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河北省2019年七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This morning I got up _ late to catch the school bus.Thats too bad. You should go to bed early.AveryBsoCtoo2 . People in the UK say “lorry” while people in the USA say “”.AhallBvacationCtruckDsoccer3 . Students these days often have problems with_ schoolwork and friends.AtheyBtheirCthemDthemselves4 . He _ for ten years.Ahas been marriedBmarriedCgot married5 . Jim likes sports,he only watches them on TV.AandBbutCorDwith6 . That clothes store is _ on weekends.-I see. Ill go there next Monday then.AopenBcloseCopenedDclosed7 . _ does he think of his visit to English?He thinks its wonderful.AHowBWhatCWhyDWhere8 . Everyone should play a part_the earth.Ato saveBsavedCfor savingDin saving9 . Beijing has many places of natural beauty, such as . You can see all kinds of trees and some wild birds there.Athe Palace MuseumBTiananmen SquareCFragrant Hills ParkDthe Temple of Heaven10 . -Why dont you get her a scarf? - _.AIts scaryBThats too expensiveCIts so impolite二、补全对话7选5情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。A:Have you had lunch,Linda?B:No,I havent.What about you?A:11 . B:Why not go outside to get something to eat?A:Yeah.12 . B:No,Jessey.The Cuiwei Restaurant is not good.A:Why?13 . B:You are right.14 . A:Where do you want to go then?B:Lets go to the Yishan Restaurant.The beautiful pictures and soft music make me relaxed.A:15 . B:Lets go.AHow about going to the Cuiwei Restaurant?BI think the food is delicious there.CSo do I.DThat sounds great.ENeither have I.FThe loud music makes me happy.GBut the loud music inside makes me tense.三、完型填空完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入提前的括号内。Hello, everyone. My name is Grace. Im an English girl, _ Im in China now. My parents work in China, so I come _ with them this year and become a student in an international middle school.The teachers in the school are very _. They are friendly to every student. I like the math teacher best. His first name is Eric and his _ name is Hill. He is 26 years old. He teaches us math in an interesting way and often helps me. I _ he is a good teacher and I like his teaching style(风格). I thank him _ his help with my math very much.I also make _ friends at school. They are from different countries. One of them is a _ from the US. Her name is Judy. We are the same age. Her favorite color is _, mine is blue, too. We both love China and _ school. We always study Chinese together.I really enjoy my life in China.16 . A. and B. but C. or17 . A. here B. there C. home18 . A. oldB. niceC. tidy19 . A. first B. lastC. next20 . A. meetB. callC. think21 . A. atB. to C. for22 . A. noB. one C. some23 . A. boyB. girl C. man24 . A. blueB. brown C. yellow25 . A. yourB. our C. Their四、阅读单选As we know, some children live in the countryside , and some live in the city. Their lives are a little different. Please look at the following table.In the countryside In the cityWays of going to schoolOn footBy bus or carClassroom facilities(设施)Recorders and radiosVCD, DVD, TV sets, recorders, radios, loudspeakersWays of learningClasses only, without many reference books(参考书)Many extra classes, tutors(家庭教师), lots of reference booksEyesightLess than 45% are near-sightedAbout 75% are near-sightedAfter-class activitiesPlaying with ballsEnglish corners and other school clubsHomeworkHomework can usually be finished at schoolHomework never endsChores(杂事) to doWashing, cleaning , farming, looking after younger sisters or brothers, cookingUsually no choresFamily membersBig families with three generations(三代人)Small families with three membersIdeal jobsTeachers, drivers, scientists, nurses, secretariesScientists, professors, doctors, computer programmers, managers, university presidents, the UN chief26 . The survey was done among the _ between the countryside and the city.AteachersBstudentsCparentsDadults27 . About _ of children in the countryside have good eyesight, but only _ of children in the city have good eyesight.A45%; 75 %B55%; 75%C55%; 25%D45%; 25 %28 . Which of the following is not included in the survey?AIdeal jobsBAfter-class activitiesCWays of learningDResults of tests29 . A classroom in the countryside often has_ according to the survey.ArecordersBDVDCTV setsDloud-speakers30 . Which if the following is not true according to the survey?AChildren in the countryside often go to school on foot.BChildren in the city often have too much homework to do.CChildren in the countryside often have lots of chores to doDChildren in the city dont want to be computer programmers.Summer CampContact (联系) : Kitty 6219-7830; huamandarinhotmail.com,;www.huamandarin.cnAre you looking for a place where you can enjoy Chinese study and experience Chinese culture during the summer holiday? Hua Mandarin could be your wise choice.The new summer camp will start on July 28th and end on August 18th. We provide(提供) very small groups with 2-4 people for you to learn Chinese in an effective(有效的)way. Activities including(包括)calligraphy (书法), painting, culture show, Chinese movies, kung fu, swimming, and so on will help you walk into Chinese culture with fun. Welcome to call Kitty on 62197830 for more details.Comments (评价):The earlier camp finished last week. Students are happy here, although they have to learn a lot upon parents request (要求). Teachers here are trying to help children to learn in a funny way. - Kitty in ShanghaiPlease sign in to add a comment 31 . Hua Mandarin is the name of a _.AChinese courseBpersonCsummer campDschool32 . The new summer camp will last for _.Atwo monthsBone monthChalf a monthDtwenty-two days33 . If you want to take part in the new summer camp, you can call at _.A56791830B62197830C62187038D5791738034 . The new summer camp mainly gives children a chance to enjoy _.Asome paintingsBChinese moviesCsome sportsDChinese culture35 . You can get information about the new summer camp by _.Amaking a callBsending an emailCvisiting the websiteDall the above五、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. reason B. In addition C. understand D. both E. For example Many teachers think students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there is a good 36 . , they can leave their phones at the school office. There were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school. 37 . they are easy to lose and they are always a distraction from studies.Many people say that they 38 . why parents would want their children to have mobile phones, but they think 39 . schools and parents should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.六、信息匹配阅读配对。1. Fred can earn one million yuan a year. He wants to buy an expensive car, such as Benz or Audi because he thinks it is the symbol of his success in business.2. Sally and her husband work in a middle school. They want to buy a car of more than 200,000 yuan. But have only over 100,000 yuan at present.3. Tom doesnt save much money. He plans to borrow some money and buy a car that costs between 130,000 yuan and 150,000 yuan.4. Toyoto, a Japanese young man, is going to marry Liu Mei this August. He is thinking about buying her a new car (made in Japan) as a wedding gift.5. Li Jies car was stolen last month. It is inconvenient for him to go to work. Because of the oils high price, he decides to buy a car that can save oil.A QQQQ is becoming more and more popular. It has a lot of advantages such as a very low price, especially suitable for women. It is worth no more than 51,000 yuan.B LavidaLavida is very popular with most people. It has a beautiful appearance with spacious(宽敞的) inside.Its worth between 140,000yuan and 170,000 yuan.C AccordAccord is a luxury car of more than 200,000 yuan. If you buy one during June, you can pay half of the money for the first time and pay the rest next year.D CivilCivil is a car that is made in Japan. It only costs about 160,000. It is liked by young men very much; especially a red one is suitable for young girls.E Santana 3000The factory is located in Shanghai. The top speed can reach 178km per hour. The present price may be no more than 122,000 yuan.F BenzBenz has a good-looking appearance. It is also very comfortable to sit in. It is liked by a lot of successful businessmen even though the price is a little high.G BluebirdBesides the low price, the spacious inside and the luxury appearance, Bluebird has another big advantage. It saves oil very much. So Nissan is your good choice.40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . _七、启事类45 . 书面表达在公园散步时,你把书包忘在长椅上。书包里面有语文书、数学书、英语书和一些练习本,还有一个文具盒和一张学生卡,上面有你的姓名、班级、学校等信息。请根据以上信息写一则60词左右的寻物启事。_八、其他找出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词。46 . AreallyBreadyCbreadDsweater47 . AwindowByellowCsnowDbrown48 . AcoolBroomCgoodDmoon49 . AredBthenCticketDspend50 . AmathsBthereCthinkDthank第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、信息匹配1、七、启事类1、八、其他1、


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