高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 The Violence of Nature知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 The Violence of Nature知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 The Violence of Nature知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 The Violence of Nature知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第3页
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Module 3 The Violence of Nature.单句语法填空1After I got off the taxi,it _(occur) to me that I had left my iPhone 6s on it.答案:occurred2Children need _(experience) things for themselves in order to learn from them.答案:to experience3The big fire was one of the worst _(disaster) that had ever hit London.答案:disasters4In many countries more and more forests and even agricultural land are being lost to development,_(cause) much of the land to become desert.答案:causing5(2016厦门高三月考)The flood this summer caused serious damage _ the crops in Northeast China.答案:to6(2016济南高三模拟)As far as I see,there is no _(possible) that he will win the tennis match this time.答案:possibility7_(bury) in his study,he didnt know that all the others had left.答案:Buried8(2016山东省级规范化学校检测)“It was the most _(terrify) experience of my life,”he said,“it is frightening even to think of it.”答案:terrifying9Humour is a more effective defence than _(violent)答案:violence10Mary,did you get the newly published book of the writer?Yes._(thankful),my friend bought one for me yesterday.答案:Thankfully.阅读理解(2016太原高三模拟)The earth is dying before us yet we sit and watch.If the TV or the game system breaks,we run off to the stores to get it fixed immediately no matter what the cost.Why arent we willing to fix our earth? Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?The earth is our home and cannot be replaced.We must take care of it.We have come up with so much technology that limits us instead of helping us.Take that game system we run to repair.What does it do? It occupies kids time!The earth has already given kids plenty of entertainment in the forms of fields and hills,forests and plains,water and land.However,instead of using what the earth has given us,and helping kids by giving them exercise as they run around,we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help us in any way!We have already messed up this world,we have ruined the air,water,and animals that it has so willingly provided for us.We need to stop this destruction of life and bring back the world we had before.It will not be easy,but everybody can help!What about something as simple as turning the lights off when you leave a room? Recycling what can be recycled? Picking up litter? Donating money to an environmental organization? None of these things are very hard.We cant just always say,“Oh,the earth is a mess.Ah,well,those big companies that are polluting so much can stop and fix it.”Instead,we need to help out.Its not only those big companies;its everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。地球是人类赖以生存的家园,作者呼吁人们珍惜资源,爱护环境,保护地球。1Why does the author mention televisions and game systems in Paragraph 1?ATo make people better aware of the urgency to the protection of the earth.BTo expose the great harm done to the earth by too much technology waste.CTo show the relationship between overuse of those things with early death.DTo remind people to spend less on them and use the saved money in a wiser way.A解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?”可推知,作者把电视和游戏系统与地球相比是为了让人们更好地意识到保护地球的紧迫性。故选A项。2It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the author_Athinks we must take care of our irreplaceable homethe earthBthinks running around in fields occupies too much of kids timeCtakes an extremely negative attitude to things like game systemsDtakes it for granted that technology gives kids plenty of entertainmentC解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help us in any way!”可知,作者对于游戏系统之类的事情持坚决否定的态度。故选C项。3We can clearly feel that the author wrote this passage with deep_Aanger BemotionCsadness DregretB解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章中作者用了很多疑问句和感叹句来呼吁人们保护地球;由此可推知,作者是带着强烈的情感来写这篇文章的。故选B项。4What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo criticize those big companies that ruin the earth.BTo ask people to save kids from the harm done by pollution.CTo give kids plenty of entertainment in a clean environment.DTo call on people to stop ruining the earth.D解析:写作意图题。根据最后一段最后一句“So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!”并结合全文的主要内容可知,本文主要是呼吁人们行动起来保护地球。故选D项。.完形填空(2016郑州质检)A woman professor walked around in a classroom while she was teaching stress management to her students.As she _1_ a glass of water,everyone _2_ they would be asked the“halfempty or halffull”question._3_,with a smile on her face,she asked,“How _4_ is this glass of water?”Answers called out _5_ from eight to twenty ounces(盎司)She quieted the students down and then replied,“The absolute weight doesnt _6_It all depends on how long I hold it.If I hold it for a minute,its not a _7_If I hold it for an hour,Ill have an ache in my _8_If I hold it for a day,my arm will feel _9_ and paralyzed.In each case,the _10_ of the glass of water doesnt change,but the longer I hold it,the heavier it becomes.Do you know why?”All the students kept silent and listened carefully,lost in thought.She continued,“Our _11_ and worries in life are like that glass of water.Think about them for a while and _12_ happens.Think about them a bit longer and they begin to _13_And if you think about them all day long,you will feel paralyzed_14_to do anything.”Its important to remember to _15_ your stresses.As early in the evening as possible,put all your _16_ down.Dont carry them through the evening and into the night.Remember to put the glass down!More often than not life gets terrible _17_ we think too much.And the moment you remove your burden,youll find yourself feeling so much more _18_So rather than moping around(闲逛) and feeling sorry for yourself,_19_ doing something about it.After all,life is too short to _20_ yourself to anything thats not making you happy.【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过女教授让学生观察一杯水的重量的事例,告诉读者:要卸下压力和负担,才能活得更放松。1A.raised BservedCdrank DdemandedA解析:根据第三段中的“It all depends on how long I hold it.”可知,这位女教授端着一杯水。raise意为“举起”;serve意为“服务”;drink意为“喝,饮”;demand意为“要求”。故选A。2A.argued BwonderedCexpected DagreedC解析:句意:每个人都认为他们会被问到“杯子是半空还是半满”的问题。argue意为“争论”;wonder意为“想知道”;expect意为“预料”;agree意为“同意”。故选C。3A.Meanwhile BInsteadCAnyhow DThereforeB解析:根据上文“they would be asked thehalfempty or halffullquestion”可知,每个人都预料会被问到“杯子是半空还是半满”的问题,相反,教授面带着微笑问道“这杯水有多重?”。meanwhile意为“同时”;instead意为“相反”;anyhow意为“无论如何”;therefore意为“因此”。故选B。4A.much BfullClittle DheavyD解析:根据第三段中的“The absolute weight doesnt _”可知,教授的问题是:“这杯水有多重?”much意为“大量的”;full意为“满的”;little意为“少的”;heavy意为“重的”。故选D。5A.ranged BrepliedCread DremainedA解析:根据下文“from eight to twenty ounces(盎司)”可知,喊出的答案从八盎司到二十盎司不等。range意为“(在内)变动,变化”;reply意为“回答”;read意为“读”;remain意为“保持”。故选A。6A.affect BdropCmatter DworkC解析:根据下文“It all depends on how long I hold it.”可知,绝对重量并不重要。affect意为“影响”;drop意为“下降”;matter意为“重要,要紧”;work意为“工作,起作用”。故选C。7A.success BpointCskill DproblemD解析:根据常识可知,如果举一分钟,那不是问题。success意为“成功”;point意为“要点,得分”;skill意为“技术,技巧”;problem意为“问题”。故选D。8A.head BarmCneck DbackB解析:根据下文“If I hold it for a day,my arm will feel_”可知,如果举一个小时,手臂就会疼。head意为“头”;arm意为“手臂”;neck意为“脖子”;back意为“背部”。故选B。9A.steady BsensitiveCnervous DnumbD解析:根据下文中的“paralyzed”可知,如果举一天,“我”的手臂会感到麻木、无力。steady意为“稳定的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”;nervous意为“紧张不安的”;numb意为“麻木的”。故选D。10A.weight BshapeCfunction DsizeA解析:根据下文“but the longer I hold it,the heavier it becomes”可知,每一种情况下,这杯水的重量都没有改变,但是“我”举的时间越长,它就会变得越重。weight意为“重量”;shape意为“形状”;function意为“功能”;size意为“大小”。故选A。11A.surprises BjoysCstresses DdoubtsC解析:根据上文“she was teaching stress management to her students”可知,“我们”生活中的压力和烦恼就像那杯水一样。surprise意为“惊奇”;joy意为“欢乐”;stress意为“压力”;doubt意为“怀疑”。故选C。12A.everything BnothingCanything DsomethingB解析:根据上文“If I hold it for a minute,its not a_”可知,教授把生活中的压力和烦恼比作那杯水。只思考一会儿压力和烦恼的话,没什么事。everything意为“一切”;nothing意为“无事,无物”;anything意为“任何事”;something意为“某事,某物”。故选B。13A.improve BhurtCchange DadjustB解析:根据上文“If I hold it for an hour,Ill have an ache in my _”可知,思考时间稍长一点的话,它们就会开始伤害你。improve意为“改善”;hurt意为“使疼痛,使受伤”;change意为“改变”;adjust意为“调整”。故选B。14A.uncertain BafraidCunable DavailableC解析:根据上文“you will feel paralyzed”可知,如果你整天都在思考压力和烦恼的话,你就会感到麻木什么都做不了。uncertain意为“不确定的”;afraid意为“害怕的”;unable意为“未能的,无能力的”;available意为“可得到的”。故选C。15A.catch up with Btake charge ofCput up with Dlet go ofD解析:根据下文“Dont carry them through the evening and into the night.”可知,释放压力很重要。catch up with意为“赶上,追上”;take charge of意为“接管,负责”;put up with意为“忍受,容忍”;let go of意为“放手,释放”。故选D。16A.burdens BthoughtsChardships DfeelingsA解析:根据下文“Dont carry them through the evening and into the night.”可知,要尽早放下你的负担。burden意为“负担”;thought意为“思想”;hardship意为“苦难,困苦”;feeling意为“感觉,感情”。故选A。17A.when BtillCunless DthoughA解析:根据本句“More often than not life gets terrible_we think too much.”可知,通常是当我们思考太多的时候,生活就会变得糟糕。空格后作时间状语。when意为“当时”;till意为“直到”;unless意为“除非”;though意为“虽然,尽管”。故选A。18A.excited BworriedCsatisfied DrelaxedD解析:根据上文“And the moment you remove your burden”可知,一旦你摆脱了负担,就会感到非常轻松。excited意为“兴奋的”;worried意为“担心的”;satisfied意为“满意的”;relaxed意为“放松的”。故选D。19A.keep BfinishCstart DriskC解析:根据上文“So rather than moping around(闲逛)and feeling sorry for yourself”及下文“life is too short”可知,与其闷闷不乐,顾影自怜,不如开始为此做点什么。keep意为“保持”;finish意为“完成”;start意为“开始”;risk意为“冒的危险”。故选C。20A.help BabandonCthrow DcommitB解析:根据上文“So rather than moping around(闲逛)and feeling sorry for yourself”可知,生命太短暂,不能沉湎于让你不高兴的事情中。help意为“帮助”;abandon意为“放弃”;throw意为“投,抛”;commit意为“犯(罪),做出(错事)”。abandon oneself to意为“沉湎于”,为固定短语,符合语境。故选B。.短文改错(2016日照高三模拟)My grandparents live in the countryside.They keep a dog calling Ah Bao.One day my grandparents go to work in the fields,taking along my little brother and Ah Bao.My brother and Ah Bao came to a river nearby and enjoyed himself.My brother was trying to catch a butterfly while he fell into the river.Ah Bao barked and immediate jumped into a water.Hearing about him barking,my grandparents hurried there and saw Ah Bao swimming towards the bank carrying my brother.Ah Bao did all he could save my little brother,that moved all the people present.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his brave and kindness.答案:My grandparents live in the countryside.They keep a dog Ah Bao.One day my grandparents to work in the fields,taking along my little brother and Ah Bao.My brother and Ah Bao came to a river nearby and enjoyed .My brother was trying to catch a butterfly he fell into the river.Ah Bao barked and jumped into water.Hearing him barking,my grandparents hurried there and saw Ah Bao swimming towards the bank carrying my brother.Ah Bao did all he could save my little brother, moved all the people present.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his and kindness.


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