高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修

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高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修_第1页
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高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修_第2页
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高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修_第3页
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Module 3 Section Integrating Skills.单句语法填空1I got into _ panic when I found the door being locked.2Most of them were _ favour of my opinion while David was against it.3Success in life doesnt happen _ accident.Its the result of devoting your time and energy to what youve set out to do.4Many people were buried _ (live)after the earthquake in Nepal in 2015.5. Children in our nation,whatever their family backgrounds are,can all enjoy _ (equal)of right in education.6I _ (not go)through that bitter period without your generous help.7Although we were very busy,we accepted the _ (invite)to the wedding.8It is requested that some measures _ (take)to stop “white pollution”9He sat there,_(stare)into space,playing with a piece of paper.10In a sports team,each player has a clear role,and there are few occasions _ members are confused or uncertain of their roles.【答案】1.a2.in3.by4.alive5.equality6couldnt have gone7.invitation8.(should)be taken9.staring10.when.单句改错1I ran into an old friend in the street by an accident. 【导学号:98180040】_2. The girl stared at me,I didnt know what to say._3. Without our teachers help,we cant have finished the job on time._4The NBA game is being broadcast lively on CCTV5._5The teacher requests us come to school on time._【答案】1.去掉第二个an2.staredstaring3cantcouldnt4.livelylive5.come前加to.阅读理解A“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression.When my friend Maxie says “Have a nice day!” with a smile,I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me.I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.“Have a nice day.Next!” This version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out of the door.The words come out in the same tone(腔调)with a fixed procedure.They_are_spoken _at_me,not_to_me.Obviously,the concern for my day and everyone elses is the managements attempt to increase business.The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other.Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting.As soon as you hear it,you know the meeting is at an end.Sometimes the expression saves us when we dont know what to say,“Oh,you just had a tooth out? Im terribly sorry,but have a nice day.”The expression can be pleasant.If a stranger says “Have a nice day!” to you,you may find it heartwarming because someone you dont know has tried to be nice to you.Although the use of the expression is an insincere,meaningless social custom at times,there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting.The salesgirl,the waitress,the teacher,and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day.But in a strange and comfortable way,its nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really dont care all that much.While the expression may not often be sincere,it is always spoken.The point is that people say it all the time when they like.【语篇解读】本文主要探讨了人们见面时的常用语“Have a nice day!”的社会意义。通过简单的一句“Have a nice day!”,人们可以为彼此带来欢乐,这也已经成为一种社会习惯。1. How does the author understand Maxies words?AMaxie shows her anxiety to the author.BMaxie really wishes the author a good day.CMaxie encourages the author to stay happy.DMaxie really worries about the authors security.【解析】由文章第一段的第二句和第三句可知Maxie在真诚地祝愿作者一天开心。【答案】B2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?AThe salesgirl is rude.BThe salesgirl is bored.CThe salesgirl cares about me.DThe salesgirl says the words as a routine.【解析】由第二段中“The words come out in the same tone(腔调)with a fixed procedure.”一句可知,女销售员说“Have a nice day!”是一种形式。【答案】D3. According to the last paragraph,people say “Have a nice day!”_AsincerelyBas thanksCas a habitDencouragingly【解析】由最后一段第一句“Although the use of the expression is an insincere,meaningless social custom at times”,可知人们说“Have a nice day!”已经成为一种社会习惯。【答案】C4. What is the best title of the passage?AHave a Nice Daya Social CustomBHave a Nice Daya Pleasant GestureCHave a Nice Daya Heartwarming GreetingDHave a Nice Daya Polite Ending of a Conversation【解析】通览全文及结合文章最后一段第一句“Although the use of the expression is an insincere,meaningless social custom at times”,可知简单的一句“Have a nice day!”已经成为一种交际习惯。【答案】ABEveryone has got two personalitiesthe one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You dont show your secret personality when youre awake because you can control your behavior,but when youre asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their position.The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.If you go to sleep on your back,youre a very open person.You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas.You dont like to upset people,so you never express your real feelings.Youre quite shy and you arent very confident.If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive(不坦率的)person.You worry a lot and youre always easily upset.Youre very stubborn(顽固的),but you arent very ambitious.You usually live for today not for tomorrow.This means that you enjoy having a good time.If you sleep curled up(卷曲),you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and so youre often defensive.Youre shy and you dont normally like meeting people.You prefer to be on your own.Youre easily hurt.If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a wellbalanced personality.You know your strengths and weaknesses.Youre usually careful.You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel anxious,but you dont often get depressed.You always say what you think even if it annoys people.【语篇解读】本文讲述了人的睡眠姿势反映人的不同性格。5. According to the writer,you naturally show your secret and real personality _.Aonly in a normal nightBonly when you go to sleepConly when you refuse to show yourself to the worldDonly when you change sleeping position【解析】根据第一段最后一句“The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.”可知你入睡时的姿势能体现你的个性。故选B。【答案】B6Which is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph about a persons personality? AHe or she is always open with others.BHe or she always likes new ideas earlier than others.CHe or she is always easily upset.DHe or she tends to believe in others.【解析】根据第二段“youre a very open person.You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas.”可知,A、B、D是仰卧入睡的人的个性。故选C。【答案】C7. Which sentence is used to show the personality of a person who is used to sleeping on his or her stomach? AHe or she is careful not to offend others.BHe or she doesnt want to stick to his or her opinion.CHe or she cant be successful in any business.DHe or she likes to bring others happiness.【解析】根据第三段第四句“You usually live for today not for tomorrow.”表明这种人目光短浅,得过且过,难有建树。故选C。【答案】C8. It appears that the writer tends to think highly of the person who sleeps on one side because_.Ahe or she always shows sympathy for peopleBhe or she is confident,but not stubbornChe or she has more strengths than weaknessesDhe or she often considers annoying people【解析】根据第五段可知,此种人心理素质好,清楚知道自己的优缺点,坚持正确的主张不是固执。故选B。【答案】B.阅读填句根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项为多余选项。Everyone knows English is one of the most important subjects in middle schools.And we always know learning English is very important,but few students know how to learn English well._1_I think if we have a right way to learn English,and we work hard,then we must learn English well.But what is the right way? _2_ Second,everyone knows remembering new words is important,but how to remember them? I think we can copy new words on pieces of paper,and take them with us.When we are free,we can read them.Third,how to improve our listening and speaking? _3_ And we can answer the questions in the class,dont be afraid of making mistakes.I think its useful to us.Finally,its about reading and writing._4_ And try our best to retell it.We can also keep a diary every day,and spend an hour practicing English._5_ If necessary,we can turn to our classmates and teachers for help instead of giving up.If we dont study hard,its difficult to learn English well.AWe can sing English songs,listen to the radio and listen to tapes every day.BThen how can we make rapid progress and learn English well?CWhenever we meet difficulties in our English study,we shouldnt lose heart.DTo begin with,you can recite as many words as you can.EFirst,we must be confident enough to learn English and be interested in it.FIn a word,we will make rapid progress.GWhen we are free,we can read articles in English. 【答案】15BEAGC

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