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.编号: _可编辑可打印,也可以直接使用,欢迎您的下载对外贸易货物进口合同甲 方:_乙 方:_签订日期:_年_月_日合同编号:_ ? 签订日期:_ ? 签订地点:_contract no:? date:? signed at :电 ? 话:_tel: ?传 ? 真:_fax:电 ? 报:_cable:电 ? 传:_telex:电 ? 话:_tel:传 ? 真:_fax:电 ? 报:_cable:电 ? 传:_telex:经买双方 确认根据下列条款订立本合同:_the undersigned sellers and buyers have confirmed this contract in accordance ith the terms and conditions stipulated belo :1 货号art no. 名称及规格descriptions 单位unit 数量quantity 单价unit price 金额amount ?合计:_totally :_ 中国石材网-贸易助手-stonebuy.com?总值(大写):_total value:(in ords)允许溢短 ? % 。 ? % more or less in quantity and value alloed.2 成交价格术语:_? terms: fob ? cfr ? cif ? ddu ? 3 出产国与制造商:_country of origin and manufacturers :4 包装:_? packing:5 装运唛 头:_? shipping marks:6 装运港:_delivery port :7 目地港:_destination:8 转运:_ 允许 ? 不允许; ? 分批装运:_ 允许 ? 不允许? transhipments : alloed ? not alloed? partial shipments:alloed ? not alloed9 装运期:_? shipment date:2019 保险:_由 ? 按发票金额 20190% ,投保 ? 险,另加保 ? 险。insurance : to be covered by the? for 20190% of the invoice value covering? additional ?2019 付款条件:_terms of payment: 买方通过 ? 银行在 ? 年 ? 月 ? 日前开出以卖方为受益人的 ? 期信用证。the buyers shall open a letter of credit at ? sight through? bank in favour of the sellers prior to ? . 付款交单:_买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 ? 天付款跟单汇票,付款时交单。documents against payment (d/p)the buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at? sight by the sellers. 承兑交单:_买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 ? 天承兑跟单汇票,承兑时交单。documents against acceptance: (d/p)the buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at? sight by the sellers. 货到付款 : 买方在收到货物后 ? 天内将全部货款支付卖方 ( 不适用于 fob 、 cfr 、 cif 术语 ) 。cash on delivery (cod)the buyers shall pay to the sellers total amount ithin? days after the receipt of the goods .( this clause is not applied to the terms of fob,cfr,cif).2019 单据:_卖给方应将下列单据提交银行议付 / 托收。documents :_ the sellers shall present the folloing documents required to the banks for negotiation/collection.运单shipping bills :海运 : 全套空白抬头 / 指示抬头、空白背书 / 指示背书注明运费已付 / 到付的已装船清洁海运 / 联运正本提单,通知在目的港 ? 公司 6 / 6


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