Youre supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Enjoy the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite.2. 38 .Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for. Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently.3. Control your thoughts.Of course you have the power to control what youre thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example: if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entitled, stop. 39 . You are given consciousness. Make use of it wisely.4. Always resist the temptation of comparing yourself with other people.As humans, we have the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Actually, this kind of activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life. 40 ! You will always be meeting someone richer, which makes you feel inferior to others! Dont do it, please.Every little thing counts. You have the ability to make yourself feel to be more grateful in your life.A. It does the oppositeB. Express gratitude all the timeC. Appreciate what you have right nowD. And if you find yourself repeating negative junk, stopE. Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing itF. Well, the following are some tips to help you with this particular concernG. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be removed.第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold. I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the41for the last 7 years, so I put on my shoes to42for my first walk of the New Year.There was complete 43 outside. Litter could be seen everywhereIt seemed that everyone had an all-night 44 It was too cold to45anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning. I was46to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.I was about to leave47I saw Sam cleaning the gardenHe is an employee of our society association and is48to take care of the walkways and the gardenI walked up to Sam as it was a(n)49to see him there cleaning at this time. He saw me and politely 50me, Happy New Year! “How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?”I asked. Sam answered51,“It is just a day like any other day. I do not want people to walk on 52 walkways. It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special. For me, today is like any other day and my job starts with the53.”It was good to see someone so54at heart. Like other staff members, Sam could have taken a day55, but he woke up early and came for all of us. I suddenly realized life does not56when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins. We57all night, drinking and feeding ourselves. Then we leave the place in high spirits. However, we make the surroundings dirty. Life goes on and others need to58 early and clear the garbageIsnt the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage? Why cant we also keep our59clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big60in our lives. 41AmannerBtrendCroutineDprocedure42Alook BsendClongDhead43AwasteBfreedomCsilenceDabsence44AcelebrationBtraditionCdecorationDpollution45AorderBexpectCtrustDcatch46AtiredBscaredCpuzzledDannoyed47AbecauseBthoughCunlessDw


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