高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit5 Music知能演练轻松闯关 新人教版必修2

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit5 Music知能演练轻松闯关 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit5 Music知能演练轻松闯关 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Unit 5 Music.单句语法填空1As is often the case in nature, some plants are so sensitive _ temperature that they can only survive in cool places.答案:to2It is high time that the country _(attach) importance to energy saving and environment protection.答案:should attach/attached3(2015广东高考书面表达)Finally, she not only _(earn) their respect, but also helped them grow to be wellbehaved, confident and considerate.答案:earned4My students turned in a good _(perform) at the English evening. 答案:performance5China Daily has nine websites in three languages, _(form) Asias biggest network of Englishlanguage news and information.答案:forming6After the foreign guests got familiar _the Chinese traditional festivals, they liked to live in China.答案:with7It was so disappointing last year, but now we are _(confidence) that well go up.答案:confident8Luckily, we brought some drinks with us, without _all of us would have been thirsty to death.答案:which9I really dont want to go; in _(add) the weather is so cold outside.答案:addition10_(honest), the pay isnt attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.答案:Honestly.阅读理解(2016山东日照市检测)Whether it is Mozart or Miley, your choice of music could determine whether you will perform well at your work.A new study suggests that listening to music in the office improves the speed and accuracy of tasks such as data entry, proofreading and problemsolving.In an officebased experiment, 88 per cent of participants are found to produce their most accurate work when listening to music.The study also found that 81 per cent completed their fastest work when music was played.And it matters what type of music you listen to. For instance, if youre doing your tax returns, then classical music is the most effective as it improves maths skills.Listening to Jessie J or Justin Bieber could also improve your speed , with 58 per cent of participants completing data entry tasks faster while listening to pop songs.During proofreading, dance music, such as David Guettas, had the biggest positive impact on participants increasing their speed by 20 per cent compared to tests undertaken with no music at all.Dance music also had a positive effect on spellchecking with a 75 per cent pass rate compared to 68 per cent when no music was played at all.The research, undertaken by Brightonbased Mindlab International, suggests that silent offices may be the least productive.“The music experiment showed that when listening to music, nine out of ten people performed better, ” said Dr. David Lewis, chairman of Mindlab International.“Proper music enables people to quickly process and keep information, regulate their behavior, make good choices, solve problems, plan and adjust to changing mental demands, ” a senior investigator of Mindlab International explained.“While many schools are cutting music programs and spending more and more time on test preparations, our findings suggest that musical training courses may actually help to set up children for a better academic future, ” added Dr. David Lewis.【解题导语】研究表明, 合适的音乐对工作效率的提高有着积极的作用。 1What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe positive relationship between music and work efficiency.BThe speed and accuracy of problemsolving tasks.CThe comparison of different kinds of music.DThe experiment on productivity of office staff.A解析: 主旨大意题。 根据第一段和第二段可知, 合适的音乐有利于提高工作效率, 在办公室听音乐可以提高数据输入、 校对及问题解决的速度及准确性, 即音乐和工作效率之间的积极联系, 故选A项。 2According to the passage, we can conclude that_.Adifferent kinds of music lead to the same effectBsilent offices can make people perform betterClistening to proper music can improve efficiency in officesDmore tests prepare children for a better academic futureC解析: 推理判断题。 根据第三、 四段和第五段的第一句“And it matters what type of music you listen to.”可推知, 工作效率的提高取决于听哪种类型的音乐, 即合适的音乐有利于提高工作效率, 故选C项。 3What is the authors attitude towards school music programs?ARespectful.BDoubtful.CTolerant. DSupportive.D解析: 观点态度题。 根据最后一段中的“our findings suggest that musical training courses may actually help to set up children for a better academic future”可知, 作者认为音乐培训课可以帮助学生创造更好的学业未来, 故对于学校的音乐课程, 作者持支持的态度, 选D项, supportive“支持的”。 respectful“有礼貌的”; doubtful“不确定的, 感到怀疑的”; tolerant“宽容的, 容忍的”。 .完形填空(2016云南第一次统一检测)I have two friends who love backpacking.They spent a lot of time in a part of New York States Adirondack Mountains.It _1_ 46 mountains with a height of over 4,000 feet.The Adirondack Mountain Club gives _2_ recognition and an award to anyone who _3_ all 46 mountains.My two friends decided to go for this award.Now what you have to understand is that _4_ many of the 46 mountains have wellmarked _5_ to their summits(山顶), others are not marked at all.You have to “bushwhack(在丛林中开路)” using a compass and a map.My friends had climbed 45 of the mountains.They had just one _6_ it was the most _7_, requiring bushwhacking.A hiking path led past the base of the mountain, but from that point they were on their own.Early one morning they left their _8_ and walked five miles on the hiking path to the base of a chain of mountains.When they arrived, they _9_ that they had left their compass and map in the camp.Rather than _10_ the camp, they decided to bushwhack without the compass and map.For hours they _11_ uphill experiencing the enduring heat, thick bushes, and black flies._12_, in the late afternoon they found themselves at the _13_ of a mountain successfully.They were exhausted but _14_.The feeling was shortlived, however.When they looked across the valley, they _15_ another higher mountain.They had climbed the _16_ one! It was too _17_ that weekend to correct their error.They had to _18_ another four months to climb the right mountain.This story _19_ us a good lesson.Often in life we put in a great effort to reach a goal.But without the right “map” and “compass”, it is _20_ to get “lost”【解题导语】作者通过讲述朋友登山的经历告诉我们: 人生中要想实现自己的目标, 那就需要选择正确的方向。1A.goes throughBconsists ofCrelies on Dconnects toB解析: 它由46座高度超过4 000英尺的山脉组成(consist of)。 go through“经历”; rely on“依靠”; connect to“连接”。 故B项正确。2. Aspecial BsimilarCnormal DgeneralA解析: Adirondack Mountain Club给予特别的(special)认可。 similar“类似的”; normal“正常的”; general“普通的”。 故A项正确。3. Adescribes BdrawsCobserves DclimbsD解析: 攀登(climb)完46座山。 describe“描述”; draw“画”; observe“观察”。 故D项正确。4. Awhile BsinceCbecause DunlessA解析: 现在你不得不明白的是46座山中的许多山有做好标记的小路通往山顶, 而其他的山则一点儿标记也没有。 while“(对比两件事物)而”, 故A顶正确。5. Apaths BriversCviews DavenuesA解析: 参见上题解析。 path“小路”; river“河”; view“风景”; avenue“林荫道”。 故A项正确。6. Aoccupied BleftCdeserted DmissedB解析: “我”的朋友已经攀登了45座山, 仅剩下(left)一座了。 故B项正确。7. Ainteresting BchangeableCreachable DremoteD解析: 那座山是最遥远的(remote)。 interesting“有趣的”; changeable “易变的”; reachable“可及, 可到达”。 故D项正确。8. Ahouse BroomCcamp DyardC解析: 他们一大清早就离开了营地(camp)。 house“房屋”; room “房间”; yard“院子”。 故C项正确。9. Aignored BdiscoveredCsensed DexplainedB解析: 当他们到达时, 他们发现(discover)他们把指南针和地图遗留在了营地。 ignore“忽视”; sense“感觉到”; explain “解释”。 故B项正确。10. Adeparting from Btraveling toCreturning to Dgoing forC解析: 他们决定在没有指南针和地图的情况下穿越丛林, 而不是返回(return to)营地。 故C项正确。11. Ajumped BwanderedCran DwalkedD解析: 数小时来, 他们经历着持久的高温、 浓密的灌木丛和黑色的苍蝇向山上走(walked)去。 jump“跳”; run“跑”; wander“徘徊”。 故D项正确。12. AImmediately BSurelyCFinally DHopefullyC解析: 最后(Finally), 在傍晚, 他们成功地来到了山顶(top)。 immediately“立即”; surely“必定”; hopefully“有希望地”。 故C项正确。13. Abottom BtopCslope DbaseB解析: 参见上题解析。 bottom“底部”; top“顶部”; slope“斜坡”; base“根基”。 故B项正确。14. Aembarrassed BmovedCdisturbed DexcitedD解析: 他们感到筋疲力尽但很激动(excited)。 embarrassed“尴尬的”; moved“感动的”; disturbed“心神不安的”。 故D项正确。15. Aadmired BcheckedCsaw DappreciatedC解析: 当他们越过山谷望去时, 他们看见(saw)另外一座更高的山。 admire“钦佩”; check“检查”; appreciate“欣赏”。 故C项正确。16. Astrange BwrongCdistant DsteepB解析: 他们攀登上了错误的(wrong)山。 strange“陌生的”; distant“遥远的”; steep“陡峭的”。 故B项正确。17. Alate BdangerousCpuzzling DhelplessA解析: 那个周末太晚(late)了而不能纠正他们的错误了。 dangerous“有危险的”; puzzling“令人迷惑的”; helpless “无助的”。 故A项正确。18. Asave BwaitCgain DputB解析: 他们不得不再等待(wait)四个月去攀登正确的山。 故B项正确。19. Asends BtellsCrecommends DteachesD解析: 这个故事给了我们一个很好的教训。 teach sb.a lesson表示“给某人一个教训”, 故D项正确。20. Aeasy BhardCannoying DdiscouragingA解析: 但是如果没有正确的“地图”和“指南针”, 很容易(easy)“迷失”。 hard“艰难的”; annoying“使恼怒的”; discouraging“令人丧气的”。 故A项正确。.语法填空(2016江西南昌调研)Some inventions happen in strange ways.The potato chip is one of them.Moons Lake House was 1._ restaurant in New York in the 1850s.George Crum was the cook there.Many rich people often came to the restaurant 2._(enjoy) his cooking.The one thing that really upset Crum was that a customer 3._(complain) about the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over.He would often return it overcooked.He was happy to see the customers walk out of the restaurant 4._ (angry)On August 24, 1853, a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen, 5._ they werent crunchy (脆的) enough.Crum reacted in his 6._(usually) way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.They were so crunchy and Crum was sure that the man would refuse 7._(eat) them.Instead, the man loved them.He even asked for more.Now, do you know 8._invented the potato chip? Its George Crum! He 9._ (late) set up his own restaurant.He named it Crums House.He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables.They made his restaurant a very popular place.Today, potato chips are one of Americans10._(favor) foods !【解题导语】本文告诉我们薯片是怎么被发明出来的。1a解析: 考查冠词。 restaurant是名词, 此处表示泛指, 故用不定冠词a。 2to enjoy解析: 考查非谓语动词。 这里用动词不定式作目的状语, 表示许多富人常常来这里吃他烹饪的饭菜。 3complained解析: 考查动词的时态。 此处与下文的sent为并列关系, 故应用一般过去时, 此处应用complained。4angrily解析: 考查副词。 根据前面“walk out of the restaurant”可知, 后面应用副词angrily修饰动词。 5because/as/for解析: 考查连词。 根据语境可知, 此处表示“因为油炸的马铃薯不够脆”, 强调原因, 故用because/as/for。 6usual解析: 考查形容词。 根据后面的名词way可知, 此处应用形容词。 7to eat解析: 考查动词不定式。 refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。 8who解析: 考查疑问词。 根据后面“Its George Crum!”可知, 此处问的是谁发明了薯片。 9later解析: 考查副词。 根据后面的“set up”可知, 这里应用later。 10favorite解析: 考查形容词。 根据后面的“foods”可知, 这里需要用形容词, 且表示“最喜欢的”。


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