高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema测试题1 外研版必修5

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高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema测试题1 外研版必修5_第1页
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高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema测试题1 外研版必修5_第3页
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Module 3第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. The elder of the twins_ her sister in appearance but not in character. A. looks B. compares C. resembles D. equals22. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of _ she may be in. A. mood B. mind C. form D. thought23. He couldnt continue to live such a poor life, so he left home, _ not to come back if he couldnt get rich. A. determining B. determined C. determine D. being determined24. If you get up early tomorrow, try _ your father, because he stayed up late nearly every night this week. A. not to disturb B. not interrupt C. waking up D. to awake25. As a child, Johnson would sit on the steps alone, _ the sun _ down. A. watched; going B. watching; went C. watching; go D. watched; went 26. She got into_ when she thought shed forgotten the tickets, and this _ her husband, too. A. panic; panic B. a panic; panicked C. a panic; panic D. panic; panicked27. The boy asked me curiously whether I could tell him _ be like in the future.A. what life would B. what will life C. how life would D. how will life 28. People are warned _ in that city because there is some virus going around the city.A. to not tourB. touring notC. not to tourD. not touring29. The meat is so rotten and _. You must have forgotten to put it in fridge.A. smells terriblyB. smells terribleC. is smelling terriblyD. is smelling terrible 30. Travelling on the bad mountain roads is a _ experience and I will never risk my life like that from now on.A. terrifyingB. terrifiedC. astonishingD. astonished31. The central government has _ a working party to looking into the mine disaster in Tongchuan, Shanxi Province.A. set upB. set offC. set in D. set to32. It was dark. But _ the light of the moon , I saw a man _ in the street corner. A. in; lying B. in; to lieC. by; lyingD. by; to lie 33. The boy hurried home _ the room had been stolen and everything valuable was gone. A. only to findB. only foundC. findingD. and find 34. The kind of tiger, once so numerous in South Asia, has now almost_. A. died of B. died from C. died out D. died down35. Hello, could I speak to Bill, please? _, he is in the kitchen. A. Hold on a minute B. Dont worry C. It doesnt matter D. You could.第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him. I would spend the day just 36 , doing nothing and not paying much 37 to all the people around me. One day, as my dad and I were 38 to the shop, I looked out of the car window and saw an old man at the street corner. Our 39 met and held for about twenty seconds. There was 40 fearful about this man but it was a significant encounter(意外的相遇)for me. 41 that point, I had given no 42 to anyone I saw on the street. My life was my family and friends. I had no interest in anyone else. 43 for the first time I had an interest in what that person was all about. Over the years I had long 44 that man, but he came to my mind recently and I remembered the twenty 45 that I looked into the eyes of a stranger and 46 what he was all about. It seems that we are all 47 these days. There are so many things to look after that we 48 have time for sincere interest in others. Great thinkers 49 us to “stop and smell the roses”. But it has taken me decades to really appreciate the 50 of these words. When I have the opportunity to 51 a young person, I do my best to convey this message. But 52 , young people are too busy to 53 the advice. I would tell young people to stop what they are doing and 54 . I would tell them to try as 55 as they could to understand what is in their line of sight and what is in the range of their hearing. 36.A. sitting aroundB. working aroundC. disturbingD. helping37.A. moneyB. interestC. attentionD. respect38.A. carriedB. riddenC. walkingD. driving39.A. eyesB. handsC. bodiesD. feet40.A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything41.A. SinceB. AfterC. Not untilD. Up to42.A. thoughtB. fearC. greetingD. glance43.A. SoB. InsteadC. ButD. And44.A. rememberedB. forgottenC. remindedD. recalled45.A. yearsB. secondsC. daysD. minutes46.A. surprisesB. learnedC. wonderedD. doubted47.A. busyB. stupidC. lazyD. puzzled48.A. neverB. hardlyC. evenD. always49.A. persuadeB. proveC. forceD. encourage50.A. wisdomB. beautyC. meaningD. creativity51.A. describe toB. blame onC. speak to D. quarrel with52.A. LuckilyB. unfortunatelyC. ImmediatelyD. Astonishingly53.A. agree toB. think highly ofC. keep in mindD. take notice of54.A. look aroundB. hang aboutC. think overD. go round55.A. soonB. hardC. possibleD. far36-40 ACDAB 41-45 DACBB 46-50 CABDA 51-55 CBDAB第三部分:阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him. I would spend the day just 36 , doing nothing and not paying much 37 to all the people around me. One day, as my dad and I were 38 to the shop, I looked out of the car window and saw an old man on the street corner. Our 39 met and held for about twenty seconds. There was 40 fearful about this man, but it was a significant encounter(意外的相遇)for me. 41 that point, I had given no 42 to anyone I saw on the street. My life was my family and friends. I had no interest in anyone else. 43 for the first time I had an interest in what that person was all about. Over the years I had long 44 that man, but he came to my mind recently and I remembered the twenty 45 that I looked into the eyes of a stranger and 46 what he was all about. It seems that we are all 47 these days. There are so many things to look after that we 48 have time for sincere interest in others. Great thinkers 49 us to “stop and smell the roses”. But it has taken me decades to really appreciate the 50 of these words. When I have the opportunity to 51 a young person, I do my best to convey this message. But 52 , young people are too busy to 53 the advice. I would tell young people to stop what they are doing and 54 . I would tell them to try as 55 as they could to understand what is in their line of sight and what is in the range of their hearing. 36.A. sitting aroundB. working aroundC. disturbingD. helping37.A. moneyB. interestC. attentionD. respect38.A. carriedB. riddenC. walkingD. driving39.A. eyesB. handsC. bodiesD. feet40.A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything41.A. SinceB. AfterC. Not untilD. Up to42.A. thoughtB. fearC. greetingD. glance43.A. SoB. InsteadC. ButD. And44.A. rememberedB. forgottenC. remindedD. recalled45.A. yearsB. secondsC. daysD. minutes46.A. surprisesB. learnedC. wonderedD. doubted47.A. busyB. stupidC. lazyD. puzzled48.A. neverB. hardlyC. evenD. always49.A. persuadeB. proveC. forceD. encourage50.A. wisdomB. beautyC. meaningD. creativity51.A. describe toB. blame onC. speak to D. quarrel with52.A. LuckilyB. unfortunatelyC. ImmediatelyD. Astonishingly53.A. agree toB. think highly ofC. keep in mindD. take notice of54.A. look aroundB. hang aboutC. think overD. go round55.A. soonB. hardC. possibleD. far36-40 ACDAB 41-45 DACBB 46-50 CABDC 51-55 CBCAB第三部分:阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) AAround the World in Eighty Days is a classic adventure novel by Jules Verne. The story starts in London in 1872. One day in the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg, a wealthy gentleman, accepts a wager(赌注) for 20,000, which he will receive if he travels around the world in 80 days. Phileas Fogg sets off immediately, with his servant Passepartout. They reach Suez(苏伊士) quickly. While landing in Egypt, he is watched by a British detective named Fix, who is in search of a bank robber. Because Fix mistakes Fogg for the criminal, he follows secretly, as they are getting on a ship to Bombay.After more than 20-days of travelling, they arrive in San Francisco, and then get on the train to New York. During that trip, the train is attacked by Indians, who take Passepartout away. With some soldiers help, Fogg succeeds in freeing his companion. To make up for the lost time, Fogg and his companion hasten on to New York, and catch the steamer for the crossing of the Atlantic. They arrive in Ireland in time to reach London before the deadline. However, once on British soil again, Fix arrests Fogg. Although the misunderstanding is quickly cleared upthe actual bank robber had been caught several days earlier. Fogg has missed the train and returns to London five minutes late, sure that he has lost the wager.However, the next day Fogg learns from the priest that he is mistaken in the date, which he thinks Sunday but which actually is Saturday, due to the fact that they gained a full day on their journey around the globe, by crossing the International Date Line. Fogg immediately sets off for the Reform Club, where he arrives just in time to win the wager.56. The reason that Fix wants to arrest Phileas Fogg is that . A. Phileas Fogg is the bank robber whom Fix is trying to catch B. Phileas Fogg doesnt have a passport for his travels C. Fix mistakenly takes Phileas Fogg for the bank robber D. Fix intends to prevent Fogg from winning the wager57. During his time in America, Phileas Fogg spends a lot of “unexpected” time . A. travelling across the continent of America B. rescuing his companion from the Indians C. waiting for the ship back to London D. getting rid of the pursuing of Fix58. Does Phileas Fogg win the wager at last? Why? A. No. Because he doesnt get to the Reform Club before the deadline. B. Yes. Because he is not the bank robber; its a misunderstanding. C. No. Because he wastes too much time during his trip. D. Yes. Because he arrives at the Reform Club before the deadline. BA good amount of sleep is as important to health as diet and exercise.Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep each night.Less than that can interfere with mental and physical abilities. However, a study recently done by researchers shows that sleep disorders are not recognized enough by the general public and the medical community.The study examined why we need sleep, the effects of sleep loss and other sleep disorders. The final report says that too few researchers are studying sleep disorders;too few health care workers are trained to identify and treat the problem. Every year, American businesses lose more than one thousand million dollars because of tired workers. Some employees are too tired to report for work.They have accidents or are less productive at work.Other costs include increased visits to doctors.The study found that twenty percent of injuries caused by serious car accidents are linked to sleepy drivers.Other studies have linked poor sleep to an increased risk of health problems like severe sleeplessness, heart disease, depression and unhealthy amounts of body fat. For teens, sleep shortage affects their ability to pay attention in class. Research shows that 20% of high school students fall asleep in class, and have poorer grades because of lack of sleep.Researchers involved in the study are suggesting a number of steps to help prevent sleep disorders including a campaign to inform the public about the problem,increased education and training among health care workers.And they are calling for new technology to identify and cure sleep problems.59. According to the passage, sleep disorders can cause many problems EXCEPT . A. low spirits B. low efficiency at work C. difficulty concentrating in class D. serious mental illness60. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. If we have less than 7 hours of sleep each night, we may feel sleepy in class. B. Generally speaking, it is easier for people with sleep disorders to get sick. C. Too much sleep each night may also interfere with mental and physical abilities. D. More training about sleep disorders among health care workers is necessary.61. The author would probably agree that _. A. sleep disorders are not a big deal for our health and spirits B. the public and medical community should pay more attention to sleep disorders C. the situation shown in the study is not reasonable enough for people to believe D. people with enough sleep will live longer than those with sleep disordersCThe first Chinese Western-style adventure, Ke Ke Xi Li, a popular film, is based on a true story about a group of volunteers trying to protect endangered antelopes(羚羊) from poachers(偷猎者) hunting them down.There were more than one million Tibetan antelope, or “Chiru”, in Ke Ke Xi Li before 1985, but the price of their fine wool rose with demand for pashmina shawls(围巾). Poachers crowded to the wilderness, called Hoh Xil in Mongol, and the number of Tibetan antelope was slashed to less than 20,000 in just a few years. From 1993 onwards, local Tibetan and Han people formed a volunteer team to protect the animals. They left their families to risk their lives battling against well-armed poachers in the wilderness.The movie starts with the death of a member of the team and shows them tracking the poachers. They find more than 1,000 antelope corpses on the way and meet with a series of difficulties: broken down jeeps, running out of gasoline, shortage of food and mountain passes blocked by heavy snow.The volunteers defend the protected region of Ke Ke Xi Li in Tibet, however, many poachers are determined and will do whatever they can to get what they want, including killing the volunteers. The area is rough, the enemy is well hidden, and the air is thinat last, several volunteers, including the team leader, Ritai, sacrifice their lives.After the volunteers death, China founded Hoh Xil Nature Reserve to protect Tibetan antelope and named a natural protection station for the leader of the team.62. According to the passage, the story Ke Ke Xi Li comes from . A. a best-selling novel about the region, Ke Ke Xi Li, in Tibet B. a true story about a team of volunteers struggling with poachers to protect antelopes C. a news report about the rapid decrease in population of the endangered Tibetan antelopes D. a plan made by the government to protect the precious Tibetan antelopes63. The major cause of the rapid decrease in population of the Tibetan antelopes is that . A. so many poachers came to Ke Ke Xi Li to hunt antelopes for money B. the volunteers didnt perform their responsibilities to protect the antelopes C. the wool of antelopes is more valuable with the increasing demand for pashmina shawls D. the government hasnt found a more effective way to protect the endangered antelopes64. From Ke Ke Xi Li, we can know that the life of the volunteers protecting antelopes is . A. hard and dangerous; they could be killed B. very interesting and meaningful C. not as bad as the film showed D. full of adventure and excitement65. It can be inferred that the purpose of the director creating the film is to . A. show to the public the real life of the volunteers protecting antelopes B. record an operation of the volunteers to protect the endangered antelopes C. memorize the sacrifices of Ritai and other volunteers D. arouse the public and governments attention to protect the endangered antelope 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分25分)第一节 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)66. His v_ description gave us a clear picture of the city of Venice.67. Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an e_.68. The weather in England is living up to its r_.69. The school has e_ a successful relationship with the local community.70. In the war people were desperately seeking s_ from the gunfire.71. Why dont you ever give me flowers? I wish youd be more r_.72. He has written a book _ (评论) for the best-seller. 73. At last we could see the dim _ (轮廓) of the small village after a five-hour journey.74. They are both fond of drinking, so they are drinking _ (伙伴).75. Mary is such a _ (好奇的) girl, always asking questions.第二节 书面表达 (15分)请根据下面的提示,写一篇介绍查尔斯 狄更斯的短文,可以合理发挥,词数120词左右。查尔斯 狄更斯生于1812年2月7日。12岁那年,查尔斯经历了他一生中极为重要的一件事他父亲入狱。这使他被迫辍学,被安排到一家货仓工作。查尔斯是一个不放弃梦想的人。他什么工作都干过。15岁时做勤杂工作,后来当上了记者。很幸运的是,到了20 岁, 狄更斯就成为了全英格兰最杰出的记者之一。在同一时期,狄更斯的兴趣开始从新闻写作转向文学。他一生都奉献于写作,他的作品众多,这使他很出名。参考词汇:货仓warehouse 附加题:阅读表达(共10分) The United States has more than three thousand colleges and universities.Most require high school students to take an admission test,but .The organization Fair-Test opposes the requirements.It lists more than seven hundred individual schools where testing is now optional(可选择的).Students can provide their results, but only if they want to.Testing critics say one reason to drop the requirement is that preparing for the tests takes too much time away from schoolwork and life.The requirement places too much importance on one test and causes too much stress for students. Still, critics question just how much the tests really show about a student.They say higher scores in some cases might only show that a students family had the money for expensive test-preparation classes.One of the first colleges to drop the requirement was Bates College in Maine in 1984.Over the next twenty years, it compared students who provided their test scores and those who did not.The study found that grades and graduation rates were the same.Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts ended its requirement in 2001. Like Bates, Mount Holyoke has compared student performance.Its president, Joanne Creighton, says the study has found no meaningful difference. She says the requirements might have made sense in the nineteen twenties when it was developed.College then was only for a relatively limited group of people.But American students and schools are too different today for what she calls a one-size-fits-all test.1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? Students have the choice to decide whether they will provide their results to the school._3. Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)_4. What do you think is the most important reason that many schools have dropped the admission test? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)_5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese._


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