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冀教版英语九年级上册第一单元同步检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We didnt have the picnic _ the heavy rain, but we will have one next weekend.AbecauseBbecause ofCwithoutDinstead of2 . Susan is angryher sisterher subjects.Awith; atBwith; withCon; onDon; with3 . When Daniel is in a bad mood, he likes wearing orange to _.Awake himself upBgive himself upCcheer himself upDpick himself up4 . By the time I woke up,my father _ in the bathroom for several minutes.Ahas goneBhas beenChad beenDhad gone5 . This mobile phone looks like _ one you saw in the shop, but if you take _ second look, you will find it is different.A/; theBthe; aCa; aDan; the6 . I didnt know that many of our bad habits _ the environment.AdamageBwill damageChave damagedDwould damage7 . You like to play football with your uncle.do you like to do with him?Awhen elseBwhat elseCwho elseDwhere else8 . My parents expect me _ a key school after graduation from junior high school.AenterBenteringCenteredDto enter9 . Aron likes mountain climbing and doesnt mind _.Atakeing risksBto take risksCtaking risksDtake risks10 . Please _ the light. Its a little dark in the room.Atum offBturn upCtum intoDtun on11 . Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. _ fantastic the Water Festival is ! Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a12 . Sorry, I am not able to answer your question. I knowabout it.AfewBa fewClittleDa little13 . The thing flew very fast in the sky and soon it .Nobody knew what it was.AappearedBdisappearedCarrivedDreached14 . Listen! Someone is playing the piano.Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an15 . Have you heard _ Jay Chou?Yes, he is the singer _ plays the piano well.Afrom; whoseBof; whomCof; whoD/; which二、完型填空Sports are very popular all over the world They are good for our _, and _ people in the world like sports In different seasons we can_different sports, and sometimes we play in the room and sometimes we play _ the roomKan Xue, a middle school student, likes_ ping pong very much She always plays _ with her twin sister on weekends She often _ sports programs on TV, and she likes Zhang Yining best And_ Kan Xue will become a ping pong player like Zhang Yining one day What_you? Do you like sports? How _ do you play sports? Every day?16 . AhabitBcultureChealthDlikes17 . AallBnoCeveryDmost18 . AplayingBplaysCplayDplayed19 . AoutsideBoutCintoDinside20 . AplayBplay withCplayingDplaying with21 . AitBthemConeDits22 . AwatchBseeCwatchesDto see23 . Amay beBmayCalsoDmaybe24 . AonBforCaboutDwith25 . AlongBoftenCmuchDmany三、阅读单选BreakfastLunchDinnerBobtomatoes; eggsapples; chickensalad; orangesGinaeggs; milkapples; hamburgerssalad; chicken; eggsTomoranges; tomatoeschicken; orangestomatoes; eggsTimtomatoes; saladhamburgers; chickenoranges; carrots; salad26 . Bob eats _ for lunch.Aapples and eggsBapples and chickenCoranges and applesDeggs and salad27 . _ doesnt eat tomatoes for breakfast.ABobBGinaCTomDTim28 . For dinner, Gina eats _.Aoranges and eggsBsalad, chicken and eggsChamburgers, carrots and saladDsalad and carrots29 . Tim eats hamburgers and chicken for _.AlunchBdinnerCbreakfastDWe dont know30 . From the chart (从表格中), we know _.ABob has bananas for breakfastBGina has chicken and pears for lunchCBob and Tim have oranges for dinnerDTom and Tim have apples for lunch.Advice on Doing Your HomeworkNever try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your homework right after school, you may want to eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too tired. Dont wait until late in the evening, or the assignment will seem much harder than it really is.Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than an hours work. Relax yourself after an hour. However, dont divide it up so much that you cant get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without stopping.Dont put off(推迟)until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind and you wont enjoy your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or until right before a test. you will have too much to do. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it.Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit-part of your daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable as well.31 . When someone is hungry, hed better.Anot work at allBwork harderCnot work too hardDwork as usual32 . The underlined word “assignment” in the article may mean “”.AtimeBtestChomeworkDschool33 . If you put off doing your homework,.Ait will be kept on your mindBit will be much easier to doCit will make you happyDit doesnt matter much34 . To do your homework at the same time every day.Awill make it more difficultBwill make your free time less pleasantCwill help you have a good habitDwill help you live longerDuring the winter, Fred Carpenter goes skiing just about every weekend. Sometimes he drives as far as three hundred miles to find the freshest snow. Fred has been skiing since he was seven years old. By the time he was twelve, he had won several junior championships. When he was thirteen, he lost his right leg in an accident. By the next season, Fred had learned to ski on one leg. “Its certainly a little harder this way,” Fred says, “but the thrill is just the same.”Now Fred is looking for other people like himself who love to ski. “Its time to organize some races! ”He says.35 . Fred Carpenter goes skiing during the _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter36 . Carpenter began skiing when he was _.ATwelveBthirteenCfourteenDseven37 . Carpenter learned to ski on one leg _.Aafter he had an accidentBafter he found the freshest snowCbecause he liked skiing this wayDbecause he was a champion38 . Fred Carpenter does not _.Alove skiingBgive up easilyCenjoy drivingDshow up easily39 . What does Fred want to do?AGive up skiing.BTake part in ski competition.CGo home.DOrganize some races.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写40 . Wu Siqi is an e_ girl. We all love her.41 . Look!The girl is f_ a kite in the park.42 . After working for a long time,he was t_ and fell asleep soon.43 . Last Saturday,I got to the station late because of the heavy traffic(交通),but l_ the train was still there.44 . Shell take her son to the d_ to have his teeth checked(检查).45 . The sofa is terribly heavy. Can you move it by y_?46 . Its noisy here. Can you speak aloud? I can h_ hear you.47 . When you leave the classroom,r_ to turn off the lights.48 . Last week we v_ the Palace Museum and we enjoyed ourselves a lot.49 . The children want to eat chicken,fish and other m_.五、多任务混合问题When you stay away from your home for a long time, you start to miss your good old bed, your good old parents. Believe it or not, youre feeling homesick(想家的). You can help yourself to feel less homesick. Here are some advice.1. If youre going away from home, bring your favourite pajamas(睡衣). You can also bring some pictures of the people who you may miss. You can look at them any time you want.2. The busier you are, the less time youll have to feel homesick. Spend your free time on music, sports or books. Try to join in activities wherever you are.3. You can make a plan for when youll call your parents. You can also keep in touch with family and friends by e-mails or text messages.4. Sometimes, telling someone that youre feeling a little homesick will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick and the two of you can do something fun.从A、B、C、D中选择正确的选项作为文章第14段的小标题,并填入第1-4空格中。50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _AKeep yourself busy.BTell someone your feelings.CStay in touch.DBring something familiar to you.54 . What is the best title for the passage?AHow to Stay Away from HouseBHow to do Something FunCHow to Feel Less HomesickDHow to Miss Your Home六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。55 . been, for, I, have, two, days, sick_56 . be, dont, late, school, for, time, next_57 . way, to, English, what, the, is, best, learn_?58 . Danny, have, your, finished, you, homework_?59 . went, except, Li Ming, we, to, all, the cinema_七、话题作文60 . 书面表达根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。上学期间,学校的某些场所一定给你留下了美好的记忆,如教室、阅览室、操场等。某英文报纸正以“My Favourite Place at School”为题征文,请你投稿。描述一个你最喜欢的地方,并请说明原因。提示词语:classroom, reading-room, playground, bright, quiet, large, help, improveMy Favorite Place at School第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、话题作文1、


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