高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 5 First aid微测 新人教版必修5

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高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 5 First aid微测 新人教版必修5_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 5 First aid微测 新人教版必修5_第3页
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第一部分必修5Unit 5.单句改错1A number of people has suffered from electric shock in the accident._2The complex plan you put forward at the meeting yesterday was in the place._3The worker fell illness suddenly and was sent to the hospital by the ambulance._4My good friend David treated me with a big dinner._5It makes difference whether he will approve of the policy._【答案】1.hashave2.去掉place前的the3.illnessill4withto5.在makes后加a.语境填空apply,blood,swell,treat,pour,vital,tight,barrier,poison,unbearable,mild1If you cut your finger, it _. 2Tears of happiness_ down Susans cheeks just now.3Lack of confidence is a psychological _ to success.4I cant put up with him any more.His behavior is _.5Each year a great number of people die because of food _.6Her arm was beginning _ up where the bee had stung(叮咬) her. 7More students_ for aid, and more families expect to need student loans.8We should respect food and think about the people who dont have what we have here and _ food nicely.9This is one reason why public speaking has been regarded as a_ part of education since the days of ancient Greece.【答案】1.will bleed2.poured3.barrier4.unbearable5poisoning6.to swell/swelling7.are applying8treat9.vital.短语活用 fall ill,varieties of,squeeze out,over and over again,in place, put ones hands on,make a difference,make sense1There are _ injuries in accidents.2All the arrangements are now _ for their visit.3My brother _ yesterday, and I had to attend to him at home.4I _ some tissues and blouses in the case the other day.5He slowed down the bleeding by applying pressure to my wounds _.6Its through devotion and sweat that I can _ within myself inside and out.7A smile comes very easyyou can wrinkle up with cheer, a hundred times before you can _ a salty tear.【答案】1.varieties of2.in place3.fell ill4.put my hands on5over and over again6.make a difference7.squeeze out.完成句子1由于左脚受伤,我无法按原计划和你前往。(2014北京)Because _, I cant go with you as planned.【答案】my left foot got injured2没有朋友的生活就像没有了太阳。因此重视友谊很重要。(2014重庆)A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Thus, it _ friendship.【答案】is vital to attach importance to3如果治疗得当,这个病人很快会康复。 If_, the patient will recover soon.【答案】treated in place4尽管失败了很多次,我仍然继续申请工作。Even though refused many times, I am continuing _ jobs.【答案】to apply/applying for5我们正在河里游泳, 这时突然开始下起了大雨。We_ in the lake when suddenly it began to rain heavily.【答案】were swimming


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