高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元综合检测卷 新人教版必修3

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高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元综合检测卷 新人教版必修3_第3页
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ATwo billion children in the developing world cant receive good educationthe key to human development.However,technology offers an answer which allows the poor in developing countries to learn.It is a tool which holds the ability to change the lives of the poor,as it provides a means of learning and communicating.Educational programs must break away from old systems.New companies such as One Laptop(笔记本电脑) Per Child (OLPC),an organization founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte have been active in solving the worlds education problem.The Internet has changed the world,allowing educational services to help with the global fight against poverty.Khan Academy is one such service.Like OLPC,it is an organization founded by Harvard Business School graduate Salman Khan with the task of “providing a worldclass education to anyone,anywhere.”The education offered includes a large number of mathrelated topics.The GMAT Pill Review is another company that trains MBA candidates(应考人) worldwide to prepare for the GMAT exam on both the Quant and Verbal section.Founded by Stanford graduate Zeke Lee,the company offers services which are priced at about 75% less than other similar programs.It allows students from developing countries who might not be able to afford similar courses to have access to these services.Whether paid or free these services provide educational opportunities to those who would never have had the chance in the past.As a result of the technology revolution(革新),business schools may see more students from different corners of the world.Because of the Internet,people in developing nations have access to better and more affordable educational opportunities.More and more people will try to improve their lives through educational opportunities outside of their homelandan idea usually uncommon in developing countries.1According to the text,technology can .Aimprove peoples reading abilityBsolve the problems facing the whole worldChelp the poor to reduce povertyDcause poverty in developing countries答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“It is a tool which holds the ability to change the lives of the poor,as it provides a means of learning and communicating.”可知,由于科技提供学习和交流的方法,所以它是能够改变穷人命运的工具。2We can learn from the text that Khan Academy aims to .Ahelp the poor pay for good coursesBprovide every child with a computerChelp train MBA candidatesDmake everyone receive good education答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“Like OLPC,it is an organization founded by Harvard Business School graduate Salman Khan with the task of providing a worldclass education to anyone,anywhere.”可知,该组织的目的是使每一个人都得到世界一流的教育。3Which of the following about GMAT Pill Review is TRUE?AIt only accepts students from developing countries.BIt was started by Professor Nicholas Negroponte.CIt charges students about 25 percent of other similar programs.DThe education it offers includes a lot of mathrelated topics.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,GMAT Pill Review在全世界范围内招生,A项错误;由第四段第二句可知,它由Zeke Lee创办,学费比其他同样的学校便宜75%,因此B项错误,C项正确;D选项是叙述Khan Academy的,因此错误。4In the past,people in developing countries .Ahad no educational opportunities in their homelandBseldom thought of receiving foreign education to change themselvesCalways believed education was of great importanceDwouldnt leave their homeland to reduce poverty答案B解析推理判断题。由文章最后一句“More and more people will try to improve their lives through educational opportunities outside of their homelandan idea usually uncommon in developing countries.”可知,现在越来越多的人通过本国之外的教育机会来改善他们的生活,这一点在过去的发展中国家是不常见的。由此可以推断出,过去发展中国家的人们很少想到通过接受国外的教育来改变自己的命运。BMy grandfather was a teacher.He was the headmaster of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart,because when I was young (and he was old),he gave me presents,seated me on his knees,and told me stories,but I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.At school,when he walked into a room full of noisy boys,there was silence at once.When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eyes,that boy went red in the face,and looked down at his shoes.If a boy brought him poor,careless work,which was not the best that the boy could do,my grandfather would pick up the boys book and threw it across the room,shouting,“Do it all again,and bring it back early in the morning!”If the boy was late,or if he forgot to bring the work,he had to do it again and again,and yet again.My grandfather never forgot.He was a very different man at school,from the man I saw day by day at his own home.5I knew my grandfather was kind and gentle,because .Ahe was the headmaster of a school for boysBhe gave me presents and told me storiesChe told me stories about how kind he wasDhe never scolded me答案B解析细节理解题。从第一段第三句可知,“我”的爷爷给我买礼物,让“我”坐在他的膝盖上,还给“我”讲故事。故选B项。6When he looked at a boy in a certain way,that boy .Awent red and could not look my grandfather in the eyeBlooked back at my grandfathers red faceCchanged another oneDwent red in the face because his shoes were dirty答案A解析细节理解题。从第二段第二句可知,这个学生脸变红了,低头看着自己的鞋子。故选A项。7My grandfather didnt like to receive .Aworse work than he could do himselfBwork that the boys could not doCwork that was not as good as the boys could doDthe work that the boys did答案C解析细节理解题。从第二段第三句可知选C项。8When he received poor work,my grandfather .Ashouted at the boy and threw his book across the roomBwent red in the faceCthrew the book on the floor,and shouted across the roomDthrew the book at the boy答案A解析细节理解题。从第二段第三句可知答案为A项。CUp to now,some scientists have suggested that cloning existing people might be ethically acceptable in some cases.One possibility is generating replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,raise the concern that the clone would be treated as less than a complete individual,because he or she would likely suffer from limitations and expectations based on the familys knowledge of the genetic “twin”Those expectations might be false,because human personality is only partly determined by genes.The clone of an extrovert(性格外向的人)could have a quite different way of behavior.Clones of athletes,movie stars,or scientists might well choose different careers because of chance events in early life.Some people have also pointed out that couples in which one member is infertile(不生育)might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner.But society ought to be concerned that a couple might not treat naturally a child who is a copy of just one of them.Because other methods are available for the treatment of all known types of infertility,and the traditional choice seems more appropriate.None of the suggested uses of cloning for making copies of existing people is ethically acceptable to my way of thinking,because they are not in the interests of the resulting child.It should go without saying that I am strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos to develop so that they can be tissue donors.In spite of this,it seems clear that cloning from cultured(人工培育的) cells will offer important medical opportunities.Predictions about new technologies are often wrong;societal attitudes change;unexpected developments occur.Time will tell.But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do.9Towards cloning an existing person,what concern does the author show?AThe clone created is unlikely to fulfill your expectations.BThe clone created is ethically unacceptable.CThe clone created will be mistreated.DThe clone created will have one defect or another.答案C解析细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知,作者担心克隆人会受到错误地对待。10From the text we know that a clone will .Abe partly similar in personality to the person it is created fromBshare the same characteristics with the person it is created fromCchoose the same career as the person it is created fromDbehave in the same way as the person it is created from答案A解析细节理解题。由第一段第四、五、六句可以得出克隆人只是部分上与其原型个性相似。11According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?AOnes personality is determined by neither their genes nor the environment they live in.BOnes personality is determined by both their genes and the environment they live in.COnes personality is determined by their genes.DOnes personality is determined by the environment they live in.答案B解析推理判断题。由第一段第四句可知,人的个性只是部分由基因决定,故选B。12In the authors view,which of the following uses of cloning is reasonable?ATo help childless couples to have a baby.BTo culture cells for medical purpose.CTo develop tissue donors.DTo replace a lost relative.答案B解析推理判断题。由第二段第四句可知,不赞同用克隆来帮助不孕夫妇;由第二段第五句可知作者坚决反对克隆人的胚胎以供器官捐献用;由第一段第三句可知,作者不赞同用克隆人来代替死去的亲人。由最后一段第一句可知培养细胞用于医学研究是作者赞同的。DShopping online in search of a bargain can often leave you feeling disappointed or out of pocket rather than satisfied.You can avoid this by following our simple advice:PRODUCTBefore you look for the cheapest price,you need to decide what product you actually want.You can do this by researching online,the easiest way is to Google for different products so that you can decide on what would be best for you.SEARCH & COMPAREYou are now ready to use a comparison website to try and find out the best prices.You should never just use one comparison website;using two or more will give you a balanced view of the market.Comparison websites are necessary.You need to first check out what kind of technology a site uses.Although the idea behind Froogle (now called Google Products) is attractive,the technology it uses is not as advanced as sites such as Kelkoo and Pricerunner.Froogle uses a regular search engine.And dont expect price comparison sites to be a surefire way of getting a bargain.The sites will only show products from companies who pay them.This is not necessarily a bad thingsuppliers value their reputation and their business relationships.AND SEARCH AGAINBefore you buy you should search the product using a price comparison service,then try again just using a standard search engineit might find the product with a cheaper price.If you use Firefox to surf the web then theres an addon(附加的)tool that you can download which finds the cheapest price for a product for you.It is called the Invisible Hand and it is free to download.For example,if youre shopping online at Amazon,the Invisible Hand will pop up and tell you that it is 56 cheaper at Dixons.The tool will only work when you are looking at products,so it shouldnt disturb your day to day internet surfing.The addon is supported by wellknown brands (品牌) such as BT,Comet and HMV but obviously it wont search every single site out there,so it is still best to use a comparison site in addition to the tool.13According to the passage,how to decide what product to buy?ABy shopping online.BBy searching online.CBy looking for the cheapest price.DBy deciding which is best.答案B解析细节理解题。由第二段可知“想要决定自己真正想买的东西最容易的方式就是通过Google等搜索引擎在线搜索不同的物品,以便作出最佳的选择”。14We can learn from the passage that .Awe dont need to use two or more comparison websitesBcomparison websites often give us wrong views and choicesCall the search engines are the same advancedDdifferent comparison websites use different technologies答案D解析细节理解题。由第三、四段可知A项错在dont need;B项错在wrong;C项错在the same,尤其是第四段通过例证说明不同的“比较网站”使用的是不同的搜索引擎技术。故D项正确。15Whats the exact meaning of the underlined phrase “pop up” in Paragraph 8?AShout. BAppear.CDisappear. DHide.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段可知,“如果你在亚马逊网购物时,the Invisible Hand就将会自动出现并告诉你这个物品在Dixons网卖得要便宜56英镑”。故pop up意为“出现”。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Around the world young people are spending unbelievable sums of money in listening to rock music. 16 “It doesnt make sense,” says Johnny Mathis,one of the oldest music millionaires,who made a million dollars a year when he was the most popular,in the 1950s.“Performers arent worth this kind of money.In fact,nobody is.” But the rock stars admirers seem to disagree.Those who love rock music spend about two billion dollars a year for records.They pay 150 million to see rock stars in person. 17 According to one theory,rock music has a special attraction because no real training is needed to produce it.There is no gulf between the audience and the performer.Every boy and girl in the audience thinks,“I could sing like that.” Young people are glad to pay to admire a rock star because it is a way of admiring themselves.Luck is a keyword for explaining the success of many. 18 Then,too,like most performers,McLean writes his own music,so he earns an additional two cents on every single record of the song. 19 Around the world young listeners soon want to see the star in movies,on television,and in person.Neil Young,who performs in torn blue jeans,sometimes sings to an audience of 10,000,each of whom has paid at least five dollars for a ticket.After paying expenses,Young leaves with about 18,000 in his blue jeans at the end of an evening.How do the rock stars use their money?What do they do when the money starts pouring in like water? 20 Englands Elton John gave someone a 38,000 Rolls Royce automobile and bought himself a 5,000 pair of eyeglasses.He also bought himself two cars,“one for each foot”However,after two or three years richness and fame are gone.Left with his memories and his tax problems,the lonely experformer spends his remaining years trying to impress strangers.New stars have arrived to take his place.ARecords provide only part of a stars income.BMost of the young stars simply throw the money around.COne of the luckiest was Don McLean,who wrote and sang “American Pie”DSome observers think the customers are buying more than music.EForbes Magazine claims that at least fifty rock stars have incomes of between two million and six million dollars per year.FWhen they need money again,they do another tour.GA star can earn much money by recordselling.答案16.E17.D18.C19.A20.B第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This short play is a stage version of the Necklace,one of Maupassants best known short stories.It 21 about a vain woman,the wife of a small clerk,who 22 a diamond necklace to go to the palace ball.But 23 she lost the necklace.Then she and her husband had to work ten 24 years to pay for it.The heroine was named Mathilde,who used to 25 a pretty girl.Born into a clerks family,she had no 26 of marrying a rich and important man. 27 she let herself be married to Pierre Loisel,a small clerk 28 a government office.They were not rich and lived a(n) 29 life.One evening her husband brought home a(n) 30 for the palace ball.It was the first time in 31 lives that they had been invited to an important occasion like this.But the wife didnt feel happy,because she had no dress and no jewelry for the ball.Pierre used all he had 32 to buy her a new dress and 33 her borrowing some jewelry from her friend.That night at the ball,Mathilde was a great 34 .All the men wished to dance with her.She danced wildly, 35 herself,her husband,her home and all.But on the way home she 36 the necklace missing.They looked for it everywhere but couldnt find it,and they never 37 it again.They had to borrow a lot of money to buy a diamond necklace exactly like the 38 they had lost and gave it to the friend.Then they worked hard for ten years to pay the 39 .At the end of ten hard years,Mathilde had 40 a great deal and looked like an old woman.21A.tells BreadsCcares Dlearns答案A解析tell about讲述;care about关心,关爱,在乎。22A.bought BborrowedCmade Dlent答案B解析从下文买项链还朋友可知应是borrowed。23A.luckily BhappilyCnaturally Dunfortunately答案D解析丢失项链应是不幸的事。24A.such BotherCshort Dlong答案D解析首先排除A、C两项;ten other years意为“另一个十年”,句中不含此意;十年应是很长的时间,因此选long。25A.become BturnCbe Dgrow答案C解析以前是一个“美丽的女孩”,此处应是表状态,故选C项。其余三项表动作。26A.ability BneedChope Dbusiness答案C解析出生于职员家庭,受“门当户对”的影响。因此无望嫁给富贵的人。27A.So BButCBesides DThough答案A解析根据上下文可知本句与前句为因果关系,故用so。28A.as BforCof Don答案C解析这里表示“政府办公室的职员”,用of或in。29A.happy BcomfortableCactive Dsimple答案D解析由前面的连词and可看出,生活不会是幸福的、舒适的或积极的,因此选simple。30A.expression BinvitationCmessage Dmethod答案B解析从下文“他们第一次被邀请参加这样重要的场合”可知答案为invitation。31A.their BherChis Dsuch答案A解析由lives,they等字眼可知答案为“他们的”。32A.saved BpromisedCstored Dspent答案A解析这里表示“用所有的钱买衣服”,钱应是“节省”下来的,因此选saved。33A.advise BagreedCpersuaded Dsuggested答案D解析A、D两项都可接doing,但A项时态不对。34A.surprise BsuccessCvalue Dwoman答案B解析那晚她达到了目的,成为最美的女人,因此是“成功”的。35A.enjoying BadmiringCforgetting Drespecting答案C解析她疯狂地跳舞,忘记了自己,忘记了一切。36A.found BrealizedCwatched Drecognized答案A解析只有A、C两项可接宾补。watch看到;find在此意为“发觉,发现”。37A.wore BusedCpicked Dsaw答案D解析上句说没有找到,所以应是“再也没有见到过”。38A.any BoneCthat Dit答案B解析the不与any,that,it连用;one用来代替上面的“necklace”,与the连用表示特指。39A.effort BlossCmoney Djob答案C解析根据上文,他们借钱买项链,因此要通过劳动来还钱。40A.changed BworkedCcontinued Dcaused答案A解析根据上下文,Mathilde经过十年的劳动,变了很多。第卷第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A:The time has come to say goodbye.B:So soon.It 41.seems(seem) as if you just got here.A:I feel that way,42.too.B:It certainly has been a pleasure 43.seeing(see) you again and talking about old days.A:Ill be 44.expecting(expect) you.And I really want to thank you for 45.spending(spend) so much time showing me the sights.B:Oh,it was fun for me,too.46.It gave me a chance to get away from my everyday work and do something 47.a little different.A:Will you be out to see me next year 48.as you promised?B:Oh,yes.Thats our present plan 49.unless something bad comes up.I 50.should be there in early September.A:Ill be expecting you.第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Mike is a warmhearted man and is always readily to help anyone that turn to him for help.Yesterday evening,his friend Jim telephoned him and asked him help prepare for dinner,for Jims parents would come to see their son from the other city.Hearing the news,Mike turned off the light,locking the door and left for Jims home.He hurried to Jims home,only find there were many of his friend there.“Happy birthday!” they all said to him.Surprised and happily,Mike was deeply moved.At the very moment,Jim came and patted him in on the shoulder,saying,“Mike,you are such a kind man because we all would like to give you a big surprise.”答案Mike is a warmhearted man and is always to help anyone that to him for help.Yesterday evening,his friend Jim telephoned him and asked him help prepare for dinner,for Jims parents would come to see their son from city.Hearing the news,Mike turned off the light, the door and left for Jims home.He hurried to Jims home,only find there were many of his there.“Happy birthday!” they all said to him.Surprised and ,Mike was deeply moved.At the very moment,Jim came and patted him in on the shoulder,saying,“Mike,you are such a kind man we all would like to give you a big surprise.”第二节书面表达(满分25分)美国亿万富翁比尔盖茨和巴菲特于2010年访华,与中国的富翁分享他们的财富观念以及慈善理念。此事在网络上引起人们对财富话题的讨论。请根据以下提示,为某一英文网站投稿。1你如

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