高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修

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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section Integrated Skills.单句语法填空1I dont mean that.There must be some _(misunderstand)between us.2There are some mistakes in your composition that need _(correct)3I get a lot of _(enjoy)from my grandchildren.They are so lovely.4The film was said to be good,but I found it _(disappoint)5Her _(encourage)gave me a lot of confidence.6Can you give me some advice on improving the _(fluent)in speaking?7The US is divided_ 50 states and is separated _China by the Pacific.8There are 16 girls students here,half of _ have passed the test.9Would you mind not _(play)soccer here?10I really enjoy being with Danny._ do IHe is so lively and humorous.【答案】1.misunderstanding2.correction/correcting/to be corrected3.enjoyment4.disappointing5.encouragement6.fluency7.into;from8.whom9.playing10.So.完成句子1请把它再解释一遍好吗?Would you mind explaining_it_again,please?2我不喜欢被要求做我不想做的事情。I dont like being asked to do what I dont want to.我也不喜欢。我更愿意做自己想做的事。Neither/Nor_do_II prefer to do what Id like to.3我们有三位外教,都来自美国。We have three foreign teachers,all_of_whom are from America.4我的十名同学参加了上周举办的运动会。Ten of my classmates took_part_in_the_sports_meeting held last week.5二战之后,德国被划分为两个独立的国家。After World War ,Germany was_divided_into_two_separate_countries.阅读理解AFirst day at schoolIt was my first day at school in London and I was halfexcited and halffrightened.On my way to school I wondered,what questions the other boys would ask me and practised all the answers,“I am nine years old.I was born here but I havent lived here since I was two.I was living in Farley.Its about thirty miles away.I came back to London two months ago.” I also wondered if it was the rule for boys to fight strangers like me,but I was tall for my age.I hoped they would decide not to risk it.No one took any notice of me before school.I stood in the centre of the playground,expecting someone to say “hello”, but no one spoke to me.My teacher was called Mr.Jones.There were 42 boys in the class,so I_didnt_stand_out there,either,until the first lesson of the afternoon.Mr.Jones was very fond of Charles Dickens,so he asked several boys if they knew Dickens birthplace,but no one guessed right.A boy called Brian,the biggest in the class,said,“Timbuktu”,and Mr.Jones went red in the face.Then he asked me.I said,“Portsmouth”,and everyone stared at me because Mr.Jones said I was right.This didnt make me very popular,of course.“He thinks hes clever,” I heard Brian say.After that,we went out to the playground to play football.I was in Brians team,and he obviously had Dickens in mind because he told me to go in goal.No one ever wanted to be the goalkeeper.“Hes big enough and useless enough,” Brian said when someone asked him why he had chosen me.As the boy kicked the ball hard along the ground to my right,I threw myself down quickly and saved it.All my team crowded round me.My bare knees were grazed and bleeding.Brian took out a handkerchief and offered it to me.“Do you want to join my gang(team)?” he said.At the end of the day,I was no longer a stranger.1The writer prepared to answer all of the following questions EXCEPT “_”AHow old are you?BWhere are you from?CDo you want to join my gang?DWhen did you come back to London?2We can learn from the passage that _.Aboys were usually unfriendly to new students Bthe writer was not greeted as he expected CBrian praised the writer for his cleverness Dthe writer was glad to be a goalkeeper3The underlined part “I didnt stand out” in Paragraph 3 means that the writer was not _.AreliableBnervous Cimportant Dnoticeable4The writer was offered a handkerchief because _.Ahe was in Brians team Bhe was no longer a new comerChe was beginning to be accepted Dhe pushed a player in the other team【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。主要叙述了作者转入一所新的学校,起初担心自己不能被同学们接受,后来通过一场足球赛,作者终于融入了这个新的班集体。1C细节理解题。根据第一段“.I am nine years old.I was born here but I havent lived here since I was two.I was living in Farley.Its about thirty miles away.I came back to London two months ago.”可知,作者没准备回答“Do you want to join my gang?”这一问题,故答案为C。2B细节理解题。根据第二段“I stood in the centre of the playground,expecting someone to say hello, but no one spoke to me.”可知,答案为B。3D句意理解题。根据上下文可知,班上男孩众多,“我”并不引人注目。4C推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“.I was no longer a stranger.”可知,作者被接纳了。BIn 1970,my five brothers,my sister and I lived in the housing projects of Toronto with our parents.My father was a factory worker,and my mother stayed at home.Each year my father would dress up as Santa Claus and go through the streets of the projects sharing joy and candies with the children there.He loved it as much as they did!But around the Christmas in 1970,my father was out of his job and money was tight.In fact,there was no money for Christmas and my parents werent sure what theyd provide for us.That Christmas eve,however,as usual,my father left the house dressed as Santa Claus.He knew that even though our Christmas would be hard,he could not disappoint the other kids in the neighbourhood.As my father left the house and went down the walkway,Santa Claus was walking up,with a great sack(袋)full of gifts for us! He said nothing,only smiled a sweet smile at my father,and wished him a merry Christmas.The happy man handed Dad the sack and walked away down the block.We never knew who the man was and who showed us great kindness on a snowy Christmas night.We do know,however,that without him we would have had nothing under the tree.His kindness gave my parents hope and showed us in a very real way the true meaning of Christmas.Our family has never forgotten this kind stranger.Each year we tell the story of the mysterious Santa Claus and try to repay(报答)his gifts by giving gifts to others in need.5The authors father _.Awas once the richest man in his hometown Bhad to support a family of 9 people Cwas working in a government office Dlooked like Santa Claus most6What happened in 1970?AThey had the worst Christmas in their lives.BThe authors father was out of work.CThe authors mother lost her job.DThey had a little money left for Christmas.7The authors family knew _.Awho the mysterious Santa Claus wasBwhy the mysterious Santa Claus helped themCthey could find the mysterious Santa Claus one dayDhow they could repay the mysterious Santa Claus8It can be inferred(推断)that _.Athe mysterious Santa Claus was one of their relativesBthe mysterious Santa Claus was a rich man in the areaCthe sack from the mysterious Santa Claus was very expensiveDthe authors family were all thankful to the mysterious Santa Claus【导学号:67550073】【语篇解读】本文记叙了令作者难忘的一次圣诞节,并表达了作者对那位不知姓名的圣诞老人的感激之情。5B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话中“.my five brothers,my sister and I.with our parents.”可知答案。6B细节理解题。从第二段可知,作者的父亲失业,家里已经没有钱过圣诞节了。但是由于圣诞老人的到来,他们度过了一个难忘的圣诞节,而不是最糟糕的圣诞节。因此只有B项正确。7D细节理解题。从全文内容可知,他们当时并不知道圣诞老人是谁,而且多年来也一直不知道是谁,但他们一直在通过给别人圣诞礼物来回报那个圣诞老人。因此只有D项是正确的。8D推理判断题。从文中可推知作者一家人对圣诞老人一直心存感激。.阅读填句根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking good notes is a timesaving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways._1_Secondly,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Thirdly,taking notes offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during class discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report._2_Whenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that taking notes is a selective process._3_The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words._4_Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand(速记)When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time._5_AUse words,not complete sentences.BThere are three practical notetaking methods.CYou must write your notes on separate paper.DOtherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.EYou will also want to develop your own method of taking notes.FThat means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.GFirstly,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember.【答案】15GEFAD

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