高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修3

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修3_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修3_第2页
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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 单句语法填空1The moment I saw him,he began to complain _ the bad weather he had experienced while travelling there.He must have had a very unpleasant journey there.答案:of/about2(2016天津五区县期末)I have tried everything I can _ (persuade) him to stay,but he didnt listen to me.答案:to persuade3The government has introduced _ (protect) for the local green agriculture.答案:protection4(2016山东潍坊重点中学联考)They all think _ an honour to be taught by Mr.Smith.答案:it5I got him _ (help) me when I moved the furniture.答案:to help6(2016安徽重点中学检测)After the illness I didnt have enough _ (strong) to walk.答案:strength7(2016天津南开中学月考)The girl seldom,_ ever,turned to her brother for protection.答案:if8Id rather read than watch TV.The programs seem _ (get) worse all the time.答案:to be getting9An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behaviour,so we should pay attention to _ (environment) problems.答案:environmental10In recent years global warming is becoming _ concern for people all over the world.答案:a 单句改错1Here are some tall trees,and they are going to cut down for building materials.down前加_them2He wont show any evidence unless asking to.askingasked3She makes clear that she doesnt like swimming.makes后加it4I did nothing but watching TV last night.watchingwatch5There were such many people there that we couldnt get through.suchso 课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。Sandstorms have been 1.a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.Scientists have tried many ways 2.to_solve (solve) this problem.When 3.happening (happen),sandstorms are so strong 4.that you can see nothing.There is nothing to be done.Sandstorms appear 5.to_have_increased (increase) as a result of “desertification”,6.which is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees.Sandstorms affecting Beijing,traffic moves 7.slowly (slow) because the thick dust makes 8.it difficult to see.When a sandstorm arrives,experts advise people not to go out.To be cycling in a sandstorm is 9.frightening (frighten)The winds are strong.If you want to go out,youd better wear a mask.The desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing.To prevent it from 10.coming (come) nearer,we are planting many trees.【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1我们人类对环境造成了巨大的损害。这种损害对我们的生存有很坏的影响。 (have a bad effect on) 2越来越多的人意识到这点,并为此抱怨。 (complain about) 3保护环境已成为社会的一个主要关注点。 (a major concern of) 4在我看来,为了我们的未来,我们只能保护我们的环境。 (as far as.be concerned;do nothing but.) 5当务之急是提高人民的环保意识。努力工作,赢得保护环境的战役是我们每个公民的职责。 (It is urgent to.;citizens duty;campaign)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:We human beings have caused great damage to our environment,which has a bad effect on our existence.More and more people have realized this problem and complain about it.Therefore,protecting the environment has become a major concern of the society.As far as I am concerned,for our future we can do nothing but protect our environment.It is urgent to raise peoples awareness of environmental protection.And its every citizens duty to work hard to win the campaign of protecting the environment.


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